use of net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation in project DragonsOnline by UniverseCraft.
the class PlayerNPC116R3 method rotateHead.
public void rotateHead(float pitch, float yaw) {
PacketPlayOutEntity.PacketPlayOutEntityLook packet = new PacketPlayOutEntity.PacketPlayOutEntityLook(handle.getId(), getPacketRotation(yaw), getPacketRotation(pitch), true);
PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation packet_1 = new PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation();
this.setField(packet_1, "a", handle.getId());
this.setField(packet_1, "b", getPacketRotation(yaw));
use of net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation in project DragonsOnline by UniverseCraft.
the class PlayerNPC116R3 method refreshRotationFor.
public void refreshRotationFor(Player player) {
// resync
location = getEntity().getLocation();
PacketPlayOutEntityTeleport tp = new PacketPlayOutEntityTeleport();
setField(tp, "a", getEntityId());
setField(tp, "b", location.getX());
setField(tp, "c", location.getY());
setField(tp, "d", location.getZ());
setField(tp, "e", getPacketRotation(location.getYaw()));
setField(tp, "f", getPacketRotation(location.getPitch()));
setField(tp, "g", handle.isOnGround());
PacketPlayOutEntityLook look = new PacketPlayOutEntityLook(getEntityId(), getPacketRotation(location.getYaw()), getPacketRotation(location.getPitch()), handle.isOnGround());
sync(() -> sendPacket(tp, player));
sync(() -> sendPacket(look, player));
sync(() -> sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation(handle, getPacketRotation(location.getYaw())), player));
use of net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation in project DragonsOnline by UniverseCraft.
the class PlayerNPC116R3 method updateLocationFor.
public void updateLocationFor(Player player, float pitch, float yaw) {
if (!lastSeenLocation.containsKey(player)) {
// resync
location = getEntity().getLocation();
byte byaw = getPacketRotation(yaw);
byte bpitch = getPacketRotation(pitch);
Vector move = getEntity().getLocation().subtract(lastSeenLocation.get(player)).toVector();
// since error in the dx/dy/dz's can accumulate or get desynced with the client.
if (move.lengthSquared() > 63.996 || System.currentTimeMillis() - lastForceRefresh.getOrDefault(player, 0L) > FORCE_REFRESH_LOCATION_INTERVAL_MS) {
PacketPlayOutEntityTeleport tp = new PacketPlayOutEntityTeleport();
setField(tp, "a", getEntityId());
setField(tp, "b", location.getX());
setField(tp, "c", location.getY());
setField(tp, "d", location.getZ());
setField(tp, "e", byaw);
setField(tp, "f", bpitch);
setField(tp, "g", handle.isOnGround());
sync(() -> sendPacket(tp, player));
lastForceRefresh.put(player, System.currentTimeMillis());
} else // But usually we can just send dx/dy/dz, resulting in smoother movement
// and smaller packets
int dx = (int) move.getX() * 4096;
int dy = (int) move.getY() * 4096;
int dz = (int) move.getZ() * 4096;
boolean onGround = handle.isOnGround();
PacketPlayOutRelEntityMoveLook packet = new PacketPlayOutRelEntityMoveLook(getEntityId(), (short) dx, (short) dy, (short) dz, byaw, bpitch, onGround);
sendPacket(packet, player);
sync(() -> sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation(handle, byaw), player));
lastSeenLocation.put(player, location);
use of net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation in project SilkSpawners by timbru31.
the class NMSHandler method spawnEntity.
public void spawnEntity(final org.bukkit.World w, final String entityID, final double x, final double y, final double z, final Player player) {
final NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound();
tag.setString("id", entityID);
final World world = ((CraftWorld) w).getHandle();
final Optional<Entity> entity = EntityTypes.a(tag, world);
if (!entity.isPresent()) {
Bukkit.getLogger().warning("[SilkSpawners] Failed to spawn, falling through. You should report this (entity == null)!");
final float yaw = world.random.nextFloat() * (-180 - 180) + 180;
entity.get().setPositionRotation(x, y, z, yaw, 0);
world.addEntity(entity.get(), SpawnReason.SPAWNER_EGG);
final PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation rotation = new PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation(entity.get(), (byte) yaw);
((CraftPlayer) player).getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(rotation);
use of net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation in project SilkSpawners by timbru31.
the class NMSHandler method spawnEntity.
public void spawnEntity(final org.bukkit.World w, final String entityID, final double x, final double y, final double z, final Player player) {
final NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound();
tag.setString("id", entityID);
final World world = ((CraftWorld) w).getHandle();
final Optional<Entity> entity = EntityTypes.a(tag, world);
if (!entity.isPresent()) {
Bukkit.getLogger().warning("[SilkSpawners] Failed to spawn, falling through. You should report this (entity == null)!");
final float yaw = world.random.nextFloat() * (-180 - 180) + 180;
entity.get().setPositionRotation(x, y, z, yaw, 0);
world.addEntity(entity.get(), SpawnReason.SPAWNER_EGG);
final PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation rotation = new PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation(entity.get(), (byte) yaw);
((CraftPlayer) player).getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(rotation);