use of org.apache.bcel.generic.TargetLostException in project jop by jop-devel.
the class ReplaceAtomicAnnotation method transform.
public static Method transform(Method m, JavaClass clazz, ConstantPoolGen _cp) {
MethodGen method = new MethodGen(m, clazz.getClassName(), _cp);
InstructionList oldIl = method.getInstructionList();
Type returnType = m.getReturnType();
if (returnType.equals(Type.LONG) || returnType.equals(Type.DOUBLE)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
final int transactionLocals = 2;
* local variable indices:
* isNotNestedTransaction is -2+2
* result is -2+3
* Throwable e is -2+3
final int maxLocals = method.getMaxLocals();
final int transactionLocalsBaseIndex = maxLocals;
final int copyBaseIndex = transactionLocalsBaseIndex + transactionLocals;
SortedSet<Integer> modifiedArguments = getModifiedArguments(method);
// maps modified arguments indices to copies
Map<Integer, Integer> modifiedArgumentsCopies = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>();
int copyIndex = copyBaseIndex;
for (Integer i : modifiedArguments) {
System.out.println("RTTM: method " + method.getClassName() + "." + method.getName() + method.getSignature() + ": saving argument " + i + " to variable " + copyIndex);
modifiedArgumentsCopies.put(i, copyIndex++);
InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
InstructionFactory _factory = new InstructionFactory(_cp);
// InstructionHandle ih_0 = il.append(new PUSH(_cp, -559038737));
// il.append(_factory.createStore(Type.INT, transactionLocalsBaseIndex-2+1));
InstructionHandle ih_3 = il.append(_factory.createFieldAccess("rttm.internal.Utils", "inTransaction", new ArrayType(Type.BOOLEAN, 1), Constants.GETSTATIC));
il.append(new PUSH(_cp, -122));
il.append(_factory.createInvoke("com.jopdesign.sys.Native", "rd", Type.INT, new Type[] { Type.INT }, Constants.INVOKESTATIC));
BranchInstruction ifne_12 = InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.IFNE, null);
il.append(new PUSH(_cp, 1));
BranchInstruction goto_16 = InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.GOTO, null);
InstructionHandle ih_19 = il.append(new PUSH(_cp, 0));
InstructionHandle ih_20 = il.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(Type.INT, transactionLocalsBaseIndex - 2 + 2));
InstructionHandle ih_21 = il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.INT, transactionLocalsBaseIndex - 2 + 2));
BranchInstruction ifeq_22 = InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.IFEQ, null);
// InstructionHandle ih_25 = il.append(_factory.createLoad(Type.INT, transactionLocalsBaseIndex-2+0));
// il.append(_factory.createStore(Type.INT, transactionLocalsBaseIndex-2+1));
// only save arguments which might be modified
for (int i : modifiedArguments) {
il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.INT, i));
il.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(Type.INT, modifiedArgumentsCopies.get(i)));
InstructionHandle ih_27 = il.append(new PUSH(_cp, 0));
il.append(new PUSH(_cp, -128));
il.append(_factory.createInvoke("com.jopdesign.sys.Native", "wr", Type.VOID, new Type[] { Type.INT, Type.INT }, Constants.INVOKESTATIC));
InstructionHandle ih_33 = il.append(_factory.createFieldAccess("rttm.internal.Utils", "inTransaction", new ArrayType(Type.BOOLEAN, 1), Constants.GETSTATIC));
il.append(new PUSH(_cp, -122));
il.append(_factory.createInvoke("com.jopdesign.sys.Native", "rd", Type.INT, new Type[] { Type.INT }, Constants.INVOKESTATIC));
il.append(new PUSH(_cp, 1));
// transaction loop
InstructionHandle ih_43 = il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.INT, transactionLocalsBaseIndex - 2 + 2));
BranchInstruction ifeq_44 = InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.IFEQ, null);
InstructionHandle ih_47 = il.append(new PUSH(_cp, 1));
il.append(new PUSH(_cp, Const.MEM_TM_MAGIC));
il.append(_factory.createInvoke("com.jopdesign.sys.Native", "wrMem", Type.VOID, new Type[] { Type.INT, Type.INT }, Constants.INVOKESTATIC));
// InstructionHandle ih_53 = il.append(_factory.createLoad(Type.INT, transactionLocalsBaseIndex-2+0));
// il.append(_factory.createInvoke("rttm.swtest.Transaction", "atomicSection", Type.INT, new Type[] { Type.INT }, Constants.INVOKESTATIC));
// il.append(_factory.createStore(Type.INT, transactionLocalsBaseIndex-2+3));
InstructionHandle ih_53 = oldIl.getStart();
Collection<BranchInstruction> gotos_transactionCommit = new ArrayList<BranchInstruction>();
// redirect returns
InstructionFinder f = new InstructionFinder(oldIl);
String returnInstructionsPattern = "ARETURN|IRETURN|FRETURN|RETURN";
for (Iterator i =; i.hasNext(); ) {
InstructionHandle oldIh = ((InstructionHandle[])[0];
InstructionList nl = new InstructionList();
if (!method.getReturnType().equals(Type.VOID)) {
nl.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(method.getReturnType(), transactionLocalsBaseIndex - 2 + 3));
BranchInstruction goto_transactionCommit = InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.GOTO, null);
InstructionHandle newTarget = nl.getStart();
oldIl.append(oldIh, nl);
try {
} catch (TargetLostException e) {
InstructionHandle[] targets = e.getTargets();
for (int k = 0; k < targets.length; k++) {
InstructionTargeter[] targeters = targets[k].getTargeters();
for (int j = 0; j < targeters.length; j++) {
targeters[j].updateTarget(targets[k], newTarget);
InstructionHandle ih_58 = il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.INT, transactionLocalsBaseIndex - 2 + 2));
BranchInstruction ifeq_59 = InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.IFEQ, null);
InstructionHandle ih_62 = il.append(new PUSH(_cp, 0));
il.append(new PUSH(_cp, Const.MEM_TM_MAGIC));
il.append(_factory.createInvoke("com.jopdesign.sys.Native", "wrMem", Type.VOID, new Type[] { Type.INT, Type.INT }, Constants.INVOKESTATIC));
InstructionHandle ih_68 = il.append(_factory.createFieldAccess("rttm.internal.Utils", "inTransaction", new ArrayType(Type.BOOLEAN, 1), Constants.GETSTATIC));
il.append(new PUSH(_cp, -122));
il.append(_factory.createInvoke("com.jopdesign.sys.Native", "rd", Type.INT, new Type[] { Type.INT }, Constants.INVOKESTATIC));
il.append(new PUSH(_cp, 0));
InstructionHandle ih_78 = il.append(new PUSH(_cp, 1));
il.append(new PUSH(_cp, -128));
il.append(_factory.createInvoke("com.jopdesign.sys.Native", "wr", Type.VOID, new Type[] { Type.INT, Type.INT }, Constants.INVOKESTATIC));
// InstructionHandle ih_84 = il.append(_factory.createLoad(Type.INT, transactionLocalsBaseIndex-2+3));
// il.append(_factory.createReturn(Type.INT));
InstructionHandle ih_84;
// return
if (!method.getReturnType().equals(Type.VOID)) {
ih_84 = il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(method.getReturnType(), transactionLocalsBaseIndex - 2 + 3));
} else {
ih_84 = il.append(InstructionFactory.createReturn(method.getReturnType()));
// catch block
// variable e has index 3
// } catch (Throwable e) {
InstructionHandle nih_86 = il.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(Type.OBJECT, transactionLocalsBaseIndex - 2 + 3));
// if (isNotNestedTransaction) {
InstructionHandle nih_87 = il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.INT, transactionLocalsBaseIndex - 2 + 2));
BranchInstruction ifeq_88 = InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.IFEQ, null);
InstructionHandle nih_91 = il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.OBJECT, transactionLocalsBaseIndex - 2 + 3));
il.append(_factory.createFieldAccess("com.jopdesign.sys.RetryException", "instance", new ObjectType("com.jopdesign.sys.RetryException"), Constants.GETSTATIC));
BranchInstruction if_acmpne_95 = InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.IF_ACMPNE, null);
// InstructionHandle nih_98 = il.append(_factory.createLoad(Type.INT,
// 1));
// il.append(_factory.createStore(Type.INT, 0));
for (int i : modifiedArguments) {
il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.INT, modifiedArgumentsCopies.get(i)));
il.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(Type.INT, i));
BranchInstruction goto_110 = InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.GOTO, ih_43);
InstructionHandle ih_110 = il.append(goto_110);
// exception was manually aborted or a bug triggered
InstructionHandle nih_103 = il.append(_factory.createFieldAccess("rttm.internal.Utils", "inTransaction", new ArrayType(Type.BOOLEAN, 1), Constants.GETSTATIC));
il.append(new PUSH(_cp, -122));
il.append(_factory.createInvoke("com.jopdesign.sys.Native", "rd", Type.INT, new Type[] { Type.INT }, Constants.INVOKESTATIC));
il.append(new PUSH(_cp, 0));
InstructionHandle nih_113 = il.append(new PUSH(_cp, 1));
il.append(new PUSH(_cp, -128));
il.append(_factory.createInvoke("com.jopdesign.sys.Native", "wrMem", Type.VOID, new Type[] { Type.INT, Type.INT }, Constants.INVOKESTATIC));
InstructionHandle nih_119 = il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.OBJECT, transactionLocalsBaseIndex - 2 + 3));
// il.append(_factory.createCheckCast(new
// ObjectType("java.lang.RuntimeException")));
// set branch targets
for (BranchInstruction b : gotos_transactionCommit) {
// set exception handlers
// TODO restrict exception handler
method.addExceptionHandler(ih_53, ih_84, nih_86, null);
m = method.getMethod();
return m;
use of org.apache.bcel.generic.TargetLostException in project jop by jop-devel.
the class MethodCode method replace.
* Replace instructions in this code with an instruction list or a part of it.
* If the number of instructions to replace differs from the number of source instructions, instruction
* handles will be removed or inserted appropriately and the targets will be updated.
* <p>
* Instruction handles will be reused, so attached values and targets will not be lost if the new length is not
* shorter than the old length. Else instruction handles are removed and the targeters to removed instructions
* are updated to the instruction after the next instruction after the deleted instructions.
* </p>
* @param replaceStart the first instruction in this code to replace
* @param replaceCount the number of instructions in this code to replace
* @param sourceInfo the MethodInfo containing the source instruction. If non-null, the instructions will be copied
* using the constant pool from the given MethodInfo. If null, the instructions will not be copied.
* @param sourceStart the first instruction in the source list to use for replacing the code.
* @param sourceCount the number of instructions to use from the source.
* @param copyCustomValues if true copy the custom values from the source.
* @return the first handle in the target list after the inserted code, or null if the last instruction in this
* list has been replaced.
public InstructionHandle replace(InstructionHandle replaceStart, int replaceCount, MethodInfo sourceInfo, InstructionHandle sourceStart, int sourceCount, boolean copyCustomValues) {
InstructionList il = getInstructionList();
InstructionHandle current = replaceStart;
InstructionHandle currSource = sourceStart;
// update the common prefix
int cnt = Math.min(replaceCount, sourceCount);
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
Instruction instr;
if (sourceInfo != null) {
instr = copyFrom(sourceInfo.getClassInfo(), currSource.getInstruction());
} else {
instr = currSource.getInstruction();
// TODO support branch instructions! need to replace the IH too
if (copyCustomValues) {
copyCustomValues(sourceInfo, current, currSource);
current = current.getNext();
currSource = currSource.getNext();
InstructionHandle next = current;
// Case 1: delete unused handles, update targets to next instruction
if (replaceCount > sourceCount) {
int rest = replaceCount - sourceCount;
for (int i = 1; i < rest; i++) {
next = next.getNext();
InstructionHandle end = next;
next = next.getNext();
try {
// we cannot use next.getPrev, since next might be null
il.delete(current, end);
} catch (TargetLostException e) {
retarget(e, next);
// Case 2: insert new handles for rest of source
if (replaceCount < sourceCount) {
int rest = sourceCount - replaceCount;
for (int i = 0; i < rest; i++) {
Instruction instr;
if (sourceInfo != null) {
instr = copyFrom(sourceInfo.getClassInfo(), currSource.getInstruction());
} else {
instr = currSource.getInstruction();
if (next == null) {
current = il.append(instr);
} else {
current = il.insert(next, instr);
if (copyCustomValues) {
copyCustomValues(sourceInfo, current, currSource);
currSource = currSource.getNext();
return next;
use of org.apache.bcel.generic.TargetLostException in project jop by jop-devel.
the class PeepholeOptimizer method optimizeBoolExpressions.
* Optimize some boolean expressions.
* <p>
* This code is taken directly from the BCEL manual, chapter 3.3.8.
* </p>
* @param il the instruction list to optimize.
private void optimizeBoolExpressions(InstructionList il) {
InstructionFinder f = new InstructionFinder(il);
String pat = "IfInstruction ICONST_0 GOTO ICONST_1 NOP(IFEQ|IFNE)";
CodeConstraint constraint = new CodeConstraint() {
public boolean checkCode(InstructionHandle[] match) {
IfInstruction if1 = (IfInstruction) match[0].getInstruction();
GOTO g = (GOTO) match[2].getInstruction();
return (if1.getTarget() == match[3]) && (g.getTarget() == match[4]);
for (Iterator e =, constraint); e.hasNext(); ) {
InstructionHandle[] match = (InstructionHandle[]);
IfInstruction if1 = (IfInstruction) match[0].getInstruction();
IfInstruction if2 = (IfInstruction) match[5].getInstruction();
// Update target
try {
il.delete(match[1], match[5]);
} catch (TargetLostException ex) {
for (InstructionHandle target : ex.getTargets()) {
for (InstructionTargeter t : target.getTargeters()) {
t.updateTarget(target, match[0]);