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Example 16 with EnumFacing

use of net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing in project ImmersiveEngineering by BluSunrize.

the class ModelConveyor method getQuads.

public List<BakedQuad> getQuads(@Nullable IBlockState blockState, @Nullable EnumFacing side, long rand) {
    TileEntity tile = null;
    String key = "default";
    EnumFacing facing = EnumFacing.NORTH;
    if (blockState == null)
        key = conveyor != null ? ConveyorHandler.reverseClassRegistry.get(conveyor.getClass()).toString() : "immersiveengineering:conveyor";
    else {
        facing = blockState.getValue(IEProperties.FACING_ALL);
        if (blockState instanceof IExtendedBlockState) {
            IExtendedBlockState exState = (IExtendedBlockState) blockState;
            if (exState.getUnlistedNames().contains(BlockConveyor.ICONEYOR_PASSTHROUGH))
                conveyor = ((IExtendedBlockState) blockState).getValue(BlockConveyor.ICONEYOR_PASSTHROUGH);
            if (exState.getUnlistedNames().contains(IEProperties.TILEENTITY_PASSTHROUGH))
                tile = ((IExtendedBlockState) blockState).getValue(IEProperties.TILEENTITY_PASSTHROUGH);
            if (conveyor != null && tile != null)
                key = conveyor.getModelCacheKey(tile, facing);
    List<BakedQuad> cachedQuads = modelCache.get(key);
    if (cachedQuads != null)
        return Collections.synchronizedList(Lists.newArrayList(cachedQuads));
    else {
        cachedQuads = Collections.synchronizedList(Lists.newArrayList());
        Matrix4f facingMatrix = TRSRTransformation.getMatrix(facing);
        if (conveyor != null)
            facingMatrix = conveyor.modifyBaseRotationMatrix(facingMatrix, tile, facing);
        Matrix4 matrix = new Matrix4(facingMatrix);
        ConveyorDirection conDir = conveyor != null ? conveyor.getConveyorDirection() : ConveyorDirection.HORIZONTAL;
        boolean[] walls = conveyor != null && tile != null ? new boolean[] { conveyor.renderWall(tile, facing, 0), conveyor.renderWall(tile, facing, 1) } : new boolean[] { true, true };
        TextureAtlasSprite tex_conveyor =;
        TextureAtlasSprite tex_conveyor_colour = null;
        int colourStripes = -1;
        if (conveyor != null) {
            tex_conveyor = ClientUtils.getSprite(tile != null ? (conveyor.isActive(tile) ? conveyor.getActiveTexture() : conveyor.getInactiveTexture()) : conveyor.getActiveTexture());
            if ((colourStripes = conveyor.getDyeColour()) >= 0)
                tex_conveyor_colour = ClientUtils.getSprite(conveyor.getColouredStripesTexture());
        cachedQuads.addAll(getBaseConveyor(facing, 1, matrix, conDir, tex_conveyor, walls, new boolean[] { true, true }, tex_conveyor_colour, colourStripes));
        if (conveyor != null)
            cachedQuads = conveyor.modifyQuads(cachedQuads, tile, facing);
        modelCache.put(key, cachedQuads);
        return Collections.synchronizedList(Lists.newArrayList(cachedQuads));
Also used : TileEntity(net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity) BakedQuad(net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BakedQuad) Matrix4f(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f) IExtendedBlockState( TextureAtlasSprite(net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite) EnumFacing(net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing) ConveyorDirection(blusunrize.immersiveengineering.api.tool.ConveyorHandler.ConveyorDirection) Matrix4(blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.chickenbones.Matrix4)

Example 17 with EnumFacing

use of net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing in project ImmersiveEngineering by BluSunrize.

the class TileEntitySorter method routeItem.

public ItemStack routeItem(EnumFacing inputSide, ItemStack stack, boolean simulate) {
    if (!worldObj.isRemote) {
        Integer[][] validOutputs = getValidOutputs(inputSide, stack, true, false);
        if (validOutputs[0].length > 0) {
            int rand = worldObj.rand.nextInt(validOutputs[0].length);
            stack = this.outputItemToInv(stack, EnumFacing.getFront(validOutputs[0][rand]), simulate);
            if (stack != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < validOutputs[0].length; i++) if (i != rand) {
                    stack = this.outputItemToInv(stack, EnumFacing.getFront(validOutputs[0][i]), simulate);
                    if (stack == null)
                        return null;
        if (stack != null && validOutputs[1].length > 0) {
            if (!simulate) {
                int rand = worldObj.rand.nextInt(validOutputs[1].length);
                EnumFacing fd = EnumFacing.getFront(validOutputs[1][rand]);
                EntityItem ei = new EntityItem(worldObj, getPos().getX() + .5 + fd.getFrontOffsetX(), getPos().getY() + .5 + fd.getFrontOffsetY(), getPos().getZ() + .5 + fd.getFrontOffsetZ(), stack.copy());
                ei.motionX = (0.075F * fd.getFrontOffsetX());
                ei.motionY = 0.025000000372529D;
                ei.motionZ = (0.075F * fd.getFrontOffsetZ());
            return null;
        if (validOutputs[2].length > 0) {
            int rand = worldObj.rand.nextInt(validOutputs[2].length);
            stack = this.outputItemToInv(stack, EnumFacing.getFront(validOutputs[2][rand]), simulate);
            if (stack != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < validOutputs[2].length; i++) if (i != rand) {
                    stack = this.outputItemToInv(stack, EnumFacing.getFront(validOutputs[2][i]), simulate);
                    if (stack == null)
                        return null;
        if (stack != null && validOutputs[3].length > 0) {
            if (!simulate) {
                int rand = worldObj.rand.nextInt(validOutputs[3].length);
                EnumFacing fd = EnumFacing.getFront(validOutputs[1][rand]);
                EntityItem ei = new EntityItem(worldObj, getPos().getX() + .5 + fd.getFrontOffsetX(), getPos().getY() + .5 + fd.getFrontOffsetY(), getPos().getZ() + .5 + fd.getFrontOffsetZ(), stack.copy());
                ei.motionX = (0.075F * fd.getFrontOffsetX());
                ei.motionY = 0.025000000372529D;
                ei.motionZ = (0.075F * fd.getFrontOffsetZ());
            return null;
    return stack;
Also used : EnumFacing(net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing) EntityItem(net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem)

Example 18 with EnumFacing

use of net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing in project ImmersiveEngineering by BluSunrize.

the class TileEntityWallmount method getBlockBounds.

public float[] getBlockBounds() {
    EnumFacing towards = orientation > 1 ? facing.getOpposite() : facing;
    float minX = towards == EnumFacing.WEST ? 0 : .3125f;
    float minY = orientation == 0 ? .375f : orientation == 2 ? .3125f : 0;
    float minZ = towards == EnumFacing.NORTH ? 0 : .3125f;
    float maxX = towards == EnumFacing.EAST ? 1 : .6875f;
    float maxY = orientation == 1 ? .625f : orientation == 3 ? .6875f : 1;
    float maxZ = towards == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? 1 : .6875f;
    return new float[] { minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ };
Also used : EnumFacing(net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing)

Example 19 with EnumFacing

use of net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing in project ImmersiveEngineering by BluSunrize.

the class TileEntityWoodenPost method compileDisplayList.

public ArrayList<String> compileDisplayList() {
    if (dummy != 0)
        return emptyDisplayList;
    ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList();
    TileEntity te;
    for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
        te = worldObj.getTileEntity(getPos().add(0, 1 + i, 0));
        if (//Stacked pieces
        te instanceof TileEntityWoodenPost) {
            for (EnumFacing f : EnumFacing.HORIZONTALS) if (((TileEntityWoodenPost) te).hasConnection(f)) {
                if (//Arms
                i == 2) {
                    TileEntityWoodenPost arm = (TileEntityWoodenPost) worldObj.getTileEntity(pos.add(0, 1 + i, 0).offset(f));
                    boolean up = arm.hasConnection(EnumFacing.UP);
                    boolean down = arm.hasConnection(EnumFacing.DOWN);
                    if (up || (!up && !down))
                        list.add("arm_" + f.getName2() + "_up");
                    if (down)
                        list.add("arm_" + f.getName2() + "_down");
                } else
                    //Simple Connectors
                    list.add("con_" + i + "_" + f.getName2());
    return list;
Also used : TileEntity(net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity) EnumFacing(net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 20 with EnumFacing

use of net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing in project ImmersiveEngineering by BluSunrize.

the class TileEntitySorter method getValidOutputs.

public Integer[][] getValidOutputs(EnumFacing inputSide, ItemStack stack, boolean allowUnmapped, boolean allowThrowing) {
    if (isRouting || stack == null)
        return new Integer[][] { {}, {}, {}, {} };
    this.isRouting = true;
    ArrayList<Integer> validFilteredInvOuts = new ArrayList<Integer>(6);
    ArrayList<Integer> validFilteredEntityOuts = new ArrayList<Integer>(6);
    ArrayList<Integer> validUnfilteredInvOuts = new ArrayList<Integer>(6);
    ArrayList<Integer> validUnfilteredEntityOuts = new ArrayList<Integer>(6);
    for (EnumFacing side : EnumFacing.values()) if (side != inputSide) {
        boolean unmapped = true;
        boolean allowed = false;
        filterIteration: {
            for (ItemStack filterStack : filter.filters[side.ordinal()]) if (filterStack != null) {
                unmapped = false;
                boolean b = OreDictionary.itemMatches(filterStack, stack, true);
                if (!b && doFuzzy(side.ordinal()))
                    b = filterStack.getItem().equals(stack.getItem());
                if (!b && doOredict(side.ordinal()))
                    for (String name : OreDictionary.getOreNames()) if (Utils.compareToOreName(stack, name) && Utils.compareToOreName(filterStack, name)) {
                        b = true;
                if (doNBT(side.ordinal()))
                    b &= Utils.compareItemNBT(filterStack, stack);
                if (b) {
                    allowed = true;
                    break filterIteration;
        if (allowed) {
            TileEntity inventory = this.worldObj.getTileEntity(getPos().offset(side));
            if (Utils.canInsertStackIntoInventory(inventory, stack, side.getOpposite()))
            else if (allowThrowing)
        } else if (allowUnmapped && unmapped) {
            TileEntity inventory = this.worldObj.getTileEntity(getPos().offset(side));
            if (Utils.canInsertStackIntoInventory(inventory, stack, side.getOpposite()))
            else if (allowThrowing)
    this.isRouting = false;
    return new Integer[][] { validFilteredInvOuts.toArray(new Integer[validFilteredInvOuts.size()]), validFilteredEntityOuts.toArray(new Integer[validFilteredEntityOuts.size()]), validUnfilteredInvOuts.toArray(new Integer[validUnfilteredInvOuts.size()]), validUnfilteredEntityOuts.toArray(new Integer[validUnfilteredEntityOuts.size()]) };
Also used : TileEntity(net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity) EnumFacing(net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TextComponentString(net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponentString) ItemStack(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)


EnumFacing (net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing)260 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)94 TileEntity (net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity)64 IBlockState (net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState)57 Block (net.minecraft.block.Block)35 ItemStack (net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)24 AxisAlignedBB (net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB)23 Vec3d (net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d)16 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15 IBakedModel (net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.IBakedModel)10 IFluidHandler (net.minecraftforge.fluids.capability.IFluidHandler)10 World ( Tessellator (net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator)8 BakedQuad (net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BakedQuad)8 TextureAtlasSprite (net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite)7 List (java.util.List)6 EntityLivingBase (net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase)6 EntityPlayer (net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer)6 IExtendedBlockState ( Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)5