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Example 6 with ChunkSection

use of in project lithium-fabric by CaffeineMC.

the class LandPathNodeMakerMixin method getNodeTypeFromNeighbors.

 * @reason Use optimized implementation which avoids scanning blocks for dangers where possible
 * @author JellySquid
public static PathNodeType getNodeTypeFromNeighbors(BlockView world, BlockPos.Mutable pos, PathNodeType type) {
    int x = pos.getX();
    int y = pos.getY();
    int z = pos.getZ();
    ChunkSection section = null;
    // reads to just one chunk and avoid hits against the server chunk manager.
    if (world instanceof CollisionView && WorldHelper.areNeighborsWithinSameChunk(pos)) {
        // if the cached chunk section was initialized will early-exit.
        if (!world.isOutOfHeightLimit(y)) {
            // This cast is always safe and is necessary to obtain direct references to chunk sections.
            Chunk chunk = (Chunk) ((CollisionView) world).getChunkAsView(Pos.ChunkCoord.fromBlockCoord(x), Pos.ChunkCoord.fromBlockCoord(z));
            // An empty chunk or section will never pose any danger sources, which will be caught later.
            if (chunk != null) {
                section = chunk.getSectionArray()[Pos.SectionYIndex.fromBlockCoord(world, y)];
        // against this chunk section will always fail, allowing us to fast-exit.
        if (section == null || PathNodeCache.isSectionSafeAsNeighbor(section)) {
            return type;
    int xStart = x - 1;
    int yStart = y - 1;
    int zStart = z - 1;
    int xEnd = x + 1;
    int yEnd = y + 1;
    int zEnd = z + 1;
    // Vanilla iteration order is XYZ
    for (int adjX = xStart; adjX <= xEnd; adjX++) {
        for (int adjY = yStart; adjY <= yEnd; adjY++) {
            for (int adjZ = zStart; adjZ <= zEnd; adjZ++) {
                // Skip the vertical column of the origin block
                if (adjX == x && adjZ == z) {
                BlockState state;
                // retrieval by calling upon the cached chunk directly.
                if (section != null) {
                    state = section.getBlockState(adjX & 15, adjY & 15, adjZ & 15);
                } else {
                    state = world.getBlockState(pos.set(adjX, adjY, adjZ));
                // Ensure that the block isn't air first to avoid expensive hash table accesses
                if (state.isAir()) {
                PathNodeType neighborType = PathNodeCache.getNeighborPathNodeType(state);
                if (neighborType != PathNodeType.OPEN) {
                    return neighborType;
    return type;
Also used : BlockState(net.minecraft.block.BlockState) CollisionView( PathNodeType( Chunk( ChunkSection( Overwrite(org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Overwrite)

Example 7 with ChunkSection

use of in project lithium-fabric by CaffeineMC.

the class EntityMixin method tryShortcutFluidPushing.

@Inject(method = "updateMovementInFluid(Lnet/minecraft/tag/TagKey;D)Z", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Lnet/minecraft/entity/Entity;isPushedByFluids()Z", shift = At.Shift.BEFORE), cancellable = true, locals = LocalCapture.CAPTURE_FAILHARD)
public void tryShortcutFluidPushing(TagKey<Fluid> tag, double speed, CallbackInfoReturnable<Boolean> cir, Box box, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int z1, int z2, double zero) {
    TrackedBlockStatePredicate blockStateFlag;
    if (tag == FluidTags.WATER) {
        blockStateFlag = BlockStateFlags.WATER;
    } else if (tag == FluidTags.LAVA) {
        blockStateFlag = BlockStateFlags.LAVA;
    } else {
    int chunkX1 = x1 >> 4;
    int chunkZ1 = z1 >> 4;
    int chunkX2 = ((x2 - 1) >> 4);
    int chunkZ2 = ((z2 - 1) >> 4);
    int chunkYIndex1 = Math.max(Pos.SectionYIndex.fromBlockCoord(, y1), Pos.SectionYIndex.getMinYSectionIndex(;
    int chunkYIndex2 = Math.min(Pos.SectionYIndex.fromBlockCoord(, y2 - 1), Pos.SectionYIndex.getMaxYSectionIndexInclusive(;
    for (int chunkX = chunkX1; chunkX <= chunkX2; chunkX++) {
        for (int chunkZ = chunkZ1; chunkZ <= chunkZ2; chunkZ++) {
            Chunk chunk =, chunkZ);
            for (int chunkYIndex = chunkYIndex1; chunkYIndex <= chunkYIndex2; chunkYIndex++) {
                ChunkSection section = chunk.getSectionArray()[chunkYIndex];
                if (((BlockCountingSection) section).anyMatch(blockStateFlag)) {
                    // fluid found, cannot skip code
    // side effects of not finding a fluid:
    this.fluidHeight.put(tag, 0.0);
Also used : TrackedBlockStatePredicate(me.jellysquid.mods.lithium.common.block.TrackedBlockStatePredicate) Chunk( ChunkSection( BlockCountingSection(me.jellysquid.mods.lithium.common.block.BlockCountingSection) Inject(org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.Inject)

Example 8 with ChunkSection

use of in project lithium-fabric by CaffeineMC.

the class WorldMixin method getBlockState.

 * @reason Reduce method size to help the JVM inline, Avoid excess height limit checks
 * @author 2No2Name
public BlockState getBlockState(BlockPos pos) {
    WorldChunk worldChunk = this.getChunk(ChunkSectionPos.getSectionCoord(pos.getX()), ChunkSectionPos.getSectionCoord(pos.getZ()));
    ChunkSection[] sections = worldChunk.getSectionArray();
    int x = pos.getX();
    int y = pos.getY();
    int z = pos.getZ();
    int chunkY = this.getSectionIndex(y);
    if (chunkY < 0 || chunkY >= sections.length) {
        return OUTSIDE_WORLD_BLOCK;
    ChunkSection section = sections[chunkY];
    if (section == null || section.isEmpty()) {
    return section.getBlockState(x & 15, y & 15, z & 15);
// This code path is slower than with the extra world height limit check. Tradeoff in favor of the default path.
Also used : WorldChunk( ChunkSection( Overwrite(org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Overwrite)

Example 9 with ChunkSection

use of in project lithium-fabric by CaffeineMC.

the class ExplosionMixin method traverseBlock.

 * Called for every step made by a ray being cast by an explosion.
 * @param strength The strength of the ray during this step
 * @param blockX   The x-coordinate of the block the ray is inside of
 * @param blockY   The y-coordinate of the block the ray is inside of
 * @param blockZ   The z-coordinate of the block the ray is inside of
 * @return The resistance of the current block space to the ray
private float traverseBlock(float strength, int blockX, int blockY, int blockZ, LongOpenHashSet touched) {
    BlockPos pos = this.cachedPos.set(blockX, blockY, blockZ);
    // Early-exit if the y-coordinate is out of bounds.
    if ( {
        Optional<Float> blastResistance = this.behavior.getBlastResistance((Explosion) (Object) this,, pos, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), Fluids.EMPTY.getDefaultState());
        // noinspection OptionalIsPresent
        if (blastResistance.isPresent()) {
            return (blastResistance.get() + 0.3F) * 0.3F;
        return 0.0F;
    int chunkX = Pos.ChunkCoord.fromBlockCoord(blockX);
    int chunkZ = Pos.ChunkCoord.fromBlockCoord(blockZ);
    // Avoid calling into the chunk manager as much as possible through managing chunks locally
    if (this.prevChunkX != chunkX || this.prevChunkZ != chunkZ) {
        this.prevChunk =, chunkZ);
        this.prevChunkX = chunkX;
        this.prevChunkZ = chunkZ;
    final Chunk chunk = this.prevChunk;
    BlockState blockState = Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState();
    float totalResistance = 0.0F;
    Optional<Float> blastResistance;
    labelGetBlastResistance: {
        // If the chunk is missing or out of bounds, assume that it is air
        if (chunk != null) {
            // We operate directly on chunk sections to avoid interacting with BlockPos and to squeeze out as much
            // performance as possible here
            ChunkSection section = chunk.getSectionArray()[Pos.SectionYIndex.fromBlockCoord(chunk, blockY)];
            // If the section doesn't exist or it's empty, assume that the block is air
            if (section != null && !section.isEmpty()) {
                // Retrieve the block state from the chunk section directly to avoid associated overhead
                blockState = section.getBlockState(blockX & 15, blockY & 15, blockZ & 15);
                // If the block state is air, it cannot have fluid or any kind of resistance, so just leave
                if (blockState.getBlock() != Blocks.AIR) {
                    // Rather than query the fluid state from the container as we just did with the block state, we can
                    // simply ask the block state we retrieved what fluid it has. This is exactly what the call would
                    // do anyways, except that it would have to retrieve the block state a second time, adding overhead.
                    FluidState fluidState = blockState.getFluidState();
                    // Get the explosion resistance like vanilla
                    blastResistance = this.behavior.getBlastResistance((Explosion) (Object) this,, pos, blockState, fluidState);
                    break labelGetBlastResistance;
        blastResistance = this.behavior.getBlastResistance((Explosion) (Object) this,, pos, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), Fluids.EMPTY.getDefaultState());
    // Calculate how much this block will resist an explosion's ray
    if (blastResistance.isPresent()) {
        totalResistance = (blastResistance.get() + 0.3F) * 0.3F;
    // Check if this ray is still strong enough to break blocks, and if so, add this position to the set
    // of positions to destroy
    float reducedStrength = strength - totalResistance;
    if (reducedStrength > 0.0F && (this.explodeAirBlocks || !blockState.isAir())) {
        if (this.behavior.canDestroyBlock((Explosion) (Object) this,, pos, blockState, reducedStrength)) {
    return totalResistance;
Also used : BlockState(net.minecraft.block.BlockState) Explosion( BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) Chunk( ChunkSection( FluidState(net.minecraft.fluid.FluidState)

Example 10 with ChunkSection

use of in project Spelunker by Leximon.

the class PlayerEntityMixin method moveEndInject.

@Inject(method = "tick", at = @At("HEAD"))
private void moveEndInject(CallbackInfo ci) {
    if (!hasStatusEffect(SpelunkerMod.STATUS_EFFECT_SPELUNKER)) {
        if (!spelunkerEffectChunks.isEmpty())
        forceOreChunkUpdate = true;
    if (SpelunkerConfig.serverValidating && world.isClient())
    int cx = ChunkSectionPos.getSectionCoord(getX());
    int cy = ChunkSectionPos.getSectionCoord(getY());
    int cz = ChunkSectionPos.getSectionCoord(getZ());
    // update if player crosses chunk border
    if (cx != lastCx || cy != lastCy || cz != lastCz || forceOreChunkUpdate) {
        forceOreChunkUpdate = false;
        HashMap<Vec3i, ChunkSection> newChunks = SpelunkerEffectManager.getSurroundingChunkSections(world, getPos());
        // calc difference and find ores
        HashSet<Vec3i> remove = new HashSet<>();
        spelunkerEffectChunks.removeIf(p -> {
            if (!newChunks.containsKey(p)) {
                return true;
            return false;
        ArrayList<ChunkOres> add = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Map.Entry<Vec3i, ChunkSection> section : newChunks.entrySet()) {
            Vec3i pos = section.getKey();
            if (!spelunkerEffectChunks.contains(pos)) {
                add.add(SpelunkerEffectManager.findOresInChunk(world, pos));
        // handle new and removed chunk sections
        if (world.isClient()) {
            SpelunkerModClient.spelunkerEffectRenderer.updateChunks(world, remove, add);
        } else if (SpelunkerConfig.serverValidating) {
            PacketByteBuf buf = SpelunkerEffectManager.writePacket(world, true, remove, add);
            ServerPlayNetworking.send((ServerPlayerEntity) (Object) this, SpelunkerMod.PACKET_ORE_CHUNKS, buf);
    lastCx = cx;
    lastCy = cy;
    lastCz = cz;
Also used : Vec3i(net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i) ChunkOres(de.leximon.spelunker.core.ChunkOres) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ServerPlayerEntity( PacketByteBuf( ChunkSection( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Inject(org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.Inject)


ChunkSection ( Chunk ( BlockState (net.minecraft.block.BlockState)10 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)8 Overwrite (org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Overwrite)8 WorldChunk ( Inject (org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.Inject)5 TileEntity (net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity)3 BiomeContainer ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Block (net.minecraft.block.Block)2 ITileEntityProvider (net.minecraft.block.ITileEntityProvider)2 PathNodeType ( FluidState (net.minecraft.fluid.FluidState)2 CompoundNBT (net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundNBT)2 NBTUtil (net.minecraft.nbt.NBTUtil)2 ServerPlayerEntity ( ChunkPos (net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkPos)2 PalettedContainer (net.minecraft.util.palette.PalettedContainer)2 CollisionView (