use of org.apache.accumulo.core.file.streams.RateLimitedOutputStream in project accumulo by apache.
the class RFileOperations method openWriter.
protected FileSKVWriter openWriter(OpenWriterOperation options) throws IOException {
AccumuloConfiguration acuconf = options.getTableConfiguration();
long blockSize = acuconf.getAsBytes(Property.TABLE_FILE_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_SIZE);
Preconditions.checkArgument((blockSize < Integer.MAX_VALUE && blockSize > 0), "table.file.compress.blocksize must be greater than 0 and less than " + Integer.MAX_VALUE);
long indexBlockSize = acuconf.getAsBytes(Property.TABLE_FILE_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_SIZE_INDEX);
Preconditions.checkArgument((indexBlockSize < Integer.MAX_VALUE && indexBlockSize > 0), "table.file.compress.blocksize.index must be greater than 0 and less than " + Integer.MAX_VALUE);
SamplerConfigurationImpl samplerConfig = SamplerConfigurationImpl.newSamplerConfig(acuconf);
Sampler sampler = null;
if (samplerConfig != null) {
sampler = SamplerFactory.newSampler(samplerConfig, acuconf, options.isAccumuloStartEnabled());
String compression = options.getCompression();
compression = compression == null ? options.getTableConfiguration().get(Property.TABLE_FILE_COMPRESSION_TYPE) : compression;
FSDataOutputStream outputStream = options.getOutputStream();
Configuration conf = options.getConfiguration();
if (outputStream == null) {
int hrep = conf.getInt("dfs.replication", -1);
int trep = acuconf.getCount(Property.TABLE_FILE_REPLICATION);
int rep = hrep;
if (trep > 0 && trep != hrep) {
rep = trep;
long hblock = conf.getLong("dfs.block.size", 1 << 26);
long tblock = acuconf.getAsBytes(Property.TABLE_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE);
long block = hblock;
if (tblock > 0)
block = tblock;
int bufferSize = conf.getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096);
String file = options.getFilename();
FileSystem fs = options.getFileSystem();
outputStream = fs.create(new Path(file), false, bufferSize, (short) rep, block);
CachableBlockFile.Writer _cbw = new CachableBlockFile.Writer(new RateLimitedOutputStream(outputStream, options.getRateLimiter()), compression, conf, acuconf);
RFile.Writer writer = new RFile.Writer(_cbw, (int) blockSize, (int) indexBlockSize, samplerConfig, sampler);
return writer;