use of net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.Block in project java-vision by googleapis.
the class DetectBeta method detectHandwrittenOcrGcs.
// [END vision_handwritten_ocr_beta]
// [START vision_handwritten_ocr_gcs_beta]
* Performs handwritten text detection on a remote image on Google Cloud Storage.
* @param gcsPath The path to the remote file on Google Cloud Storage to detect handwritten text
* on.
* @param out A {@link PrintStream} to write the results to.
* @throws Exception on errors while closing the client.
* @throws IOException on Input/Output errors.
public static void detectHandwrittenOcrGcs(String gcsPath, PrintStream out) throws Exception {
List<AnnotateImageRequest> requests = new ArrayList<>();
ImageSource imgSource = ImageSource.newBuilder().setGcsImageUri(gcsPath).build();
Image img = Image.newBuilder().setSource(imgSource).build();
Feature feat = Feature.newBuilder().setType(Type.DOCUMENT_TEXT_DETECTION).build();
// Set the parameters for the image
ImageContext imageContext = ImageContext.newBuilder().addLanguageHints("en-t-i0-handwrit").build();
AnnotateImageRequest request = AnnotateImageRequest.newBuilder().addFeatures(feat).setImage(img).setImageContext(imageContext).build();
try (ImageAnnotatorClient client = ImageAnnotatorClient.create()) {
BatchAnnotateImagesResponse response = client.batchAnnotateImages(requests);
List<AnnotateImageResponse> responses = response.getResponsesList();
for (AnnotateImageResponse res : responses) {
if (res.hasError()) {
out.printf("Error: %s\n", res.getError().getMessage());
// For full list of available annotations, see
TextAnnotation annotation = res.getFullTextAnnotation();
for (Page page : annotation.getPagesList()) {
String pageText = "";
for (Block block : page.getBlocksList()) {
String blockText = "";
for (Paragraph para : block.getParagraphsList()) {
String paraText = "";
for (Word word : para.getWordsList()) {
String wordText = "";
for (Symbol symbol : word.getSymbolsList()) {
wordText = wordText + symbol.getText();
out.format("Symbol text: %s (confidence: %f)\n", symbol.getText(), symbol.getConfidence());
out.format("Word text: %s (confidence: %f)\n\n", wordText, word.getConfidence());
paraText = String.format("%s %s", paraText, wordText);
// Output Example using Paragraph:
out.println("\nParagraph: \n" + paraText);
out.format("Paragraph Confidence: %f\n", para.getConfidence());
blockText = blockText + paraText;
pageText = pageText + blockText;
out.println("\nComplete annotation:");
use of net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.Block in project java-vision by googleapis.
the class BatchAnnotateFiles method batchAnnotateFiles.
public static void batchAnnotateFiles(String filePath) throws IOException {
// the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
try (ImageAnnotatorClient imageAnnotatorClient = ImageAnnotatorClient.create()) {
// You can send multiple files to be annotated, this sample demonstrates how to do this with
// one file. If you want to use multiple files, you have to create a `AnnotateImageRequest`
// object for each file that you want annotated.
// First read the files contents
Path path = Paths.get(filePath);
byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(path);
ByteString content = ByteString.copyFrom(data);
// Specify the input config with the file's contents and its type.
// Supported mime_type: application/pdf, image/tiff, image/gif
InputConfig inputConfig = InputConfig.newBuilder().setMimeType("application/pdf").setContent(content).build();
// Set the type of annotation you want to perform on the file
Feature feature = Feature.newBuilder().setType(Feature.Type.DOCUMENT_TEXT_DETECTION).build();
// Build the request object for that one file. Note: for additional file you have to create
// additional `AnnotateFileRequest` objects and store them in a list to be used below.
// Since we are sending a file of type `application/pdf`, we can use the `pages` field to
// specify which pages to process. The service can process up to 5 pages per document file.
AnnotateFileRequest fileRequest = AnnotateFileRequest.newBuilder().setInputConfig(inputConfig).addFeatures(feature).addPages(// Process the first page
1).addPages(// Process the second page
2).addPages(// Process the last page
// Add each `AnnotateFileRequest` object to the batch request.
BatchAnnotateFilesRequest request = BatchAnnotateFilesRequest.newBuilder().addRequests(fileRequest).build();
// Make the synchronous batch request.
BatchAnnotateFilesResponse response = imageAnnotatorClient.batchAnnotateFiles(request);
// sample.
for (AnnotateImageResponse imageResponse : response.getResponsesList().get(0).getResponsesList()) {
System.out.format("Full text: %s%n", imageResponse.getFullTextAnnotation().getText());
for (Page page : imageResponse.getFullTextAnnotation().getPagesList()) {
for (Block block : page.getBlocksList()) {
System.out.format("%nBlock confidence: %s%n", block.getConfidence());
for (Paragraph par : block.getParagraphsList()) {
System.out.format("\tParagraph confidence: %s%n", par.getConfidence());
for (Word word : par.getWordsList()) {
System.out.format("\t\tWord confidence: %s%n", word.getConfidence());
for (Symbol symbol : word.getSymbolsList()) {
System.out.format("\t\t\tSymbol: %s, (confidence: %s)%n", symbol.getText(), symbol.getConfidence());
use of net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.Block in project concourse by cinchapi.
the class Upgrade0_11_0_1 method doTask.
protected void doTask() {
Environments.iterator(GlobalState.BUFFER_DIRECTORY, GlobalState.DATABASE_DIRECTORY).forEachRemaining(environment -> {
logInfoMessage("Upgrading Storage Format v2 data files to Storage Format v3 in environment {}", environment);
Path directory = Paths.get(GlobalState.DATABASE_DIRECTORY).resolve(environment);
Database db = new Database(directory);
try {
Path cpb = directory.resolve("cpb");
Iterable<Block<Identifier, Text, Value>> blocks = StorageFormatV2.load(cpb, TableRevision.class);
for (Block<Identifier, Text, Value> block : blocks) {
for (Revision<Identifier, Text, Value> revision : block) {
Write write = Reflection.newInstance(Write.class, revision.getType(), revision.getKey(), revision.getValue(), revision.getLocator(), // (authorized)
logInfoMessage("Finished transferring v2 data Block {} to v3 Segment format", block.getId());
} finally {
use of net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.Block in project dynmap by webbukkit.
the class BukkitVersionHelperSpigot116_4 method initializeBlockStates.
* Initialize block states (org.dynmap.blockstate.DynmapBlockState)
public void initializeBlockStates() {
dataToState = new IdentityHashMap<IBlockData, DynmapBlockState>();
HashMap<String, DynmapBlockState> lastBlockState = new HashMap<String, DynmapBlockState>();
int cnt = Block.REGISTRY_ID.a();
DynmapBlockState.Builder bld = new DynmapBlockState.Builder();
// Loop through block data states
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
IBlockData bd = Block.getByCombinedId(i);
Block b = bd.getBlock();
String bname = IRegistry.BLOCK.getKey(bd.getBlock()).toString();
// See if we have seen this one
DynmapBlockState lastbs = lastBlockState.get(bname);
int idx = 0;
if (lastbs != null) {
// Yes
// Get number of states so far, since this is next
idx = lastbs.getStateCount();
// Build state name
String sb = "";
String fname = bd.toString();
int off1 = fname.indexOf('[');
if (off1 >= 0) {
int off2 = fname.indexOf(']');
sb = fname.substring(off1 + 1, off2);
Material mat = bd.getMaterial();
// getLightBlock
int lightAtten = b.f(bd, BlockAccessAir.INSTANCE, BlockPosition.ZERO);
//"statename=" + bname + "[" + sb + "], lightAtten=" + lightAtten);
// Fill in base attributes
if (mat.isSolid()) {
if (mat == Material.AIR) {
if ((bd.getBlock() instanceof BlockRotatable) && (bd.getMaterial() == Material.WOOD)) {
if (mat == Material.LEAVES) {
if ((!bd.getFluid().isEmpty()) && ((bd.getBlock() instanceof BlockFluids) == false)) {
// Test if fluid type for block is not empty
// Build state
DynmapBlockState dbs =;
dataToState.put(bd, dbs);
lastBlockState.put(bname, (lastbs == null) ? dbs : lastbs);
Log.verboseinfo("blk=" + bname + ", idx=" + idx + ", state=" + sb + ", waterlogged=" + dbs.isWaterlogged());
use of net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.Block in project dynmap by webbukkit.
the class BukkitVersionHelperSpigot116 method initializeBlockStates.
* Initialize block states (org.dynmap.blockstate.DynmapBlockState)
public void initializeBlockStates() {
dataToState = new IdentityHashMap<IBlockData, DynmapBlockState>();
HashMap<String, DynmapBlockState> lastBlockState = new HashMap<String, DynmapBlockState>();
int cnt = Block.REGISTRY_ID.a();
DynmapBlockState.Builder bld = new DynmapBlockState.Builder();
// Loop through block data states
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
IBlockData bd = Block.getByCombinedId(i);
Block b = bd.getBlock();
String bname = IRegistry.BLOCK.getKey(bd.getBlock()).toString();
// See if we have seen this one
DynmapBlockState lastbs = lastBlockState.get(bname);
int idx = 0;
if (lastbs != null) {
// Yes
// Get number of states so far, since this is next
idx = lastbs.getStateCount();
// Build state name
String sb = "";
String fname = bd.toString();
int off1 = fname.indexOf('[');
if (off1 >= 0) {
int off2 = fname.indexOf(']');
sb = fname.substring(off1 + 1, off2);
Material mat = bd.getMaterial();
// getLightBlock
int lightAtten = b.f(bd, BlockAccessAir.INSTANCE, BlockPosition.ZERO);
//"statename=" + bname + "[" + sb + "], lightAtten=" + lightAtten);
// Fill in base attributes
if (mat.isSolid()) {
if (mat == Material.AIR) {
if ((bd.getBlock() instanceof BlockRotatable) && (bd.getMaterial() == Material.WOOD)) {
if (mat == Material.LEAVES) {
if ((!bd.getFluid().isEmpty()) && ((bd.getBlock() instanceof BlockFluids) == false)) {
// Test if fluid type for block is not empty
// Build state
DynmapBlockState dbs =;
dataToState.put(bd, dbs);
lastBlockState.put(bname, (lastbs == null) ? dbs : lastbs);
Log.verboseinfo("blk=" + bname + ", idx=" + idx + ", state=" + sb + ", waterlogged=" + dbs.isWaterlogged());