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Example 1 with TunnelManagerFacade

use of net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class BuildExecutor method run2.

private void run2() {
    List<TunnelPool> wanted = new ArrayList<TunnelPool>(MAX_CONCURRENT_BUILDS);
    List<TunnelPool> pools = new ArrayList<TunnelPool>(8);
    while (_isRunning && !_manager.isShutdown()) {
        // loopBegin = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            // resets repoll to false unless there are inbound requeusts pending
            _repoll = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < pools.size(); i++) {
                TunnelPool pool = pools.get(i);
                if (!pool.isAlive())
                int howMany = pool.countHowManyToBuild();
                for (int j = 0; j < howMany; j++) wanted.add(pool);
            // allowed() also expires timed out requests (for new style requests)
            int allowed = allowed();
            // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
            // _log.debug("Allowed: " + allowed + " wanted: " + wanted);
            // zero hop ones can run inline
            allowed = buildZeroHopTunnels(wanted, allowed);
            // afterBuildZeroHop = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
            // _log.debug("Zero hops built, Allowed: " + allowed + " wanted: " + wanted);
            // int realBuilt = 0;
            TunnelManagerFacade mgr = _context.tunnelManager();
            if ((mgr == null) || (mgr.getFreeTunnelCount() <= 0) || (mgr.getOutboundTunnelCount() <= 0)) {
                // try to kickstart it to build a fallback, otherwise we may get stuck here for a long time (minutes)
                if (mgr != null) {
                    if (mgr.getFreeTunnelCount() <= 0)
                    if (mgr.getOutboundTunnelCount() <= 0)
                synchronized (_currentlyBuilding) {
                    if (!_repoll) {
                        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
                            _log.debug("No tunnel to build with (allowed=" + allowed + ", wanted=" + wanted.size() + "), wait for a while");
                        try {
                            _currentlyBuilding.wait(1 * 1000 + _context.random().nextInt(1 * 1000));
                        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            } else {
                if ((allowed > 0) && (!wanted.isEmpty())) {
                    if (wanted.size() > 1) {
                        Collections.shuffle(wanted, _context.random());
                        // We generally prioritize pools with no tunnels,
                        // but sometimes (particularly at startup), the paired tunnel endpoint
                        // can start dropping the build messages... or hit connection limits,
                        // or be broken in other ways. So we allow other pools to go
                        // to the front of the line sometimes, to prevent being "locked up"
                        // for several minutes.
                        boolean preferEmpty = _context.random().nextInt(4) != 0;
                        // Java 7 TimSort - see info in TunnelPoolComparator
                        DataHelper.sort(wanted, new TunnelPoolComparator(preferEmpty));
                    // a long, long time
                    if (allowed > 2)
                        allowed = 2;
                    for (int i = 0; (i < allowed) && (!wanted.isEmpty()); i++) {
                        TunnelPool pool = wanted.remove(0);
                        // if (pool.countWantedTunnels() <= 0)
                        // continue;
                        long bef = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        PooledTunnelCreatorConfig cfg = pool.configureNewTunnel();
                        if (cfg != null) {
                            // 0hops are taken care of above, these are nonstandard 0hops
                            if (cfg.getLength() <= 1 && !pool.needFallback()) {
                                if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
                                    _log.debug("We don't need more fallbacks for " + pool);
                                // 0hop, we can keep going, as there's no worry about throttling
                            long pTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - bef;
                            _context.statManager().addRateData("tunnel.buildConfigTime", pTime, 0);
                            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
                                _log.debug("Configuring new tunnel " + i + " for " + pool + ": " + cfg);
                            buildTunnel(pool, cfg);
                        // realBuilt++;
                        } else {
                // wait whether we built tunnels or not
                try {
                    synchronized (_currentlyBuilding) {
                        if (!_repoll) {
                            // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
                            // _log.debug("Nothin' doin (allowed=" + allowed + ", wanted=" + wanted.size() + ", pending=" + pendingRemaining + "), wait for a while");
                            // if (allowed <= 0)
                            _currentlyBuilding.wait((LOOP_TIME / 2) + _context.random().nextInt(LOOP_TIME));
                        // else // wanted <= 0
                        // _currentlyBuilding.wait(_context.random().nextInt(30*1000));
                } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                // someone wanted to build something
        // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
        // _log.debug("build loop complete, tot=" + (afterHandleInbound-loopBegin) +
        // " inReply=" + (afterHandleInboundReplies-beforeHandleInboundReplies) +
        // " zeroHop=" + (afterBuildZeroHop-afterHandleInboundReplies) +
        // " real=" + (afterBuildReal-afterBuildZeroHop) +
        // " in=" + (afterHandleInbound-afterBuildReal) +
        // " built=" + realBuilt +
        // " pending=" + pendingRemaining);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            _log.log(Log.CRIT, "B0rked in the tunnel builder", e);
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
        _log.warn("Done building");
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TunnelManagerFacade(net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade)

Example 2 with TunnelManagerFacade

use of net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class BuildRequestor method request.

 *  Send out a build request message.
 *  @param cfg ReplyMessageId must be set
 *  @return success
public static boolean request(RouterContext ctx, TunnelPool pool, PooledTunnelCreatorConfig cfg, BuildExecutor exec) {
    // new style crypto fills in all the blanks, while the old style waits for replies to fill in the next hop, etc
    prepare(ctx, cfg);
    if (cfg.getLength() <= 1) {
        buildZeroHop(ctx, pool, cfg, exec);
        return true;
    Log log = ctx.logManager().getLog(BuildRequestor.class);
    TunnelInfo pairedTunnel = null;
    Hash farEnd = cfg.getFarEnd();
    TunnelManagerFacade mgr = ctx.tunnelManager();
    boolean isInbound = pool.getSettings().isInbound();
    if (pool.getSettings().isExploratory() || !usePairedTunnels(ctx)) {
        if (isInbound)
            pairedTunnel = mgr.selectOutboundExploratoryTunnel(farEnd);
            pairedTunnel = mgr.selectInboundExploratoryTunnel(farEnd);
    } else {
        // building a client tunnel
        if (isInbound)
            pairedTunnel = mgr.selectOutboundTunnel(pool.getSettings().getDestination(), farEnd);
            pairedTunnel = mgr.selectInboundTunnel(pool.getSettings().getDestination(), farEnd);
        if (pairedTunnel == null) {
            if (isInbound) {
                // random more reliable than closest ??
                // pairedTunnel = mgr.selectOutboundExploratoryTunnel(farEnd);
                pairedTunnel = mgr.selectOutboundTunnel();
                if (pairedTunnel != null && pairedTunnel.getLength() <= 1 && mgr.getOutboundSettings().getLength() > 0 && mgr.getOutboundSettings().getLength() + mgr.getOutboundSettings().getLengthVariance() > 0) {
                    // don't build using a zero-hop expl.,
                    // as it is both very bad for anonomyity,
                    // and it takes a build slot away from exploratory
                    pairedTunnel = null;
            } else {
                // random more reliable than closest ??
                // pairedTunnel = mgr.selectInboundExploratoryTunnel(farEnd);
                pairedTunnel = mgr.selectInboundTunnel();
                if (pairedTunnel != null && pairedTunnel.getLength() <= 1 && mgr.getInboundSettings().getLength() > 0 && mgr.getInboundSettings().getLength() + mgr.getInboundSettings().getLengthVariance() > 0) {
                    // ditto
                    pairedTunnel = null;
            if (pairedTunnel != null && log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "Couldn't find a paired tunnel for " + cfg + ", using exploratory tunnel");
    if (pairedTunnel == null) {
        if (log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
            log.warn("Tunnel build failed, as we couldn't find a paired tunnel for " + cfg);
        exec.buildComplete(cfg, pool);
        // Not even an exploratory tunnel? We are in big trouble.
        // Let's not spin through here too fast.
        // But don't let a client tunnel waiting for exploratories slow things down too much,
        // as there may be other tunnel pools who can build
        int ms = pool.getSettings().isExploratory() ? 250 : 25;
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        return false;
    // long beforeCreate = System.currentTimeMillis();
    TunnelBuildMessage msg = createTunnelBuildMessage(ctx, pool, cfg, pairedTunnel, exec);
    // long createTime = System.currentTimeMillis()-beforeCreate;
    if (msg == null) {
        if (log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
            log.warn("Tunnel build failed, as we couldn't create the tunnel build message for " + cfg);
        exec.buildComplete(cfg, pool);
        return false;
    // long beforeDispatch = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (cfg.isInbound()) {
        if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
  "Sending the tunnel build request " + msg.getUniqueId() + " out the tunnel " + pairedTunnel + " to " + cfg.getPeer(0) + " for " + cfg + " waiting for the reply of " + cfg.getReplyMessageId());
        // send it out a tunnel targetting the first hop
        // TODO - would be nice to have a TunnelBuildFirstHopFailJob queued if the
        // pairedTunnel is zero-hop, but no way to do that?
        ctx.tunnelDispatcher().dispatchOutbound(msg, pairedTunnel.getSendTunnelId(0), cfg.getPeer(0));
    } else {
        if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
  "Sending the tunnel build request directly to " + cfg.getPeer(1) + " for " + cfg + " waiting for the reply of " + cfg.getReplyMessageId() + " with msgId=" + msg.getUniqueId());
        // send it directly to the first hop
        // Add some fuzz to the TBM expiration to make it harder to guess how many hops
        // or placement in the tunnel
        msg.setMessageExpiration(ctx.clock().now() + BUILD_MSG_TIMEOUT + ctx.random().nextLong(20 * 1000));
        // We set the OutNetMessage expiration much shorter, so that the
        // TunnelBuildFirstHopFailJob fires before the 13s build expiration.
        RouterInfo peer = ctx.netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(cfg.getPeer(1));
        if (peer == null) {
            if (log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                log.warn("Could not find the next hop to send the outbound request to: " + cfg);
            exec.buildComplete(cfg, pool);
            return false;
        OutNetMessage outMsg = new OutNetMessage(ctx, msg, ctx.clock().now() + FIRST_HOP_TIMEOUT, PRIORITY, peer);
        outMsg.setOnFailedSendJob(new TunnelBuildFirstHopFailJob(ctx, pool, cfg, exec));
    // + "ms and dispatched in " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-beforeDispatch));
    return true;
Also used : OutNetMessage(net.i2p.router.OutNetMessage) Log(net.i2p.util.Log) RouterInfo( VariableTunnelBuildMessage( TunnelBuildMessage( TunnelInfo(net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo) Hash( TunnelManagerFacade(net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade)

Example 3 with TunnelManagerFacade

use of net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class ExploratoryPeerSelector method selectPeers.

 * In: us .. closest .. middle .. IBGW
 * Out: OBGW .. middle .. closest .. us
 * @return ordered list of Hash objects (one per peer) specifying what order
 *         they should appear in a tunnel (ENDPOINT FIRST).  This includes
 *         the local router in the list.  If there are no tunnels or peers
 *         to build through, and the settings reject 0 hop tunnels, this will
 *         return null.
public List<Hash> selectPeers(TunnelPoolSettings settings) {
    int length = getLength(settings);
    if (length < 0) {
        if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
            log.debug("Length requested is zero: " + settings);
        return null;
    // if (false && shouldSelectExplicit(settings)) {
    // List<Hash> rv = selectExplicit(settings, length);
    // if (l.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
    // l.debug("Explicit peers selected: " + rv);
    // return rv;
    // }
    boolean isInbound = settings.isInbound();
    Set<Hash> exclude = getExclude(isInbound, true);
    // special cases
    boolean nonzero = length > 0;
    boolean exploreHighCap = nonzero && shouldPickHighCap();
    boolean v6Only = nonzero && isIPv6Only();
    boolean ntcpDisabled = nonzero && isNTCPDisabled();
    boolean ssuDisabled = nonzero && isSSUDisabled();
    boolean checkClosestHop = v6Only || ntcpDisabled || ssuDisabled;
    boolean hidden = nonzero && (ctx.router().isHidden() || ctx.router().getRouterInfo().getAddressCount() <= 0);
    boolean hiddenInbound = hidden && isInbound;
    boolean hiddenOutbound = hidden && !isInbound;
    boolean lowOutbound = nonzero && !isInbound && !ctx.commSystem().haveHighOutboundCapacity();
    // closest-hop restrictions
    // Since we're applying orderPeers() later, we don't know
    // which will be the closest hop, so select the closest one here if necessary.
    Hash closestHop = null;
    if (v6Only || hiddenInbound || lowOutbound) {
        Set<Hash> closestExclude;
        if (checkClosestHop) {
            closestExclude = getClosestHopExclude(isInbound);
            if (closestExclude != null)
                closestExclude = exclude;
        } else {
            closestExclude = exclude;
        Set<Hash> closest = new HashSet<Hash>(1);
        if (hiddenInbound || lowOutbound) {
            // use only connected peers so we don't make more connections
            if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "EPS SANFP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
            // SANFP adds all not-connected to exclude, so make a copy
            Set<Hash> SANFPExclude = new HashSet<Hash>(closestExclude);
            ctx.profileOrganizer().selectActiveNotFailingPeers(1, SANFPExclude, closest);
            if (closest.isEmpty()) {
                // ANFP does not fall back to non-connected
                if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
          "EPS SFP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
                ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(1, closestExclude, closest);
        } else if (exploreHighCap) {
            if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "EPS SHCP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
            ctx.profileOrganizer().selectHighCapacityPeers(1, closestExclude, closest);
        } else {
            if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "EPS SNFP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
            ctx.profileOrganizer().selectNotFailingPeers(1, closestExclude, closest, false);
        if (!closest.isEmpty()) {
            closestHop = closest.iterator().next();
    // furthest-hop restrictions
    // Since we're applying orderPeers() later, we don't know
    // which will be the furthest hop, so select the furthest one here if necessary.
    Hash furthestHop = null;
    if (hiddenOutbound && length > 0) {
        // OBEP
        // check for hidden and outbound, and the paired (inbound) tunnel is zero-hop
        // if so, we need the OBEP to be connected to us, so we get the build reply back
        // This should be rare except at startup
        TunnelManagerFacade tmf = ctx.tunnelManager();
        TunnelPool tp = tmf.getInboundExploratoryPool();
        TunnelPoolSettings tps = tp.getSettings();
        int len = tps.getLength();
        boolean pickFurthest = true;
        if (len <= 0 || tps.getLengthOverride() == 0 || len + tps.getLengthVariance() <= 0) {
        // leave it true
        } else {
            for (TunnelInfo ti : tp.listTunnels()) {
                if (ti.getLength() > 1) {
                    pickFurthest = false;
        if (pickFurthest) {
            Set<Hash> furthest = new HashSet<Hash>(1);
            if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "EPS SANFP furthest OB exclude " + exclude.size());
            // ANFP adds all not-connected to exclude, so make a copy
            Set<Hash> SANFPExclude = new HashSet<Hash>(exclude);
            ctx.profileOrganizer().selectActiveNotFailingPeers(1, SANFPExclude, furthest);
            if (furthest.isEmpty()) {
                // ANFP does not fall back to non-connected
                if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
          "EPS SFP furthest OB exclude " + exclude.size());
                ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(1, exclude, furthest);
            if (!furthest.isEmpty()) {
                furthestHop = furthest.iterator().next();
    // Don't use ff peers for exploratory tunnels to lessen exposure to netDb searches and stores
    // Hmm if they don't get explored they don't get a speed/capacity rating
    // so they don't get used for client tunnels either.
    // FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade fac = (FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade)ctx.netDb();
    // exclude.addAll(fac.getFloodfillPeers());
    HashSet<Hash> matches = new HashSet<Hash>(length);
    if (length > 0) {
        if (exploreHighCap) {
            if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "EPS SHCP " + length + (isInbound ? " IB" : " OB") + " exclude " + exclude.size());
            ctx.profileOrganizer().selectHighCapacityPeers(length, exclude, matches);
        } else {
            // Peer org credits existing items in matches
            if (length > 2)
                ctx.profileOrganizer().selectHighCapacityPeers(length - 2, exclude, matches);
            if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "EPS SNFP " + length + (isInbound ? " IB" : " OB") + " exclude " + exclude.size());
            ctx.profileOrganizer().selectNotFailingPeers(length, exclude, matches, false);
    ArrayList<Hash> rv = new ArrayList<Hash>(matches);
    if (rv.size() > 1)
        orderPeers(rv, settings.getRandomKey());
    if (closestHop != null) {
        if (isInbound)
            rv.add(0, closestHop);
    if (furthestHop != null) {
        // always OBEP for now, nothing special for IBGW
        if (isInbound)
            rv.add(0, furthestHop);
    // log.debug("EPS result: " + DataHelper.toString(rv));
    if (isInbound)
        rv.add(0, ctx.routerHash());
    if (rv.size() > 1) {
        if (!checkTunnel(isInbound, rv))
            rv = null;
    return rv;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TunnelPoolSettings(net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings) TunnelInfo(net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo) Hash( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) TunnelManagerFacade(net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade)

Example 4 with TunnelManagerFacade

use of net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class ClientPeerSelector method selectPeers.

 * In: us .. closest .. middle .. IBGW
 * Out: OBGW .. middle .. closest .. us
 * @return ordered list of Hash objects (one per peer) specifying what order
 *         they should appear in a tunnel (ENDPOINT FIRST).  This includes
 *         the local router in the list.  If there are no tunnels or peers
 *         to build through, and the settings reject 0 hop tunnels, this will
 *         return null.
public List<Hash> selectPeers(TunnelPoolSettings settings) {
    int length = getLength(settings);
    if (length < 0)
        return null;
    if ((length == 0) && (settings.getLength() + settings.getLengthVariance() > 0))
        return null;
    List<Hash> rv;
    boolean isInbound = settings.isInbound();
    if (length > 0) {
        // special cases
        boolean v6Only = isIPv6Only();
        boolean ntcpDisabled = isNTCPDisabled();
        boolean ssuDisabled = isSSUDisabled();
        boolean checkClosestHop = v6Only || ntcpDisabled || ssuDisabled;
        boolean hidden = ctx.router().isHidden() || ctx.router().getRouterInfo().getAddressCount() <= 0;
        boolean hiddenInbound = hidden && isInbound;
        boolean hiddenOutbound = hidden && !isInbound;
        if (shouldSelectExplicit(settings))
            return selectExplicit(settings, length);
        Set<Hash> exclude = getExclude(isInbound, false);
        Set<Hash> matches = new HashSet<Hash>(length);
        if (length == 1) {
            // closest-hop restrictions
            if (checkClosestHop) {
                Set<Hash> moreExclude = getClosestHopExclude(isInbound);
                if (moreExclude != null)
            if (hiddenInbound) {
                // SANFP adds all not-connected to exclude, so make a copy
                Set<Hash> SANFPExclude = new HashSet<Hash>(exclude);
                ctx.profileOrganizer().selectActiveNotFailingPeers(1, SANFPExclude, matches);
            if (matches.isEmpty()) {
                // ANFP does not fall back to non-connected
                ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(length, exclude, matches, 0);
            rv = new ArrayList<Hash>(matches);
        } else {
            // build a tunnel using 4 subtiers.
            // For a 2-hop tunnel, the first hop comes from subtiers 0-1 and the last from subtiers 2-3.
            // For a longer tunnels, the first hop comes from subtier 0, the middle from subtiers 2-3, and the last from subtier 1.
            rv = new ArrayList<Hash>(length + 1);
            Hash randomKey = settings.getRandomKey();
            // OBEP or IB last hop
            // group 0 or 1 if two hops, otherwise group 0
            Set<Hash> lastHopExclude;
            if (isInbound) {
                // closest-hop restrictions
                if (checkClosestHop) {
                    Set<Hash> moreExclude = getClosestHopExclude(false);
                    if (moreExclude != null) {
                        lastHopExclude = moreExclude;
                    } else {
                        lastHopExclude = exclude;
                } else {
                    lastHopExclude = exclude;
            } else {
                lastHopExclude = exclude;
            if (hiddenInbound) {
                // IB closest hop
                if (log.shouldInfo())
          "CPS SANFP closest IB exclude " + lastHopExclude.size());
                // SANFP adds all not-connected to exclude, so make a copy
                Set<Hash> SANFPExclude = new HashSet<Hash>(lastHopExclude);
                ctx.profileOrganizer().selectActiveNotFailingPeers(1, SANFPExclude, matches);
                if (matches.isEmpty()) {
                    if (log.shouldInfo())
              "CPS SFP closest IB exclude " + lastHopExclude.size());
                    // ANFP does not fall back to non-connected
                    ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(1, lastHopExclude, matches, randomKey, length == 2 ? SLICE_0_1 : SLICE_0);
            } else if (hiddenOutbound) {
                // OBEP
                // check for hidden and outbound, and the paired (inbound) tunnel is zero-hop
                // if so, we need the OBEP to be connected to us, so we get the build reply back
                // This should be rare except at startup
                TunnelManagerFacade tmf = ctx.tunnelManager();
                TunnelPool tp = tmf.getInboundPool(settings.getDestination());
                boolean pickFurthest;
                if (tp != null) {
                    pickFurthest = true;
                    TunnelPoolSettings tps = tp.getSettings();
                    int len = tps.getLength();
                    if (len <= 0 || tps.getLengthOverride() == 0 || len + tps.getLengthVariance() <= 0) {
                    // leave it true
                    } else {
                        List<TunnelInfo> tunnels = tp.listTunnels();
                        if (!tunnels.isEmpty()) {
                            for (TunnelInfo ti : tp.listTunnels()) {
                                if (ti.getLength() > 1) {
                                    pickFurthest = false;
                        } else {
                            // no tunnels in the paired tunnel pool
                            // BuildRequester will be using exploratory
                            tp = tmf.getInboundExploratoryPool();
                            tps = tp.getSettings();
                            len = tps.getLength();
                            if (len <= 0 || tps.getLengthOverride() == 0 || len + tps.getLengthVariance() <= 0) {
                            // leave it true
                            } else {
                                tunnels = tp.listTunnels();
                                if (!tunnels.isEmpty()) {
                                    for (TunnelInfo ti : tp.listTunnels()) {
                                        if (ti.getLength() > 1) {
                                            pickFurthest = false;
                } else {
                    // shouldn't happen
                    pickFurthest = false;
                if (pickFurthest) {
                    if (log.shouldInfo())
              "CPS SANFP OBEP exclude " + lastHopExclude.size());
                    // SANFP adds all not-connected to exclude, so make a copy
                    Set<Hash> SANFPExclude = new HashSet<Hash>(lastHopExclude);
                    ctx.profileOrganizer().selectActiveNotFailingPeers(1, SANFPExclude, matches);
                    if (matches.isEmpty()) {
                        // ANFP does not fall back to non-connected
                        if (log.shouldInfo())
                  "CPS SFP OBEP exclude " + lastHopExclude.size());
                        ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(1, lastHopExclude, matches, randomKey, length == 2 ? SLICE_0_1 : SLICE_0);
                } else {
                    ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(1, lastHopExclude, matches, randomKey, length == 2 ? SLICE_0_1 : SLICE_0);
            } else {
                // TODO exclude IPv6-only at OBEP? Caught in checkTunnel() below
                ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(1, lastHopExclude, matches, randomKey, length == 2 ? SLICE_0_1 : SLICE_0);
            if (length > 2) {
                // middle hop(s)
                // group 2 or 3
                ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(length - 2, exclude, matches, randomKey, SLICE_2_3);
                if (matches.size() > 1) {
                    // order the middle peers for tunnels >= 4 hops
                    List<Hash> ordered = new ArrayList<Hash>(matches);
                    orderPeers(ordered, randomKey);
                } else {
            // group 2 or 3 if two hops, otherwise group 1
            if (!isInbound) {
                // closest-hop restrictions
                if (checkClosestHop) {
                    Set<Hash> moreExclude = getClosestHopExclude(true);
                    if (moreExclude != null)
            // TODO exclude IPv6-only at IBGW? Caught in checkTunnel() below
            ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(1, exclude, matches, randomKey, length == 2 ? SLICE_2_3 : SLICE_1);
    } else {
        rv = new ArrayList<Hash>(1);
    // log.debug("EPS result: " + DataHelper.toString(rv));
    if (isInbound)
        rv.add(0, ctx.routerHash());
    if (rv.size() > 1) {
        if (!checkTunnel(isInbound, rv))
            rv = null;
    return rv;
Also used : HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TunnelInfo(net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo) Hash( TunnelManagerFacade(net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade) TunnelPoolSettings(net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 5 with TunnelManagerFacade

use of net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class IterativeSearchJob method sendQuery.

 *  Send a DLM to the peer
private void sendQuery(Hash peer) {
    TunnelManagerFacade tm = getContext().tunnelManager();
    RouterInfo ri = getContext().netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(peer);
    if (ri != null) {
        // Now that most of the netdb is Ed RIs and EC LSs, don't even bother
        // querying old floodfills that don't know about those sig types.
        // This is also more recent than the version that supports encrypted replies,
        // so we won't request unencrypted replies anymore either.
        String v = ri.getVersion();
        String since = MIN_QUERY_VERSION;
        if (VersionComparator.comp(v, since) < 0) {
            failed(peer, false);
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                _log.warn(getJobId() + ": not sending query to old version " + v + ": " + peer);
    TunnelInfo outTunnel;
    TunnelInfo replyTunnel;
    boolean isClientReplyTunnel;
    boolean isDirect;
    if (_fromLocalDest != null) {
        outTunnel = tm.selectOutboundTunnel(_fromLocalDest, peer);
        if (outTunnel == null)
            outTunnel = tm.selectOutboundExploratoryTunnel(peer);
        replyTunnel = tm.selectInboundTunnel(_fromLocalDest, peer);
        isClientReplyTunnel = replyTunnel != null;
        if (!isClientReplyTunnel)
            replyTunnel = tm.selectInboundExploratoryTunnel(peer);
        isDirect = false;
    } else if ((!_isLease) && ri != null && getContext().commSystem().isEstablished(peer)) {
        // If it's a RI lookup, not from a client, and we're already connected, just ask directly
        // This also saves the ElG encryption for us and the decryption for the ff
        // There's no anonymity reason to use an expl. tunnel... the main reason
        // is to limit connections to the ffs. But if we're already connected,
        // do it the fast and easy way.
        outTunnel = null;
        replyTunnel = null;
        isClientReplyTunnel = false;
        isDirect = true;
        getContext().statManager().addRateData("netDb.RILookupDirect", 1);
    } else {
        outTunnel = tm.selectOutboundExploratoryTunnel(peer);
        replyTunnel = tm.selectInboundExploratoryTunnel(peer);
        isClientReplyTunnel = false;
        isDirect = false;
        getContext().statManager().addRateData("netDb.RILookupDirect", 0);
    if ((!isDirect) && (replyTunnel == null || outTunnel == null)) {
    // not being able to send to the floodfill, if we don't have an older netdb entry.
    if (outTunnel != null && outTunnel.getLength() <= 1) {
        if (peer.equals(_key)) {
            failed(peer, false);
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                _log.warn(getJobId() + ": not doing zero-hop self-lookup of " + peer);
        if (_facade.lookupLocallyWithoutValidation(peer) == null) {
            failed(peer, false);
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                _log.warn(getJobId() + ": not doing zero-hop lookup to unknown " + peer);
    DatabaseLookupMessage dlm = new DatabaseLookupMessage(getContext(), true);
    if (isDirect) {
    } else {
    dlm.setMessageExpiration(getContext().clock().now() + SINGLE_SEARCH_MSG_TIME);
    dlm.setSearchType(_isLease ? DatabaseLookupMessage.Type.LS : DatabaseLookupMessage.Type.RI);
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) {
        int tries;
        synchronized (this) {
            tries = _unheardFrom.size() + _failedPeers.size();
        } + ": ISJ try " + tries + " for " + (_isLease ? "LS " : "RI ") + _key + " to " + peer + " direct? " + isDirect + " reply via client tunnel? " + isClientReplyTunnel);
    long now = getContext().clock().now();
    _sentTime.put(peer, Long.valueOf(now));
    I2NPMessage outMsg = null;
    if (isDirect) {
    // never wrap
    } else if (_isLease || (getContext().getProperty(PROP_ENCRYPT_RI, DEFAULT_ENCRYPT_RI) && getContext().jobQueue().getMaxLag() < 300)) {
        // if we have the ff RI, garlic encrypt it
        if (ri != null) {
            // if (DatabaseLookupMessage.supportsEncryptedReplies(ri)) {
            if (true) {
                MessageWrapper.OneTimeSession sess;
                if (isClientReplyTunnel)
                    sess = MessageWrapper.generateSession(getContext(), _fromLocalDest);
                    sess = MessageWrapper.generateSession(getContext());
                if (sess != null) {
                    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
               + ": Requesting encrypted reply from " + peer + ' ' + sess.key + ' ' + sess.tag);
                    dlm.setReplySession(sess.key, sess.tag);
            // else client went away, but send it anyway
            outMsg = MessageWrapper.wrap(getContext(), dlm, ri);
            // a response may have come in.
            if (_dead) {
                if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
                    _log.debug(getJobId() + ": aborting send, finished while wrapping msg to " + peer);
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
                _log.debug(getJobId() + ": Encrypted DLM for " + _key + " to " + peer);
    if (outMsg == null)
        outMsg = dlm;
    if (isDirect) {
        OutNetMessage m = new OutNetMessage(getContext(), outMsg, outMsg.getMessageExpiration(), OutNetMessage.PRIORITY_MY_NETDB_LOOKUP, ri);
        // Should always succeed, we are connected already
        // m.setOnFailedReplyJob(onFail);
        // m.setOnFailedSendJob(onFail);
        // m.setOnReplyJob(onReply);
        // m.setReplySelector(selector);
        // getContext().messageRegistry().registerPending(m);
    } else {
        getContext().tunnelDispatcher().dispatchOutbound(outMsg, outTunnel.getSendTunnelId(0), peer);
    // The timeout job is always run (never cancelled)
    // Note that the timeout is much shorter than the message expiration (see above)
    Job j = new IterativeTimeoutJob(getContext(), peer, this);
    long expire = Math.min(_expiration, now + _singleSearchTime);
Also used : RouterInfo( TunnelInfo(net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo) TunnelManagerFacade(net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade) DatabaseLookupMessage( OutNetMessage(net.i2p.router.OutNetMessage) I2NPMessage( ReplyJob(net.i2p.router.ReplyJob) Job(net.i2p.router.Job)


TunnelManagerFacade (net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade)5 TunnelInfo (net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Hash ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 RouterInfo ( OutNetMessage (net.i2p.router.OutNetMessage)2 TunnelPoolSettings (net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings)2 List (java.util.List)1 Set (java.util.Set)1 DatabaseLookupMessage ( I2NPMessage ( TunnelBuildMessage ( VariableTunnelBuildMessage ( Job (net.i2p.router.Job)1 ReplyJob (net.i2p.router.ReplyJob)1 Log (net.i2p.util.Log)1