use of net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP in project Overloaded by CJ-MC-Mods.
the class MultiToolRightClickHandler method onMessage.
* Called when a message is received of the appropriate type. You can optionally return a reply message, or null if no reply
* is needed.
* @param message The message
* @param ctx the context of the message
* @return an optional return message
public IMessage onMessage(MultiToolRightClickMessage message, MessageContext ctx) {
EntityPlayerMP player = ctx.getServerHandler().player;
WorldServer world = player.getServerWorld();
world.addScheduledTask(() -> ModItems.itemMultiTool.rightClickWithItem(world, player, message.getPos(), message.getHitSide(), message.getHitX(), message.getHitY(), message.getHitZ()));
// Nothing to send to client from here
return null;
use of net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP in project ICBM-Classic by BuiltBrokenModding.
the class BlastEnderman method doExplode.
public void doExplode() {
if ( {
int r = (int) (this.getRadius() - ((double) this.callCount / (double) this.duration) * this.getRadius());
for (int x = -r; x < r; x++) {
for (int z = -r; z < r; z++) {
for (int y = -r; y < r; y++) {
Location targetPosition = position.add(new Pos(x, y, z));
double distance = targetPosition.distance(position);
if (distance < r && distance > r - 1) {
if (targetPosition.getBlock(world()) != Blocks.air)
if ( < Math.max(0.001 * r, 0.01)) {
float velX = (float) ((targetPosition.x() - position.x()) * 0.6);
float velY = (float) ((targetPosition.y() - position.y()) * 0.6);
float velZ = (float) ((targetPosition.z() - position.z()) * 0.6);
ICBMClassic.proxy.spawnParticle("portal", world(), targetPosition, velX, velY, velZ, 5f, 1);
int radius = (int) this.getRadius();
AxisAlignedBB bounds = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(position.x() - radius, position.y() - radius, position.z() - radius, position.x() + radius, position.y() + radius, position.z() + radius);
List<Entity> allEntities = world().getEntitiesWithinAABB(Entity.class, bounds);
boolean explosionCreated = false;
for (Entity entity : allEntities) {
if (entity != this.controller) {
double xDifference = entity.posX - position.x();
double yDifference = entity.posY - position.y();
double zDifference = entity.posZ - position.z();
int r = (int) this.getRadius();
if (xDifference < 0)
r = (int) -this.getRadius();
entity.motionX -= (r - xDifference) * Math.abs(xDifference) * 0.0006;
r = (int) this.getRadius();
if (entity.posY > position.y())
r = (int) -this.getRadius();
entity.motionY += (r - yDifference) * Math.abs(yDifference) * 0.0011;
r = (int) this.getRadius();
if (zDifference < 0)
r = (int) -this.getRadius();
entity.motionZ -= (r - zDifference) * Math.abs(zDifference) * 0.0006;
if (new Pos(entity.posX, entity.posY, entity.posZ).distance(position) < 4) {
if (!explosionCreated && callCount % 5 == 0) {
world().spawnParticle("hugeexplosion", entity.posX, entity.posY, entity.posZ, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);
explosionCreated = true;
try {
/** If a target doesn't exist, search for a random one within 100 block
* range. */
if (this.teleportTarget == null) {
int checkY;
int checkX = - 150 + (int) this.controller.posX;
int checkZ = - 150 + (int) this.controller.posZ;
for (checkY = 63; !, checkY, checkZ) && !, checkY + 1, checkZ); ++checkY) {
this.teleportTarget = new Pos(checkX, checkY, checkZ);
}, "mob.endermen.portal", 1.0F, 1.0F);
if (entity instanceof EntityPlayerMP) {
((EntityPlayerMP) entity).playerNetServerHandler.setPlayerLocation(this.teleportTarget.x() + 0.5, this.teleportTarget.y() + 0.5, this.teleportTarget.z() + 0.5, entity.rotationYaw, entity.rotationPitch);
} else {
entity.setPosition(this.teleportTarget.x() + 0.5, this.teleportTarget.y() + 0.5, this.teleportTarget.z() + 0.5);
} catch (Exception e) {
ICBMClassic.INSTANCE.logger().error("Failed to teleport entity to the End.", e);
}, this.position.y(), this.position.z(), "portal.portal", 2F, world().rand.nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F, false);
if (this.callCount > this.duration) {
use of net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP in project NewHorizonsCoreMod by GTNewHorizons.
the class CustomDropsCommand method canCommandSenderUseCommand.
public boolean canCommandSenderUseCommand(ICommandSender pCommandSender) {
if (pCommandSender instanceof EntityPlayerMP) {
EntityPlayerMP tEP = (EntityPlayerMP) pCommandSender;
boolean tPlayerOpped = MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().func_152596_g(tEP.getGameProfile());
// && tIncreative;
return tPlayerOpped;
} else if (pCommandSender instanceof MinecraftServer)
return true;
return false;
use of net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP in project NewHorizonsCoreMod by GTNewHorizons.
the class CustomToolTipsCommand method canCommandSenderUseCommand.
public boolean canCommandSenderUseCommand(ICommandSender pCommandSender) {
if (pCommandSender instanceof EntityPlayerMP) {
EntityPlayerMP tEP = (EntityPlayerMP) pCommandSender;
boolean tPlayerOpped = MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().func_152596_g(tEP.getGameProfile());
// && tIncreative;
return tPlayerOpped;
} else if (pCommandSender instanceof MinecraftServer)
return true;
return false;
use of net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP in project NewHorizonsCoreMod by GTNewHorizons.
the class HazardousItemsCommand method canCommandSenderUseCommand.
private void ProcessRemoveItemCommand(EntityPlayer pPlayer, ItemStack pInHand, String[] pArgs)
boolean bFlag = false;
if (pArgs.length == 2)
String pSecondArg = pArgs[1];
if (pSecondArg.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) bFlag = true;
if (!MainRegistry.Module_HazardousItems.RemoveItemFromList(pInHand,bFlag))
PlayerChatHelper.SendWarn(pPlayer, "Nothing removed. Either there was no such item,");
PlayerChatHelper.SendWarn(pPlayer, "or an error occurred");
} else
PlayerChatHelper.SendInfo(pPlayer, "Item(s) removed. Don't forget to save");
private void ProcessAddDamageEffectCommand(EntityPlayer pPlayer, ItemStack pInHand, String[] pArgs)
String tDmgSource = pArgs[1];
float tDmgAmount = Float.parseFloat(pArgs[2]);
if (!DamageTypeHelper.IsValidDamageSource(tDmgSource))
PlayerChatHelper.SendError(pPlayer, "This damagesource is invalid");
if (MainRegistry.Module_HazardousItems.AddDamageEffectToItem(pInHand, tDmgSource, tDmgAmount))
PlayerChatHelper.SendInfo(pPlayer, "Effect added to item. Don't forget to save");
PlayerChatHelper.SendError(pPlayer, "Unable to add item. Please check your logfile");
} catch (Exception e)
"Error in your command. Check your syntax");
private void ProcessAddPotionEffectCommand(EntityPlayer pPlayer, ItemStack pInHand, String[] pArgs)
int tPotionID = Integer.parseInt(pArgs[1]);
int tTickDuration = Integer.parseInt(pArgs[2]);
int tLevel = Integer.parseInt(pArgs[3]);
if (!PotionHelper.IsValidPotionID(tPotionID)) PlayerChatHelper
.SendError(pPlayer, "This potion ID is invalid");
if (MainRegistry.Module_HazardousItems.AddPotionEffectToItem(pInHand, tPotionID, tTickDuration, tLevel))
PlayerChatHelper.SendInfo(pPlayer, "Effect added to item. Don't forget to save");
PlayerChatHelper.SendError(pPlayer, "Unable to add item. Please check your logfile");
} catch (Exception e)
PlayerChatHelper.SendError(pPlayer, "Error in your command. Check your syntax");
* Make sure only an op/admin can execute this command
public boolean canCommandSenderUseCommand(ICommandSender pCommandSender) {
if (pCommandSender instanceof EntityPlayerMP) {
EntityPlayerMP tEP = (EntityPlayerMP) pCommandSender;
boolean tPlayerOpped = MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().func_152596_g(tEP.getGameProfile());
// && tIncreative;
return tPlayerOpped;
} else if (pCommandSender instanceof MinecraftServer)
return true;
return false;