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Example 21 with Node

use of in project Citizens2 by CitizensDev.

the class PlayerNodeEvaluator method getStart.

public Node getStart() {
    BlockPos.MutableBlockPos var1 = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos();
    int var0 = this.mob.getBlockY();
    BlockState var2 = this.level.getBlockState(var1.set(this.mob.getX(), var0, this.mob.getZ()));
    if (this.mob.canStandOnFluid(var2.getFluidState().getType())) {
        while (this.mob.canStandOnFluid(var2.getFluidState().getType())) {
            var2 = this.level.getBlockState(var1.set(this.mob.getX(), var0, this.mob.getZ()));
    } else if (canFloat() && this.mob.isInWater()) {
        while ( || var2.getFluidState() == Fluids.WATER.getSource(false)) {
            var2 = this.level.getBlockState(var1.set(this.mob.getX(), var0, this.mob.getZ()));
    } else if (this.mob.isOnGround()) {
        var0 = Mth.floor(this.mob.getY() + 0.5D);
    } else {
        BlockPos blockPos = this.mob.blockPosition();
        while ((this.level.getBlockState(blockPos).isAir() || this.level.getBlockState(blockPos).isPathfindable(this.level, blockPos, PathComputationType.LAND)) && blockPos.getY() > this.mob.level.getMinBuildHeight()) blockPos = blockPos.down();
        var0 = blockPos.up().getY();
    BlockPos var3 = this.mob.blockPosition();
    BlockPathTypes var4 = getCachedBlockType(this.mob, var3.getX(), var0, var3.getZ());
    if (this.mob.getPathfindingMalus(var4) < 0.0F) {
        AABB aABB = this.mob.getBoundingBox();
        if (hasPositiveMalus(var1.set(aABB.minX, var0, aABB.minZ)) || hasPositiveMalus(var1.set(aABB.minX, var0, aABB.maxZ)) || hasPositiveMalus(var1.set(aABB.maxX, var0, aABB.minZ)) || hasPositiveMalus(var1.set(aABB.maxX, var0, aABB.maxZ))) {
            Node var6 = getNode(var1);
            var6.type = getBlockPathType(this.mob, var6.asBlockPos());
            var6.costMalus = this.mob.getPathfindingMalus(var6.type);
            return var6;
    Node var5 = getNode(var3.getX(), var0, var3.getZ());
    var5.type = getBlockPathType(this.mob, var5.asBlockPos());
    var5.costMalus = this.mob.getPathfindingMalus(var5.type);
    return var5;
Also used : BlockPathTypes( BlockState( Node( BlockPos(net.minecraft.core.BlockPos) AABB(

Example 22 with Node

use of in project AlexsMobs by Alex-the-666.

the class BoneSerpentNodeProcessor method getNode.

 * Returns a mapped point or creates and adds one
protected Node getNode(int x, int y, int z) {
    Node pathpoint = null;
    BlockPathTypes pathnodetype = this.getBlockPathType(this.mob.level, x, y, z);
    float f = this.mob.getPathfindingMalus(pathnodetype);
    if (f >= 0.0F) {
        pathpoint = super.getNode(x, y, z);
        pathpoint.type = pathnodetype;
        pathpoint.costMalus = Math.max(pathpoint.costMalus, f);
        if (this.level.getFluidState(new BlockPos(x, y, z)).isEmpty()) {
            pathpoint.costMalus += 8.0F;
    return pathnodetype == BlockPathTypes.OPEN ? pathpoint : pathpoint;
Also used : BlockPathTypes( Node( BlockPos(net.minecraft.core.BlockPos) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 23 with Node

use of in project AlexsMobs by Alex-the-666.

the class CapuchinAITargetBalloons method canEasilyReach.

 * Checks to see if this entity can find a short path to the given target.
private boolean canEasilyReach(LivingEntity target) {
    this.targetSearchDelay = 10 + this.monkey.getRandom().nextInt(5);
    Path path = this.monkey.getNavigation().createPath(target, 0);
    if (path == null) {
        return false;
    } else {
        Node pathpoint = path.getEndNode();
        if (pathpoint == null) {
            return false;
        } else {
            int i = pathpoint.x - Mth.floor(target.getX());
            int j = pathpoint.z - Mth.floor(target.getZ());
            return (double) (i * i + j * j) <= 2.25D;
Also used : Path( Node(

Example 24 with Node

use of in project Atum2 by TeamMetallurgy.

the class OpenAnyDoorGoal method canUse.

public boolean canUse() {
    if (!this.mob.horizontalCollision) {
        return false;
    } else {
        PathNavigation pathNavigator = this.mob.getNavigation();
        Path path = pathNavigator.getPath();
        if (path != null && !path.isDone()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(path.getNextNodeIndex() + 2, path.getNodeCount()); ++i) {
                Node pathPoint = path.getNode(i);
                this.doorPos = new BlockPos(pathPoint.x, pathPoint.y + 1, pathPoint.z);
                if (!(this.mob.distanceToSqr(this.doorPos.getX(), this.mob.getY(), this.doorPos.getZ()) > 2.25D)) {
                    this.hasDoor = canOpen(this.mob.level, this.doorPos);
                    if (this.hasDoor) {
                        return true;
            this.doorPos = this.mob.blockPosition().above();
            this.hasDoor = canOpen(this.mob.level, this.doorPos);
            return this.hasDoor;
        } else {
            return false;
Also used : Path( Node( PathNavigation( BlockPos(net.minecraft.core.BlockPos)


Node ( BlockPos (net.minecraft.core.BlockPos)16 Path ( BlockPathTypes ( Mob ( Lists ( List (java.util.List)6 Map (java.util.Map)6 Set (java.util.Set)6 Setting (net.citizensnpcs.Settings.Setting)6 BlockState ( Target ( AABB ( PathNavigation ( PathFinder ( Sets ( Comparator (java.util.Comparator)4 Optional (java.util.Optional)4 Function (java.util.function.Function)4 Collectors (