use of org.apache.accumulo.core.util.threads.Threads in project accumulo by apache.
the class Manager method gatherTableInformation.
private SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> gatherTableInformation(Set<TServerInstance> currentServers, SortedMap<TabletServerId, TServerStatus> balancerMap) {
final long rpcTimeout = getConfiguration().getTimeInMillis(Property.GENERAL_RPC_TIMEOUT);
int threads = getConfiguration().getCount(Property.MANAGER_STATUS_THREAD_POOL_SIZE);
ExecutorService tp = ThreadPools.createExecutorService(getConfiguration(), Property.MANAGER_STATUS_THREAD_POOL_SIZE, false);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
final SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> result = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
final RateLimiter shutdownServerRateLimiter = RateLimiter.create(MAX_SHUTDOWNS_PER_SEC);
for (TServerInstance serverInstance : currentServers) {
final TServerInstance server = serverInstance;
if (threads == 0) {
// Since an unbounded thread pool is being used, rate limit how fast task are added to the
// executor. This prevents the threads from growing large unless there are lots of
// unresponsive tservers.
sleepUninterruptibly(Math.max(1, rpcTimeout / 120_000), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
tp.submit(() -> {
try {
Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
String oldName = t.getName();
try {
String message = "Getting status from " + server;
long startForServer = System.currentTimeMillis();
TServerConnection connection1 = tserverSet.getConnection(server);
if (connection1 == null) {
throw new IOException("No connection to " + server);
TabletServerStatus status = connection1.getTableMap(false);
result.put(server, status);
long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startForServer;
log.trace("Got status from {} in {} ms", server, duration);
} finally {
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("unable to get tablet server status {} {}", server, ex.toString());
log.debug("unable to get tablet server status {}", server, ex);
if (badServers.computeIfAbsent(server, k -> new AtomicInteger(0)).incrementAndGet() > MAX_BAD_STATUS_COUNT) {
if (shutdownServerRateLimiter.tryAcquire()) {
log.warn("attempting to stop {}", server);
try {
TServerConnection connection2 = tserverSet.getConnection(server);
if (connection2 != null) {
} catch (TTransportException e1) {
// ignore: it's probably down
} catch (Exception e2) {"error talking to troublesome tablet server", e2);
} else {
log.warn("Unable to shutdown {} as over the shutdown limit of {} per minute", server, MAX_SHUTDOWNS_PER_SEC * 60);
try {
tp.awaitTermination(Math.max(10000, rpcTimeout / 3), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.debug("Interrupted while fetching status");
// Threads may still modify map after shutdownNow is called, so create an immutable snapshot.
SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> info = ImmutableSortedMap.copyOf(result);
tserverStatus.forEach((tsi, status) -> balancerMap.put(new TabletServerIdImpl(tsi), TServerStatusImpl.fromThrift(status)));
synchronized (badServers) {
log.debug(String.format("Finished gathering information from %d of %d servers in %.2f seconds", info.size(), currentServers.size(), (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000.));
return info;