use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class CompactableImpl method commitExternalCompaction.
public void commitExternalCompaction(ExternalCompactionId extCompactionId, long fileSize, long entries) {
synchronized (this) {
if (closed)
// wait on any pending commits
if (!externalCompactionsCommitting.add(extCompactionId)) {
try {
ExternalCompactionInfo ecInfo = externalCompactions.get(extCompactionId);
if (ecInfo != null) {
log.debug("Attempting to commit external compaction {}", extCompactionId);
StoredTabletFile metaFile = null;
try {
metaFile = tablet.getDatafileManager().bringMajorCompactionOnline(ecInfo.meta.getJobFiles(), ecInfo.meta.getCompactTmpName(), ecInfo.meta.getCompactionId(), Sets.union(ecInfo.meta.getJobFiles(), ecInfo.meta.getNextFiles()), new DataFileValue(fileSize, entries), Optional.of(extCompactionId));
TabletLogger.compacted(getExtent(), ecInfo.job, metaFile);
} catch (Exception e) {
metaFile = null;
log.error("Error committing external compaction {}", extCompactionId, e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
completeCompaction(ecInfo.job, ecInfo.meta.getJobFiles(), metaFile);
log.debug("Completed commit of external compaction {}", extCompactionId);
} else {
log.debug("Ignoring request to commit external compaction that is unknown {}", extCompactionId);
} finally {
synchronized (this) {
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class CompactableUtils method findChopFiles.
public static Set<StoredTabletFile> findChopFiles(KeyExtent extent, Map<StoredTabletFile, Pair<Key, Key>> firstAndLastKeys, Collection<StoredTabletFile> allFiles) {
Set<StoredTabletFile> result = new HashSet<>();
for (StoredTabletFile file : allFiles) {
Pair<Key, Key> pair = firstAndLastKeys.get(file);
Key first = pair.getFirst();
Key last = pair.getSecond();
// away.
if ((first == null && last == null) || (first != null && !extent.contains(first.getRow())) || (last != null && !extent.contains(last.getRow()))) {
return result;
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class CompactableUtils method selectFiles.
static Set<StoredTabletFile> selectFiles(Tablet tablet, SortedMap<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> datafiles, PluginConfig selectorConfig) {
CompactionSelector selector = newInstance(tablet.getTableConfiguration(), selectorConfig.getClassName(), CompactionSelector.class);
final ServiceEnvironment senv = new ServiceEnvironmentImpl(tablet.getContext());
selector.init(new CompactionSelector.InitParameters() {
public Map<String, String> getOptions() {
return selectorConfig.getOptions();
public PluginEnvironment getEnvironment() {
return senv;
public TableId getTableId() {
return tablet.getExtent().tableId();
Selection selection = CompactionSelector.SelectionParameters() {
public PluginEnvironment getEnvironment() {
return senv;
public Collection<CompactableFile> getAvailableFiles() {
return Collections2.transform(datafiles.entrySet(), e -> new CompactableFileImpl(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
public Collection<Summary> getSummaries(Collection<CompactableFile> files, Predicate<SummarizerConfiguration> summarySelector) {
var context = tablet.getContext();
var tsrm = tablet.getTabletResources().getTabletServerResourceManager();
SummaryCollection sc = new SummaryCollection();
SummarizerFactory factory = new SummarizerFactory(tablet.getTableConfiguration());
for (CompactableFile cf : files) {
var file = CompactableFileImpl.toStoredTabletFile(cf);
FileSystem fs = context.getVolumeManager().getFileSystemByPath(file.getPath());
Configuration conf = context.getHadoopConf();
SummaryCollection fsc = SummaryReader.load(fs, conf, factory, file.getPath(), summarySelector, tsrm.getSummaryCache(), tsrm.getIndexCache(), tsrm.getFileLenCache(), context.getCryptoService()).getSummaries(Collections.singletonList(new Gatherer.RowRange(tablet.getExtent())));
sc.merge(fsc, factory);
return sc.getSummaries();
public TableId getTableId() {
return tablet.getExtent().tableId();
public Optional<SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value>> getSample(CompactableFile file, SamplerConfiguration sc) {
try {
FileOperations fileFactory = FileOperations.getInstance();
Path path = new Path(file.getUri());
FileSystem ns = tablet.getTabletServer().getVolumeManager().getFileSystemByPath(path);
var fiter = fileFactory.newReaderBuilder().forFile(path.toString(), ns, ns.getConf(), tablet.getContext().getCryptoService()).withTableConfiguration(tablet.getTableConfiguration()).seekToBeginning().build();
return Optional.ofNullable(fiter.getSample(new SamplerConfigurationImpl(sc)));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
return selection.getFilesToCompact().stream().map(CompactableFileImpl::toStoredTabletFile).collect(Collectors.toSet());
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class CompactableUtils method getFirstAndLastKeys.
public static Map<StoredTabletFile, Pair<Key, Key>> getFirstAndLastKeys(Tablet tablet, Set<StoredTabletFile> allFiles) throws IOException {
final Map<StoredTabletFile, Pair<Key, Key>> result = new HashMap<>();
final FileOperations fileFactory = FileOperations.getInstance();
final VolumeManager fs = tablet.getTabletServer().getVolumeManager();
for (StoredTabletFile file : allFiles) {
FileSystem ns = fs.getFileSystemByPath(file.getPath());
try (FileSKVIterator openReader = fileFactory.newReaderBuilder().forFile(file.getPathStr(), ns, ns.getConf(), tablet.getContext().getCryptoService()).withTableConfiguration(tablet.getTableConfiguration()).seekToBeginning().build()) {
Key first = openReader.getFirstKey();
Key last = openReader.getLastKey();
result.put(file, new Pair<>(first, last));
return result;
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class DatafileManager method bringMinorCompactionOnline.
* Returns Optional of the new file created. It is possible that the file was just flushed with no
* entries so was not inserted into the metadata. In this case empty is returned. If the file was
* stored in the metadata table, then StoredTableFile will be returned.
Optional<StoredTabletFile> bringMinorCompactionOnline(TabletFile tmpDatafile, TabletFile newDatafile, DataFileValue dfv, CommitSession commitSession, long flushId) {
Optional<StoredTabletFile> newFile;
// rename before putting in metadata table, so files in metadata table should
// always exist
boolean attemptedRename = false;
VolumeManager vm = tablet.getTabletServer().getContext().getVolumeManager();
do {
try {
if (dfv.getNumEntries() == 0) {
log.debug("No data entries so delete temporary file {}", tmpDatafile);
} else {
if (!attemptedRename && vm.exists(newDatafile.getPath())) {
log.warn("Target map file already exist {}", newDatafile);
throw new RuntimeException("File unexpectedly exists " + newDatafile.getPath());
// the following checks for spurious rename failures that succeeded but gave an IoE
if (attemptedRename && vm.exists(newDatafile.getPath()) && !vm.exists(tmpDatafile.getPath())) {
// seems like previous rename succeeded, so break
attemptedRename = true;
rename(vm, tmpDatafile.getPath(), newDatafile.getPath());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
log.warn("Tablet " + tablet.getExtent() + " failed to rename " + newDatafile + " after MinC, will retry in 60 secs...", ioe);
sleepUninterruptibly(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
} while (true);
long t1, t2;
Set<String> unusedWalLogs = tablet.beginClearingUnusedLogs();
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") boolean replicate = org.apache.accumulo.core.replication.ReplicationConfigurationUtil.isEnabled(tablet.getExtent(), tablet.getTableConfiguration());
Set<String> logFileOnly = null;
if (replicate) {
// unusedWalLogs is of the form host/fileURI, need to strip off the host portion
logFileOnly = new HashSet<>();
for (String unusedWalLog : unusedWalLogs) {
int index = unusedWalLog.indexOf('/');
if (index == -1) {
log.warn("Could not find host component to strip from DFSLogger representation of WAL");
} else {
unusedWalLog = unusedWalLog.substring(index + 1);
try {
// the order of writing to metadata and walog is important in the face of machine/process
// failures need to write to metadata before writing to walog, when things are done in the
// reverse order data could be lost... the minor compaction start even should be written
// before the following metadata write is made
newFile = tablet.updateTabletDataFile(commitSession.getMaxCommittedTime(), newDatafile, dfv, unusedWalLogs, flushId);
// replication status cannot be 'closed'.
if (replicate) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Recording that data has been ingested into {} using {}", tablet.getExtent(), logFileOnly);
for (String logFile : logFileOnly) {
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Status status = org.apache.accumulo.server.replication.StatusUtil.openWithUnknownLength();
ReplicationTableUtil.updateFiles(tablet.getContext(), tablet.getExtent(), logFile, status);
} finally {
do {
try {
// the purpose of making this update use the new commit session, instead of the old one
// passed in, is because the new one will reference the logs used by current memory...
tablet.getTabletServer().minorCompactionFinished(tablet.getTabletMemory().getCommitSession(), commitSession.getWALogSeq() + 2);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Failed to write to write-ahead log " + e.getMessage() + " will retry", e);
sleepUninterruptibly(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} while (true);
synchronized (tablet) {
t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (dfv.getNumEntries() > 0 && newFile.isPresent()) {
StoredTabletFile newFileStored = newFile.get();
if (datafileSizes.containsKey(newFileStored)) {
log.error("Adding file that is already in set {}", newFileStored);
datafileSizes.put(newFileStored, dfv);
t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
TabletLogger.flushed(tablet.getExtent(), newFile);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace(String.format("MinC finish lock %.2f secs %s", (t2 - t1) / 1000.0, tablet.getExtent().toString()));
long splitSize = tablet.getTableConfiguration().getAsBytes(Property.TABLE_SPLIT_THRESHOLD);
if (dfv.getSize() > splitSize) {
log.debug(String.format("Minor Compaction wrote out file larger than split threshold." + " split threshold = %,d file size = %,d", splitSize, dfv.getSize()));
return newFile;