use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class DatafileManager method importMapFiles.
public Collection<StoredTabletFile> importMapFiles(long tid, Map<TabletFile, DataFileValue> paths, boolean setTime) throws IOException {
String bulkDir = null;
// once tablet files are inserted into the metadata they will become StoredTabletFiles
Map<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> newFiles = new HashMap<>(paths.size());
for (TabletFile tpath : paths.keySet()) {
boolean inTheRightDirectory = false;
Path parent = tpath.getPath().getParent().getParent();
for (String tablesDir : tablet.getContext().getTablesDirs()) {
if (parent.equals(new Path(tablesDir, tablet.getExtent().tableId().canonical()))) {
inTheRightDirectory = true;
if (!inTheRightDirectory) {
throw new IOException("Data file " + tpath + " not in table dirs");
if (bulkDir == null)
bulkDir = tpath.getTabletDir();
else if (!bulkDir.equals(tpath.getTabletDir()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bulk files in different dirs " + bulkDir + " " + tpath);
if (tablet.getExtent().isMeta()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not import files to a metadata tablet");
synchronized (bulkFileImportLock) {
if (!paths.isEmpty()) {
long bulkTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
if (setTime) {
for (DataFileValue dfv : paths.values()) {
long nextTime = tablet.getAndUpdateTime();
if (nextTime < bulkTime)
throw new IllegalStateException("Time went backwards unexpectedly " + nextTime + " " + bulkTime);
bulkTime = nextTime;
newFiles = tablet.updatePersistedTime(bulkTime, paths, tid);
synchronized (tablet) {
for (Entry<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> tpath : newFiles.entrySet()) {
if (datafileSizes.containsKey(tpath.getKey())) {
log.error("Adding file that is already in set {}", tpath.getKey());
datafileSizes.put(tpath.getKey(), tpath.getValue());
for (Entry<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> entry : newFiles.entrySet()) {
TabletLogger.bulkImported(tablet.getExtent(), entry.getKey());
return newFiles.keySet();
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class DatafileManager method waitForScansToFinish.
private TreeSet<StoredTabletFile> waitForScansToFinish(Set<StoredTabletFile> pathsToWaitFor) {
long maxWait = 10000L;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
TreeSet<StoredTabletFile> inUse = new TreeSet<>();
Span span = TraceUtil.startSpan(this.getClass(), "waitForScans");
try (Scope scope = span.makeCurrent()) {
synchronized (tablet) {
for (StoredTabletFile path : pathsToWaitFor) {
while (fileScanReferenceCounts.get(path) > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime < maxWait) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.warn("{}", e.getMessage(), e);
for (StoredTabletFile path : pathsToWaitFor) {
if (fileScanReferenceCounts.get(path) > 0)
} catch (Exception e) {
TraceUtil.setException(span, e, true);
throw e;
} finally {
return inUse;
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class CompactionPlanTest method testOverlappingInputAndDelete.
public void testOverlappingInputAndDelete() {
CompactionPlan cp1 = new CompactionPlan();
StoredTabletFile fr1 = new StoredTabletFile("hdfs://nn1/accumulo/tables/1/t-1/1.rf");
StoredTabletFile fr2 = new StoredTabletFile("hdfs://nn1/accumulo/tables/1/t-1/2.rf");
Set<StoredTabletFile> allFiles = Set.of(fr1, fr2);
assertThrows(IllegalStateException.class, () -> cp1.validate(allFiles));
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class CompactableImpl method processExternalMetadata.
* This method validates metadata about external compactions. It also extracts specific
* information needed for user and selector compactions.
static Optional<SelectedInfo> processExternalMetadata(Map<ExternalCompactionId, ExternalCompactionMetadata> extCompactions, Supplier<Optional<Long>> tabletCompactionId, Set<StoredTabletFile> tabletFiles, Map<ExternalCompactionId, String> externalCompactionsToRemove) {
// Check that external compactions have disjoint sets of files. Also check that each external
// compaction only has files inside a tablet.
Set<StoredTabletFile> seen = new HashSet<>();
boolean overlap = false;
for (var entry : extCompactions.entrySet()) {
ExternalCompactionMetadata ecMeta = entry.getValue();
if (!tabletFiles.containsAll(ecMeta.getJobFiles())) {
externalCompactionsToRemove.putIfAbsent(entry.getKey(), "Has files outside of tablet files");
} else if (!Collections.disjoint(seen, ecMeta.getJobFiles())) {
overlap = true;
if (overlap) {
extCompactions.keySet().forEach(ecid -> {
externalCompactionsToRemove.putIfAbsent(ecid, "Some external compaction files overlap");
return Optional.empty();
* The rest of the code validates user compaction metadata and extracts needed information.
* For user compactions a set of files is selected. Those files then get compacted by one or
* more compactions until the set is empty. This method attempts to reconstruct the selected set
* of files when a tablet is loaded with an external user compaction. It avoids repeating work
* and when a user compaction completes, files are verified against the selected set. Since the
* data is coming from persisted storage, lots of checks are done in this method rather than
* assuming the persisted data is correct.
CompactionKind extKind = null;
boolean unexpectedExternal = false;
Set<StoredTabletFile> tmpSelectedFiles = null;
Boolean initiallySelAll = null;
Long cid = null;
Boolean propDel = null;
int count = 0;
ArrayList<String> reasons = new ArrayList<>();
for (Entry<ExternalCompactionId, ExternalCompactionMetadata> entry : extCompactions.entrySet()) {
var ecMeta = entry.getValue();
if (ecMeta.getKind() != CompactionKind.USER && ecMeta.getKind() != CompactionKind.SELECTOR) {
if (extKind == null || extKind == ecMeta.getKind()) {
extKind = ecMeta.getKind();
} else {
reasons.add("Saw USER and SELECTOR");
unexpectedExternal = true;
if (tmpSelectedFiles == null) {
tmpSelectedFiles = Sets.union(ecMeta.getJobFiles(), ecMeta.getNextFiles());
} else if (!Sets.union(ecMeta.getJobFiles(), ecMeta.getNextFiles()).equals(tmpSelectedFiles)) {
reasons.add("Selected set of files differs");
unexpectedExternal = true;
if (initiallySelAll == null) {
initiallySelAll = ecMeta.getInitiallySelecteAll();
} else if (initiallySelAll != ecMeta.getInitiallySelecteAll()) {
unexpectedExternal = true;
reasons.add("Disagreement on selectedAll");
if (ecMeta.getKind() == CompactionKind.USER) {
if (ecMeta.getCompactionId() == null) {
unexpectedExternal = true;
reasons.add("Missing compactionId");
} else if (cid == null) {
cid = ecMeta.getCompactionId();
} else if (!cid.equals(ecMeta.getCompactionId())) {
unexpectedExternal = true;
reasons.add("Disagreement on compactionId");
} else if (ecMeta.getCompactionId() != null) {
unexpectedExternal = true;
reasons.add("Unexpected compactionId");
if (propDel == null) {
propDel = ecMeta.getPropagateDeletes();
} else if (propDel != ecMeta.getPropagateDeletes()) {
unexpectedExternal = true;
reasons.add("Disagreement on propagateDeletes");
if (propDel != null && !propDel && count > 1) {
unexpectedExternal = true;
reasons.add("Concurrent compactions not propagatingDeletes");
if (extKind == CompactionKind.USER) {
Optional<Long> compactionId = tabletCompactionId.get();
if (compactionId.isEmpty()) {
unexpectedExternal = true;
reasons.add("No compaction id in zookeeper");
} else if (!compactionId.get().equals(cid)) {
unexpectedExternal = true;
reasons.add("Compaction id mismatch with zookeeper");
if (unexpectedExternal) {
String reason = reasons.toString();
extCompactions.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> {
var kind = e.getValue().getKind();
return kind == CompactionKind.SELECTOR || kind == CompactionKind.USER;
}).map(Entry::getKey).forEach(ecid -> externalCompactionsToRemove.putIfAbsent(ecid, reason));
return Optional.empty();
if (extKind != null)
return Optional.of(new SelectedInfo(initiallySelAll, tmpSelectedFiles, extKind));
return Optional.empty();
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.StoredTabletFile in project accumulo by apache.
the class CompactableImpl method compact.
public void compact(CompactionServiceId service, CompactionJob job, RateLimiter readLimiter, RateLimiter writeLimiter, long queuedTime) {
Optional<CompactionInfo> ocInfo = reserveFilesForCompaction(service, job);
if (ocInfo.isEmpty())
var cInfo = ocInfo.get();
StoredTabletFile newFile = null;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
CompactionKind kind = job.getKind();
CompactionStats stats = new CompactionStats();
try {
TabletLogger.compacting(getExtent(), job, cInfo.localCompactionCfg);
var check = new CompactionCheck(service, kind, cInfo.checkCompactionId);
TabletFile tmpFileName = tablet.getNextMapFilenameForMajc(cInfo.propagateDeletes);
var compactEnv = new MajCEnv(kind, check, readLimiter, writeLimiter, cInfo.propagateDeletes);
SortedMap<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> allFiles = tablet.getDatafiles();
HashMap<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> compactFiles = new HashMap<>();
cInfo.jobFiles.forEach(file -> compactFiles.put(file, allFiles.get(file)));
stats = CompactableUtils.compact(tablet, job, cInfo, compactEnv, compactFiles, tmpFileName);
newFile = CompactableUtils.bringOnline(tablet.getDatafileManager(), cInfo, stats, compactFiles, allFiles, kind, tmpFileName);
TabletLogger.compacted(getExtent(), job, newFile);
} catch (CompactionCanceledException cce) {
log.debug("Compaction canceled {} ", getExtent());
} catch (Exception e) {
newFile = null;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
completeCompaction(job, cInfo.jobFiles, newFile);
tablet.updateTimer(MAJOR, queuedTime, startTime, stats.getEntriesRead(), newFile == null);