Search in sources :

Example 1 with RateStat

use of net.i2p.stat.RateStat in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class ProfileOrganizerRenderer method avg.

private String avg(PeerProfile prof, long rate, RateAverages ra) {
    RateStat rs = prof.getDbResponseTime();
    if (rs == null)
        return _t(NA);
    Rate r = rs.getRate(rate);
    if (r == null)
        return _t(NA);
    r.computeAverages(ra, false);
    if (ra.getTotalEventCount() == 0)
        return _t(NA);
    return DataHelper.formatDuration2(Math.round(ra.getAverage()));
Also used : RateStat(net.i2p.stat.RateStat) Rate(net.i2p.stat.Rate)

Example 2 with RateStat

use of net.i2p.stat.RateStat in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SummaryHelper method getLifetimeKBps.

 *    @return "x.xx / y.yy {K|M}"
public String getLifetimeKBps() {
    if (_context == null)
        return "0 / 0";
    RateStat receiveRate = _context.statManager().getRate("bw.recvRate");
    double in;
    if (receiveRate == null)
        in = 0;
        in = receiveRate.getLifetimeAverageValue();
    RateStat sendRate = _context.statManager().getRate("bw.sendRate");
    double out;
    if (sendRate == null)
        out = 0;
        out = sendRate.getLifetimeAverageValue();
    return formatPair(in, out);
Also used : RateStat(net.i2p.stat.RateStat)

Example 3 with RateStat

use of net.i2p.stat.RateStat in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SummaryHelper method getJobLag.

 * How lagged our job queue is over the last minute (pretty printed with
 * the units attached)
public String getJobLag() {
    if (_context == null)
        return "0";
    RateStat rs = _context.statManager().getRate("jobQueue.jobLag");
    if (rs == null)
        return "0";
    Rate lagRate = rs.getRate(60 * 1000);
    return DataHelper.formatDuration2((long) lagRate.getAverageValue());
Also used : RateStat(net.i2p.stat.RateStat) Rate(net.i2p.stat.Rate)

Example 4 with RateStat

use of net.i2p.stat.RateStat in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class SummaryListener method startListening.

 *  @return success
public boolean startListening() {
    RateStat rs = _rate.getRateStat();
    long period = _rate.getPeriod();
    String baseName = rs.getName() + "." + period;
    _name = createName(_context, baseName);
    _eventName = createName(_context, baseName + ".events");
    File rrdFile = null;
    try {
        RrdBackendFactory factory = RrdBackendFactory.getFactory(getBackendName());
        String rrdDefName;
        if (_isPersistent) {
            // generate full path for persistent RRD files
            File rrdDir = new SecureFile(_context.getRouterDir(), RRD_DIR);
            rrdFile = new File(rrdDir, RRD_PREFIX + _name + RRD_SUFFIX);
            rrdDefName = rrdFile.getAbsolutePath();
            if (rrdFile.exists()) {
                _db = new RrdDb(rrdDefName, factory);
                Archive arch = _db.getArchive(CF, STEPS);
                if (arch == null)
                    throw new IOException("No average CF in " + rrdDefName);
                _rows = arch.getRows();
                if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
          "Existing RRD " + baseName + " (" + rrdDefName + ") with " + _rows + " rows consuming " + _db.getRrdBackend().getLength() + " bytes");
            } else {
        } else {
            rrdDefName = _name;
        if (_db == null) {
            // not persistent or not previously existing
            RrdDef def = new RrdDef(rrdDefName, now() / 1000, period / 1000);
            // for info on the heartbeat, xff, steps, etc, see the rrdcreate man page, aka
            long heartbeat = period * 10 / 1000;
            def.addDatasource(_name, "GAUGE", heartbeat, Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
            def.addDatasource(_eventName, "GAUGE", heartbeat, 0, Double.NaN);
            if (_isPersistent) {
                _rows = (int) Math.max(MIN_ROWS, Math.min(MAX_ROWS, THREE_MONTHS / period));
            } else {
                _rows = MIN_ROWS;
            def.addArchive(CF, XFF, STEPS, _rows);
            _db = new RrdDb(def, factory);
            if (_isPersistent)
                SecureFileOutputStream.setPerms(new File(rrdDefName));
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "New RRD " + baseName + " (" + rrdDefName + ") with " + _rows + " rows consuming " + _db.getRrdBackend().getLength() + " bytes");
        _sample = _db.createSample();
        _renderer = new SummaryRenderer(_context, this);
        return true;
    } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) {
        _log.error("Error starting RRD for stat " + baseName, oom);
    } catch (RrdException re) {
        _log.error("Error starting RRD for stat " + baseName, re);
        // corrupt file?
        if (_isPersistent && rrdFile != null)
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        _log.error("Error starting RRD for stat " + baseName, ioe);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        _log.error("Error starting RRD for stat " + baseName, t);
    return false;
Also used : Archive(org.jrobin.core.Archive) RrdDef(org.jrobin.core.RrdDef) SecureFile(net.i2p.util.SecureFile) IOException( RateStat(net.i2p.stat.RateStat) RrdBackendFactory(org.jrobin.core.RrdBackendFactory) RrdDb(org.jrobin.core.RrdDb) RrdException(org.jrobin.core.RrdException) SecureFile(net.i2p.util.SecureFile) File(

Example 5 with RateStat

use of net.i2p.stat.RateStat in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class ConfigStatsHelper method hasMoreStats.

 * move the cursor to the next known stat, returning true if a valid
 * stat is available.
 * @return true if a valid stat is available, otherwise false
public boolean hasMoreStats() {
    if (_stats.isEmpty())
        return false;
    _currentIsGraphed = false;
    _currentStatName = _stats.remove(0);
    RateStat rs = _context.statManager().getRate(_currentStatName);
    if (rs != null) {
        _currentStatDescription = rs.getDescription();
        if (_currentGroup == null)
            _currentIsFirstInGroup = true;
        else if (!rs.getGroupName().equals(_currentGroup))
            _currentIsFirstInGroup = true;
            _currentIsFirstInGroup = false;
        _currentGroup = rs.getGroupName();
        // should be the minimum
        long period = rs.getPeriods()[0];
        if (period <= 10 * 60 * 1000) {
            Rate r = rs.getRate(period);
            _currentCanBeGraphed = r != null;
            if (_currentCanBeGraphed) {
                // see above
                // _currentIsGraphed = r.getSummaryListener() != null;
                _currentGraphName = _currentStatName + "." + period;
                _currentIsGraphed = _graphs.contains(_currentGraphName);
        } else {
            _currentCanBeGraphed = false;
    } else {
        FrequencyStat fs = _context.statManager().getFrequency(_currentStatName);
        if (fs != null) {
            _currentStatDescription = fs.getDescription();
            if (_currentGroup == null)
                _currentIsFirstInGroup = true;
            else if (!fs.getGroupName().equals(_currentGroup))
                _currentIsFirstInGroup = true;
                _currentIsFirstInGroup = false;
            _currentGroup = fs.getGroupName();
            _currentCanBeGraphed = false;
        } else {
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR))
                _log.error("Stat does not exist?!  [" + _currentStatName + "]");
            return false;
    if (_filters.contains("*") || _filters.contains(_currentStatName))
        _currentIsLogged = true;
        _currentIsLogged = false;
    return true;
Also used : FrequencyStat(net.i2p.stat.FrequencyStat) RateStat(net.i2p.stat.RateStat) Rate(net.i2p.stat.Rate)


RateStat (net.i2p.stat.RateStat)33 Rate (net.i2p.stat.Rate)24 Hash ( RouterInfo ( RateAverages (net.i2p.stat.RateAverages)4 PeerProfile (net.i2p.router.peermanager.PeerProfile)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 RouterContext (net.i2p.router.RouterContext)2 StatManager (net.i2p.stat.StatManager)2 File ( IOException ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)1 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)1 RouterAddress ( CommSystemFacade (net.i2p.router.CommSystemFacade)1 TunnelInfo (net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo)1 DBHistory (net.i2p.router.peermanager.DBHistory)1 HopConfig (net.i2p.router.tunnel.HopConfig)1 TunnelPool (net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.TunnelPool)1