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Example 36 with EnumFacing

use of net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing in project ImmersiveEngineering by BluSunrize.

the class TileEntityConnectorLV method getConnectionOffset.

public Vec3d getConnectionOffset(Connection con) {
    EnumFacing side = facing.getOpposite();
    double conRadius = con.cableType.getRenderDiameter() / 2;
    return new Vec3d(.5 - conRadius * side.getFrontOffsetX(), .5 - conRadius * side.getFrontOffsetY(), .5 - conRadius * side.getFrontOffsetZ());
Also used : EnumFacing(net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing) Vec3d(net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d)

Example 37 with EnumFacing

use of net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing in project ImmersiveEngineering by BluSunrize.

the class TileEntityConnectorMV method getConnectionOffset.

public Vec3d getConnectionOffset(Connection con) {
    EnumFacing side = facing.getOpposite();
    double conRadius = con.cableType.getRenderDiameter() / 2;
    return new Vec3d(.5 + side.getFrontOffsetX() * (.0625 - conRadius), .5 + side.getFrontOffsetY() * (.0625 - conRadius), .5 + side.getFrontOffsetZ() * (.0625 - conRadius));
Also used : EnumFacing(net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing) Vec3d(net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d)

Example 38 with EnumFacing

use of net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing in project ImmersiveEngineering by BluSunrize.

the class TileEntityCrusher method getAdvancedSelectionBounds.

public List<AxisAlignedBB> getAdvancedSelectionBounds() {
    if (pos % 15 == 7)
        return null;
    EnumFacing fl = facing;
    EnumFacing fw = facing.rotateY();
    if (mirrored)
        fw = fw.getOpposite();
    if (pos == 4) {
        List<AxisAlignedBB> list = Lists.newArrayList(new AxisAlignedBB(0, 0, 0, 1, .5f, 1).offset(getPos().getX(), getPos().getY(), getPos().getZ()));
        float minX = fl == EnumFacing.WEST ? .625f : fl == EnumFacing.EAST ? .125f : .125f;
        float maxX = fl == EnumFacing.EAST ? .375f : fl == EnumFacing.WEST ? .875f : .25f;
        float minZ = fl == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .625f : fl == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .125f : .125f;
        float maxZ = fl == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .375f : fl == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .875f : .25f;
        list.add(new AxisAlignedBB(minX, .5f, minZ, maxX, 1, maxZ).offset(getPos().getX(), getPos().getY(), getPos().getZ()));
        minX = fl == EnumFacing.WEST ? .625f : fl == EnumFacing.EAST ? .125f : .75f;
        maxX = fl == EnumFacing.EAST ? .375f : fl == EnumFacing.WEST ? .875f : .875f;
        minZ = fl == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .625f : fl == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .125f : .75f;
        maxZ = fl == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .375f : fl == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .875f : .875f;
        list.add(new AxisAlignedBB(minX, .5f, minZ, maxX, 1, maxZ).offset(getPos().getX(), getPos().getY(), getPos().getZ()));
        return list;
    if ((pos > 20 && pos < 24) || (pos > 35 && pos < 39)) {
        List<AxisAlignedBB> list = new ArrayList<AxisAlignedBB>(3);
        float minY = .5f;
        float minX = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.EAST) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.WEST) ? .4375f : 0;
        float maxX = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.WEST) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.EAST) ? .5625f : 1;
        float minZ = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.NORTH) ? .4375f : 0;
        float maxZ = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.NORTH) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH) ? .5625f : 1;
        if (pos > 20 && pos < 24)
            list.add(new AxisAlignedBB(minX, .5f, minZ, maxX, .75f, maxZ).offset(getPos().getX(), getPos().getY(), getPos().getZ()));
            minY = 0;
        minX = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.EAST) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.WEST) ? .1875f : (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.WEST) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.EAST) ? .5625f : 0;
        maxX = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.WEST) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.EAST) ? .8125f : (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.EAST) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.WEST) ? .4375f : 1;
        minZ = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.NORTH) ? .1875f : (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.NORTH) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH) ? .5625f : 0;
        maxZ = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.NORTH) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH) ? .8125f : (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.NORTH) ? .4375f : 1;
        list.add(new AxisAlignedBB(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, 1, maxZ).offset(getPos().getX(), getPos().getY(), getPos().getZ()));
        return list;
    if ((pos > 15 && pos < 19) || (pos > 30 && pos < 34) || (pos > 25 && pos < 29) || (pos > 40 && pos < 44)) {
        if (pos % 15 > 9)
            fl = fl.getOpposite();
        List<AxisAlignedBB> list = new ArrayList<AxisAlignedBB>(3);
        float minY = .5f;
        float minX = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.EAST) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.WEST) ? .4375f : fl == EnumFacing.EAST ? .4375f : 0;
        float maxX = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.WEST) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.EAST) ? .5625f : fl == EnumFacing.WEST ? .5625f : 1;
        float minZ = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.NORTH) ? .4375f : fl == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .4375f : 0;
        float maxZ = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.NORTH) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH) ? .5625f : fl == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .5625f : 1;
        if ((pos > 15 && pos < 19) || (pos > 25 && pos < 29))
            list.add(new AxisAlignedBB(minX, .5f, minZ, maxX, .75f, maxZ).offset(getPos().getX(), getPos().getY(), getPos().getZ()));
            minY = 0;
        if (pos / 15 > 9)
            fl = fl.getOpposite();
        minX = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.EAST) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.WEST) ? .1875f : fl == EnumFacing.EAST ? .1875f : fl == EnumFacing.WEST ? .5625f : 0;
        maxX = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.WEST) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.EAST) ? .8125f : fl == EnumFacing.WEST ? .8125f : fl == EnumFacing.EAST ? .4375f : 1;
        minZ = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.NORTH) ? .1875f : fl == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .1875f : fl == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .5625f : 0;
        maxZ = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.NORTH) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH) ? .8125f : fl == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .8125f : fl == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .4375f : 1;
        list.add(new AxisAlignedBB(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, 1, maxZ).offset(getPos().getX(), getPos().getY(), getPos().getZ()));
        if (pos != 17 && pos != 32 && pos != 27 && pos != 42) {
            minX = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.EAST) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.WEST) ? .1875f : fl == EnumFacing.EAST ? .4375f : fl == EnumFacing.WEST ? 0 : .5625f;
            maxX = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.WEST) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.EAST) ? .8125f : fl == EnumFacing.WEST ? .5625f : fl == EnumFacing.EAST ? 1 : .4375f;
            minZ = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.NORTH) ? .1875f : fl == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .4375f : fl == EnumFacing.NORTH ? 0 : .5625f;
            maxZ = (pos % 5 == 1 && fw == EnumFacing.NORTH) || (pos % 5 == 3 && fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH) ? .8125f : fl == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .5625f : fl == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? 1 : .4375f;
            list.add(new AxisAlignedBB(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, 1, maxZ).offset(getPos().getX(), getPos().getY(), getPos().getZ()));
            if (pos % 15 % 10 == 1)
                fw = fw.getOpposite();
            if ((pos > 15 && pos < 19) || (pos > 25 && pos < 29)) {
                minX = fl == EnumFacing.WEST ? .5f : fl == EnumFacing.EAST ? .25f : fw == EnumFacing.EAST ? .5f : .25f;
                maxX = fl == EnumFacing.EAST ? .5f : fl == EnumFacing.WEST ? .75f : fw == EnumFacing.EAST ? .75f : .5f;
                minZ = fl == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .5f : fl == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .25f : fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .5f : .25f;
                maxZ = fl == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .5f : fl == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .75f : fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .75f : .5f;
                list.add(new AxisAlignedBB(minX, 0, minZ, maxX, .5f, maxZ).offset(getPos().getX(), getPos().getY(), getPos().getZ()));
        return list;
    if (pos == 1 || pos == 3 || pos == 11 || pos == 13) {
        List<AxisAlignedBB> list = Lists.newArrayList(new AxisAlignedBB(0, 0, 0, 1, .5f, 1).offset(getPos().getX(), getPos().getY(), getPos().getZ()));
        if (pos % 15 > 9)
            fl = fl.getOpposite();
        if (pos % 15 % 10 == 1)
            fw = fw.getOpposite();
        float minX = fl == EnumFacing.WEST ? .5f : fl == EnumFacing.EAST ? .25f : fw == EnumFacing.EAST ? .5f : .25f;
        float maxX = fl == EnumFacing.EAST ? .5f : fl == EnumFacing.WEST ? .75f : fw == EnumFacing.EAST ? .75f : .5f;
        float minZ = fl == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .5f : fl == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .25f : fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .5f : .25f;
        float maxZ = fl == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .5f : fl == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .75f : fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .75f : .5f;
        list.add(new AxisAlignedBB(minX, .5f, minZ, maxX, 1, maxZ).offset(getPos().getX(), getPos().getY(), getPos().getZ()));
        return list;
    return null;
Also used : AxisAlignedBB(net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB) EnumFacing(net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 39 with EnumFacing

use of net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing in project ImmersiveEngineering by BluSunrize.

the class TileEntityCrusher method getBlockBounds.

public float[] getBlockBounds() {
    if (pos == 1 || pos == 3 || pos == 4 || pos == 6 || pos == 8 || pos == 11 || pos == 12 || pos == 13 || pos == 14 || pos == 24)
        return new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 1, .5f, 1 };
    if (pos == 22)
        return new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 1, .75f, 1 };
    if (pos == 37)
        return new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    EnumFacing fl = facing;
    EnumFacing fw = facing.rotateY();
    if (mirrored)
        fw = fw.getOpposite();
    if (pos > 15 && pos % 5 > 0 && pos % 5 < 4) {
        float minX = 0;
        float maxX = 1;
        float minZ = 0;
        float maxZ = 1;
        if (pos % 5 == 1) {
            minX = fw == EnumFacing.EAST ? .1875f : 0;
            maxX = fw == EnumFacing.WEST ? .8125f : 1;
            minZ = fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .1875f : 0;
            maxZ = fw == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .8125f : 1;
        } else if (pos % 5 == 3) {
            minX = fw == EnumFacing.WEST ? .1875f : 0;
            maxX = fw == EnumFacing.EAST ? .8125f : 1;
            minZ = fw == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .1875f : 0;
            maxZ = fw == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .8125f : 1;
        if ((pos % 15) / 5 == 0) {
            if (fl == EnumFacing.EAST)
                minX = .1875f;
            if (fl == EnumFacing.WEST)
                maxX = .8125f;
            if (fl == EnumFacing.SOUTH)
                minZ = .1875f;
            if (fl == EnumFacing.NORTH)
                maxZ = .8125f;
        return new float[] { minX, 0, minZ, maxX, 1, maxZ };
    if (pos == 19)
        return new float[] { facing == EnumFacing.WEST ? .5f : 0, 0, facing == EnumFacing.NORTH ? .5f : 0, facing == EnumFacing.EAST ? .5f : 1, 1, facing == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? .5f : 1 };
    return new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 };
Also used : EnumFacing(net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing)

Example 40 with EnumFacing

use of net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing in project ImmersiveEngineering by BluSunrize.

the class TileEntityDieselGenerator method update.

public void update() {
    if (isDummy())
    if (active || animation_fanFadeIn > 0 || animation_fanFadeOut > 0) {
        float base = 18f;
        float step = active ? base : 0;
        if (animation_fanFadeIn > 0) {
            step -= (animation_fanFadeIn / 80f) * base;
        if (animation_fanFadeOut > 0) {
            step += (animation_fanFadeOut / 80f) * base;
        animation_fanRotationStep = step;
        animation_fanRotation += step;
        animation_fanRotation %= 360;
    if (worldObj.isRemote) {
        ImmersiveEngineering.proxy.handleTileSound(IESounds.dieselGenerator, this, active, .5f, 1);
        if (active && worldObj.getTotalWorldTime() % 4 == 0) {
            BlockPos exhaust = this.getBlockPosForPos(38);
            EnumFacing fl = facing;
            EnumFacing fw = facing.rotateY();
            if (mirrored)
                fw = fw.getOpposite();
            worldObj.spawnParticle(EnumParticleTypes.SMOKE_LARGE, exhaust.getX() + .5 + (fl.getFrontOffsetX() * .3125f) + (-fw.getFrontOffsetX() * .3125f), exhaust.getY() + 1.25, exhaust.getZ() + .5 + (fl.getFrontOffsetZ() * .3125f) + (-fw.getFrontOffsetZ() * .3125f), 0, 0, 0);
    } else {
        boolean prevActive = active;
        if (!isRSDisabled() && tanks[0].getFluid() != null && tanks[0].getFluid().getFluid() != null) {
            int burnTime = DieselHandler.getBurnTime(tanks[0].getFluid().getFluid());
            if (burnTime > 0) {
                int fluidConsumed = 1000 / burnTime;
                int output = IEConfig.Machines.dieselGen_output;
                int connected = 0;
                TileEntity[] receivers = new TileEntity[3];
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                    receivers[i] = getEnergyOutput(i == 1 ? -1 : i == 2 ? 1 : 0);
                    if (receivers[i] != null) {
                        if (EnergyHelper.insertFlux(receivers[i], EnumFacing.DOWN, 4096, true) > 0)
                if (connected > 0 && tanks[0].getFluidAmount() >= fluidConsumed) {
                    if (!active) {
                        active = true;
                        animation_fanFadeIn = 80;
                    tanks[0].drain(fluidConsumed, true);
                    int splitOutput = output / connected;
                    int leftover = output % connected;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (receivers[i] != null)
                        EnergyHelper.insertFlux(receivers[i], EnumFacing.DOWN, splitOutput + (leftover-- > 0 ? 1 : 0), false);
                } else if (active) {
                    active = false;
                    animation_fanFadeOut = 80;
        } else if (active) {
            active = false;
            animation_fanFadeOut = 80;
        if (prevActive != active) {
Also used : TileEntity(net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity) EnumFacing(net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)


EnumFacing (net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing)260 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)94 TileEntity (net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity)64 IBlockState (net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState)57 Block (net.minecraft.block.Block)35 ItemStack (net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)24 AxisAlignedBB (net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB)23 Vec3d (net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d)16 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15 IBakedModel (net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.IBakedModel)10 IFluidHandler (net.minecraftforge.fluids.capability.IFluidHandler)10 World ( Tessellator (net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator)8 BakedQuad (net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BakedQuad)8 TextureAtlasSprite (net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite)7 List (java.util.List)6 EntityLivingBase (net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase)6 EntityPlayer (net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer)6 IExtendedBlockState ( Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)5