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Example 1 with Preview

use of net.sourceforge.opencamera.Preview.Preview in project OpenCamera by ageback.

the class DrawPreview method onDrawInfoLines.

private void onDrawInfoLines(Canvas canvas, final int top_y, long time_ms) {
    Preview preview = main_activity.getPreview();
    CameraController camera_controller = preview.getCameraController();
    int ui_rotation = preview.getUIRotation();
    // set up text etc for the multiple lines of "info" (time, free mem, etc)
    // convert dps to pixels
    p.setTextSize(16 * scale + 0.5f);
    // convert dps to pixels
    int location_x = (int) ((show_battery_pref ? 15 : 5) * scale + 0.5f);
    int location_y = top_y;
    // convert dps to pixels
    final int gap_y = (int) (0 * scale + 0.5f);
    if (ui_rotation == 90 || ui_rotation == 270) {
        int diff = canvas.getWidth() - canvas.getHeight();
        location_x += diff / 2;
        location_y -= diff / 2;
    if (ui_rotation == 90) {
        location_y = canvas.getHeight() - location_y - (int) (20 * scale + 0.5f);
    if (ui_rotation == 180) {
        location_x = canvas.getWidth() - location_x;
    if (show_time_pref) {
        if (current_time_string == null || time_ms / 1000 > last_current_time_time / 1000) {
            // avoid creating a new calendar object every time
            if (calendar == null)
                calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
            current_time_string = dateFormatTimeInstance.format(calendar.getTime());
            // current_time_string = DateUtils.formatDateTime(getContext(), c.getTimeInMillis(), DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME);
            last_current_time_time = time_ms;
        // int height = applicationInterface.drawTextWithBackground(canvas, p, current_time_string, Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK, location_x, location_y, MyApplicationInterface.Alignment.ALIGNMENT_TOP);
        if (text_bounds_time == null) {
            if (MyDebug.LOG)
                Log.d(TAG, "compute text_bounds_time");
            text_bounds_time = new Rect();
            String bounds_time_string = "00:00:00";
            p.getTextBounds(bounds_time_string, 0, bounds_time_string.length(), text_bounds_time);
        int height = applicationInterface.drawTextWithBackground(canvas, p, current_time_string, Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK, location_x, location_y, MyApplicationInterface.Alignment.ALIGNMENT_TOP, null, true, text_bounds_time);
        height += gap_y;
        if (ui_rotation == 90) {
            location_y -= height;
        } else {
            location_y += height;
    if (camera_controller != null && show_free_memory_pref) {
        if (last_free_memory_time == 0 || time_ms > last_free_memory_time + 10000) {
            // don't call this too often, for UI performance
            long free_mb = main_activity.freeMemory();
            if (free_mb >= 0) {
                float new_free_memory_gb = free_mb / 1024.0f;
                if (MyDebug.LOG) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "free_memory_gb: " + free_memory_gb);
                    Log.d(TAG, "new_free_memory_gb: " + new_free_memory_gb);
                if (Math.abs(new_free_memory_gb - free_memory_gb) > 0.001f) {
                    free_memory_gb = new_free_memory_gb;
                    free_memory_gb_string = decimalFormat.format(free_memory_gb) + getContext().getResources().getString(R.string.gb_abbreviation);
            // always set this, so that in case of free memory not being available, we aren't calling freeMemory() every frame
            last_free_memory_time = time_ms;
        if (free_memory_gb >= 0.0f && free_memory_gb_string != null) {
            // int height = applicationInterface.drawTextWithBackground(canvas, p, free_memory_gb_string, Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK, location_x, location_y, MyApplicationInterface.Alignment.ALIGNMENT_TOP);
            if (text_bounds_free_memory == null) {
                if (MyDebug.LOG)
                    Log.d(TAG, "compute text_bounds_free_memory");
                text_bounds_free_memory = new Rect();
                p.getTextBounds(free_memory_gb_string, 0, free_memory_gb_string.length(), text_bounds_free_memory);
            int height = applicationInterface.drawTextWithBackground(canvas, p, free_memory_gb_string, Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK, location_x, location_y, MyApplicationInterface.Alignment.ALIGNMENT_TOP, null, true, text_bounds_free_memory);
            height += gap_y;
            if (ui_rotation == 90) {
                location_y -= height;
            } else {
                location_y += height;
    if (camera_controller != null && show_iso_pref) {
        if (iso_exposure_string == null || time_ms > last_iso_exposure_time + 500) {
            iso_exposure_string = "";
            if (camera_controller.captureResultHasIso()) {
                int iso = camera_controller.captureResultIso();
                if (iso_exposure_string.length() > 0)
                    iso_exposure_string += " ";
                iso_exposure_string += preview.getISOString(iso);
            if (camera_controller.captureResultHasExposureTime()) {
                long exposure_time = camera_controller.captureResultExposureTime();
                if (iso_exposure_string.length() > 0)
                    iso_exposure_string += " ";
                iso_exposure_string += preview.getExposureTimeString(exposure_time);
            /*if( camera_controller.captureResultHasFrameDuration() ) {
					long frame_duration = camera_controller.captureResultFrameDuration();
					if( iso_exposure_string.length() > 0 )
						iso_exposure_string += " ";
					iso_exposure_string += preview.getFrameDurationString(frame_duration);
            last_iso_exposure_time = time_ms;
        if (iso_exposure_string.length() > 0) {
            boolean is_scanning = false;
            if (camera_controller.captureResultIsAEScanning()) {
                // only show as scanning if in auto ISO mode (problem on Nexus 6 at least that if we're in manual ISO mode, after pausing and
                // resuming, the camera driver continually reports CONTROL_AE_STATE_SEARCHING)
                String value = sharedPreferences.getString(PreferenceKeys.ISOPreferenceKey, CameraController.ISO_DEFAULT);
                if (value.equals("auto")) {
                    is_scanning = true;
            // Yellow 500
            int text_color = Color.rgb(255, 235, 59);
            if (is_scanning) {
                // we only change the color if ae scanning is at least a certain time, otherwise we get a lot of flickering of the color
                if (ae_started_scanning_ms == -1) {
                    ae_started_scanning_ms = time_ms;
                } else if (time_ms - ae_started_scanning_ms > 500) {
                    // Red 500
                    text_color = Color.rgb(244, 67, 54);
            } else {
                ae_started_scanning_ms = -1;
            // can't cache the bounds rect, as the width may change significantly as the ISO or exposure values change
            int height = applicationInterface.drawTextWithBackground(canvas, p, iso_exposure_string, text_color, Color.BLACK, location_x, location_y, MyApplicationInterface.Alignment.ALIGNMENT_TOP, ybounds_text, true);
            height += gap_y;
            // been enabled, we'll never be able to display the on-screen ISO)
            if (ui_rotation == 90) {
                location_y -= height;
            } else {
                location_y += height;
    if (camera_controller != null) {
        // padding to align with earlier text
        // convert dps to pixels
        final int flash_padding = (int) (1 * scale + 0.5f);
        int location_x2 = location_x - flash_padding;
        // convert dps to pixels
        final int icon_size = (int) (16 * scale + 0.5f);
        if (ui_rotation == 180) {
            location_x2 = location_x - icon_size + flash_padding;
        if (store_location_pref) {
            icon_dest.set(location_x2, location_y, location_x2 + icon_size, location_y + icon_size);
            canvas.drawRect(icon_dest, p);
            if (applicationInterface.getLocation() != null) {
                canvas.drawBitmap(location_bitmap, null, icon_dest, p);
                int location_radius = icon_size / 10;
                int indicator_x = location_x2 + icon_size - (int) (location_radius * 1.5);
                int indicator_y = location_y + (int) (location_radius * 1.5);
                // Green 500 or Yellow 500
                p.setColor(applicationInterface.getLocation().getAccuracy() < 25.01f ? Color.rgb(37, 155, 36) : Color.rgb(255, 235, 59));
                canvas.drawCircle(indicator_x, indicator_y, location_radius, p);
            } else {
                canvas.drawBitmap(location_off_bitmap, null, icon_dest, p);
            if (ui_rotation == 180) {
                location_x2 -= icon_size + flash_padding;
            } else {
                location_x2 += icon_size + flash_padding;
        // RAW not enabled in NR mode (see note in CameraController.takePictureBurst())
        if (is_raw_pref && // RAW can be enabled, even if it isn't available for this camera (e.g., user enables RAW for back camera, but then switches to front camera which doesn't support it)
        preview.supportsRaw() && photoMode != MyApplicationInterface.PhotoMode.HDR && photoMode != MyApplicationInterface.PhotoMode.ExpoBracketing && photoMode != MyApplicationInterface.PhotoMode.NoiseReduction) {
            icon_dest.set(location_x2, location_y, location_x2 + icon_size, location_y + icon_size);
            canvas.drawRect(icon_dest, p);
            canvas.drawBitmap(raw_bitmap, null, icon_dest, p);
            if (ui_rotation == 180) {
                location_x2 -= icon_size + flash_padding;
            } else {
                location_x2 += icon_size + flash_padding;
        if (is_face_detection_pref && preview.supportsFaceDetection()) {
            icon_dest.set(location_x2, location_y, location_x2 + icon_size, location_y + icon_size);
            canvas.drawRect(icon_dest, p);
            canvas.drawBitmap(face_detection_bitmap, null, icon_dest, p);
            if (ui_rotation == 180) {
                location_x2 -= icon_size + flash_padding;
            } else {
                location_x2 += icon_size + flash_padding;
        if (auto_stabilise_pref) {
            // auto-level is supported for photos taken in video mode
            icon_dest.set(location_x2, location_y, location_x2 + icon_size, location_y + icon_size);
            canvas.drawRect(icon_dest, p);
            canvas.drawBitmap(auto_stabilise_bitmap, null, icon_dest, p);
            if (ui_rotation == 180) {
                location_x2 -= icon_size + flash_padding;
            } else {
                location_x2 += icon_size + flash_padding;
        if ((photoMode == MyApplicationInterface.PhotoMode.DRO || photoMode == MyApplicationInterface.PhotoMode.HDR || photoMode == MyApplicationInterface.PhotoMode.ExpoBracketing || photoMode == MyApplicationInterface.PhotoMode.FastBurst || photoMode == MyApplicationInterface.PhotoMode.NoiseReduction) && !applicationInterface.isVideoPref()) {
            // these photo modes not supported for video mode
            icon_dest.set(location_x2, location_y, location_x2 + icon_size, location_y + icon_size);
            canvas.drawRect(icon_dest, p);
            Bitmap bitmap = photoMode == MyApplicationInterface.PhotoMode.DRO ? dro_bitmap : photoMode == MyApplicationInterface.PhotoMode.HDR ? hdr_bitmap : photoMode == MyApplicationInterface.PhotoMode.ExpoBracketing ? expo_bitmap : photoMode == MyApplicationInterface.PhotoMode.FastBurst ? burst_bitmap : photoMode == MyApplicationInterface.PhotoMode.NoiseReduction ? nr_bitmap : null;
            if (bitmap != null) {
                canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, null, icon_dest, p);
                if (ui_rotation == 180) {
                    location_x2 -= icon_size + flash_padding;
                } else {
                    location_x2 += icon_size + flash_padding;
        // but it isn't supported in RAW-only mode
        if (has_stamp_pref && !(is_raw_only_pref && preview.supportsRaw())) {
            icon_dest.set(location_x2, location_y, location_x2 + icon_size, location_y + icon_size);
            canvas.drawRect(icon_dest, p);
            canvas.drawBitmap(photostamp_bitmap, null, icon_dest, p);
            if (ui_rotation == 180) {
                location_x2 -= icon_size + flash_padding;
            } else {
                location_x2 += icon_size + flash_padding;
        if (!is_audio_enabled_pref && applicationInterface.isVideoPref()) {
            icon_dest.set(location_x2, location_y, location_x2 + icon_size, location_y + icon_size);
            canvas.drawRect(icon_dest, p);
            canvas.drawBitmap(audio_disabled_bitmap, null, icon_dest, p);
            if (ui_rotation == 180) {
                location_x2 -= icon_size + flash_padding;
            } else {
                location_x2 += icon_size + flash_padding;
        if (is_high_speed && applicationInterface.isVideoPref()) {
            icon_dest.set(location_x2, location_y, location_x2 + icon_size, location_y + icon_size);
            canvas.drawRect(icon_dest, p);
            canvas.drawBitmap(high_speed_fps_bitmap, null, icon_dest, p);
            if (ui_rotation == 180) {
                location_x2 -= icon_size + flash_padding;
            } else {
                location_x2 += icon_size + flash_padding;
        String flash_value = preview.getCurrentFlashValue();
        // note, flash_frontscreen_auto not yet support for the flash symbol (as camera_controller.needsFlash() only returns info on the built-in actual flash, not frontscreen flash)
        if (flash_value != null && (flash_value.equals("flash_on") || flash_value.equals("flash_red_eye") || (flash_value.equals("flash_auto") && camera_controller.needsFlash())) && !applicationInterface.isVideoPref()) {
            // flash-indicator not supported for photos taken in video mode
            if (needs_flash_time != -1) {
                final long fade_ms = 500;
                float alpha = (time_ms - needs_flash_time) / (float) fade_ms;
                if (time_ms - needs_flash_time >= fade_ms)
                    alpha = 1.0f;
                icon_dest.set(location_x2, location_y, location_x2 + icon_size, location_y + icon_size);
                /*if( MyDebug.LOG )
						Log.d(TAG, "alpha: " + alpha);*/
                p.setAlpha((int) (64 * alpha));
                canvas.drawRect(icon_dest, p);
                p.setAlpha((int) (255 * alpha));
                canvas.drawBitmap(flash_bitmap, null, icon_dest, p);
            } else {
                needs_flash_time = time_ms;
        } else {
            needs_flash_time = -1;
Also used : Rect( Bitmap( CameraController(net.sourceforge.opencamera.CameraController.CameraController) Preview(net.sourceforge.opencamera.Preview.Preview) Paint(

Example 2 with Preview

use of net.sourceforge.opencamera.Preview.Preview in project OpenCamera by ageback.

the class DrawPreview method drawAngleLines.

private void drawAngleLines(Canvas canvas) {
    Preview preview = main_activity.getPreview();
    CameraController camera_controller = preview.getCameraController();
    boolean has_level_angle = preview.hasLevelAngle();
    if (camera_controller != null && !preview.isPreviewPaused() && has_level_angle && (show_angle_line_pref || show_pitch_lines_pref || show_geo_direction_lines_pref)) {
        int ui_rotation = preview.getUIRotation();
        double level_angle = preview.getLevelAngle();
        boolean has_pitch_angle = preview.hasPitchAngle();
        double pitch_angle = preview.getPitchAngle();
        boolean has_geo_direction = preview.hasGeoDirection();
        double geo_direction = preview.getGeoDirection();
        // n.b., must draw this without the standard canvas rotation
        int radius_dps = (ui_rotation == 90 || ui_rotation == 270) ? 60 : 80;
        // convert dps to pixels
        int radius = (int) (radius_dps * scale + 0.5f);
        double angle = -preview.getOrigLevelAngle();
        // see
        int rotation = main_activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation();
        switch(rotation) {
            case Surface.ROTATION_90:
            case Surface.ROTATION_270:
                angle -= 90.0;
            case Surface.ROTATION_0:
            case Surface.ROTATION_180:
        /*if( MyDebug.LOG ) {
				Log.d(TAG, "orig_level_angle: " + preview.getOrigLevelAngle());
				Log.d(TAG, "angle: " + angle);
        int cx = canvas.getWidth() / 2;
        int cy = canvas.getHeight() / 2;
        boolean is_level = false;
        if (Math.abs(level_angle) <= close_level_angle) {
            // n.b., use level_angle, not angle or orig_level_angle
            is_level = true;
        if (is_level) {
            radius = (int) (radius * 1.2);
        canvas.rotate((float) angle, cx, cy);
        final int line_alpha = 96;
        // convert dps to pixels
        float hthickness = (0.5f * scale + 0.5f);
        if (show_angle_line_pref) {
            // draw outline
            // can't use drawRoundRect(left, top, right, bottom, ...) as that requires API 21
            draw_rect.set(cx - radius - hthickness, cy - 2 * hthickness, cx + radius + hthickness, cy + 2 * hthickness);
            canvas.drawRoundRect(draw_rect, 2 * hthickness, 2 * hthickness, p);
            // draw the vertical crossbar
            draw_rect.set(cx - 2 * hthickness, cy - radius / 2 - hthickness, cx + 2 * hthickness, cy + radius / 2 + hthickness);
            canvas.drawRoundRect(draw_rect, hthickness, hthickness, p);
            // draw inner portion
            if (is_level) {
            } else {
            draw_rect.set(cx - radius, cy - hthickness, cx + radius, cy + hthickness);
            canvas.drawRoundRect(draw_rect, hthickness, hthickness, p);
            // draw the vertical crossbar
            draw_rect.set(cx - hthickness, cy - radius / 2, cx + hthickness, cy + radius / 2);
            canvas.drawRoundRect(draw_rect, hthickness, hthickness, p);
            if (is_level) {
                // draw a second line
                draw_rect.set(cx - radius - hthickness, cy - 7 * hthickness, cx + radius + hthickness, cy - 3 * hthickness);
                canvas.drawRoundRect(draw_rect, 2 * hthickness, 2 * hthickness, p);
                draw_rect.set(cx - radius, cy - 6 * hthickness, cx + radius, cy - 4 * hthickness);
                canvas.drawRoundRect(draw_rect, hthickness, hthickness, p);
        float camera_angle_x = preview.getViewAngleX();
        float camera_angle_y = preview.getViewAngleY();
        float angle_scale_x = (float) (canvas.getWidth() / (2.0 * Math.tan(Math.toRadians((camera_angle_x / 2.0)))));
        float angle_scale_y = (float) (canvas.getHeight() / (2.0 * Math.tan(Math.toRadians((camera_angle_y / 2.0)))));
        /*if( MyDebug.LOG ) {
				Log.d(TAG, "camera_angle_x: " + camera_angle_x);
				Log.d(TAG, "camera_angle_y: " + camera_angle_y);
				Log.d(TAG, "angle_scale_x: " + angle_scale_x);
				Log.d(TAG, "angle_scale_y: " + angle_scale_y);
				Log.d(TAG, "angle_scale_x/scale: " + angle_scale_x/scale);
				Log.d(TAG, "angle_scale_y/scale: " + angle_scale_y/scale);
        /*if( MyDebug.LOG ) {
				Log.d(TAG, "has_pitch_angle?: " + has_pitch_angle);
				Log.d(TAG, "show_pitch_lines?: " + show_pitch_lines);
        float angle_scale = (float) Math.sqrt(angle_scale_x * angle_scale_x + angle_scale_y * angle_scale_y);
        angle_scale *= preview.getZoomRatio();
        if (has_pitch_angle && show_pitch_lines_pref) {
            int pitch_radius_dps = (ui_rotation == 90 || ui_rotation == 270) ? 100 : 80;
            // convert dps to pixels
            int pitch_radius = (int) (pitch_radius_dps * scale + 0.5f);
            int angle_step = 10;
            if (preview.getZoomRatio() >= 2.0f)
                angle_step = 5;
            for (int latitude_angle = -90; latitude_angle <= 90; latitude_angle += angle_step) {
                double this_angle = pitch_angle - latitude_angle;
                if (Math.abs(this_angle) < 90.0) {
                    // angle_scale is already in pixels rather than dps
                    float pitch_distance = angle_scale * (float) Math.tan(Math.toRadians(this_angle));
                    /*if( MyDebug.LOG ) {
							Log.d(TAG, "pitch_angle: " + pitch_angle);
							Log.d(TAG, "pitch_distance_dp: " + pitch_distance_dp);
                    // draw outline
                    // can't use drawRoundRect(left, top, right, bottom, ...) as that requires API 21
                    draw_rect.set(cx - pitch_radius - hthickness, cy + pitch_distance - 2 * hthickness, cx + pitch_radius + hthickness, cy + pitch_distance + 2 * hthickness);
                    canvas.drawRoundRect(draw_rect, 2 * hthickness, 2 * hthickness, p);
                    // draw inner portion
                    if (latitude_angle == 0 && Math.abs(pitch_angle) < 1.0) {
                    } else {
                    draw_rect.set(cx - pitch_radius, cy + pitch_distance - hthickness, cx + pitch_radius, cy + pitch_distance + hthickness);
                    canvas.drawRoundRect(draw_rect, hthickness, hthickness, p);
                    // draw pitch angle indicator
                    applicationInterface.drawTextWithBackground(canvas, p, "" + latitude_angle + "\u00B0", p.getColor(), Color.BLACK, (int) (cx + pitch_radius + 4 * hthickness), (int) (cy + pitch_distance - 2 * hthickness), MyApplicationInterface.Alignment.ALIGNMENT_CENTRE);
        if (has_geo_direction && has_pitch_angle && show_geo_direction_lines_pref) {
            int geo_radius_dps = (ui_rotation == 90 || ui_rotation == 270) ? 80 : 100;
            // convert dps to pixels
            int geo_radius = (int) (geo_radius_dps * scale + 0.5f);
            float geo_angle = (float) Math.toDegrees(geo_direction);
            int angle_step = 10;
            if (preview.getZoomRatio() >= 2.0f)
                angle_step = 5;
            for (int longitude_angle = 0; longitude_angle < 360; longitude_angle += angle_step) {
                double this_angle = longitude_angle - geo_angle;
                // normalise to be in interval [0, 360)
                while (this_angle >= 360.0) this_angle -= 360.0;
                while (this_angle < -360.0) this_angle += 360.0;
                // pick shortest angle
                if (this_angle > 180.0)
                    this_angle = -(360.0 - this_angle);
                if (Math.abs(this_angle) < 90.0) {
                    /*if( MyDebug.LOG ) {
							Log.d(TAG, "this_angle is now: " + this_angle);
                    // angle_scale is already in pixels rather than dps
                    float geo_distance = angle_scale * (float) Math.tan(Math.toRadians(this_angle));
                    // draw outline
                    // can't use drawRoundRect(left, top, right, bottom, ...) as that requires API 21
                    draw_rect.set(cx + geo_distance - 2 * hthickness, cy - geo_radius - hthickness, cx + geo_distance + 2 * hthickness, cy + geo_radius + hthickness);
                    canvas.drawRoundRect(draw_rect, 2 * hthickness, 2 * hthickness, p);
                    // draw inner portion
                    draw_rect.set(cx + geo_distance - hthickness, cy - geo_radius, cx + geo_distance + hthickness, cy + geo_radius);
                    canvas.drawRoundRect(draw_rect, hthickness, hthickness, p);
                    // draw geo direction angle indicator
                    applicationInterface.drawTextWithBackground(canvas, p, "" + longitude_angle + "\u00B0", p.getColor(), Color.BLACK, (int) (cx + geo_distance), (int) (cy - geo_radius - 4 * hthickness), MyApplicationInterface.Alignment.ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM);
        // reset
Also used : CameraController(net.sourceforge.opencamera.CameraController.CameraController) Preview(net.sourceforge.opencamera.Preview.Preview) Paint(

Example 3 with Preview

use of net.sourceforge.opencamera.Preview.Preview in project OpenCamera by ageback.

the class DrawPreview method doFocusAnimation.

private void doFocusAnimation(Canvas canvas, long time_ms) {
    Preview preview = main_activity.getPreview();
    CameraController camera_controller = preview.getCameraController();
    if (camera_controller != null && continuous_focus_moving && !taking_picture) {
        // we don't display the continuous focusing animation when taking a photo - and can also give the impression of having
        // frozen if we pause because the image saver queue is full
        long dt = time_ms - continuous_focus_moving_ms;
        final long length = 1000;
        /*if( MyDebug.LOG )
				Log.d(TAG, "continuous focus moving, dt: " + dt);*/
        if (dt <= length) {
            float frac = ((float) dt) / (float) length;
            float pos_x = canvas.getWidth() / 2.0f;
            float pos_y = canvas.getHeight() / 2.0f;
            // convert dps to pixels
            float min_radius = (40 * scale + 0.5f);
            // convert dps to pixels
            float max_radius = (60 * scale + 0.5f);
            float radius;
            if (frac < 0.5f) {
                float alpha = frac * 2.0f;
                radius = (1.0f - alpha) * min_radius + alpha * max_radius;
            } else {
                float alpha = (frac - 0.5f) * 2.0f;
                radius = (1.0f - alpha) * max_radius + alpha * min_radius;
            /*if( MyDebug.LOG ) {
					Log.d(TAG, "dt: " + dt);
					Log.d(TAG, "radius: " + radius);
            canvas.drawCircle(pos_x, pos_y, radius, p);
            // reset
        } else {
    if (preview.isFocusWaiting() || preview.isFocusRecentSuccess() || preview.isFocusRecentFailure()) {
        long time_since_focus_started = preview.timeSinceStartedAutoFocus();
        // convert dps to pixels
        float min_radius = (40 * scale + 0.5f);
        // convert dps to pixels
        float max_radius = (45 * scale + 0.5f);
        float radius = min_radius;
        if (time_since_focus_started > 0) {
            final long length = 500;
            float frac = ((float) time_since_focus_started) / (float) length;
            if (frac > 1.0f)
                frac = 1.0f;
            if (frac < 0.5f) {
                float alpha = frac * 2.0f;
                radius = (1.0f - alpha) * min_radius + alpha * max_radius;
            } else {
                float alpha = (frac - 0.5f) * 2.0f;
                radius = (1.0f - alpha) * max_radius + alpha * min_radius;
        int size = (int) radius;
        if (preview.isFocusRecentSuccess())
            // Green A400
            p.setColor(Color.rgb(20, 231, 21));
        else if (preview.isFocusRecentFailure())
            // Red 500
            p.setColor(Color.rgb(244, 67, 54));
        int pos_x;
        int pos_y;
        if (preview.hasFocusArea()) {
            Pair<Integer, Integer> focus_pos = preview.getFocusPos();
            pos_x = focus_pos.first;
            pos_y = focus_pos.second;
        } else {
            pos_x = canvas.getWidth() / 2;
            pos_y = canvas.getHeight() / 2;
        float frac = 0.5f;
        // horizontal strokes
        canvas.drawLine(pos_x - size, pos_y - size, pos_x - frac * size, pos_y - size, p);
        canvas.drawLine(pos_x + frac * size, pos_y - size, pos_x + size, pos_y - size, p);
        canvas.drawLine(pos_x - size, pos_y + size, pos_x - frac * size, pos_y + size, p);
        canvas.drawLine(pos_x + frac * size, pos_y + size, pos_x + size, pos_y + size, p);
        // vertical strokes
        canvas.drawLine(pos_x - size, pos_y - size, pos_x - size, pos_y - frac * size, p);
        canvas.drawLine(pos_x - size, pos_y + frac * size, pos_x - size, pos_y + size, p);
        canvas.drawLine(pos_x + size, pos_y - size, pos_x + size, pos_y - frac * size, p);
        canvas.drawLine(pos_x + size, pos_y + frac * size, pos_x + size, pos_y + size, p);
        // reset
Also used : CameraController(net.sourceforge.opencamera.CameraController.CameraController) Preview(net.sourceforge.opencamera.Preview.Preview) Paint(

Example 4 with Preview

use of net.sourceforge.opencamera.Preview.Preview in project OpenCamera by ageback.

the class DrawPreview method onDrawPreview.

public void onDrawPreview(Canvas canvas) {
    /*if( MyDebug.LOG )
			Log.d(TAG, "onDrawPreview");*/
    if (!has_settings) {
        if (MyDebug.LOG)
            Log.d(TAG, "onDrawPreview: need to update settings");
    Preview preview = main_activity.getPreview();
    CameraController camera_controller = preview.getCameraController();
    int ui_rotation = preview.getUIRotation();
    final long time_ms = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // see documentation for CameraController.shouldCoverPreview()
    if (preview.usingCamera2API() && (camera_controller == null || camera_controller.shouldCoverPreview())) {
        canvas.drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(), p);
    if (camera_controller != null && front_screen_flash) {
        canvas.drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(), p);
    if (main_activity.getMainUI().inImmersiveMode()) {
        if (immersive_mode_everything_pref) {
            // in immersive_mode_everything mode)
    if (camera_controller != null && taking_picture && !front_screen_flash && take_photo_border_pref) {
        // convert dps to pixels
        float this_stroke_width = (5.0f * scale + 0.5f);
        canvas.drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(), p);
        // reset
        // reset
    if (show_last_image && last_thumbnail != null) {
        // If changing this code, ensure that pause preview still works when:
        // - Taking a photo in portrait or landscape - and check rotating the device while preview paused
        // - Taking a photo with lock to portrait/landscape options still shows the thumbnail with aspect ratio preserved
        // in case image doesn't cover the canvas (due to different aspect ratios)
        p.setColor(Color.rgb(0, 0, 0));
        // in case
        canvas.drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(), p);
        last_image_src_rect.left = 0; = 0;
        last_image_src_rect.right = last_thumbnail.getWidth();
        last_image_src_rect.bottom = last_thumbnail.getHeight();
        if (ui_rotation == 90 || ui_rotation == 270) {
            last_image_src_rect.right = last_thumbnail.getHeight();
            last_image_src_rect.bottom = last_thumbnail.getWidth();
        last_image_dst_rect.left = 0; = 0;
        last_image_dst_rect.right = canvas.getWidth();
        last_image_dst_rect.bottom = canvas.getHeight();
        /*if( MyDebug.LOG ) {
				Log.d(TAG, "thumbnail: " + last_thumbnail.getWidth() + " x " + last_thumbnail.getHeight());
				Log.d(TAG, "canvas: " + canvas.getWidth() + " x " + canvas.getHeight());
        // use CENTER to preserve aspect ratio
        last_image_matrix.setRectToRect(last_image_src_rect, last_image_dst_rect, Matrix.ScaleToFit.CENTER);
        if (ui_rotation == 90 || ui_rotation == 270) {
            // the rotation maps (0, 0) to (tw/2 - th/2, th/2 - tw/2), so we translate to undo this
            float diff = last_thumbnail.getHeight() - last_thumbnail.getWidth();
            last_image_matrix.preTranslate(diff / 2.0f, -diff / 2.0f);
        last_image_matrix.preRotate(ui_rotation, last_thumbnail.getWidth() / 2.0f, last_thumbnail.getHeight() / 2.0f);
        canvas.drawBitmap(last_thumbnail, last_image_matrix, p);
    doThumbnailAnimation(canvas, time_ms);
    drawUI(canvas, time_ms);
    doFocusAnimation(canvas, time_ms);
    CameraController.Face[] faces_detected = preview.getFacesDetected();
    if (faces_detected != null) {
        // Yellow 500
        p.setColor(Color.rgb(255, 235, 59));
        for (CameraController.Face face : faces_detected) {
            // Android doc recommends filtering out faces with score less than 50 (same for both Camera and Camera2 APIs)
            if (face.score >= 50) {
                canvas.drawRect(face.rect, p);
        // reset
    if (enable_gyro_target_spot) {
        GyroSensor gyroSensor = main_activity.getApplicationInterface().getGyroSensor();
        if (gyroSensor.isRecording()) {
            gyroSensor.getRelativeInverseVector(transformed_gyro_direction, gyro_direction);
            // note that although X of gyro_direction represents left to right on the device, because we're in landscape mode,
            // this is y coordinates on the screen
            float angle_x = -(float) Math.asin(transformed_gyro_direction[1]);
            float angle_y = -(float) Math.asin(transformed_gyro_direction[0]);
            if (Math.abs(angle_x) < 0.5f * Math.PI && Math.abs(angle_y) < 0.5f * Math.PI) {
                float camera_angle_x = preview.getViewAngleX();
                float camera_angle_y = preview.getViewAngleY();
                float angle_scale_x = (float) (canvas.getWidth() / (2.0 * Math.tan(Math.toRadians((camera_angle_x / 2.0)))));
                float angle_scale_y = (float) (canvas.getHeight() / (2.0 * Math.tan(Math.toRadians((camera_angle_y / 2.0)))));
                angle_scale_x *= preview.getZoomRatio();
                angle_scale_y *= preview.getZoomRatio();
                // angle_scale is already in pixels rather than dps
                float distance_x = angle_scale_x * (float) Math.tan(angle_x);
                // angle_scale is already in pixels rather than dps
                float distance_y = angle_scale_y * (float) Math.tan(angle_y);
                // draw spot for the centre of the screen, to help the user orient the device
                drawGyroSpot(canvas, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                drawGyroSpot(canvas, distance_x, distance_y);
Also used : CameraController(net.sourceforge.opencamera.CameraController.CameraController) Preview(net.sourceforge.opencamera.Preview.Preview) GyroSensor(net.sourceforge.opencamera.GyroSensor) Paint(

Example 5 with Preview

use of net.sourceforge.opencamera.Preview.Preview in project OpenCamera by ageback.

the class MainUI method updateSelectedISOButton.

 * If the exposure panel is open, updates the selected ISO button to match the current ISO value,
 *  if a continuous range of ISO values are supported by the camera.
public void updateSelectedISOButton() {
    if (MyDebug.LOG)
        Log.d(TAG, "updateSelectedISOButton");
    Preview preview = main_activity.getPreview();
    if (preview.supportsISORange() && isExposureUIOpen()) {
        SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(main_activity);
        String current_iso = sharedPreferences.getString(PreferenceKeys.ISOPreferenceKey, CameraController.ISO_DEFAULT);
        // if the manual ISO value isn't one of the "preset" values, then instead highlight the manual ISO icon
        if (MyDebug.LOG)
            Log.d(TAG, "current_iso: " + current_iso);
        boolean found = false;
        for (View view : iso_buttons) {
            Button button = (Button) view;
            if (MyDebug.LOG)
                Log.d(TAG, "button: " + button.getText());
            String button_text = "" + button.getText();
            if (button_text.contains(current_iso)) {
                PopupView.setButtonSelected(button, true);
                found = true;
            } else {
                PopupView.setButtonSelected(button, false);
        if (!found && !current_iso.equals(CameraController.ISO_DEFAULT)) {
            if (MyDebug.LOG)
                Log.d(TAG, "must be manual");
            if (iso_button_manual_index >= 0 && iso_button_manual_index < iso_buttons.size()) {
                Button button = (Button) iso_buttons.get(iso_button_manual_index);
                PopupView.setButtonSelected(button, true);
Also used : SharedPreferences(android.content.SharedPreferences) ImageButton(android.widget.ImageButton) Button(android.widget.Button) Preview(net.sourceforge.opencamera.Preview.Preview) View(android.view.View)


Preview (net.sourceforge.opencamera.Preview.Preview)14 Paint ( CameraController (net.sourceforge.opencamera.CameraController.CameraController)8 SharedPreferences (android.content.SharedPreferences)4 View (android.view.View)4 Intent (android.content.Intent)3 Rect ( DrawPreview (net.sourceforge.opencamera.UI.DrawPreview)2 SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)1 ActivityManager ( AlertDialog ( DialogInterface (android.content.DialogInterface)1 PackageInfo ( Bitmap ( Uri ( Handler (android.os.Handler)1 RecognizerIntent (android.speech.RecognizerIntent)1 TextToSpeech (android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech)1 GestureDetector (android.view.GestureDetector)1 OrientationEventListener (android.view.OrientationEventListener)1