use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class BasicCompactionStrategy method filterFiles.
private MajorCompactionRequest filterFiles(MajorCompactionRequest mcr) {
if (filterSize != null) {
Map<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> filteredFiles = new HashMap<>();
mcr.getFiles().forEach((fr, dfv) -> {
if (dfv.getSize() <= filterSize) {
filteredFiles.put(fr, dfv);
mcr = new MajorCompactionRequest(mcr);
return mcr;
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class TooManyDeletesCompactionStrategy method gatherInformation.
public void gatherInformation(MajorCompactionRequest request) throws IOException {
Predicate<SummarizerConfiguration> summarizerPredicate = conf -> conf.getClassName().equals(DeletesSummarizer.class.getName()) && conf.getOptions().isEmpty();
long total = 0;
long deletes = 0;
for (Entry<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> entry : request.getFiles().entrySet()) {
Collection<Summary> summaries = request.getSummaries(Collections.singleton(entry.getKey()), summarizerPredicate);
if (summaries.size() == 1) {
Summary summary = summaries.iterator().next();
total += summary.getStatistics().get(TOTAL_STAT);
deletes += summary.getStatistics().get(DELETES_STAT);
} else {
long numEntries = entry.getValue().getNumEntries();
if (numEntries == 0 && !proceed_bns) {
shouldCompact = false;
} else {
// no summary data so use Accumulo's estimate of total entries in file
total += entry.getValue().getNumEntries();
long nonDeletes = total - deletes;
if (nonDeletes >= 0) {
// check nonDeletes >= 0 because if this is not true then its clear evidence that the
// estimates are off
double ratio = deletes / (double) nonDeletes;
shouldCompact = ratio >= threshold;
} else {
shouldCompact = false;
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class MetadataTableUtil method finishSplit.
public static void finishSplit(Text metadataEntry, Map<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> datafileSizes, List<StoredTabletFile> highDatafilesToRemove, final ServerContext context, ServiceLock zooLock) {
Mutation m = new Mutation(metadataEntry);
for (Entry<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> entry : datafileSizes.entrySet()) {
m.put(DataFileColumnFamily.NAME, entry.getKey().getMetaInsertText(), new Value(entry.getValue().encode()));
for (StoredTabletFile pathToRemove : highDatafilesToRemove) {
m.putDelete(DataFileColumnFamily.NAME, pathToRemove.getMetaUpdateDeleteText());
update(context, zooLock, m, KeyExtent.fromMetaRow(metadataEntry));
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class MetadataTableUtil method getFileAndLogEntries.
public static Pair<List<LogEntry>, SortedMap<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue>> getFileAndLogEntries(ServerContext context, KeyExtent extent) throws IOException {
ArrayList<LogEntry> result = new ArrayList<>();
TreeMap<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> sizes = new TreeMap<>();
TabletMetadata tablet = context.getAmple().readTablet(extent, FILES, LOGS, PREV_ROW, DIR);
if (tablet == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Tablet " + extent + " not found in metadata");
return new Pair<>(result, sizes);
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class Tablet method split.
public TreeMap<KeyExtent, TabletData> split(byte[] sp) throws IOException {
if (sp != null && extent.endRow() != null && extent.endRow().equals(new Text(sp))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempting to split on EndRow " + extent.endRow() + " for " + extent);
if (sp != null && sp.length > tableConfiguration.getAsBytes(Property.TABLE_MAX_END_ROW_SIZE)) {
String msg = "Cannot split tablet " + extent + ", selected split point too long. Length : " + sp.length;
throw new IOException(msg);
if (extent.isRootTablet()) {
String msg = "Cannot split root tablet";
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
log.debug("File {} not splitting : {}", extent, ise.getMessage());
return null;
// obtain this info outside of synch block since it will involve opening
// the map files... it is ok if the set of map files changes, because
// this info is used for optimization... it is ok if map files are missing
// from the set... can still query and insert into the tablet while this
// map file operation is happening
Map<TabletFile, FileUtil.FileInfo> firstAndLastRows = FileUtil.tryToGetFirstAndLastRows(context, getDatafileManager().getFiles());
synchronized (this) {
// java needs tuples ...
TreeMap<KeyExtent, TabletData> newTablets = new TreeMap<>();
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
// choose a split point
SplitRowSpec splitPoint;
if (sp == null) {
splitPoint = findSplitRow(getDatafileManager().getFiles());
} else {
Text tsp = new Text(sp);
splitPoint = new SplitRowSpec(FileUtil.estimatePercentageLTE(context, chooseTabletDir(), extent.prevEndRow(), extent.endRow(), getDatafileManager().getFiles(), tsp), tsp);
if (splitPoint == null || splitPoint.row == null) {"had to abort split because splitRow was null");
closeState = CloseState.OPEN;
return null;
closeState = CloseState.CLOSING;
completeClose(true, false);
Text midRow = splitPoint.row;
double splitRatio = splitPoint.splitRatio;
KeyExtent low = new KeyExtent(extent.tableId(), midRow, extent.prevEndRow());
KeyExtent high = new KeyExtent(extent.tableId(), extent.endRow(), midRow);
String lowDirectoryName = createTabletDirectoryName(context, midRow);
// write new tablet information to MetadataTable
SortedMap<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> lowDatafileSizes = new TreeMap<>();
SortedMap<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> highDatafileSizes = new TreeMap<>();
List<StoredTabletFile> highDatafilesToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
MetadataTableUtil.splitDatafiles(midRow, splitRatio, firstAndLastRows, getDatafileManager().getDatafileSizes(), lowDatafileSizes, highDatafileSizes, highDatafilesToRemove);
log.debug("Files for low split {} {}", low, lowDatafileSizes.keySet());
log.debug("Files for high split {} {}", high, highDatafileSizes.keySet());
MetadataTime time = tabletTime.getMetadataTime();
HashSet<ExternalCompactionId> ecids = new HashSet<>();
MetadataTableUtil.splitTablet(high, extent.prevEndRow(), splitRatio, getTabletServer().getContext(), getTabletServer().getLock(), ecids);
ManagerMetadataUtil.addNewTablet(getTabletServer().getContext(), low, lowDirectoryName, getTabletServer().getTabletSession(), lowDatafileSizes, bulkImported, time, lastFlushID, lastCompactID, getTabletServer().getLock());
MetadataTableUtil.finishSplit(high, highDatafileSizes, highDatafilesToRemove, getTabletServer().getContext(), getTabletServer().getLock());
TabletLogger.split(extent, low, high, getTabletServer().getTabletSession());
newTablets.put(high, new TabletData(dirName, highDatafileSizes, time, lastFlushID, lastCompactID, lastLocation, bulkImported));
newTablets.put(low, new TabletData(lowDirectoryName, lowDatafileSizes, time, lastFlushID, lastCompactID, lastLocation, bulkImported));
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.debug(String.format("offline split time : %6.2f secs", (t2 - t1) / 1000.0));
closeState = CloseState.COMPLETE;
return newTablets;