use of net.minecraft.block.PortalInfo in project Mekanism by mekanism.
the class TileEntityTeleporter method teleportPassenger.
private static void teleportPassenger(ServerWorld destWorld, Vector3d destination, Entity repositionedEntity, Entity passenger) {
if (!passenger.canChangeDimensions()) {
// If the passenger can't change dimensions just let it peacefully stay after dismounting rather than trying to teleport it
// Note: We grab the passengers here instead of in placeEntity as changeDimension starts by removing any passengers
List<Entity> passengers = passenger.getPassengers();
passenger.changeDimension(destWorld, new ITeleporter() {
public Entity placeEntity(Entity entity, ServerWorld currentWorld, ServerWorld destWorld, float yaw, Function<Boolean, Entity> repositionEntity) {
boolean invulnerable = entity.isInvulnerable();
// Make the entity invulnerable so that when we teleport it, it doesn't take damage
// we revert this state to the previous state after teleporting
Entity repositionedPassenger = repositionEntity.apply(false);
if (repositionedPassenger != null) {
// Force our passenger to start riding the new entity again
repositionedPassenger.startRiding(repositionedEntity, true);
// Teleport "nested" passengers
for (Entity passenger : passengers) {
teleportPassenger(destWorld, destination, repositionedPassenger, passenger);
return repositionedPassenger;
public PortalInfo getPortalInfo(Entity entity, ServerWorld destWorld, Function<ServerWorld, PortalInfo> defaultPortalInfo) {
// This is needed to ensure the passenger starts getting tracked after teleporting
return new PortalInfo(destination, entity.getDeltaMovement(), entity.yRot, entity.xRot);
public boolean playTeleportSound(ServerPlayerEntity player, ServerWorld sourceWorld, ServerWorld destWorld) {
return false;
use of net.minecraft.block.PortalInfo in project ChaosAwakens by ChaosAwakens.
the class HeightmapTeleporter method getPortalInfo.
public PortalInfo getPortalInfo(Entity entity, ServerWorld targetWorld, Function<ServerWorld, PortalInfo> defaultPortalInfo) {
// ChaosAwakens.debug("TELEPORTER", entity+" "+targetWorld);
WorldBorder border = targetWorld.getWorldBorder();
double coordDiff = DimensionType.getTeleportationScale(entity.level.dimensionType(), targetWorld.dimensionType());
// You know how walking a block on the nether equals to X in the overworld, this
// is checking for it
Vector3d newPosVector = new Vector3d(MathHelper.clamp(entity.getX() * coordDiff * 1.0, Math.max(-2.9999872E7D, border.getMinX() + 16.0D), Math.min(2.9999872E7D, border.getMaxX() - 16.0D)), entity.getY(), MathHelper.clamp(entity.getZ() * coordDiff * 1.0, Math.max(-2.9999872E7D, border.getMinZ() + 16.0D), Math.min(2.9999872E7D, border.getMaxZ() - 16.0D)));
// Load target chunk
targetWorld.getChunk(new BlockPos(newPosVector));
entity.forcedLoading = true;
// Get a valid Y pos for the targeted block
BlockPos targetPos;
int tries = 0;
do {
targetPos = new BlockPos(newPosVector.x(), targetWorld.getHeight(Heightmap.Type.WORLD_SURFACE, (int) newPosVector.x(), (int) newPosVector.z()), newPosVector.z());
} while (targetPos.getY() <= 0 && tries < 30);
return new PortalInfo(new Vector3d(newPosVector.x(), targetPos.getY(), newPosVector.z()), new Vector3d(0, 0, 0), entity.yRot, entity.xRot);
use of net.minecraft.block.PortalInfo in project Mekanism by mekanism.
the class EntityRobit method goHome.
public void goHome() {
if (level.isClientSide()) {
if (level.dimension() == homeLocation.dimension) {
setDeltaMovement(0, 0, 0);
teleportTo(homeLocation.getX() + 0.5, homeLocation.getY() + 0.3, homeLocation.getZ() + 0.5);
} else {
ServerWorld newWorld = ((ServerWorld) this.level).getServer().getLevel(homeLocation.dimension);
if (newWorld != null) {
Vector3d destination = new Vector3d(homeLocation.getX() + 0.5, homeLocation.getY() + 0.3, homeLocation.getZ() + 0.5);
changeDimension(newWorld, new ITeleporter() {
public Entity placeEntity(Entity entity, ServerWorld currentWorld, ServerWorld destWorld, float yaw, Function<Boolean, Entity> repositionEntity) {
return repositionEntity.apply(false);
public PortalInfo getPortalInfo(Entity entity, ServerWorld destWorld, Function<ServerWorld, PortalInfo> defaultPortalInfo) {
return new PortalInfo(destination, Vector3d.ZERO, entity.yRot, entity.xRot);
public boolean playTeleportSound(ServerPlayerEntity player, ServerWorld sourceWorld, ServerWorld destWorld) {
return false;
use of net.minecraft.block.PortalInfo in project Mekanism by mekanism.
the class TileEntityTeleporter method teleportEntityTo.
public static Entity teleportEntityTo(Entity entity, World targetWorld, BlockPos target) {
if (entity.getCommandSenderWorld().dimension() == targetWorld.dimension()) {
entity.teleportTo(target.getX() + 0.5, target.getY(), target.getZ() + 0.5);
if (!entity.getPassengers().isEmpty()) {
// Force re-apply any passengers so that players don't get "stuck" outside what they may be riding
((ServerChunkProvider) entity.getCommandSenderWorld().getChunkSource()).broadcast(entity, new SSetPassengersPacket(entity));
Entity controller = entity.getControllingPassenger();
if (controller != entity && controller instanceof ServerPlayerEntity && !(controller instanceof FakePlayer)) {
ServerPlayerEntity player = (ServerPlayerEntity) controller;
if (player.connection != null) {
// Force sync the fact that the vehicle moved to the client that is controlling it
// so that it makes sure to use the correct positions when sending move packets
// back to the server instead of running into moved wrongly issues
player.connection.send(new SMoveVehiclePacket(entity));
return entity;
Vector3d destination = new Vector3d(target.getX() + 0.5, target.getY(), target.getZ() + 0.5);
// Note: We grab the passengers here instead of in placeEntity as changeDimension starts by removing any passengers
List<Entity> passengers = entity.getPassengers();
return entity.changeDimension((ServerWorld) targetWorld, new ITeleporter() {
public Entity placeEntity(Entity entity, ServerWorld currentWorld, ServerWorld destWorld, float yaw, Function<Boolean, Entity> repositionEntity) {
Entity repositionedEntity = repositionEntity.apply(false);
if (repositionedEntity != null) {
// Teleport all passengers to the other dimension and then make them start riding the entity again
for (Entity passenger : passengers) {
teleportPassenger(destWorld, destination, repositionedEntity, passenger);
return repositionedEntity;
public PortalInfo getPortalInfo(Entity entity, ServerWorld destWorld, Function<ServerWorld, PortalInfo> defaultPortalInfo) {
return new PortalInfo(destination, entity.getDeltaMovement(), entity.yRot, entity.xRot);
public boolean playTeleportSound(ServerPlayerEntity player, ServerWorld sourceWorld, ServerWorld destWorld) {
return false;