use of net.imglib2.outofbounds.OutOfBoundsMirrorFactory in project imagej-ops by imagej.
the class DefaultFrangi method frangi.
private final void frangi(RandomAccessibleInterval<T> in, RandomAccessibleInterval<U> out, int step) {
// create denominators used for gaussians later.
double ad = 2 * alpha * alpha;
double bd = 2 * beta * beta;
// OutOfBoundsMirrorStrategy for use when the cursor reaches the edges.
OutOfBoundsMirrorFactory<T, RandomAccessibleInterval<T>> osmf = new OutOfBoundsMirrorFactory<T, RandomAccessibleInterval<T>>(Boundary.SINGLE);
Cursor<T> cursor = Views.iterable(in).localizingCursor();
Matrix hessian = new Matrix(in.numDimensions(), in.numDimensions());
// use three RandomAccess<T> Objects to find the values needed to calculate
// the
// second derivatives.
RandomAccess<T> current = osmf.create(in);
RandomAccess<T> behind = osmf.create(in);
RandomAccess<T> ahead = osmf.create(in);
RandomAccess<U> outputRA = out.randomAccess();
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
// calculate the hessian
for (int m = 0; m < in.numDimensions(); m++) {
for (int n = 0; n < in.numDimensions(); n++) {
// move one behind to take the first derivative
behind.move(-step, m);
if (m != n)
behind.move(-step, n);
// take the derivative between the two points
double derivativeA = derive(behind.get().getRealDouble(), current.get().getRealDouble(), getDistance(behind, current, in.numDimensions()));
// move one ahead to take the other first derivative
ahead.move(step, m);
if (m != n)
ahead.move(step, n);
// take the derivative between the two points
double derivativeB = derive(current.get().getRealDouble(), ahead.get().getRealDouble(), getDistance(current, ahead, in.numDimensions()));
// take the second derivative using the two first derivatives
double derivative2 = derive(derivativeA, derivativeB, getDistance(behind, ahead, in.numDimensions()));
hessian.set(m, n, derivative2);
// find the FrobeniusNorm (used later)
double s = hessian.normF();
double cn = -(s * s);
// find and sort the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hessian
EigenvalueDecomposition e = hessian.eig();
double[] eigenvaluesArray = e.getRealEigenvalues();
ArrayList<Double> eigenvaluesArrayList = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (double d : eigenvaluesArray) eigenvaluesArrayList.add(d);
Collections.sort(eigenvaluesArrayList, Comparator.comparingDouble(Math::abs));
// vesselness value
double v = 0;
if (in.numDimensions() == 2) {
double c = 15;
double cd = 2 * c * c;
// lambda values
double l1 = eigenvaluesArrayList.get(0);
double al1 = Math.abs(l1);
double l2 = eigenvaluesArrayList.get(1);
double al2 = Math.abs(l2);
// Check to see if the point is on a tubular structure.
if (l2 < 0) {
// ratio Rb
double rb = al1 / al2;
// values for ease of final calculation
double bn = -(rb * rb);
v = Math.exp(bn / bd) * (1 - Math.exp(cn / cd));
} else if (in.numDimensions() == 3) {
double c = 200;
double cd = 2 * c * c;
// lambda values
double l1 = eigenvaluesArrayList.get(0);
double al1 = Math.abs(l1);
double l2 = eigenvaluesArrayList.get(1);
double al2 = Math.abs(l2);
double l3 = eigenvaluesArrayList.get(2);
double al3 = Math.abs(l3);
* N.B. This conditional statement only takes into account the sign
* on the third-smallest eigenvalue, not both the second and third as
* described in the paper. Original versions of this filter took the
* signs of both into account, but the result of the filter was an
* empty image. Only by removing the condition of the sign of the
* second eigenvalue were we able to obtain results that matched
* human expectations of a 3-D version of the filter. This conditional
* in particular achieved results best aligned with human expectation.
if (l3 < 0) {
// ratios Rb and Ra
double rb = al1 / Math.sqrt(al2 * al3);
double ra = al2 / al3;
// values for ease of final calculation
double an = -(ra * ra);
double bn = -(rb * rb);
// System.out.println(l1 + " " + l2 + " " + l3);
v = (1 - Math.exp(an / ad)) * Math.exp(bn / bd) * (1 - Math.exp(cn / cd));
} else
throw new RuntimeException("Currently only 2 or 3 dimensional images are supported");
if (!Double.isNaN(v)) {
maximumVesselness = Math.max(v, maximumVesselness);
minimumVesselness = Math.min(v, minimumVesselness);