use of net.minecraft.util.math.Direction in project sodium-fabric by CaffeineMC.
the class ChunkBlockRenderPipeline method renderModel.
public boolean renderModel(BlockRenderView world, BakedModel model, BlockState state, BlockPos pos, Vector3f translation, VertexConsumer builder, boolean cull, Random random, long seed) {
LightPipeline lighter = this.getLightPipeline(state, model);
Vec3d blockOffset = state.getOffsetPos(world, pos);
translation.add((float) blockOffset.getX(), (float) blockOffset.getY(), (float) blockOffset.getZ());
boolean rendered = false;
for (Direction dir : DirectionUtil.ALL_DIRECTIONS) {
List<BakedQuad> sided = model.getQuads(state, dir, random);
if (sided.isEmpty()) {
if (!cull || this.occlusionCache.shouldDrawSide(state, world, pos, dir)) {
this.renderQuadList(world, state, pos, lighter, translation, builder, sided, dir);
rendered = true;
List<BakedQuad> all = model.getQuads(state, null, random);
if (!all.isEmpty()) {
this.renderQuadList(world, state, pos, lighter, translation, builder, all, null);
rendered = true;
return rendered;
use of net.minecraft.util.math.Direction in project sodium-fabric by CaffeineMC.
the class SmoothLightPipeline method apply.
public void apply(ModelQuadView quad, BlockPos pos, LightResult out) {
Direction face = quad.getFacing();
int flags = quad.getFlags();
final AoNeighborInfo neighborInfo = AoNeighborInfo.get(face);
if (!ModelQuadFlags.contains(flags, ModelQuadFlags.IS_ALIGNED) || ModelQuadFlags.contains(flags, ModelQuadFlags.IS_PARTIAL)) {
this.applyComplex(neighborInfo, quad, pos, face, out);
} else {
this.applyAlignedFullFace(neighborInfo, pos, face, out);
use of net.minecraft.util.math.Direction in project SeedcrackerX by 19MisterX98.
the class ShipwreckFinder method onChestFound.
* Source:
private boolean onChestFound(BlockPos pos) {
BlockPos.Mutable mutablePos = new BlockPos.Mutable(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
Direction chestFacing = world.getBlockState(pos).get(ChestBlock.FACING);
int[] stairs = new int[4];
int totalStairs = 0;
int[] trapdoors = new int[4];
int totalTrapdoors = 0;
for (int y = -1; y <= 2; y++) {
for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {
for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) {
if (x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0)
mutablePos.set(pos.getX() + x, pos.getY() + y, pos.getZ() + z);
BlockState neighborState = world.getBlockState(mutablePos);
Block neighborBlock = neighborState.getBlock();
if (neighborBlock == Blocks.VOID_AIR)
return false;
if (neighborBlock instanceof StairsBlock) {
stairs[y + 1]++;
} else if (neighborBlock instanceof TrapdoorBlock) {
trapdoors[y + 1]++;
int chestX = 4;
int chestY = 2;
int chestZ = 0;
int length = 16;
int height = 9;
Direction direction = chestFacing;
if (trapdoors[3] > 4) {
// with_mast[_degraded]
chestZ = 9;
height = 21;
length = 28;
} else if (totalTrapdoors == 0 && stairs[3] == 3) {
// upsidedown_backhalf[_degraded]
if (stairs[0] == 0) {
chestX = 2;
chestZ = 12;
direction = chestFacing.getOpposite();
} else {
// upsidedown front
chestX = 3;
chestY = 5;
chestZ = 17;
length = 22;
direction = chestFacing.rotateYClockwise();
} else if (totalTrapdoors == 0) {
// rightsideup that have backhalf
if (stairs[0] == 4) {
if (totalStairs > 4) {
chestX = 6;
chestY = 4;
chestZ = 12;
direction = chestFacing.getOpposite();
} else {
// sideways backhalf
chestX = 6;
chestY = 3;
chestZ = 8;
length = 17;
direction = chestFacing.getOpposite();
} else if (stairs[0] == 3 && totalStairs > 5) {
chestX = 5;
chestZ = 6;
direction = chestFacing.rotateYCounterclockwise();
} else if (totalStairs == 3 && stairs[0] == 1 && stairs[2] == 1 && stairs[3] == 1) {
// upsidedown full
chestX = 3;
chestY = 5;
chestZ = 17;
length = 28;
direction = chestFacing.rotateYClockwise();
mutablePos.move(0, -chestY, 0);
mutablePos.move(direction.rotateYClockwise(), chestX - 4);
mutablePos.move(direction, -chestZ - 1);
if ( == Material.WOOD) {
if (length == 17) {
// sideways
chestZ += 11;
length += 11;
} else {
chestZ += 12;
length += 12;
mutablePos.move(0, 10, 0);
if ( {
height = 21;
} else if (totalTrapdoors == 2 && trapdoors[3] == 2 && stairs[3] == 3) {
// rightsideup_fronthalf[_degraded]
chestZ = 8;
length = 24;
} else if (totalTrapdoors == 2 && totalStairs == 4 && stairs[0] == 2) {
// sideways-fronthalf
chestX = 5;
chestY = 3;
chestZ = 8;
length = 24;
if (chestZ != 0) {
mutablePos.move(direction, 15 - chestZ);
mutablePos.move(direction.rotateYClockwise(), chestX - 4);
BlockPos.Mutable pos2 = new BlockPos.Mutable(mutablePos.getX(), mutablePos.getY(), mutablePos.getZ());
pos2.move(0, -chestY, 0);
pos2.move(direction, -15);
pos2.move(direction.rotateYClockwise(), 4);
BlockPos.Mutable pos3 = new BlockPos.Mutable(pos2.getX(), pos2.getY(), pos2.getZ());
pos3.move(direction, length - 1);
pos3.move(direction.rotateYClockwise(), -8);
pos3.move(0, height - 1, 0);
BlockBox box = new BlockBox(Math.min(pos2.getX(), pos3.getX()), pos2.getY(), Math.min(pos2.getZ(), pos3.getZ()), Math.max(pos2.getX(), pos3.getX()) + 1, pos3.getY() + 1, Math.max(pos2.getZ(), pos3.getZ()) + 1);
mutablePos.move(-4, -chestY, -15);
if ((mutablePos.getX() & 0xf) == 0 && (mutablePos.getZ() & 0xf) == 0) {
RegionStructure.Data<?> data = ChunkPos(mutablePos).x, new ChunkPos(mutablePos).z);
if (SeedCracker.get().getDataStorage().addBaseData(data, DataAddedEvent.POKE_LIFTING)) {
this.renderers.add(new Cuboid(box, new Color(0, 255, 255)));
this.renderers.add(new Cube(new ChunkPos(mutablePos).getStartPos().offset(Direction.UP, mutablePos.getY()), new Color(0, 255, 255)));
return true;
return false;
use of net.minecraft.util.math.Direction in project orion by AntiCope.
the class AutoCityPlus method getDirection.
private Direction getDirection(BlockPos pos) {
// stolen from supakeks ez
Vec3d eyesPos = new Vec3d(mc.player.getX(), mc.player.getY() + mc.player.getEyeHeight(mc.player.getPose()), mc.player.getZ());
for (Direction direction : Direction.values()) {
RaycastContext raycastContext = new RaycastContext(eyesPos, new Vec3d(pos.getX() + 0.5 + direction.getVector().getX() * 0.5, pos.getY() + 0.5 + direction.getVector().getY() * 0.5, pos.getZ() + 0.5 + direction.getVector().getZ() * 0.5), RaycastContext.ShapeType.COLLIDER, RaycastContext.FluidHandling.NONE, mc.player);
BlockHitResult result =;
if (result != null && result.getType() == HitResult.Type.BLOCK && result.getBlockPos().equals(pos)) {
return direction;
if ((double) pos.getY() > eyesPos.y) {
// The player can never see the top of a block if they are under it
return Direction.DOWN;
return Direction.UP;
use of net.minecraft.util.math.Direction in project wildmod by Osmiooo.
the class FrogEntitySpawnEgg method useOnBlock.
public ActionResult useOnBlock(ItemUsageContext context) {
World world = context.getWorld();
ItemStack itemStack = context.getStack();
BlockPos blockPos = context.getBlockPos();
Direction direction = context.getSide();
BlockState blockState = world.getBlockState(blockPos);
if (!(world instanceof ServerWorld)) {
return ActionResult.SUCCESS;
} else {
if (blockState.isOf(Blocks.SPAWNER)) {
BlockEntity blockEntity = world.getBlockEntity(blockPos);
if (blockEntity instanceof MobSpawnerBlockEntity) {
MobSpawnerLogic mobSpawnerLogic = ((MobSpawnerBlockEntity) blockEntity).getLogic();
EntityType<?> entityType = this.getEntityType(itemStack.getNbt());
world.updateListeners(blockPos, blockState, blockState, Block.NOTIFY_ALL);
return ActionResult.CONSUME;
FrogEntity frogEntity = new FrogEntity(RegisterEntities.FROG, world);
BlockPos blockPos3;
if (blockState.getCollisionShape(world, blockPos).isEmpty()) {
blockPos3 = blockPos;
} else {
blockPos3 = blockPos.offset(direction);
if (FrogEntity.canColdSpawn(world, blockPos3)) {
} else if (FrogEntity.canTemperateSpawn(world, blockPos3)) {
frogEntity.setPos(blockPos3.getX() + 0.5, blockPos3.getY() + 0.1, blockPos3.getZ() + 0.5);
frogEntity.setYaw((float) Math.random() * 360 * (float) Math.PI / 180);
world.emitGameEvent(context.getPlayer(), GameEvent.ENTITY_PLACE, blockPos);
return ActionResult.CONSUME;