use of net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class TunnelRenderer method renderPool.
private void renderPool(Writer out, TunnelPool in, TunnelPool outPool) throws IOException {
List<TunnelInfo> tunnels = null;
if (in == null)
tunnels = new ArrayList<TunnelInfo>();
tunnels = in.listTunnels();
if (outPool != null)
long processedIn = (in != null ? in.getLifetimeProcessed() : 0);
long processedOut = (outPool != null ? outPool.getLifetimeProcessed() : 0);
int live = 0;
int maxLength = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < tunnels.size(); i++) {
TunnelInfo info = tunnels.get(i);
int length = info.getLength();
if (length > maxLength)
maxLength = length;
out.write("<table class=\"tunneldisplay tunnels_client\"><tr><th title=\"" + _t("Inbound or outbound?") + ("\">") + _t("In/Out") + "</th><th>" + _t("Expiry") + "</th><th>" + _t("Usage") + "</th><th>" + _t("Gateway") + "</th>");
if (maxLength > 3) {
out.write("<th align=\"center\" colspan=\"" + (maxLength - 2));
out.write("\">" + _t("Participants") + "</th>");
} else if (maxLength == 3) {
out.write("<th>" + _t("Participant") + "</th>");
if (maxLength > 1) {
out.write("<th>" + _t("Endpoint") + "</th>");
for (int i = 0; i < tunnels.size(); i++) {
TunnelInfo info = tunnels.get(i);
long timeLeft = info.getExpiration() - _context.clock().now();
if (timeLeft <= 0)
// don't display tunnels in their grace period
boolean isInbound = info.isInbound();
if (isInbound)
out.write("<tr><td class=\"cells\" align=\"center\"><img src=\"/themes/console/images/inbound.png\" alt=\"Inbound\" title=\"" + _t("Inbound") + "\"></td>");
out.write("<tr><td class=\"cells\" align=\"center\"><img src=\"/themes/console/images/outbound.png\" alt=\"Outbound\" title=\"" + _t("Outbound") + "\"></td>");
out.write("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"center\">" + DataHelper.formatDuration2(timeLeft) + "</td>\n");
int count = info.getProcessedMessagesCount() * 1024 / 1000;
out.write("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"center\">" + count + " KB</td>\n");
int length = info.getLength();
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
Hash peer = info.getPeer(j);
TunnelId id = (isInbound ? info.getReceiveTunnelId(j) : info.getSendTunnelId(j));
if (_context.routerHash().equals(peer)) {
if (length < maxLength && length == 1 && isInbound) {
// pad before inbound zero hop
for (int k = 1; k < maxLength; k++) {
out.write("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"center\"> </td>");
// Add empty content placeholders to force alignment.
out.write(" <td class=\"cells\" align=\"center\"><span class=\"tunnel_peer tunnel_local\" title=\"" + _t("Locally hosted tunnel") + "\">" + _t("Local") + "</span> <span class=\"tunnel_id\" title=\"" + _t("Tunnel identity") + "\">" + (id == null ? "" : "" + id) + "</span><b class=\"tunnel_cap\" title=\"" + _t("Bandwidth tier") + "\"></b></td>");
} else {
String cap = getCapacity(peer);
out.write(" <td class=\"cells\" align=\"center\"><span class=\"tunnel_peer\">" + netDbLink(peer) + "</span> <span class=\"nowrap\"><span class=\"tunnel_id\" title=\"" + _t("Tunnel identity") + "\">" + (id == null ? "" : " " + id) + "</span><b class=\"tunnel_cap\" title=\"" + _t("Bandwidth tier") + "\">" + cap + "</b></span></td>");
if (length < maxLength && ((length == 1 && !isInbound) || j == length - 2)) {
// pad out outbound zero hop; non-zero-hop pads in middle
for (int k = length; k < maxLength; k++) {
out.write("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"center\"> </td>");
if (info.isInbound())
processedIn += count;
processedOut += count;
if (in != null) {
// PooledTunnelCreatorConfig
List<?> pending = in.listPending();
if (!pending.isEmpty()) {
out.write("<div class=\"statusnotes\"><center><b>" + _t("Build in progress") + ": " + pending.size() + " " + _t("inbound") + "</b></center></div>\n");
live += pending.size();
if (outPool != null) {
// PooledTunnelCreatorConfig
List<?> pending = outPool.listPending();
if (!pending.isEmpty()) {
out.write("<div class=\"statusnotes\"><center><b>" + _t("Build in progress") + ": " + pending.size() + " " + _t("outbound") + "</b></center></div>\n");
live += pending.size();
if (live <= 0)
out.write("<div class=\"statusnotes\"><center><b>" + _t("No tunnels; waiting for the grace period to end.") + "</b></center></div>\n");
out.write("<div class=\"statusnotes\"><center><b>" + _t("Lifetime bandwidth usage") + ": " + DataHelper.formatSize2Decimal(processedIn * 1024) + "B " + _t("in") + ", " + DataHelper.formatSize2Decimal(processedOut * 1024) + "B " + _t("out") + "</b></center></div>");
use of net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class BuildRequestor method request.
* Send out a build request message.
* @param cfg ReplyMessageId must be set
* @return success
public static boolean request(RouterContext ctx, TunnelPool pool, PooledTunnelCreatorConfig cfg, BuildExecutor exec) {
// new style crypto fills in all the blanks, while the old style waits for replies to fill in the next hop, etc
prepare(ctx, cfg);
if (cfg.getLength() <= 1) {
buildZeroHop(ctx, pool, cfg, exec);
return true;
Log log = ctx.logManager().getLog(BuildRequestor.class);
TunnelInfo pairedTunnel = null;
Hash farEnd = cfg.getFarEnd();
TunnelManagerFacade mgr = ctx.tunnelManager();
boolean isInbound = pool.getSettings().isInbound();
if (pool.getSettings().isExploratory() || !usePairedTunnels(ctx)) {
if (isInbound)
pairedTunnel = mgr.selectOutboundExploratoryTunnel(farEnd);
pairedTunnel = mgr.selectInboundExploratoryTunnel(farEnd);
} else {
// building a client tunnel
if (isInbound)
pairedTunnel = mgr.selectOutboundTunnel(pool.getSettings().getDestination(), farEnd);
pairedTunnel = mgr.selectInboundTunnel(pool.getSettings().getDestination(), farEnd);
if (pairedTunnel == null) {
if (isInbound) {
// random more reliable than closest ??
// pairedTunnel = mgr.selectOutboundExploratoryTunnel(farEnd);
pairedTunnel = mgr.selectOutboundTunnel();
if (pairedTunnel != null && pairedTunnel.getLength() <= 1 && mgr.getOutboundSettings().getLength() > 0 && mgr.getOutboundSettings().getLength() + mgr.getOutboundSettings().getLengthVariance() > 0) {
// don't build using a zero-hop expl.,
// as it is both very bad for anonomyity,
// and it takes a build slot away from exploratory
pairedTunnel = null;
} else {
// random more reliable than closest ??
// pairedTunnel = mgr.selectInboundExploratoryTunnel(farEnd);
pairedTunnel = mgr.selectInboundTunnel();
if (pairedTunnel != null && pairedTunnel.getLength() <= 1 && mgr.getInboundSettings().getLength() > 0 && mgr.getInboundSettings().getLength() + mgr.getInboundSettings().getLengthVariance() > 0) {
// ditto
pairedTunnel = null;
if (pairedTunnel != null && log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Couldn't find a paired tunnel for " + cfg + ", using exploratory tunnel");
if (pairedTunnel == null) {
if (log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
log.warn("Tunnel build failed, as we couldn't find a paired tunnel for " + cfg);
exec.buildComplete(cfg, pool);
// Not even an exploratory tunnel? We are in big trouble.
// Let's not spin through here too fast.
// But don't let a client tunnel waiting for exploratories slow things down too much,
// as there may be other tunnel pools who can build
int ms = pool.getSettings().isExploratory() ? 250 : 25;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
return false;
// long beforeCreate = System.currentTimeMillis();
TunnelBuildMessage msg = createTunnelBuildMessage(ctx, pool, cfg, pairedTunnel, exec);
// long createTime = System.currentTimeMillis()-beforeCreate;
if (msg == null) {
if (log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
log.warn("Tunnel build failed, as we couldn't create the tunnel build message for " + cfg);
exec.buildComplete(cfg, pool);
return false;
// long beforeDispatch = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (cfg.isInbound()) {
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Sending the tunnel build request " + msg.getUniqueId() + " out the tunnel " + pairedTunnel + " to " + cfg.getPeer(0) + " for " + cfg + " waiting for the reply of " + cfg.getReplyMessageId());
// send it out a tunnel targetting the first hop
// TODO - would be nice to have a TunnelBuildFirstHopFailJob queued if the
// pairedTunnel is zero-hop, but no way to do that?
ctx.tunnelDispatcher().dispatchOutbound(msg, pairedTunnel.getSendTunnelId(0), cfg.getPeer(0));
} else {
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Sending the tunnel build request directly to " + cfg.getPeer(1) + " for " + cfg + " waiting for the reply of " + cfg.getReplyMessageId() + " with msgId=" + msg.getUniqueId());
// send it directly to the first hop
// Add some fuzz to the TBM expiration to make it harder to guess how many hops
// or placement in the tunnel
msg.setMessageExpiration(ctx.clock().now() + BUILD_MSG_TIMEOUT + ctx.random().nextLong(20 * 1000));
// We set the OutNetMessage expiration much shorter, so that the
// TunnelBuildFirstHopFailJob fires before the 13s build expiration.
RouterInfo peer = ctx.netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(cfg.getPeer(1));
if (peer == null) {
if (log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
log.warn("Could not find the next hop to send the outbound request to: " + cfg);
exec.buildComplete(cfg, pool);
return false;
OutNetMessage outMsg = new OutNetMessage(ctx, msg, ctx.clock().now() + FIRST_HOP_TIMEOUT, PRIORITY, peer);
outMsg.setOnFailedSendJob(new TunnelBuildFirstHopFailJob(ctx, pool, cfg, exec));
// + "ms and dispatched in " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-beforeDispatch));
return true;
use of net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class ExploratoryPeerSelector method selectPeers.
* In: us .. closest .. middle .. IBGW
* Out: OBGW .. middle .. closest .. us
* @return ordered list of Hash objects (one per peer) specifying what order
* they should appear in a tunnel (ENDPOINT FIRST). This includes
* the local router in the list. If there are no tunnels or peers
* to build through, and the settings reject 0 hop tunnels, this will
* return null.
public List<Hash> selectPeers(TunnelPoolSettings settings) {
int length = getLength(settings);
if (length < 0) {
if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
log.debug("Length requested is zero: " + settings);
return null;
// if (false && shouldSelectExplicit(settings)) {
// List<Hash> rv = selectExplicit(settings, length);
// if (l.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
// l.debug("Explicit peers selected: " + rv);
// return rv;
// }
boolean isInbound = settings.isInbound();
Set<Hash> exclude = getExclude(isInbound, true);
// special cases
boolean nonzero = length > 0;
boolean exploreHighCap = nonzero && shouldPickHighCap();
boolean v6Only = nonzero && isIPv6Only();
boolean ntcpDisabled = nonzero && isNTCPDisabled();
boolean ssuDisabled = nonzero && isSSUDisabled();
boolean checkClosestHop = v6Only || ntcpDisabled || ssuDisabled;
boolean hidden = nonzero && (ctx.router().isHidden() || ctx.router().getRouterInfo().getAddressCount() <= 0);
boolean hiddenInbound = hidden && isInbound;
boolean hiddenOutbound = hidden && !isInbound;
boolean lowOutbound = nonzero && !isInbound && !ctx.commSystem().haveHighOutboundCapacity();
// closest-hop restrictions
// Since we're applying orderPeers() later, we don't know
// which will be the closest hop, so select the closest one here if necessary.
Hash closestHop = null;
if (v6Only || hiddenInbound || lowOutbound) {
Set<Hash> closestExclude;
if (checkClosestHop) {
closestExclude = getClosestHopExclude(isInbound);
if (closestExclude != null)
closestExclude = exclude;
} else {
closestExclude = exclude;
Set<Hash> closest = new HashSet<Hash>(1);
if (hiddenInbound || lowOutbound) {
// use only connected peers so we don't make more connections
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"EPS SANFP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
// SANFP adds all not-connected to exclude, so make a copy
Set<Hash> SANFPExclude = new HashSet<Hash>(closestExclude);
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectActiveNotFailingPeers(1, SANFPExclude, closest);
if (closest.isEmpty()) {
// ANFP does not fall back to non-connected
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"EPS SFP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(1, closestExclude, closest);
} else if (exploreHighCap) {
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"EPS SHCP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectHighCapacityPeers(1, closestExclude, closest);
} else {
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"EPS SNFP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectNotFailingPeers(1, closestExclude, closest, false);
if (!closest.isEmpty()) {
closestHop = closest.iterator().next();
// furthest-hop restrictions
// Since we're applying orderPeers() later, we don't know
// which will be the furthest hop, so select the furthest one here if necessary.
Hash furthestHop = null;
if (hiddenOutbound && length > 0) {
// check for hidden and outbound, and the paired (inbound) tunnel is zero-hop
// if so, we need the OBEP to be connected to us, so we get the build reply back
// This should be rare except at startup
TunnelManagerFacade tmf = ctx.tunnelManager();
TunnelPool tp = tmf.getInboundExploratoryPool();
TunnelPoolSettings tps = tp.getSettings();
int len = tps.getLength();
boolean pickFurthest = true;
if (len <= 0 || tps.getLengthOverride() == 0 || len + tps.getLengthVariance() <= 0) {
// leave it true
} else {
for (TunnelInfo ti : tp.listTunnels()) {
if (ti.getLength() > 1) {
pickFurthest = false;
if (pickFurthest) {
Set<Hash> furthest = new HashSet<Hash>(1);
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"EPS SANFP furthest OB exclude " + exclude.size());
// ANFP adds all not-connected to exclude, so make a copy
Set<Hash> SANFPExclude = new HashSet<Hash>(exclude);
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectActiveNotFailingPeers(1, SANFPExclude, furthest);
if (furthest.isEmpty()) {
// ANFP does not fall back to non-connected
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"EPS SFP furthest OB exclude " + exclude.size());
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(1, exclude, furthest);
if (!furthest.isEmpty()) {
furthestHop = furthest.iterator().next();
// Don't use ff peers for exploratory tunnels to lessen exposure to netDb searches and stores
// Hmm if they don't get explored they don't get a speed/capacity rating
// so they don't get used for client tunnels either.
// FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade fac = (FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade)ctx.netDb();
// exclude.addAll(fac.getFloodfillPeers());
HashSet<Hash> matches = new HashSet<Hash>(length);
if (length > 0) {
if (exploreHighCap) {
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"EPS SHCP " + length + (isInbound ? " IB" : " OB") + " exclude " + exclude.size());
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectHighCapacityPeers(length, exclude, matches);
} else {
// Peer org credits existing items in matches
if (length > 2)
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectHighCapacityPeers(length - 2, exclude, matches);
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"EPS SNFP " + length + (isInbound ? " IB" : " OB") + " exclude " + exclude.size());
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectNotFailingPeers(length, exclude, matches, false);
ArrayList<Hash> rv = new ArrayList<Hash>(matches);
if (rv.size() > 1)
orderPeers(rv, settings.getRandomKey());
if (closestHop != null) {
if (isInbound)
rv.add(0, closestHop);
if (furthestHop != null) {
// always OBEP for now, nothing special for IBGW
if (isInbound)
rv.add(0, furthestHop);
// log.debug("EPS result: " + DataHelper.toString(rv));
if (isInbound)
rv.add(0, ctx.routerHash());
if (rv.size() > 1) {
if (!checkTunnel(isInbound, rv))
rv = null;
return rv;
use of net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class FloodfillVerifyStoreJob method runJob.
* Query a random floodfill for the leaseset or routerinfo
* that we just stored to a (hopefully different) floodfill peer.
* If it fails (after a timeout period), resend the data.
* If the queried data is older than what we stored, that counts as a fail.
public void runJob() {
_target = pickTarget();
if (_target == null) {
boolean isInboundExploratory;
TunnelInfo replyTunnelInfo;
if (_isRouterInfo || getContext().keyRing().get(_key) != null) {
replyTunnelInfo = getContext().tunnelManager().selectInboundExploratoryTunnel(_target);
isInboundExploratory = true;
} else {
replyTunnelInfo = getContext().tunnelManager().selectInboundTunnel(_key, _target);
isInboundExploratory = false;
if (replyTunnelInfo == null) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
_log.warn("No inbound tunnels to get a reply from!");
DatabaseLookupMessage lookup = buildLookup(replyTunnelInfo);
// If we are verifying a leaseset, use the destination's own tunnels,
// to avoid association by the exploratory tunnel OBEP.
// Unless it is an encrypted leaseset.
TunnelInfo outTunnel;
if (_isRouterInfo || getContext().keyRing().get(_key) != null)
outTunnel = getContext().tunnelManager().selectOutboundExploratoryTunnel(_target);
outTunnel = getContext().tunnelManager().selectOutboundTunnel(_key, _target);
if (outTunnel == null) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
_log.warn("No outbound tunnels to verify a store");
// garlic encrypt to hide contents from the OBEP
RouterInfo peer = _facade.lookupRouterInfoLocally(_target);
if (peer == null) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
_log.warn("Fail finding target RI");
if (DatabaseLookupMessage.supportsEncryptedReplies(peer)) {
// register the session with the right SKM
MessageWrapper.OneTimeSession sess;
if (isInboundExploratory) {
sess = MessageWrapper.generateSession(getContext());
} else {
sess = MessageWrapper.generateSession(getContext(), _key);
if (sess == null) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
_log.warn("No SKM to reply to");
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Requesting encrypted reply from " + _target + ' ' + sess.key + ' ' + sess.tag);
lookup.setReplySession(sess.key, sess.tag);
Hash fromKey;
if (_isRouterInfo)
fromKey = null;
fromKey = _key;
_wrappedMessage = MessageWrapper.wrap(getContext(), lookup, fromKey, peer);
if (_wrappedMessage == null) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
_log.warn("Fail Garlic encrypting");
I2NPMessage sent = _wrappedMessage.getMessage();
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Starting verify (stored " + _key + " to " + _sentTo + "), asking " + _target);
_sendTime = getContext().clock().now();
_expiration = _sendTime + VERIFY_TIMEOUT;
getContext().messageRegistry().registerPending(new VerifyReplySelector(), new VerifyReplyJob(getContext()), new VerifyTimeoutJob(getContext()));
getContext().tunnelDispatcher().dispatchOutbound(sent, outTunnel.getSendTunnelId(0), _target);
use of net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo in project i2p.i2p by i2p.
the class HandleFloodfillDatabaseStoreMessageJob method sendAck.
private void sendAck(Hash storedKey) {
DeliveryStatusMessage msg = new DeliveryStatusMessage(getContext());
// Randomize for a little protection against clock-skew fingerprinting.
// But the "arrival" isn't used for anything, right?
// TODO just set to 0?
// TODO we have no session to garlic wrap this with, needs new message
msg.setArrival(getContext().clock().now() - getContext().random().nextInt(3 * 1000));
// may be null
TunnelId replyTunnel = _message.getReplyTunnel();
// A store of our own RI, only if we are not FF
DatabaseStoreMessage msg2;
if ((getContext().netDb().floodfillEnabled() && !getContext().router().gracefulShutdownInProgress()) || storedKey.equals(getContext().routerHash())) {
// don't send our RI if the store was our RI (from PeerTestJob)
msg2 = null;
} else {
// we aren't ff, send a go-away message
msg2 = new DatabaseStoreMessage(getContext());
RouterInfo me = getContext().router().getRouterInfo();
if (_log.shouldWarn())
_log.warn("Got a store w/ reply token, but we aren't ff: from: " + _from + " fromHash: " + _fromHash + " msg: " + _message, new Exception());
Hash toPeer = _message.getReplyGateway();
boolean toUs = getContext().routerHash().equals(toPeer);
// else through an exploratory tunnel.
if (toUs && replyTunnel != null) {
// if we are the gateway, act as if we received it
TunnelGatewayMessage tgm = new TunnelGatewayMessage(getContext());
if (msg2 != null) {
TunnelGatewayMessage tgm2 = new TunnelGatewayMessage(getContext());
} else if (toUs || getContext().commSystem().isEstablished(toPeer)) {
Job send = new SendMessageDirectJob(getContext(), msg, toPeer, REPLY_TIMEOUT, MESSAGE_PRIORITY);
if (msg2 != null) {
Job send2 = new SendMessageDirectJob(getContext(), msg2, toPeer, REPLY_TIMEOUT, MESSAGE_PRIORITY);
} else {
// pick tunnel with endpoint closest to toPeer
TunnelInfo outTunnel = getContext().tunnelManager().selectOutboundExploratoryTunnel(toPeer);
if (outTunnel == null) {
if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
_log.warn("No outbound tunnel could be found");
getContext().tunnelDispatcher().dispatchOutbound(msg, outTunnel.getSendTunnelId(0), replyTunnel, toPeer);
if (msg2 != null)
getContext().tunnelDispatcher().dispatchOutbound(msg2, outTunnel.getSendTunnelId(0), replyTunnel, toPeer);