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Example 1 with TunnelPoolSettings

use of net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class NetDbRenderer method renderLeaseSetHTML.

 *  @param debug @since 0.7.14 sort by distance from us, display
 *               median distance, and other stuff, useful when floodfill
public void renderLeaseSetHTML(Writer out, boolean debug) throws IOException {
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(4 * 1024);
    if (debug)
        buf.append("<p id=\"debugmode\">Debug mode - Sorted by hash distance, closest first</p>\n");
    Hash ourRKey;
    Set<LeaseSet> leases;
    DecimalFormat fmt;
    if (debug) {
        ourRKey = _context.routerHash();
        leases = new TreeSet<LeaseSet>(new LeaseSetRoutingKeyComparator(ourRKey));
        fmt = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
    } else {
        ourRKey = null;
        leases = new TreeSet<LeaseSet>(new LeaseSetComparator());
        fmt = null;
    int medianCount = 0;
    int rapCount = 0;
    BigInteger median = null;
    int c = 0;
    // Summary
    FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade netdb = (FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade) _context.netDb();
    if (debug) {
        buf.append("<table id=\"leasesetdebug\">\n");
    } else {
        buf.append("<table id=\"leasesetsummary\">\n");
    buf.append("<tr><th colspan=\"3\">Leaseset Summary</th>").append("<th><a href=\"/configadvanced\" title=\"").append(_t("Manually Configure Floodfill Participation")).append("\">[").append(_t("Configure Floodfill Participation")).append("]</a></th></tr>\n").append("<tr><td><b>Total Leasesets:</b></td><td colspan=\"3\">").append(leases.size()).append("</td></tr>\n");
    if (debug) {
        buf.append("<tr><td><b>Published (RAP) Leasesets:</b></td><td colspan=\"3\">").append(netdb.getKnownLeaseSets()).append("</td></tr>\n").append("<tr><td><b>Mod Data:</b></td><td>").append(DataHelper.getUTF8(_context.routerKeyGenerator().getModData())).append("</td>").append("<td><b>Last Changed:</b></td><td>").append(new Date(_context.routerKeyGenerator().getLastChanged())).append("</td></tr>\n").append("<tr><td><b>Next Mod Data:</b></td><td>").append(DataHelper.getUTF8(_context.routerKeyGenerator().getNextModData())).append("</td>").append("<td><b>Change in:</b></td><td>").append(DataHelper.formatDuration(_context.routerKeyGenerator().getTimeTillMidnight())).append("</td></tr>\n");
    int ff = _context.peerManager().getPeersByCapability(FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade.CAPABILITY_FLOODFILL).size();
    buf.append("<tr><td><b>Known Floodfills:</b></td><td colspan=\"3\">").append(ff).append("</td></tr>\n").append("<tr><td><b>Currently Floodfill?</b></td><td colspan=\"3\">").append(netdb.floodfillEnabled() ? "yes" : "no").append("</td></tr>\n");
    if (leases.isEmpty()) {
        if (!debug)
            buf.append("<div id=\"noleasesets\"><i>").append(_t("No Leasesets currently active.")).append("</i></div>");
    } else {
        if (debug) {
            // Find the center of the RAP leasesets
            for (LeaseSet ls : leases) {
                if (ls.getReceivedAsPublished())
            medianCount = rapCount / 2;
        boolean linkSusi = WebAppStarter.isWebAppRunning("susidns");
        long now = _context.clock().now();
        buf.append("<div class=\"leasesets_container\">");
        for (LeaseSet ls : leases) {
            Destination dest = ls.getDestination();
            Hash key = dest.calculateHash();
            buf.append("<table class=\"leaseset\">\n").append("<tr><th><b>").append(_t("LeaseSet")).append(":</b>&nbsp;<code>").append(key.toBase64()).append("</code>");
            if (_context.keyRing().get(key) != null)
                buf.append(" (").append(_t("Encrypted")).append(')');
            if (_context.clientManager().isLocal(dest)) {
                buf.append("<th><a href=\"tunnels#" + key.toBase64().substring(0, 4) + "\">" + _t("Local") + "</a> ");
                boolean unpublished = !_context.clientManager().shouldPublishLeaseSet(key);
                if (unpublished)
                    buf.append("<b>").append(_t("Unpublished")).append("</b> ");
                buf.append("<b>").append(_t("Destination")).append(":</b> ");
                TunnelPoolSettings in = _context.tunnelManager().getInboundSettings(key);
                if (in != null && in.getDestinationNickname() != null)
                    buf.append(dest.toBase64().substring(0, 6));
                // If the dest is published but not in the addressbook, an extra
                // <td> is appended with an "Add to addressbook" link, so this
                // <td> should not span 2 columns.
                String host = null;
                if (!unpublished) {
                    host = _context.namingService().reverseLookup(dest);
                if (unpublished || host != null || !linkSusi) {
                    buf.append(" colspan=\"2\"");
                String b32 = dest.toBase32();
                buf.append("<a href=\"http://").append(b32).append("\">").append(b32).append("</a></td>");
                if (linkSusi && !unpublished) {
                    if (host == null) {
                        buf.append("<td class=\"addtobook\" colspan=\"2\">").append("<a title=\"").append(_t("Add to addressbook")).append("\" href=\"/susidns/addressbook.jsp?book=private&amp;destination=").append(dest.toBase64()).append("#add\">").append(_t("Add to local addressbook")).append("</a></td>");
            // else probably a client
            } else {
                buf.append("<th><b>").append(_t("Destination")).append(":</b> ");
                String host = _context.namingService().reverseLookup(dest);
                if (host != null) {
                    buf.append("<a href=\"http://").append(host).append("/\">").append(host).append("</a></th>");
                } else {
                    String b32 = dest.toBase32();
                    buf.append("<code>").append(dest.toBase64().substring(0, 6)).append("</code></th>").append("</tr>\n<tr><td");
                    if (!linkSusi)
                        buf.append(" colspan=\"2\"");
                    buf.append("><a href=\"http://").append(b32).append("\">").append(b32).append("</a></td>\n");
                    if (linkSusi) {
                        buf.append("<td class=\"addtobook\"><a title=\"").append(_t("Add to addressbook")).append("\" href=\"/susidns/addressbook.jsp?book=private&amp;destination=").append(dest.toBase64()).append("#add\">").append(_t("Add to local addressbook")).append("</a></td>");
            buf.append("</tr>\n<tr><td colspan=\"2\">\n");
            long exp = ls.getLatestLeaseDate() - now;
            if (exp > 0)
                buf.append("<b>").append(_t("Expires in {0}", DataHelper.formatDuration2(exp))).append("</b>");
                buf.append("<b>").append(_t("Expired {0} ago", DataHelper.formatDuration2(0 - exp))).append("</b>");
            if (debug) {
                buf.append("<tr><td colspan=\"2\">");
                buf.append("<b>RAP?</b> ").append(ls.getReceivedAsPublished());
                buf.append("&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>RAR?</b> ").append(ls.getReceivedAsReply());
                BigInteger dist = HashDistance.getDistance(ourRKey, ls.getRoutingKey());
                if (ls.getReceivedAsPublished()) {
                    if (c++ == medianCount)
                        median = dist;
                buf.append("&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Distance: </b>").append(fmt.format(biLog2(dist)));
                buf.append("</td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=\"2\">");
                // buf.append(dest.toBase32()).append("<br>");
                buf.append("<b>Signature type:</b> ").append(dest.getSigningPublicKey().getType());
                buf.append("&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Encryption Key:</b> ").append(ls.getEncryptionKey().toBase64().substring(0, 20)).append("&hellip;");
                buf.append("</td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=\"2\">");
                buf.append("<b>Routing Key:</b> ").append(ls.getRoutingKey().toBase64());
            buf.append("<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><ul class=\"netdb_leases\">");
            for (int i = 0; i < ls.getLeaseCount(); i++) {
                Lease lease = ls.getLease(i);
                buf.append("<li><b>").append(_t("Lease")).append(' ').append(i + 1).append(":</b> <span class=\"netdb_gateway\" title=\"").append(_t("Gateway")).append("\"><img src=\"themes/console/images/info/gateway.png\" alt=\"").append(_t("Gateway")).append("\"></span> <span class=\"tunnel_peer\">");
                buf.append("</span> <span class=\"netdb_tunnel\">").append(_t("Tunnel")).append(" <span class=\"tunnel_id\">").append(lease.getTunnelId().getTunnelId()).append("</span></span> ");
                if (debug) {
                    long exl = lease.getEndDate().getTime() - now;
                    if (exl > 0)
                        buf.append("<b class=\"netdb_expiry\">").append(_t("Expires in {0}", DataHelper.formatDuration2(exl))).append("</b>");
                        buf.append("<b class=\"netdb_expiry\">").append(_t("Expired {0} ago", DataHelper.formatDuration2(0 - exl))).append("</b>");
        // for each
        if (debug) {
            buf.append("<table id=\"leasesetdebug\"><tr><td><b>Network data (only valid if floodfill):</b></td><td colspan=\"3\">");
            // buf.append("</b></p><p><b>Center of Key Space (router hash): " + ourRKey.toBase64());
            if (median != null) {
                double log2 = biLog2(median);
                buf.append("</td></tr>").append("<tr><td><b>Median distance (bits):</b></td><td colspan=\"3\">").append(fmt.format(log2)).append("</td></tr>\n");
                // 2 for 4 floodfills... -1 for median
                // this can be way off for unknown reasons
                int total = (int) Math.round(Math.pow(2, 2 + 256 - 1 - log2));
                buf.append("<tr><td><b>Estimated total floodfills:</b></td><td colspan=\"3\">").append(total).append("</td></tr>\n");
                buf.append("<tr><td><b>Estimated total leasesets:</b></td><td colspan=\"3\">").append(total * rapCount / 4);
            } else {
                buf.append("<i>Not floodfill or no data.</i>");
        // median table
    // !empty
Also used : Destination( Lease( DecimalFormat(java.text.DecimalFormat) Hash( Date(java.util.Date) LeaseSet( FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade(net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) TunnelPoolSettings(net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings)

Example 2 with TunnelPoolSettings

use of net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SummaryHelper method getName.

 * translate here so collation works above
private String getName(Destination d) {
    TunnelPoolSettings in = _context.tunnelManager().getInboundSettings(d.calculateHash());
    String name = (in != null ? in.getDestinationNickname() : null);
    if (name == null) {
        TunnelPoolSettings out = _context.tunnelManager().getOutboundSettings(d.calculateHash());
        name = (out != null ? out.getDestinationNickname() : null);
        if (name == null)
            name = d.calculateHash().toBase64().substring(0, 6);
            name = _t(name);
    } else {
        name = _t(name);
    return name;
Also used : TunnelPoolSettings(net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings)

Example 3 with TunnelPoolSettings

use of net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class ExploratoryPeerSelector method selectPeers.

 * In: us .. closest .. middle .. IBGW
 * Out: OBGW .. middle .. closest .. us
 * @return ordered list of Hash objects (one per peer) specifying what order
 *         they should appear in a tunnel (ENDPOINT FIRST).  This includes
 *         the local router in the list.  If there are no tunnels or peers
 *         to build through, and the settings reject 0 hop tunnels, this will
 *         return null.
public List<Hash> selectPeers(TunnelPoolSettings settings) {
    int length = getLength(settings);
    if (length < 0) {
        if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
            log.debug("Length requested is zero: " + settings);
        return null;
    // if (false && shouldSelectExplicit(settings)) {
    // List<Hash> rv = selectExplicit(settings, length);
    // if (l.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
    // l.debug("Explicit peers selected: " + rv);
    // return rv;
    // }
    boolean isInbound = settings.isInbound();
    Set<Hash> exclude = getExclude(isInbound, true);
    // special cases
    boolean nonzero = length > 0;
    boolean exploreHighCap = nonzero && shouldPickHighCap();
    boolean v6Only = nonzero && isIPv6Only();
    boolean ntcpDisabled = nonzero && isNTCPDisabled();
    boolean ssuDisabled = nonzero && isSSUDisabled();
    boolean checkClosestHop = v6Only || ntcpDisabled || ssuDisabled;
    boolean hidden = nonzero && (ctx.router().isHidden() || ctx.router().getRouterInfo().getAddressCount() <= 0);
    boolean hiddenInbound = hidden && isInbound;
    boolean hiddenOutbound = hidden && !isInbound;
    boolean lowOutbound = nonzero && !isInbound && !ctx.commSystem().haveHighOutboundCapacity();
    // closest-hop restrictions
    // Since we're applying orderPeers() later, we don't know
    // which will be the closest hop, so select the closest one here if necessary.
    Hash closestHop = null;
    if (v6Only || hiddenInbound || lowOutbound) {
        Set<Hash> closestExclude;
        if (checkClosestHop) {
            closestExclude = getClosestHopExclude(isInbound);
            if (closestExclude != null)
                closestExclude = exclude;
        } else {
            closestExclude = exclude;
        Set<Hash> closest = new HashSet<Hash>(1);
        if (hiddenInbound || lowOutbound) {
            // use only connected peers so we don't make more connections
            if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "EPS SANFP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
            // SANFP adds all not-connected to exclude, so make a copy
            Set<Hash> SANFPExclude = new HashSet<Hash>(closestExclude);
            ctx.profileOrganizer().selectActiveNotFailingPeers(1, SANFPExclude, closest);
            if (closest.isEmpty()) {
                // ANFP does not fall back to non-connected
                if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
          "EPS SFP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
                ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(1, closestExclude, closest);
        } else if (exploreHighCap) {
            if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "EPS SHCP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
            ctx.profileOrganizer().selectHighCapacityPeers(1, closestExclude, closest);
        } else {
            if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "EPS SNFP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
            ctx.profileOrganizer().selectNotFailingPeers(1, closestExclude, closest, false);
        if (!closest.isEmpty()) {
            closestHop = closest.iterator().next();
    // furthest-hop restrictions
    // Since we're applying orderPeers() later, we don't know
    // which will be the furthest hop, so select the furthest one here if necessary.
    Hash furthestHop = null;
    if (hiddenOutbound && length > 0) {
        // OBEP
        // check for hidden and outbound, and the paired (inbound) tunnel is zero-hop
        // if so, we need the OBEP to be connected to us, so we get the build reply back
        // This should be rare except at startup
        TunnelManagerFacade tmf = ctx.tunnelManager();
        TunnelPool tp = tmf.getInboundExploratoryPool();
        TunnelPoolSettings tps = tp.getSettings();
        int len = tps.getLength();
        boolean pickFurthest = true;
        if (len <= 0 || tps.getLengthOverride() == 0 || len + tps.getLengthVariance() <= 0) {
        // leave it true
        } else {
            for (TunnelInfo ti : tp.listTunnels()) {
                if (ti.getLength() > 1) {
                    pickFurthest = false;
        if (pickFurthest) {
            Set<Hash> furthest = new HashSet<Hash>(1);
            if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "EPS SANFP furthest OB exclude " + exclude.size());
            // ANFP adds all not-connected to exclude, so make a copy
            Set<Hash> SANFPExclude = new HashSet<Hash>(exclude);
            ctx.profileOrganizer().selectActiveNotFailingPeers(1, SANFPExclude, furthest);
            if (furthest.isEmpty()) {
                // ANFP does not fall back to non-connected
                if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
          "EPS SFP furthest OB exclude " + exclude.size());
                ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(1, exclude, furthest);
            if (!furthest.isEmpty()) {
                furthestHop = furthest.iterator().next();
    // Don't use ff peers for exploratory tunnels to lessen exposure to netDb searches and stores
    // Hmm if they don't get explored they don't get a speed/capacity rating
    // so they don't get used for client tunnels either.
    // FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade fac = (FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade)ctx.netDb();
    // exclude.addAll(fac.getFloodfillPeers());
    HashSet<Hash> matches = new HashSet<Hash>(length);
    if (length > 0) {
        if (exploreHighCap) {
            if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "EPS SHCP " + length + (isInbound ? " IB" : " OB") + " exclude " + exclude.size());
            ctx.profileOrganizer().selectHighCapacityPeers(length, exclude, matches);
        } else {
            // Peer org credits existing items in matches
            if (length > 2)
                ctx.profileOrganizer().selectHighCapacityPeers(length - 2, exclude, matches);
            if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "EPS SNFP " + length + (isInbound ? " IB" : " OB") + " exclude " + exclude.size());
            ctx.profileOrganizer().selectNotFailingPeers(length, exclude, matches, false);
    ArrayList<Hash> rv = new ArrayList<Hash>(matches);
    if (rv.size() > 1)
        orderPeers(rv, settings.getRandomKey());
    if (closestHop != null) {
        if (isInbound)
            rv.add(0, closestHop);
    if (furthestHop != null) {
        // always OBEP for now, nothing special for IBGW
        if (isInbound)
            rv.add(0, furthestHop);
    // log.debug("EPS result: " + DataHelper.toString(rv));
    if (isInbound)
        rv.add(0, ctx.routerHash());
    if (rv.size() > 1) {
        if (!checkTunnel(isInbound, rv))
            rv = null;
    return rv;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TunnelPoolSettings(net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings) TunnelInfo(net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo) Hash( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) TunnelManagerFacade(net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade)

Example 4 with TunnelPoolSettings

use of net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class TunnelPool method configureNewTunnel.

 *  @return null on failure
private PooledTunnelCreatorConfig configureNewTunnel(boolean forceZeroHop) {
    TunnelPoolSettings settings = getSettings();
    // peers for new tunnel, including us, ENDPOINT FIRST
    List<Hash> peers = null;
    long now = _context.clock().now();
    long expiration = now + TunnelPoolSettings.DEFAULT_DURATION;
    if (!forceZeroHop) {
        int len = settings.getLengthOverride();
        if (len < 0)
            len = settings.getLength();
        if (len > 0 && (!settings.isExploratory()) && _context.random().nextBoolean()) {
            // look for a tunnel to reuse, if the right length and expiring soon
            // ignore variance for now.
            // us
            synchronized (_tunnels) {
                for (TunnelInfo ti : _tunnels) {
                    if (ti.getLength() >= len && ti.getExpiration() < now + 3 * 60 * 1000 && !ti.wasReused()) {
                        len = ti.getLength();
                        peers = new ArrayList<Hash>(len);
                        // peers list is ordered endpoint first, but cfg.getPeer() is ordered gateway first
                        for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (peers == null) {
            peers = _peerSelector.selectPeers(settings);
        if ((peers == null) || (peers.isEmpty())) {
            // the pool is refusing 0 hop tunnels
            if (peers == null) {
                if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                    _log.warn("No peers to put in the new tunnel! selectPeers returned null!  boo, hiss!");
            } else {
                if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                    _log.warn("No peers to put in the new tunnel! selectPeers returned an empty list?!");
            return null;
    } else {
        peers = Collections.singletonList(_context.routerHash());
    PooledTunnelCreatorConfig cfg = new PooledTunnelCreatorConfig(_context, peers.size(), settings.isInbound(), settings.getDestination());
    // peers list is ordered endpoint first, but cfg.getPeer() is ordered gateway first
    for (int i = 0; i < peers.size(); i++) {
        int j = peers.size() - 1 - i;
        cfg.setPeer(j, peers.get(i));
        HopConfig hop = cfg.getConfig(j);
    // tunnelIds will be updated during building, and as the creator, we
    // don't need to worry about prev/next hop
    // note that this will be adjusted by expire job
    if (!settings.isInbound())
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
        _log.debug("Config contains " + peers + ": " + cfg);
    synchronized (_inProgress) {
    return cfg;
Also used : TunnelPoolSettings(net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings) TunnelInfo(net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo) HopConfig(net.i2p.router.tunnel.HopConfig) Hash(

Example 5 with TunnelPoolSettings

use of net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class TunnelPoolManager method addAlias.

 *  Add another destination to the same tunnels.
 *  Must have same encryption key and a different signing key.
 *  @throws IllegalArgumentException if not
 *  @return success
 *  @since 0.9.21
public boolean addAlias(Destination dest, ClientTunnelSettings settings, Destination existingClient) {
    if (dest.getSigningPublicKey().equals(existingClient.getSigningPublicKey()))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("signing key must differ");
    if (!dest.getPublicKey().equals(existingClient.getPublicKey()))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("encryption key mismatch");
    Hash h = dest.calculateHash();
    Hash e = existingClient.calculateHash();
    synchronized (this) {
        TunnelPool inbound = _clientInboundPools.get(h);
        TunnelPool outbound = _clientOutboundPools.get(h);
        if (inbound != null || outbound != null) {
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                _log.warn("already have alias " + dest.toBase32());
            return false;
        TunnelPool eInbound = _clientInboundPools.get(e);
        TunnelPool eOutbound = _clientOutboundPools.get(e);
        if (eInbound == null || eOutbound == null) {
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                _log.warn("primary not found " + existingClient);
            return false;
        TunnelPoolSettings newIn = settings.getInboundSettings();
        TunnelPoolSettings newOut = settings.getOutboundSettings();
        inbound = new AliasedTunnelPool(_context, this, newIn, eInbound);
        outbound = new AliasedTunnelPool(_context, this, newOut, eOutbound);
        _clientInboundPools.put(h, inbound);
        _clientOutboundPools.put(h, outbound);
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
        _log.warn("Added " + dest.toBase32() + " as alias for " + existingClient.toBase32() + " with settings " + settings);
    return true;
Also used : TunnelPoolSettings(net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings) Hash(


TunnelPoolSettings (net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings)10 Hash ( Destination ( TunnelInfo (net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 TunnelManagerFacade (net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade)2 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)1 DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)1 Date (java.util.Date)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 List (java.util.List)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 Set (java.util.Set)1 DataFormatException ( Lease ( LeaseSet ( Payload ( SessionKey ( DataMessage (