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Example 11 with ChunkSection

use of in project LoliServer by Loli-Server.

the class CraftChunkData method setRegion.

public void setRegion(int xMin, int yMin, int zMin, int xMax, int yMax, int zMax, net.minecraft.block.BlockState type) {
    // Clamp to sane values.
    if (xMin > 0xf || yMin >= maxHeight || zMin > 0xf) {
    if (xMin < 0) {
        xMin = 0;
    if (yMin < 0) {
        yMin = 0;
    if (zMin < 0) {
        zMin = 0;
    if (xMax > 0x10) {
        xMax = 0x10;
    if (yMax > maxHeight) {
        yMax = maxHeight;
    if (zMax > 0x10) {
        zMax = 0x10;
    if (xMin >= xMax || yMin >= yMax || zMin >= zMax) {
    for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; y++) {
        ChunkSection section = getChunkSection(y, true);
        int offsetBase = y & 0xf;
        for (int x = xMin; x < xMax; x++) {
            for (int z = zMin; z < zMax; z++) {
                section.setBlockState(x, offsetBase, z, type);
Also used : ChunkSection(

Example 12 with ChunkSection

use of in project LoliServer by Loli-Server.

the class CustomChunkGenerator method buildSurfaceAndBedrock.

public void buildSurfaceAndBedrock(WorldGenRegion p_225551_1_, IChunk p_225551_2_) {
    // Call the bukkit ChunkGenerator before structure generation so correct biome information is available.
    int x = p_225551_2_.getPos().x;
    int z = p_225551_2_.getPos().z;
    random.setSeed((long) x * 341873128712L + (long) z * 132897987541L);
    // Get default biome data for chunk
    CustomBiomeGrid biomegrid = new CustomBiomeGrid(new BiomeContainer(world.registryAccess().registryOrThrow(Registry.BIOME_REGISTRY), p_225551_2_.getPos(), this.getBiomeSource()));
    ChunkData data;
    if (generator.isParallelCapable()) {
        data = generator.generateChunkData(, random, x, z, biomegrid);
    } else {
        synchronized (this) {
            data = generator.generateChunkData(, random, x, z, biomegrid);
    Preconditions.checkArgument(data instanceof CraftChunkData, "Plugins must use createChunkData(World) rather than implementing ChunkData: %s", data);
    CraftChunkData craftData = (CraftChunkData) data;
    ChunkSection[] sections = craftData.getRawChunkData();
    ChunkSection[] csect = p_225551_2_.getSections();
    int scnt = Math.min(csect.length, sections.length);
    // Loop through returned sections
    for (int sec = 0; sec < scnt; sec++) {
        if (sections[sec] == null) {
        ChunkSection section = sections[sec];
        csect[sec] = section;
    // Set biome grid
    ((ChunkPrimer) p_225551_2_).setBiomes(biomegrid.biome);
    if (craftData.getTiles() != null) {
        for (BlockPos pos : craftData.getTiles()) {
            int tx = pos.getX();
            int ty = pos.getY();
            int tz = pos.getZ();
            Block block = craftData.getTypeId(tx, ty, tz).getBlock();
            if (block.isEntityBlock()) {
                TileEntity tile = ((ITileEntityProvider) block).newBlockEntity(world);
                p_225551_2_.setBlockEntity(new BlockPos((x << 4) + tx, ty, (z << 4) + tz), tile);
Also used : TileEntity(net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity) ChunkData(org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator.ChunkData) ITileEntityProvider(net.minecraft.block.ITileEntityProvider) Block(net.minecraft.block.Block) CraftBlock(org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.block.CraftBlock) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) ChunkSection( BiomeContainer( ChunkPrimer(

Example 13 with ChunkSection

use of in project Magma-1.16.x by magmafoundation.

the class CraftChunkData method setBlock.

private void setBlock(int x, int y, int z, net.minecraft.block.BlockState type) {
    if (x != (x & 0xf) || y < 0 || y >= maxHeight || z != (z & 0xf)) {
    ChunkSection section = getChunkSection(y, true);
    section.setBlockState(x, y & 0xf, z, type);
    if (type.getBlock().hasTileEntity(type.getBlock().defaultBlockState())) {
        if (tiles == null) {
            tiles = new HashSet<>();
        tiles.add(new BlockPos(x, y, z));
Also used : BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) ChunkSection(

Example 14 with ChunkSection

use of in project Magma-1.16.x by magmafoundation.

the class CraftChunkData method setRegion.

public void setRegion(int xMin, int yMin, int zMin, int xMax, int yMax, int zMax, net.minecraft.block.BlockState type) {
    // Clamp to sane values.
    if (xMin > 0xf || yMin >= maxHeight || zMin > 0xf) {
    if (xMin < 0) {
        xMin = 0;
    if (yMin < 0) {
        yMin = 0;
    if (zMin < 0) {
        zMin = 0;
    if (xMax > 0x10) {
        xMax = 0x10;
    if (yMax > maxHeight) {
        yMax = maxHeight;
    if (zMax > 0x10) {
        zMax = 0x10;
    if (xMin >= xMax || yMin >= yMax || zMin >= zMax) {
    for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; y++) {
        ChunkSection section = getChunkSection(y, true);
        int offsetBase = y & 0xf;
        for (int x = xMin; x < xMax; x++) {
            for (int z = zMin; z < zMax; z++) {
                section.setBlockState(x, offsetBase, z, type);
Also used : ChunkSection(

Example 15 with ChunkSection

use of in project LoliServer by Loli-Server.

the class CraftChunk method getChunkSnapshot.

public ChunkSnapshot getChunkSnapshot(boolean includeMaxBlockY, boolean includeBiome, boolean includeBiomeTempRain) { chunk = getHandle();
    ChunkSection[] cs = chunk.getSections();
    PalettedContainer[] sectionBlockIDs = new PalettedContainer[cs.length];
    byte[][] sectionSkyLights = new byte[cs.length][];
    byte[][] sectionEmitLights = new byte[cs.length][];
    boolean[] sectionEmpty = new boolean[cs.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
        if (cs[i] == null) {
            // Section is empty?
            sectionBlockIDs[i] = emptyBlockIDs;
            sectionSkyLights[i] = emptyLight;
            sectionEmitLights[i] = emptyLight;
            sectionEmpty[i] = true;
        } else {
            // Not empty
            CompoundNBT data = new CompoundNBT();
            cs[i].getStates().write(data, "Palette", "BlockStates");
            // TODO: snapshot whole ChunkSection
            PalettedContainer blockids = new PalettedContainer<net.minecraft.block.BlockState>(ChunkSection.GLOBAL_BLOCKSTATE_PALETTE, net.minecraft.block.Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY, NBTUtil::readBlockState, NBTUtil::writeBlockState, Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState());
  "Palette", CraftMagicNumbers.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND), data.getLongArray("BlockStates"));
            sectionBlockIDs[i] = blockids;
            WorldLightManager lightengine = chunk.level.getChunkSource().getLightEngine();
            NibbleArray skyLightArray = lightengine.getLayerListener(LightType.SKY).getDataLayerData(SectionPos.of(x, i, z));
            if (skyLightArray == null) {
                sectionSkyLights[i] = emptyLight;
            } else {
                sectionSkyLights[i] = new byte[2048];
                System.arraycopy(skyLightArray.getData(), 0, sectionSkyLights[i], 0, 2048);
            NibbleArray emitLightArray = lightengine.getLayerListener(LightType.BLOCK).getDataLayerData(SectionPos.of(x, i, z));
            if (emitLightArray == null) {
                sectionEmitLights[i] = emptyLight;
            } else {
                sectionEmitLights[i] = new byte[2048];
                System.arraycopy(emitLightArray.getData(), 0, sectionEmitLights[i], 0, 2048);
    Heightmap hmap = null;
    if (includeMaxBlockY) {
        hmap = new Heightmap(null, Heightmap.Type.MOTION_BLOCKING);
    BiomeContainer biome = null;
    if (includeBiome || includeBiomeTempRain) {
        biome = chunk.getBiomes();
    World world = getWorld();
    return new CraftChunkSnapshot(getX(), getZ(), world.getName(), world.getFullTime(), sectionBlockIDs, sectionSkyLights, sectionEmitLights, sectionEmpty, hmap, biome);
Also used : Heightmap( CompoundNBT(net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundNBT) NBTUtil(net.minecraft.nbt.NBTUtil) ServerWorld( World(org.bukkit.World) NibbleArray( WorldLightManager( ChunkSection( BiomeContainer( PalettedContainer(net.minecraft.util.palette.PalettedContainer)


ChunkSection ( Chunk ( BlockState (net.minecraft.block.BlockState)10 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)8 Overwrite (org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Overwrite)8 WorldChunk ( Inject (org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.Inject)5 TileEntity (net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity)3 BiomeContainer ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Block (net.minecraft.block.Block)2 ITileEntityProvider (net.minecraft.block.ITileEntityProvider)2 PathNodeType ( FluidState (net.minecraft.fluid.FluidState)2 CompoundNBT (net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundNBT)2 NBTUtil (net.minecraft.nbt.NBTUtil)2 ServerPlayerEntity ( ChunkPos (net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkPos)2 PalettedContainer (net.minecraft.util.palette.PalettedContainer)2 CollisionView (