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Example 1 with LeverBlock

use of in project Cyclic by Lothrazar.

the class LeverRemote method useOn.

public InteractionResult useOn(UseOnContext context) {
    Player player = context.getPlayer();
    Level world = context.getLevel();
    if (player.getCooldowns().isOnCooldown(this)) {
        return super.useOn(context);
    ItemStack stack = player.getItemInHand(context.getHand());
    BlockPos pos = context.getClickedPos();
    if (world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock() instanceof LeverBlock) {
        UtilNBT.setItemStackBlockPos(stack, pos);
        // and save dimension
        stack.getOrCreateTag().putString("LeverDim", UtilWorld.dimensionToString(player.level));
        // UtilNBT.setItemStackNBTVal(stack, "LeverDim", player.dimension.getId());
        if (world.isClientSide) {
            UtilChat.sendStatusMessage(player, this.getDescriptionId() + ".saved");
        // UtilSound.playSound(player, SoundEvents.BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK);
        return InteractionResult.SUCCESS;
    } else {
        boolean success = false;
        success = trigger(stack, world, player);
        if (success) {
            return InteractionResult.SUCCESS;
        } else {
            return InteractionResult.FAIL;
// return super.onItemUse(context);
Also used : Player( LeverBlock( Level( BlockPos(net.minecraft.core.BlockPos) ItemStack(

Example 2 with LeverBlock

use of in project fabric-carpet by gnembon.

the class BlockRotator method flip_block.

public static boolean flip_block(BlockState state, Level world, Player player, InteractionHand hand, BlockHitResult hit) {
    Block block = state.getBlock();
    BlockPos pos = hit.getBlockPos();
    Vec3 hitVec = hit.getLocation().subtract(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
    Direction facing = hit.getDirection();
    BlockState newState = null;
    if ((block instanceof GlazedTerracottaBlock) || (block instanceof DiodeBlock) || (block instanceof BaseRailBlock) || (block instanceof TrapDoorBlock) || (block instanceof LeverBlock) || (block instanceof FenceGateBlock)) {
        newState = state.rotate(Rotation.CLOCKWISE_90);
    } else if ((block instanceof ObserverBlock) || (block instanceof EndRodBlock)) {
        newState = state.setValue(DirectionalBlock.FACING, state.getValue(DirectionalBlock.FACING).getOpposite());
    } else if (block instanceof DispenserBlock) {
        newState = state.setValue(DispenserBlock.FACING, state.getValue(DispenserBlock.FACING).getOpposite());
    } else if (block instanceof PistonBaseBlock) {
        if (!(state.getValue(PistonBaseBlock.EXTENDED)))
            newState = state.setValue(DirectionalBlock.FACING, state.getValue(DirectionalBlock.FACING).getOpposite());
    } else if (block instanceof SlabBlock) {
        if (((SlabBlock) block).useShapeForLightOcclusion(state)) {
            newState = state.setValue(SlabBlock.TYPE, state.getValue(SlabBlock.TYPE) == SlabType.TOP ? SlabType.BOTTOM : SlabType.TOP);
    } else if (block instanceof HopperBlock) {
        if (state.getValue(HopperBlock.FACING) != Direction.DOWN) {
            newState = state.setValue(HopperBlock.FACING, state.getValue(HopperBlock.FACING).getClockWise());
    } else if (block instanceof StairBlock) {
        // LOG.error(String.format("hit with facing: %s, at side %.1fX, X %.1fY, Y %.1fZ",facing, hitX, hitY, hitZ));
        if ((facing == Direction.UP && hitVec.y == 1.0f) || (facing == Direction.DOWN && hitVec.y == 0.0f)) {
            newState = state.setValue(StairBlock.HALF, state.getValue(StairBlock.HALF) == Half.TOP ? Half.BOTTOM : Half.TOP);
        } else {
            boolean turn_right;
            if (facing == Direction.NORTH) {
                turn_right = (hitVec.x <= 0.5);
            } else if (facing == Direction.SOUTH) {
                turn_right = !(hitVec.x <= 0.5);
            } else if (facing == Direction.EAST) {
                turn_right = (hitVec.z <= 0.5);
            } else if (facing == Direction.WEST) {
                turn_right = !(hitVec.z <= 0.5);
            } else {
                return false;
            if (turn_right) {
                newState = state.rotate(Rotation.COUNTERCLOCKWISE_90);
            } else {
                newState = state.rotate(Rotation.CLOCKWISE_90);
    } else if (block instanceof RotatedPillarBlock) {
        switch((Direction.Axis) state.getValue(RotatedPillarBlock.AXIS)) {
            case X:
                newState = (BlockState) state.setValue(RotatedPillarBlock.AXIS, Direction.Axis.Z);
            case Z:
                newState = (BlockState) state.setValue(RotatedPillarBlock.AXIS, Direction.Axis.Y);
            case Y:
                newState = (BlockState) state.setValue(RotatedPillarBlock.AXIS, Direction.Axis.X);
    } else {
        return false;
    if (newState != null) {
        world.setBlock(pos, newState, 2 | 1024);
        world.setBlocksDirty(pos, state, newState);
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : GlazedTerracottaBlock( DispenserBlock( SlabBlock( HopperBlock( LeverBlock( ObserverBlock( StairBlock( Direction(net.minecraft.core.Direction) PistonBaseBlock( DiodeBlock( TrapDoorBlock( BlockState( BaseRailBlock( FenceGateBlock( Vec3( BaseRailBlock( FenceGateBlock( TrapDoorBlock( LeverBlock( ObserverBlock( SlabBlock( BedBlock( EndRodBlock( RepeaterBlock( GlazedTerracottaBlock( DiodeBlock( DispenserBlock( ComparatorBlock( HopperBlock( PistonBaseBlock( Block( RotatedPillarBlock( HorizontalDirectionalBlock( StairBlock( DirectionalBlock( BlockPos(net.minecraft.core.BlockPos) EndRodBlock( RotatedPillarBlock(


BlockPos (net.minecraft.core.BlockPos)2 LeverBlock ( Direction (net.minecraft.core.Direction)1 Player ( ItemStack ( Level ( BaseRailBlock ( BedBlock ( Block ( ComparatorBlock ( DiodeBlock ( DirectionalBlock ( DispenserBlock ( EndRodBlock ( FenceGateBlock ( GlazedTerracottaBlock ( HopperBlock ( HorizontalDirectionalBlock ( ObserverBlock ( RepeaterBlock (