use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class DataContext method newObject.
* Instantiates a new object and registers it with this context. Object
* class is determined from the mapped entity. Object class must have a
* default constructor.
* <p>
* <i>Note: in most cases {@link #newObject(Class)} method should be used,
* however this method is helpful when generic persistent classes are
* used.</i>
* @since 3.0
public Persistent newObject(String entityName) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getEntityResolver().getClassDescriptor(entityName);
if (descriptor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid entity name: " + entityName);
Persistent object;
try {
object = (Persistent) descriptor.createObject();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new CayenneRuntimeException("Error instantiating object.", ex);
// this will initialize to-many lists
ObjectId id = new ObjectId(entityName);
// note that the order of initialization of persistence artifacts below
// is
// important - do not change it lightly
return object;
use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class DataContext method uncommittedObjects.
* Returns a collection of all uncommitted registered objects.
* @since 1.2
public Collection<?> uncommittedObjects() {
int len = getObjectStore().registeredObjectsCount();
if (len == 0) {
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
// guess target collection size
Collection<Object> objects = new ArrayList<>(len > 100 ? len / 2 : len);
Iterator it = getObjectStore().getObjectIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Persistent object = (Persistent);
int state = object.getPersistenceState();
if (state == PersistenceState.MODIFIED || state == PersistenceState.NEW || state == PersistenceState.DELETED) {
return objects;
use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class DataContext method currentSnapshot.
* Returns a DataRow reflecting current, possibly uncommitted, object state.
* <p>
* <strong>Warning:</strong> This method will return a partial snapshot if
* an object or one of its related objects that propagate their keys to this
* object have temporary ids. DO NOT USE this method if you expect a DataRow
* to represent a complete object state.
* </p>
* @since 1.1
public DataRow currentSnapshot(final Persistent object) {
// for a HOLLOW object return snapshot from cache
if (object.getPersistenceState() == PersistenceState.HOLLOW && object.getObjectContext() != null) {
return getObjectStore().getSnapshot(object.getObjectId());
ObjEntity entity = getEntityResolver().getObjEntity(object);
final ClassDescriptor descriptor = getEntityResolver().getClassDescriptor(entity.getName());
final DataRow snapshot = new DataRow(10);
descriptor.visitProperties(new PropertyVisitor() {
public boolean visitAttribute(AttributeProperty property) {
ObjAttribute objAttr = property.getAttribute();
// processing compound attributes correctly
snapshot.put(objAttr.getDbAttributePath(), property.readPropertyDirectly(object));
return true;
public boolean visitToMany(ToManyProperty property) {
// do nothing
return true;
public boolean visitToOne(ToOneProperty property) {
ObjRelationship rel = property.getRelationship();
// if target doesn't propagates its key value, skip it
if (rel.isSourceIndependentFromTargetChange()) {
return true;
Object targetObject = property.readPropertyDirectly(object);
if (targetObject == null) {
return true;
// to avoid unneeded fault triggering
if (targetObject instanceof Fault) {
DataRow storedSnapshot = getObjectStore().getSnapshot(object.getObjectId());
if (storedSnapshot == null) {
throw new CayenneRuntimeException("No matching objects found for ObjectId %s" + ". Object may have been deleted externally.", object.getObjectId());
DbRelationship dbRel = rel.getDbRelationships().get(0);
for (DbJoin join : dbRel.getJoins()) {
String key = join.getSourceName();
snapshot.put(key, storedSnapshot.get(key));
return true;
// target is resolved and we have an FK->PK to it,
// so extract it from target...
Persistent target = (Persistent) targetObject;
Map<String, Object> idParts = target.getObjectId().getIdSnapshot();
// this method.
if (idParts.isEmpty()) {
return true;
DbRelationship dbRel = rel.getDbRelationships().get(0);
Map<String, Object> fk = dbRel.srcFkSnapshotWithTargetSnapshot(idParts);
return true;
// process object id map
// we should ignore any object id values if a corresponding attribute
// is a part of relationship "toMasterPK", since those values have been
// set above when db relationships where processed.
Map<String, Object> thisIdParts = object.getObjectId().getIdSnapshot();
if (thisIdParts != null) {
// put only those that do not exist in the map
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : thisIdParts.entrySet()) {
String nextKey = entry.getKey();
if (!snapshot.containsKey(nextKey)) {
snapshot.put(nextKey, entry.getValue());
return snapshot;
use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class DataContextMergeHandler method arcChanged.
// works the same for add and remove as long as we don't get too smart per TODO below.
private void arcChanged(Object nodeId, Object targetNodeId, Object arcId) {
final Persistent source = (Persistent) context.getGraphManager().getNode(nodeId);
if (source != null && source.getPersistenceState() != PersistenceState.HOLLOW) {
final int state = source.getPersistenceState();
PropertyDescriptor p = propertyForId(nodeId, arcId.toString());
p.visit(new PropertyVisitor() {
public boolean visitAttribute(AttributeProperty property) {
return false;
public boolean visitToMany(ToManyProperty property) {
if (state == PersistenceState.COMMITTED) {
return false;
public boolean visitToOne(ToOneProperty property) {
if (state == PersistenceState.COMMITTED) {
// of dirty objects. See DataRowUtils for details.
return false;
use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class DataDomainDeleteBucket method appendQueriesInternal.
void appendQueriesInternal(Collection<Query> queries) {
DataNodeSyncQualifierDescriptor qualifierBuilder = new DataNodeSyncQualifierDescriptor();
EntitySorter sorter = parent.getDomain().getEntitySorter();
sorter.sortDbEntities(dbEntities, true);
for (DbEntity dbEntity : dbEntities) {
Collection<DbEntityClassDescriptor> descriptors = descriptorsByDbEntity.get(dbEntity);
Map<Object, Query> batches = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (DbEntityClassDescriptor descriptor : descriptors) {
boolean isRootDbEntity = descriptor.isMaster();
// remove object set for dependent entity, so that it does not show up
// on post processing
List<Persistent> objects = objectsByDescriptor.get(descriptor.getClassDescriptor());
if (objects.isEmpty()) {
if (isRootDbEntity) {
sorter.sortObjectsForEntity(descriptor.getEntity(), objects, true);
for (Persistent o : objects) {
ObjectDiff diff = parent.objectDiff(o.getObjectId());
Map<String, Object> qualifierSnapshot = qualifierBuilder.createQualifierSnapshot(diff);
// organize batches by the nulls in qualifier
Set<String> nullQualifierNames = new HashSet<String>();
for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : qualifierSnapshot.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() == null) {
Object batchKey = Arrays.asList(nullQualifierNames);
DeleteBatchQuery batch = (DeleteBatchQuery) batches.get(batchKey);
if (batch == null) {
batch = new DeleteBatchQuery(dbEntity, qualifierBuilder.getAttributes(), nullQualifierNames, 27);
batches.put(batchKey, batch);