use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class DataDomainInsertBucket method createPermIds.
void createPermIds(DbEntityClassDescriptor descriptor, Collection<Persistent> objects) {
if (objects.isEmpty()) {
ObjEntity objEntity = descriptor.getEntity();
DbEntity entity = descriptor.getDbEntity();
DataNode node = parent.getDomain().lookupDataNode(entity.getDataMap());
boolean supportsGeneratedKeys = node.getAdapter().supportsGeneratedKeys();
PkGenerator pkGenerator = node.getAdapter().getPkGenerator();
for (Persistent object : objects) {
ObjectId id = object.getObjectId();
if (id == null || !id.isTemporary()) {
// modify replacement id directly...
Map<String, Object> idMap = id.getReplacementIdMap();
boolean autoPkDone = false;
for (DbAttribute dbAttr : entity.getPrimaryKeys()) {
String dbAttrName = dbAttr.getName();
if (idMap.containsKey(dbAttrName)) {
// handle meaningful PK
ObjAttribute objAttr = objEntity.getAttributeForDbAttribute(dbAttr);
if (objAttr != null) {
Object value = descriptor.getClassDescriptor().getProperty(objAttr.getName()).readPropertyDirectly(object);
if (value != null) {
Class<?> javaClass = objAttr.getJavaClass();
if (javaClass.isPrimitive() && value instanceof Number && ((Number) value).intValue() == 0) {
// primitive 0 has to be treated as NULL, or
// otherwise we can't generate PK for POJO's
} else {
idMap.put(dbAttrName, value);
// skip db-generated
if (supportsGeneratedKeys && dbAttr.isGenerated()) {
// skip propagated
if (isPropagated(dbAttr)) {
// already in this loop, we must bail out.
if (autoPkDone) {
throw new CayenneRuntimeException("Primary Key autogeneration only works for a single attribute.");
// finally, use database generation mechanism
try {
Object pkValue = pkGenerator.generatePk(node, dbAttr);
idMap.put(dbAttrName, pkValue);
autoPkDone = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new CayenneRuntimeException("Error generating PK: %s", ex, ex.getMessage());
use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class DataDomainInsertBucket method appendQueriesInternal.
void appendQueriesInternal(Collection<Query> queries) {
DataDomainDBDiffBuilder diffBuilder = new DataDomainDBDiffBuilder();
EntitySorter sorter = parent.getDomain().getEntitySorter();
sorter.sortDbEntities(dbEntities, false);
for (DbEntity dbEntity : dbEntities) {
Collection<DbEntityClassDescriptor> descriptors = descriptorsByDbEntity.get(dbEntity);
InsertBatchQuery batch = new InsertBatchQuery(dbEntity, 27);
for (DbEntityClassDescriptor descriptor : descriptors) {
List<Persistent> objects = objectsByDescriptor.get(descriptor.getClassDescriptor());
if (objects.isEmpty()) {
createPermIds(descriptor, objects);
sorter.sortObjectsForEntity(descriptor.getEntity(), objects, false);
for (Persistent o : objects) {
Map<String, Object> snapshot = diffBuilder.buildDBDiff(parent.objectDiff(o.getObjectId()));
// values so creating an empty changes map
if (snapshot == null) {
snapshot = new HashMap<>();
batch.add(snapshot, o.getObjectId());
use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class DataDomainSyncBucket method postprocess.
void postprocess() {
if (!objectsByDescriptor.isEmpty()) {
CompoundDiff result = parent.getResultDiff();
Map<ObjectId, DataRow> modifiedSnapshots = parent.getResultModifiedSnapshots();
Collection<ObjectId> deletedIds = parent.getResultDeletedIds();
for (Map.Entry<ClassDescriptor, List<Persistent>> entry : objectsByDescriptor.entrySet()) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = entry.getKey();
for (Persistent object : entry.getValue()) {
ObjectId id = object.getObjectId();
ObjectId finalId;
// record id change and update attributes for generated ids
if (id.isReplacementIdAttached()) {
Map<String, Object> replacement = id.getReplacementIdMap();
for (AttributeProperty property : descriptor.getIdProperties()) {
Object value = replacement.get(property.getAttribute().getDbAttributeName());
// if the id wasn't generated. We may need to optimize it...
if (value != null) {
property.writePropertyDirectly(object, null, value);
ObjectId replacementId = id.createReplacementId();
result.add(new NodeIdChangeOperation(id, replacementId));
// DataRowCache has no notion of replaced id...
if (!id.isTemporary()) {
finalId = replacementId;
} else if (id.isTemporary()) {
throw new CayenneRuntimeException("Temporary ID hasn't been replaced on commit: %s", object);
} else {
finalId = id;
// do not take the snapshot until generated columns are processed (see code above)
DataRow dataRow = parent.getContext().currentSnapshot(object);
if (object instanceof DataObject) {
DataObject dataObject = (DataObject) object;
modifiedSnapshots.put(finalId, dataRow);
// update Map reverse relationships
for (ArcProperty arc : descriptor.getMapArcProperties()) {
ToManyMapProperty reverseArc = (ToManyMapProperty) arc.getComplimentaryReverseArc();
// must resolve faults... hopefully for to-one this will not cause extra fetches...
Object source = arc.readProperty(object);
if (source != null && !reverseArc.isFault(source)) {
remapTarget(reverseArc, source, object);
use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class DataRowStore method snapshotsUpdatedForObjects.
* Updates cached snapshots for the list of objects.
* @since 1.2
void snapshotsUpdatedForObjects(List<Persistent> objects, List<? extends DataRow> snapshots, boolean refresh) {
int size = objects.size();
// sanity check
if (size != snapshots.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Counts of objects and corresponding snapshots do not match. " + "Objects count: " + objects.size() + ", snapshots count: " + snapshots.size());
Map<ObjectId, DataRow> modified = null;
Object eventPostedBy = null;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Persistent object = objects.get(i);
// skip null objects... possible since 3.0 in some EJBQL results
if (object == null) {
// skip HOLLOW objects as they likely were created from partial snapshots
if (object.getPersistenceState() == PersistenceState.HOLLOW) {
ObjectId oid = object.getObjectId();
// add snapshots if refresh is forced, or if a snapshot is
// missing
DataRow cachedSnapshot = this.snapshots.get(oid);
if (refresh || cachedSnapshot == null) {
DataRow newSnapshot = snapshots.get(i);
if (cachedSnapshot != null) {
// use old snapshot if no changes occurred
if (object instanceof DataObject && cachedSnapshot.equals(newSnapshot)) {
((DataObject) object).setSnapshotVersion(cachedSnapshot.getVersion());
} else {
if (modified == null) {
modified = new HashMap<>();
eventPostedBy = object.getObjectContext().getGraphManager();
modified.put(oid, newSnapshot);
if (modified != null) {
processSnapshotChanges(eventPostedBy, modified, Collections.<ObjectId>emptyList(), Collections.<ObjectId>emptyList(), Collections.<ObjectId>emptyList());
use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class DataRowUtils method isToOneTargetModified.
* Checks if an object has its to-one relationship target modified in memory.
static boolean isToOneTargetModified(ArcProperty property, Persistent object, ObjectDiff diff) {
if (object.getPersistenceState() != PersistenceState.MODIFIED || diff == null) {
return false;
if (property.isFault(object)) {
return false;
Persistent toOneTarget = (Persistent) property.readPropertyDirectly(object);
ObjectId currentId = (toOneTarget != null) ? toOneTarget.getObjectId() : null;
// this would cover NEW objects (what are the other cases of temp id??)
if (currentId != null && currentId.isTemporary()) {
return true;
if (!diff.containsArcSnapshot(property.getName())) {
return false;
ObjectId targetId = diff.getArcSnapshotValue(property.getName());
return !Util.nullSafeEquals(currentId, targetId);