Search in sources :

Example 6 with RouterInfo

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SybilRenderer method renderIPGroups16.

private void renderIPGroups16(Writer out, StringBuilder buf, List<RouterInfo> ris, Map<Hash, Points> points) throws IOException {
    buf.append("<h3 id=\"same16\" class=\"sybils\">Floodfills in the Same /16 (4 minimum)</h3>");
    ObjectCounter<Integer> oc = new ObjectCounter<Integer>();
    for (RouterInfo info : ris) {
        byte[] ip = getIP(info);
        if (ip == null)
        Integer x = Integer.valueOf((int) DataHelper.fromLong(ip, 0, 2));
    List<Integer> foo = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (Integer ii : oc.objects()) {
        int count = oc.count(ii);
        if (count >= 4)
    Collections.sort(foo, new FooComparator(oc));
    boolean found = false;
    for (Integer ii : foo) {
        int count = oc.count(ii);
        int i = ii.intValue();
        int i0 = i >> 8;
        int i1 = i & 0xff;
        String sip = i0 + "." + i1 + ".0/16";
        buf.append("<p class=\"sybil_info\"><b>").append(count).append(" floodfills with IP <a href=\"/netdb?ip=").append(sip).append("&amp;sybil\">").append(sip).append("</a></b></p>");
        for (RouterInfo info : ris) {
            byte[] ip = getIP(info);
            if (ip == null)
            if ((ip[0] & 0xff) != i0)
            if ((ip[1] & 0xff) != i1)
            found = true;
            // limit display
            // renderRouterInfo(buf, info, null, false, false);
            double point = POINTS16 * (count - 1);
            addPoints(points, info.getHash(), point, "Same /16 IP with " + (count - 1) + " other" + ((count > 2) ? "s" : ""));
    if (!found)
        buf.append("<p class=\"notfound\">None</p>");
Also used : BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) ObjectCounter(net.i2p.util.ObjectCounter) RouterInfo( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 7 with RouterInfo

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SybilRenderer method renderPairDistance.

private void renderPairDistance(Writer out, StringBuilder buf, List<RouterInfo> ris, Map<Hash, Points> points) throws IOException {
    int sz = ris.size();
    List<Pair> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair>(PAIRMAX);
    double total = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        RouterInfo info1 = ris.get(i);
        for (int j = i + 1; j < sz; j++) {
            RouterInfo info2 = ris.get(j);
            BigInteger dist = HashDistance.getDistance(info1.getHash(), info2.getHash());
            if (pairs.isEmpty()) {
                pairs.add(new Pair(info1, info2, dist));
            } else if (pairs.size() < PAIRMAX) {
                pairs.add(new Pair(info1, info2, dist));
            } else if (dist.compareTo(pairs.get(PAIRMAX - 1).dist) < 0) {
                pairs.set(PAIRMAX - 1, new Pair(info1, info2, dist));
            total += biLog2(dist);
    double avg = total / (sz * sz / 2d);
    buf.append("<h3 class=\"sybils\">Average Floodfill Distance is ").append(fmt.format(avg)).append("</h3>");
    buf.append("<h3 id=\"pairs\" class=\"sybils\">Closest Floodfill Pairs by Hash</h3>");
    for (Pair p : pairs) {
        double distance = biLog2(p.dist);
        double point = MIN_CLOSE - distance;
        if (point < 0)
            // sorted;
        if (point >= 2) {
            // limit display
            buf.append("<p class=\"hashdist\"><b>Hash Distance: ").append(fmt.format(distance)).append(": </b>");
            renderRouterInfo(buf, p.r1, null, false, false);
            renderRouterInfo(buf, p.r2, null, false, false);
        point *= PAIR_DISTANCE_FACTOR;
        String b2 = p.r2.getHash().toBase64();
        addPoints(points, p.r1.getHash(), point, "Very close (" + fmt.format(distance) + ") to other floodfill <a href=\"netdb?r=" + b2 + "\">" + b2 + "</a>");
        String b1 = p.r1.getHash().toBase64();
        addPoints(points, p.r2.getHash(), point, "Very close (" + fmt.format(distance) + ") to other floodfill <a href=\"netdb?r=" + b1 + "\">" + b1 + "</a>");
Also used : RouterInfo( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger)

Example 8 with RouterInfo

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SybilRenderer method renderIPGroups32.

private void renderIPGroups32(Writer out, StringBuilder buf, List<RouterInfo> ris, Map<Hash, Points> points) throws IOException {
    buf.append("<h3 id=\"sameIP\" class=\"sybils\">Floodfills with the Same IP</h3>");
    ObjectCounter<Integer> oc = new ObjectCounter<Integer>();
    for (RouterInfo info : ris) {
        byte[] ip = getIP(info);
        if (ip == null)
        Integer x = Integer.valueOf((int) DataHelper.fromLong(ip, 0, 4));
    List<Integer> foo = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (Integer ii : oc.objects()) {
        int count = oc.count(ii);
        if (count >= 2)
    Collections.sort(foo, new FooComparator(oc));
    boolean found = false;
    for (Integer ii : foo) {
        int count = oc.count(ii);
        int i = ii.intValue();
        int i0 = (i >> 24) & 0xff;
        int i1 = (i >> 16) & 0xff;
        int i2 = (i >> 8) & 0xff;
        int i3 = i & 0xff;
        String sip = i0 + "." + i1 + '.' + i2 + '.' + i3;
        buf.append("<p class=\"sybil_info\"><b>").append(count).append(" floodfills with IP <a href=\"/netdb?ip=").append(sip).append("&amp;sybil\">").append(sip).append("</a>:</b></p>");
        for (RouterInfo info : ris) {
            byte[] ip = getIP(info);
            if (ip == null)
            if ((ip[0] & 0xff) != i0)
            if ((ip[1] & 0xff) != i1)
            if ((ip[2] & 0xff) != i2)
            if ((ip[3] & 0xff) != i3)
            found = true;
            renderRouterInfo(buf, info, null, false, false);
            double point = POINTS32 * (count - 1);
            addPoints(points, info.getHash(), point, "Same IP with " + (count - 1) + " other" + ((count > 2) ? "s" : ""));
    if (!found)
        buf.append("<p class=\"notfound\">None</p>");
Also used : BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) ObjectCounter(net.i2p.util.ObjectCounter) RouterInfo( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 9 with RouterInfo

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SybilRenderer method renderRouterInfoHTML.

 *  The whole thing
 *  @param routerPrefix ignored
private void renderRouterInfoHTML(Writer out, String routerPrefix) throws IOException {
    Set<Hash> ffs = _context.peerManager().getPeersByCapability('f');
    List<RouterInfo> ris = new ArrayList<RouterInfo>(ffs.size());
    Hash us = _context.routerHash();
    Hash ourRKey = _context.router().getRouterInfo().getRoutingKey();
    for (Hash ff : ffs) {
        if (ff.equals(us))
        RouterInfo ri = _context.netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(ff);
        if (ri != null)
    if (ris.isEmpty()) {
        out.write("<h3 class=\"sybils\">No known floodfills</h3>");
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(4 * 1024);
    buf.append("<p id=\"sybilinfo\"><b>This is an experimental network database tool for debugging and analysis. Do not panic even if you see warnings below. " + "Possible \"threats\" are summarized at the bottom, however these are unlikely to be real threats. " + "If you see anything you would like to discuss with the devs, contact us on IRC #i2p-dev.</b></p>" + "<div id=\"sybilnav\"><ul><li><a href=\"#known\">FF Summary</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#family\">Same Family</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#ourIP\">IP close to us</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#sameIP\">Same IP</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#same24\">Same /24</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#same16\">Same /16</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#pairs\">Pair distance</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#ritoday\">Close to us</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#ritmrw\">Close to us tomorrow</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#dht\">DHT neighbors</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#dest\">Close to our destinations</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#threats\">Highest threats</a>" + "</li></ul></div>");
    renderRouterInfo(buf, _context.router().getRouterInfo(), null, true, false);
    buf.append("<h3 id=\"known\" class=\"sybils\">Known Floodfills: ").append(ris.size()).append("</h3>");
    double tot = 0;
    int count = 200;
    byte[] b = new byte[32];
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        Hash h = new Hash(b);
        double d = closestDistance(h, ris);
        tot += d;
    double avgMinDist = tot / count;
    buf.append("<div id=\"sybils_summary\">\n");
    buf.append("<b>Average closest floodfill distance:</b> ").append(fmt.format(avgMinDist)).append("<br>\n");
    buf.append("<b>Routing Data:</b> \"").append(DataHelper.getUTF8(_context.routerKeyGenerator().getModData())).append("\" <b>Last Changed:</b> ").append(new Date(_context.routerKeyGenerator().getLastChanged())).append("<br>\n");
    buf.append("<b>Next Routing Data:</b> \"").append(DataHelper.getUTF8(_context.routerKeyGenerator().getNextModData())).append("\" <b>Rotates in:</b> ").append(DataHelper.formatDuration(_context.routerKeyGenerator().getTimeTillMidnight())).append("\n");
    Map<Hash, Points> points = new HashMap<Hash, Points>(64);
    // IP analysis
    renderIPGroupsFamily(out, buf, ris, points);
    renderIPGroupsUs(out, buf, ris, points);
    renderIPGroups32(out, buf, ris, points);
    renderIPGroups24(out, buf, ris, points);
    renderIPGroups16(out, buf, ris, points);
    // Pairwise distance analysis
    renderPairDistance(out, buf, ris, points);
    // Distance to our router analysis
    buf.append("<h3 id=\"ritoday\" class=\"sybils\">Closest Floodfills to Our Routing Key (Where we Store our RI)</h3>");
    buf.append("<p class=\"sybil_info\"><a href=\"/netdb?caps=f&amp;sybil\">See all</a></p>");
    renderRouterInfoHTML(out, buf, ourRKey, avgMinDist, ris, points);
    RouterKeyGenerator rkgen = _context.routerKeyGenerator();
    Hash nkey = rkgen.getNextRoutingKey(us);
    buf.append("<h3 id=\"ritmrw\" class=\"sybils\">Closest Floodfills to Tomorrow's Routing Key (Where we will Store our RI)</h3>");
    buf.append("<p class=\"sybil_info\"><a href=\"/netdb?caps=f&amp;sybil\">See all</a></p>");
    renderRouterInfoHTML(out, buf, nkey, avgMinDist, ris, points);
    buf.append("<h3 id=\"dht\" class=\"sybils\">Closest Floodfills to Our Router Hash (DHT Neighbors if we are Floodfill)</h3>");
    renderRouterInfoHTML(out, buf, us, avgMinDist, ris, points);
    // Distance to our published destinations analysis
    buf.append("<h3 id=\"dest\" class=\"sybils\">Floodfills Close to Our Destinations</h3>");
    Map<Hash, TunnelPool> clientInboundPools = _context.tunnelManager().getInboundClientPools();
    List<Hash> destinations = new ArrayList<Hash>(clientInboundPools.keySet());
    // boolean debug = _context.getBooleanProperty(HelperBase.PROP_ADVANCED);
    for (Hash client : destinations) {
        boolean isLocal = _context.clientManager().isLocal(client);
        if (!isLocal)
        if (!_context.clientManager().shouldPublishLeaseSet(client))
        LeaseSet ls = _context.netDb().lookupLeaseSetLocally(client);
        if (ls == null)
        Hash rkey = ls.getRoutingKey();
        TunnelPool in = clientInboundPools.get(client);
        String name = (in != null) ? in.getSettings().getDestinationNickname() : client.toBase64().substring(0, 4);
        buf.append("<h3 class=\"sybils\">Closest floodfills to the Routing Key for " + DataHelper.escapeHTML(name) + " (where we store our LS)</h3>");
        buf.append("<p class=\"sybil_info\"><a href=\"/netdb?caps=f&amp;sybil=" + ls.getHash().toBase64() + "\">See all</a></p>");
        renderRouterInfoHTML(out, buf, rkey, avgMinDist, ris, points);
        nkey = rkgen.getNextRoutingKey(ls.getHash());
        buf.append("<h3 class=\"sybils\">Closest floodfills to Tomorrow's Routing Key for " + DataHelper.escapeHTML(name) + " (where we will store our LS)</h3>");
        buf.append("<p class=\"sybil_info\"><a href=\"/netdb?caps=f&amp;sybil=" + ls.getHash().toBase64() + "\">See all</a></p>");
        renderRouterInfoHTML(out, buf, nkey, avgMinDist, ris, points);
    // Profile analysis
    addProfilePoints(ris, points);
    addVersionPoints(ris, points);
    if (!points.isEmpty()) {
        List<Hash> warns = new ArrayList<Hash>(points.keySet());
        Collections.sort(warns, new PointsComparator(points));
        buf.append("<h3 id=\"threats\" class=\"sybils\">Routers with Most Threat Points</h3>");
        for (Hash h : warns) {
            RouterInfo ri = _context.netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(h);
            if (ri == null)
            Points pp = points.get(h);
            double p = pp.points;
            if (p < MIN_DISPLAY_POINTS)
                // sorted
            buf.append("<p class=\"threatpoints\"><b>Threat Points: " + fmt.format(p) + "</b></p><ul>");
            for (String s : pp.reasons) {
            renderRouterInfo(buf, ri, null, false, false);
Also used : TunnelPool(net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.TunnelPool) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) RouterInfo( RouterKeyGenerator( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Hash( ConvertToHash(net.i2p.util.ConvertToHash) Date(java.util.Date) LeaseSet(

Example 10 with RouterInfo

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class DatabaseStoreMessage method readMessage.

public void readMessage(byte[] data, int offset, int dataSize, int type) throws I2NPMessageException {
    if (type != MESSAGE_TYPE)
        throw new I2NPMessageException("Message type is incorrect for this message");
    int curIndex = offset;
    _key = Hash.create(data, curIndex);
    // Fast-fail here to save resources.
    if (_key.equals(Hash.FAKE_HASH)) {
        // createRateStat in KNDF
        _context.statManager().addRateData("netDb.DSMAllZeros", 1);
        throw new I2NPMessageException("DSM all zeros");
    curIndex += Hash.HASH_LENGTH;
    // as of 0.9.18, ignore other 7 bits of the type byte, in preparation for future options
    int dbType = data[curIndex] & 0x01;
    _replyToken = DataHelper.fromLong(data, curIndex, 4);
    curIndex += 4;
    if (_replyToken > 0) {
        long tunnel = DataHelper.fromLong(data, curIndex, 4);
        if (tunnel > 0)
            _replyTunnel = new TunnelId(tunnel);
        curIndex += 4;
        _replyGateway = Hash.create(data, curIndex);
        curIndex += Hash.HASH_LENGTH;
    } else {
        _replyTunnel = null;
        _replyGateway = null;
    if (dbType == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_LEASESET) {
        _dbEntry = new LeaseSet();
        try {
            _dbEntry.readBytes(new ByteArrayInputStream(data, curIndex, data.length - curIndex));
        } catch (DataFormatException dfe) {
            throw new I2NPMessageException("Error reading the leaseSet", dfe);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new I2NPMessageException("Error reading the leaseSet", ioe);
    } else {
        // dbType == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO
        _dbEntry = new RouterInfo();
        int compressedSize = (int) DataHelper.fromLong(data, curIndex, 2);
        curIndex += 2;
        if (compressedSize <= 0 || curIndex + compressedSize > data.length || curIndex + compressedSize > dataSize + offset)
            throw new I2NPMessageException("Compressed RI length: " + compressedSize + " but remaining bytes: " + Math.min(data.length - curIndex, dataSize + offset - curIndex));
        try {
            // TODO we could delay decompression, just copy to a new byte array and store in _byteCache
            // May not be necessary since the IBGW now uses UnknownI2NPMessage.
            // DSMs at the OBEP are generally garlic wrapped, so the OBEP won't see it.
            // If we do delay it, getEntry() will have to check if _dbEntry is null and _byteCache
            // is non-null, and then decompress.
            byte[] decompressed = DataHelper.decompress(data, curIndex, compressedSize);
            _dbEntry.readBytes(new ByteArrayInputStream(decompressed));
        } catch (DataFormatException dfe) {
            throw new I2NPMessageException("Error reading the routerInfo", dfe);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new I2NPMessageException("Corrupt compressed routerInfo size = " + compressedSize, ioe);
// if (!key.equals(_dbEntry.getHash()))
// throw new I2NPMessageException("Hash mismatch in DSM");
Also used : LeaseSet( DataFormatException( ByteArrayInputStream( RouterInfo( IOException( TunnelId(


RouterInfo ( Hash ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)18 RouterAddress ( DataFormatException ( IOException ( RouterIdentity ( DatabaseEntry ( OutNetMessage (net.i2p.router.OutNetMessage)9 File ( DatabaseStoreMessage ( Properties (java.util.Properties)7 LeaseSet ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)5 Date (java.util.Date)5 SigType (net.i2p.crypto.SigType)5 TunnelId ( TunnelInfo (net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo)5 FileOutputStream ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4