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Example 1 with PlayerCraft

use of net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.PlayerCraft in project Movecraft by APDevTeam.

the class AsyncManager method processCruise.

private void processCruise() {
    for (Craft craft : CraftManager.getInstance()) {
        if (craft == null || !craft.isNotProcessing() || !craft.getCruising())
        long ticksElapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - craft.getLastCruiseUpdate()) / 50;
        World w = craft.getWorld();
        // time pass more slowly there
        if (craft.getType().getBoolProperty(CraftType.HALF_SPEED_UNDERWATER) && craft.getHitBox().getMinY() < w.getSeaLevel())
            ticksElapsed >>= 1;
        // check direct controls to modify movement
        boolean bankLeft = false;
        boolean bankRight = false;
        boolean dive = false;
        if (craft instanceof PlayerCraft && ((PlayerCraft) craft).getPilotLocked()) {
            Player pilot = ((PlayerCraft) craft).getPilot();
            if (pilot.isSneaking())
                dive = true;
            if (pilot.getInventory().getHeldItemSlot() == 3)
                bankLeft = true;
            if (pilot.getInventory().getHeldItemSlot() == 5)
                bankRight = true;
        int tickCoolDown;
        if (cooldownCache.containsKey(craft)) {
            tickCoolDown = cooldownCache.get(craft);
        } else {
            tickCoolDown = craft.getTickCooldown();
            cooldownCache.put(craft, tickCoolDown);
        // Account for banking and diving in speed calculations by changing the tickCoolDown
        int cruiseSkipBlocks = (int) craft.getType().getPerWorldProperty(CraftType.PER_WORLD_CRUISE_SKIP_BLOCKS, w);
        if (craft.getCruiseDirection() != CruiseDirection.UP && craft.getCruiseDirection() != CruiseDirection.DOWN) {
            if (bankLeft || bankRight) {
                if (!dive) {
                    tickCoolDown *= (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(1 + cruiseSkipBlocks, 2) + Math.pow(cruiseSkipBlocks >> 1, 2)) / (1 + cruiseSkipBlocks));
                } else {
                    tickCoolDown *= (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(1 + cruiseSkipBlocks, 2) + Math.pow(cruiseSkipBlocks >> 1, 2) + 1) / (1 + cruiseSkipBlocks));
            } else if (dive) {
                tickCoolDown *= (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(1 + cruiseSkipBlocks, 2) + 1) / (1 + cruiseSkipBlocks));
        if (Math.abs(ticksElapsed) < tickCoolDown)
        int dx = 0;
        int dz = 0;
        int dy = 0;
        int vertCruiseSkipBlocks = (int) craft.getType().getPerWorldProperty(CraftType.PER_WORLD_VERT_CRUISE_SKIP_BLOCKS, craft.getWorld());
        // ascend
        if (craft.getCruiseDirection() == CruiseDirection.UP)
            dy = 1 + vertCruiseSkipBlocks;
        // descend
        if (craft.getCruiseDirection() == CruiseDirection.DOWN) {
            dy = -1 - vertCruiseSkipBlocks;
            if (craft.getHitBox().getMinY() <= w.getSeaLevel())
                dy = -1;
        } else if (dive) {
            dy = -((cruiseSkipBlocks + 1) >> 1);
            if (craft.getHitBox().getMinY() <= w.getSeaLevel())
                dy = -1;
        // ship faces west
        if (craft.getCruiseDirection() == CruiseDirection.WEST) {
            dx = -1 - cruiseSkipBlocks;
            if (bankRight)
                dz = (-1 - cruiseSkipBlocks) >> 1;
            if (bankLeft)
                dz = (1 + cruiseSkipBlocks) >> 1;
        // ship faces east
        if (craft.getCruiseDirection() == CruiseDirection.EAST) {
            dx = 1 + cruiseSkipBlocks;
            if (bankLeft)
                dz = (-1 - cruiseSkipBlocks) >> 1;
            if (bankRight)
                dz = (1 + cruiseSkipBlocks) >> 1;
        // ship faces north
        if (craft.getCruiseDirection() == CruiseDirection.SOUTH) {
            dz = 1 + cruiseSkipBlocks;
            if (bankRight)
                dx = (-1 - cruiseSkipBlocks) >> 1;
            if (bankLeft)
                dx = (1 + cruiseSkipBlocks) >> 1;
        // ship faces south
        if (craft.getCruiseDirection() == CruiseDirection.NORTH) {
            dz = -1 - cruiseSkipBlocks;
            if (bankLeft)
                dx = (-1 - cruiseSkipBlocks) >> 1;
            if (bankRight)
                dx = (1 + cruiseSkipBlocks) >> 1;
        if (craft.getType().getBoolProperty(CraftType.CRUISE_ON_PILOT)) {
            dy = craft.getType().getIntProperty(CraftType.CRUISE_ON_PILOT_VERT_MOVE);
        if (craft.getType().getBoolProperty(CraftType.GEAR_SHIFTS_AFFECT_CRUISE_SKIP_BLOCKS)) {
            final int gearshift = craft.getCurrentGear();
            dx *= gearshift;
            dy *= gearshift;
            dz *= gearshift;
        craft.translate(dx, dy, dz);
        craft.setLastTranslation(new MovecraftLocation(dx, dy, dz));
Also used : Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) SinkingCraft(net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.SinkingCraft) PilotedCraft(net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.PilotedCraft) PlayerCraft(net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.PlayerCraft) Craft(net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.Craft) World(org.bukkit.World) PlayerCraft(net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.PlayerCraft) MovecraftLocation(net.countercraft.movecraft.MovecraftLocation)

Example 2 with PlayerCraft

use of net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.PlayerCraft in project Movecraft by APDevTeam.

the class InteractListener method onPlayerInteract.

// LOWEST so that it runs before the other events
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST)
public void onPlayerInteract(@NotNull PlayerInteractEvent e) {
    if (e.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK || e.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_AIR) {
        if (e.getItem() != null && e.getItem().getType() == Settings.PilotTool) {
            // Handle pilot tool left clicks
            Player p = e.getPlayer();
            PlayerCraft craft = CraftManager.getInstance().getCraftByPlayer(p);
            if (craft == null)
            if (craft.getPilotLocked()) {
                // Allow all players to leave direct control mode
                p.sendMessage(I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Direct Control - Leaving"));
            } else if (!p.hasPermission("movecraft." + craft.getType().getStringProperty(CraftType.NAME) + ".move") || !craft.getType().getBoolProperty(CraftType.CAN_DIRECT_CONTROL)) {
                // Deny players from entering direct control mode
                p.sendMessage(I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Insufficient Permissions"));
            } else {
                // Enter direct control mode
                craft.setPilotLockedX(p.getLocation().getBlockX() + 0.5);
                craft.setPilotLockedZ(p.getLocation().getBlockZ() + 0.5);
                p.sendMessage(I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Direct Control - Entering"));
        } else if (e.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
            // Handle button left clicks
            BlockState state = e.getClickedBlock().getState();
            if (!(state instanceof Switch))
            Switch data = (Switch) state.getBlockData();
            if (data.isPowered()) {
                // Depower the button
    } else if (e.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK || e.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR) {
        if (e.getItem() == null || e.getItem().getType() != Settings.PilotTool)
        // Handle pilot tool right clicks
        Player p = e.getPlayer();
        PlayerCraft craft = CraftManager.getInstance().getCraftByPlayer(p);
        if (craft == null)
        CraftType type = craft.getType();
        int currentGear = craft.getCurrentGear();
        if (p.isSneaking() && !craft.getPilotLocked()) {
            // Handle shift right clicks (when not in direct control mode)
            int gearShifts = type.getIntProperty(CraftType.GEAR_SHIFTS);
            if (gearShifts == 1) {
                p.sendMessage(I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Gearshift - Disabled for craft type"));
            if (currentGear > gearShifts)
                currentGear = 1;
            p.sendMessage(I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Gearshift - Gear changed") + " " + currentGear + " / " + gearShifts);
        int tickCooldown = (int) craft.getType().getPerWorldProperty(CraftType.PER_WORLD_TICK_COOLDOWN, craft.getWorld());
        if (type.getBoolProperty(CraftType.GEAR_SHIFTS_AFFECT_DIRECT_MOVEMENT) && type.getBoolProperty(CraftType.GEAR_SHIFTS_AFFECT_TICK_COOLDOWN))
            // Account for gear shifts
            tickCooldown *= currentGear;
        Long lastTime = timeMap.get(p);
        if (lastTime != null) {
            long ticksElapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTime) / 50;
            // if the craft should go slower underwater, make time pass more slowly there
            if (craft.getType().getBoolProperty(CraftType.HALF_SPEED_UNDERWATER) && craft.getHitBox().getMinY() < craft.getWorld().getSeaLevel())
                ticksElapsed /= 2;
            if (ticksElapsed < tickCooldown)
                // Not enough time has passed, so don't do anything
        if (!p.hasPermission("movecraft." + craft.getType().getStringProperty(CraftType.NAME) + ".move")) {
            p.sendMessage(I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Insufficient Permissions"));
            // Player doesn't have permission to move this craft, so don't do anything
        if (!MathUtils.locationNearHitBox(craft.getHitBox(), p.getLocation(), 2))
            // Player is not near the craft, so don't do anything
        if (craft.getPilotLocked()) {
            // Direct control mode allows vertical movements when right-clicking
            // Default to up
            int dy = 1;
            if (p.isSneaking())
                // Down if sneaking
                dy = -1;
            if (craft.getType().getBoolProperty(CraftType.GEAR_SHIFTS_AFFECT_DIRECT_MOVEMENT))
                // account for gear shifts
                dy *= currentGear;
            craft.translate(craft.getWorld(), 0, dy, 0);
            timeMap.put(p, System.currentTimeMillis());
        double rotation = p.getLocation().getYaw() * Math.PI / 180.0;
        float nx = -(float) Math.sin(rotation);
        float nz = (float) Math.cos(rotation);
        int dx = (Math.abs(nx) >= 0.5 ? 1 : 0) * (int) Math.signum(nx);
        int dz = (Math.abs(nz) > 0.5 ? 1 : 0) * (int) Math.signum(nz);
        float pitch = p.getLocation().getPitch();
        int dy = -(Math.abs(pitch) >= 25 ? 1 : 0) * (int) Math.signum(pitch);
        if (Math.abs(pitch) >= 75) {
            dx = 0;
            dz = 0;
        craft.translate(craft.getWorld(), dx, dy, dz);
        timeMap.put(p, System.currentTimeMillis());
Also used : Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) BlockState(org.bukkit.block.BlockState) Switch( PlayerCraft(net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.PlayerCraft) CraftType(net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.type.CraftType) EventHandler(org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)

Example 3 with PlayerCraft

use of net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.PlayerCraft in project Movecraft by APDevTeam.

the class RemoteSign method onSignClick.

@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onSignClick(@NotNull PlayerInteractEvent event) {
    if (event.getAction() != Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK && event.getAction() != Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
    BlockState state = event.getClickedBlock().getState();
    if (!(state instanceof Sign)) {
    Sign sign = (Sign) state;
    if (!ChatColor.stripColor(sign.getLine(0)).equalsIgnoreCase(HEADER)) {
    Craft foundCraft = null;
    for (PlayerCraft tcraft : CraftManager.getInstance().getPlayerCraftsInWorld(event.getClickedBlock().getWorld())) {
        if (MathUtils.locationInHitBox(tcraft.getHitBox(), event.getClickedBlock().getLocation())) {
            // don't use a craft with a null player. This is
            // mostly to avoid trying to use subcrafts
            foundCraft = tcraft;
    if (foundCraft == null) {
        event.getPlayer().sendMessage(ERROR_PREFIX + I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Remote Sign - Must be a part of a piloted craft"));
    if (!foundCraft.getType().getBoolProperty(CraftType.ALLOW_REMOTE_SIGN)) {
        event.getPlayer().sendMessage(ERROR_PREFIX + I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Remote Sign - Not allowed on this craft"));
    String targetText = ChatColor.stripColor(sign.getLine(1));
    if (targetText.equalsIgnoreCase(HEADER)) {
        event.getPlayer().sendMessage(ERROR_PREFIX + I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Remote Sign - Cannot remote another Remote Sign"));
    if (targetText.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
        event.getPlayer().sendMessage("Remote Sign - Cannot be blank");
    LinkedList<MovecraftLocation> foundLocations = new LinkedList<MovecraftLocation>();
    boolean firstError = true;
    for (MovecraftLocation tloc : foundCraft.getHitBox()) {
        BlockState tstate = event.getClickedBlock().getWorld().getBlockAt(tloc.getX(), tloc.getY(), tloc.getZ()).getState();
        if (!(tstate instanceof Sign)) {
        Sign ts = (Sign) tstate;
        if (isEqualSign(ts, targetText)) {
            if (isForbidden(ts)) {
                if (firstError) {
                    event.getPlayer().sendMessage(I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Remote Sign - Forbidden string found"));
                    firstError = false;
                event.getPlayer().sendMessage(" - ".concat(tloc.toString()).concat(" : ").concat(ts.getLine(0)));
            } else {
    if (!firstError) {
    } else if (foundLocations.isEmpty()) {
        event.getPlayer().sendMessage(I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Remote Sign - Could not find target sign"));
    if (Settings.MaxRemoteSigns > -1) {
        int foundLocCount = foundLocations.size();
        if (foundLocCount > Settings.MaxRemoteSigns) {
            event.getPlayer().sendMessage(String.format(I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Remote Sign - Exceeding maximum allowed"), foundLocCount, Settings.MaxRemoteSigns));
    for (MovecraftLocation foundLoc : foundLocations) {
        Block newBlock = event.getClickedBlock().getWorld().getBlockAt(foundLoc.getX(), foundLoc.getY(), foundLoc.getZ());
        PlayerInteractEvent newEvent = new PlayerInteractEvent(event.getPlayer(), event.getAction(), event.getItem(), newBlock, event.getBlockFace());
        // TODO: DON'T DO THIS
Also used : BlockState(org.bukkit.block.BlockState) PlayerCraft(net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.PlayerCraft) Craft(net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.Craft) PlayerInteractEvent(org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent) Block(org.bukkit.block.Block) Sign(org.bukkit.block.Sign) PlayerCraft(net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.PlayerCraft) MovecraftLocation(net.countercraft.movecraft.MovecraftLocation) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) EventHandler(org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)


PlayerCraft (net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.PlayerCraft)3 MovecraftLocation (net.countercraft.movecraft.MovecraftLocation)2 Craft (net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.Craft)2 BlockState (org.bukkit.block.BlockState)2 Player (org.bukkit.entity.Player)2 EventHandler (org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)2 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 PilotedCraft (net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.PilotedCraft)1 SinkingCraft (net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.SinkingCraft)1 CraftType (net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.type.CraftType)1 World (org.bukkit.World)1 Block (org.bukkit.block.Block)1 Sign (org.bukkit.block.Sign)1 Switch ( PlayerInteractEvent (org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent)1