use of nars.term.pred.PrediTerm in project narchy by automenta.
the class MatchConstraint method combineConstraints.
public static PrediTerm<Derivation> combineConstraints(AndCondition a) {
RoaringBitmap constraints = new RoaringBitmap();
@NotNull PrediTerm[] cond1 = a.cond;
for (int i = 0, cl = cond1.length; i < cl; i++) {
Term x = cond1[i];
if (x instanceof MatchConstraint) {
if (constraints.getCardinality() < 2) {
return a;
} else {
// identify contiguous runs of constraints
// inclusive
List<IntIntPair> ranges = new FasterList<>(1);
int start = -1, end = -1;
PeekableIntIterator ii = constraints.getIntIterator();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
int next =;
if (start == -1) {
start = end = next;
} else {
if (next == end + 1) {
} else {
if (end - start >= 1) {
// compile that range
ranges.add(pair(start, end));
// broken
start = -1;
if (end - start >= 1)
ranges.add(pair(start, end));
if (ranges.size() > 1)
throw new TODO();
IntIntPair rr = ranges.get(0);
List<PrediTerm<Derivation>> l = new FasterList();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < start; i++) {
CompoundConstraint.the(, MatchConstraint[]::new, ArrayUtils.subarray(a.cond, rr.getOne(), rr.getTwo() + 1))).forEach(l::add);
i = end + 1;
for (; i < a.cond.length; i++) {
return AndCondition.the((List) l);
use of nars.term.pred.PrediTerm in project narchy by automenta.
the class InstrumentedDerivationPredicate method test.
public boolean test(Derivation derivation) {
PrediTerm p;
if (ref instanceof PrediTerm) {
p = (PrediTerm) ref;
} else {
Term s0 = sub(0);
if (s0 instanceof PrediTerm)
p = (PrediTerm) s0;
else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// ((PrediTerm)(ref.sub(0)));
onEnter(p, derivation);
Throwable thrown = null;
boolean result = false;
long start = System.nanoTime();
try {
result = p.test(derivation);
} catch (Throwable e) {
thrown = e;
long end = System.nanoTime();
onExit(p, derivation, result, thrown, end - start);
return result;
use of nars.term.pred.PrediTerm in project narchy by automenta.
the class DeriveRuleProto method build.
* compiles the conditions which are necessary to activate this rule
public Pair<Set<PrediTerm<PreDerivation>>, PrediTerm<Derivation>> build(PostCondition post) {
byte puncOverride = post.puncOverride;
TruthOperator belief = BeliefFunction.get(post.beliefTruth);
if ((post.beliefTruth != null) && !post.beliefTruth.equals(TruthOperator.NONE) && (belief == null)) {
throw new RuntimeException("unknown BeliefFunction: " + post.beliefTruth);
TruthOperator goal = GoalFunction.get(post.goalTruth);
if ((post.goalTruth != null) && !post.goalTruth.equals(TruthOperator.NONE) && (goal == null)) {
throw new RuntimeException("unknown GoalFunction: " + post.goalTruth);
// //if (puncOverride==0) {
// if (belief!=null && goal!=null) {
// if (!belief.single() && !goal.single()) {
// pre.add(TaskPolarity.belief);
// } else if (belief.single() ^ goal.single()){
// throw new TODO();
// }
// } else if (belief!=null && !belief.single()) {
// pre.add(TaskPolarity.belief);
// } else if (goal!=null && !goal.single()) {
// pre.add(TaskPolarity.belief);
// }
// TODO add more specific conditions that also work
// }
String beliefLabel = belief != null ? belief.toString() : "_";
String goalLabel = goal != null ? goal.toString() : "_";
FasterList<Term> args = new FasterList();
if (puncOverride != 0)
args.add($.quote(((char) puncOverride)));
Compound ii = (Compound) $.func("truth", args.toArrayRecycled(Term[]::new));
Solve truth = (puncOverride == 0) ? new Solve.SolvePuncFromTask(ii, belief, goal) : new Solve.SolvePuncOverride(ii, puncOverride, belief, goal);
// for ensuring uniqueness / no duplicates
Set<PrediTerm<PreDerivation>> precon = newHashSet(4);
addAll(precon, PRE);
// //-------------------
// below here are predicates which affect the derivation
// SUFFIX (order already determined for matching)
int n = 1 + this.constraints.size() +;
PrediTerm[] suff = new PrediTerm[n];
int k = 0;
suff[k++] = truth;
for (PrediTerm p : this.constraints) {
suff[k++] = p;
for (PrediTerm p : {
suff[k++] = p;
return pair(precon, (PrediTerm<Derivation>) AndCondition.the(suff));
use of nars.term.pred.PrediTerm in project narchy by automenta.
the class Conclude method match.
public static void match(final DeriveRuleProto rule, List<PrediTerm<PreDerivation>> pre, List<PrediTerm<Derivation>> post, PatternIndex index, NAR nar) {
Term pattern = rule.conclusion().sub(0);
// TODO may interfere with constraints, functors, etc or other features, ie.
// if the pattern is a product for example?
// pattern = pattern.replace(ta, Derivation._taskTerm);
// determine if any cases where a shortcut like this can work (ie. no constraints, not a product etc)
// //substitute compound occurrences of the exact task and belief terms with the short-cut
// Term ta = rule.getTask();
// if (!ta.op().var) {
// if (pattern.equals(ta))
// pattern = Derivation.TaskTerm;
// }
// Term tb = rule.getBelief();
// if (!tb.op().var) {
// //pattern = pattern.replace(tb, Derivation._beliefTerm);
// if (pattern.equals(tb))
// pattern = Derivation.BeliefTerm;
// }
// HACK unwrap varIntro so we can apply it at the end of the derivation process, not before like other functors
boolean introVars1;
Pair<Termed, Term> outerFunctor = Op.functor(pattern, (i) -> i.equals(VAR_INTRO) ? VAR_INTRO : null);
if (outerFunctor != null) {
introVars1 = true;
pattern = outerFunctor.getTwo().sub(0);
} else {
introVars1 = false;
pattern = index.get(pattern, true).term();
Taskify taskify = new Taskify(nar.newCause((s) -> new RuleCause(rule, s)));
PrediTerm<Derivation> conc = AndCondition.the(new Termify($.func("derive", pattern), pattern, rule), introVars1 ? AndCondition.the(introVars, taskify) : taskify);
final Term taskPattern = rule.getTask();
final Term beliefPattern = rule.getBelief();
Op to = taskPattern.op();
boolean taskIsPatVar = to == Op.VAR_PATTERN;
Op bo = beliefPattern.op();
boolean belIsPatVar = bo == Op.VAR_PATTERN;
if (!taskIsPatVar) {
pre.add(new TaskBeliefOp(to, true, false));
pre.addAll(SubTermStructure.get(0, taskPattern.structure()));
if (!belIsPatVar) {
if (to == bo) {
pre.add(new AbstractPatternOp.TaskBeliefOpEqual());
} else {
pre.add(new TaskBeliefOp(bo, false, true));
pre.addAll(SubTermStructure.get(1, beliefPattern.structure()));
if (taskPattern.equals(beliefPattern)) {
post.add(new UnifyTerm.UnifySubtermThenConclude(0, taskPattern, conc));
if (taskFirst(taskPattern, beliefPattern)) {
// task first
post.add(new UnifyTerm.UnifySubterm(0, taskPattern));
post.add(new UnifyTerm.UnifySubtermThenConclude(1, beliefPattern, conc));
} else {
// belief first
post.add(new UnifyTerm.UnifySubterm(1, beliefPattern));
post.add(new UnifyTerm.UnifySubtermThenConclude(0, taskPattern, conc));
// Term beliefPattern = pattern.term(1);
// if (Global.DEBUG) {
// if (beliefPattern.structure() == 0) {
// if nothing else in the rule involves this term
// which will be a singular VAR_PATTERN variable
// then allow null
// if (beliefPattern.op() != Op.VAR_PATTERN)
// throw new RuntimeException("not what was expected");
// }
// }
/*System.out.println( Long.toBinaryString(
pStructure) + " " + pattern