use of net.minecraft.util.shape.VoxelShape in project MCDoom by AzureDoom.
the class MancubusEntity method spawnFlames.
public void spawnFlames(double x, double z, double maxY, double y, float yaw, int warmup) {
BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(x, y, z);
boolean bl = false;
double d = -0.75D;
do {
BlockPos blockPos2 = blockPos.down();
BlockState blockState =;
if (blockState.isSideSolidFullSquare(, blockPos2, Direction.UP)) {
if (! {
BlockState blockState2 =;
VoxelShape voxelShape = blockState2.getCollisionShape(, blockPos);
if (!voxelShape.isEmpty()) {
d = voxelShape.getMax(Direction.Axis.Y);
bl = true;
blockPos = blockPos.down();
} while (blockPos.getY() >= MathHelper.floor(maxY) - 1);
if (bl) {
DoomFireEntity fang = new DoomFireEntity(, x, (double) blockPos.getY() + d, z, yaw, warmup, this, config.mancubus_ranged_damage);
use of net.minecraft.util.shape.VoxelShape in project Blockus by Brandcraf06.
the class Barrier method getShapeMap.
private Map<BlockState, VoxelShape> getShapeMap(float f, float g, float h, float i, float j, float k) {
float l = 8.0F - f;
float m = 8.0F + f;
float n = 8.0F - g;
float o = 8.0F + g;
VoxelShape voxelShape = Block.createCuboidShape(l, 0.0D, l, m, h, m);
VoxelShape voxelShape2 = Block.createCuboidShape(n, i, 0.0D, o, j, o);
VoxelShape voxelShape3 = Block.createCuboidShape(n, i, n, o, j, 16.0D);
VoxelShape voxelShape4 = Block.createCuboidShape(0.0D, i, n, o, j, o);
VoxelShape voxelShape5 = Block.createCuboidShape(n, i, n, 16.0D, j, o);
VoxelShape voxelShape6 = Block.createCuboidShape(n, i, 0.0D, o, k, o);
VoxelShape voxelShape7 = Block.createCuboidShape(n, i, n, o, k, 16.0D);
VoxelShape voxelShape8 = Block.createCuboidShape(0.0D, i, n, o, k, o);
VoxelShape voxelShape9 = Block.createCuboidShape(n, i, n, 16.0D, k, o);
Builder<BlockState, VoxelShape> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
Iterator var21 = UP.getValues().iterator();
while (var21.hasNext()) {
Boolean boolean_ = (Boolean);
Iterator var23 = EAST_SHAPE.getValues().iterator();
while (var23.hasNext()) {
WallShape wallShape = (WallShape);
Iterator var25 = NORTH_SHAPE.getValues().iterator();
while (var25.hasNext()) {
WallShape wallShape2 = (WallShape);
Iterator var27 = WEST_SHAPE.getValues().iterator();
while (var27.hasNext()) {
WallShape wallShape3 = (WallShape);
Iterator var29 = SOUTH_SHAPE.getValues().iterator();
while (var29.hasNext()) {
WallShape wallShape4 = (WallShape);
VoxelShape voxelShape10 = VoxelShapes.empty();
voxelShape10 = method_24426(voxelShape10, wallShape, voxelShape5, voxelShape9);
voxelShape10 = method_24426(voxelShape10, wallShape3, voxelShape4, voxelShape8);
voxelShape10 = method_24426(voxelShape10, wallShape2, voxelShape2, voxelShape6);
voxelShape10 = method_24426(voxelShape10, wallShape4, voxelShape3, voxelShape7);
if (boolean_) {
voxelShape10 = VoxelShapes.union(voxelShape10, voxelShape);
BlockState blockState = this.getDefaultState().with(UP, boolean_).with(EAST_SHAPE, wallShape).with(WEST_SHAPE, wallShape3).with(NORTH_SHAPE, wallShape2).with(SOUTH_SHAPE, wallShape4);
builder.put(blockState.with(WATERLOGGED, false), voxelShape10);
builder.put(blockState.with(WATERLOGGED, true), voxelShape10);
use of net.minecraft.util.shape.VoxelShape in project lithium-fabric by CaffeineMC.
the class LithiumEntityCollisions method getBlockCollisions.
* [VanillaCopy] CollisionView#getBlockCollisions(Entity, Box)
* This is a much, much faster implementation which uses simple collision testing against full-cube block shapes.
* Checks against the world border are replaced with our own optimized functions which do not go through the
* VoxelShape system.
public static List<VoxelShape> getBlockCollisions(CollisionView world, Entity entity, Box box) {
ArrayList<VoxelShape> shapes = new ArrayList<>();
ChunkAwareBlockCollisionSweeper sweeper = new ChunkAwareBlockCollisionSweeper(world, entity, box);
while (sweeper.hasNext()) {
return shapes;
use of net.minecraft.util.shape.VoxelShape in project lithium-fabric by CaffeineMC.
the class LithiumEntityCollisions method getEntityWorldBorderCollisionIterable.
* [VanillaCopy] EntityView#getEntityCollisions
* Re-implements the function named above without stream code or unnecessary allocations. This can provide a small
* boost in some situations (such as heavy entity crowding) and reduces the allocation rate significantly.
public static Iterable<VoxelShape> getEntityWorldBorderCollisionIterable(EntityView view, Entity entity, Box box, boolean includeWorldBorder) {
assert !includeWorldBorder || entity != null;
return new Iterable<>() {
private List<Entity> entityList;
private int nextFilterIndex;
public Iterator<VoxelShape> iterator() {
return new AbstractIterator<>() {
int index = 0;
boolean consumedWorldBorder = false;
protected VoxelShape computeNext() {
// Initialize list that is shared between multiple iterators as late as possible
if (entityList == null) {
* In case entity's class is overriding Entity#collidesWith(Entity), all types of entities may be (=> are assumed to be) required.
* Otherwise only get entities that override Entity#isCollidable(), as other entities cannot collide.
entityList = WorldHelper.getEntitiesForCollision(view, box, entity);
nextFilterIndex = 0;
List<Entity> list = entityList;
Entity otherEntity;
do {
if (this.index >= list.size()) {
// get the world border at the end
if (includeWorldBorder && !this.consumedWorldBorder) {
this.consumedWorldBorder = true;
WorldBorder worldBorder =;
if (!isWithinWorldBorder(worldBorder, box) && isWithinWorldBorder(worldBorder, entity.getBoundingBox())) {
return worldBorder.asVoxelShape();
return this.endOfData();
otherEntity = list.get(this.index);
if (this.index >= nextFilterIndex) {
* {@link Entity#isCollidable()} returns false by default, designed to be overridden by
* entities whose collisions should be "hard" (boats and shulkers, for now).
* {@link Entity#collidesWith(Entity)} only allows hard collisions if the calling entity is not riding
* otherEntity as a vehicle.
if (entity == null) {
if (!otherEntity.isCollidable()) {
otherEntity = null;
} else if (!entity.collidesWith(otherEntity)) {
otherEntity = null;
} while (otherEntity == null);
return VoxelShapes.cuboid(otherEntity.getBoundingBox());
use of net.minecraft.util.shape.VoxelShape in project lithium-fabric by CaffeineMC.
the class ChunkAwareBlockCollisionSweeper method computeNext.
* Advances the sweep forward until finding a block with a box-colliding VoxelShape
* @return null if no VoxelShape is left in the area, otherwise the next VoxelShape
public VoxelShape computeNext() {
while (true) {
if (this.cIterated >= this.cTotalSize) {
if (!this.nextSection()) {
final int x = this.cX;
final int y = this.cY;
final int z = this.cZ;
// Linearly accessing arrays is faster than other access patterns.
if (this.cX < this.cEndX) {
} else if (this.cZ < this.cEndZ) {
this.cX = this.cStartX;
} else {
this.cX = this.cStartX;
this.cZ = this.cStartZ;
// stop condition was already checked using this.cIterated at the start of the method
// using < minX and > maxX instead of <= and >= in vanilla, because minX, maxX are the coordinates
// of the box that wasn't extended for oversized blocks yet.
final int edgesHit = this.sectionOversizedBlocks ? (x < this.minX || x > this.maxX ? 1 : 0) + (y < this.minY || y > this.maxY ? 1 : 0) + (z < this.minZ || z > this.maxZ ? 1 : 0) : 0;
if (edgesHit == 3) {
final BlockState state = this.cachedChunkSection.getBlockState(x & 15, y & 15, z & 15);
if (!canInteractWithBlock(state, edgesHit)) {
this.pos.set(x, y, z);
VoxelShape collisionShape = state.getCollisionShape(this.view, this.pos, this.context);
if (collisionShape != VoxelShapes.empty()) {
VoxelShape collidedShape = getCollidedShape(, this.shape, collisionShape, x, y, z);
if (collidedShape != null) {
return collidedShape;
return this.endOfData();