use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class ObjectDetachOperation method detach.
* "Detaches" an object from its context by creating an unattached copy. The copy is
* created using target descriptor of this operation that may be different from the
* object descriptor passed to this method.
public Object detach(Object object, ClassDescriptor descriptor, final PrefetchTreeNode prefetchTree) {
if (!(object instanceof Persistent)) {
throw new CayenneRuntimeException("Expected Persistent, got: %s", object);
final Persistent source = (Persistent) object;
ObjectId id = source.getObjectId();
// sanity check
if (id == null) {
throw new CayenneRuntimeException("Server returned an object without an id: %s", source);
Object seenTarget = seen.get(id);
if (seenTarget != null) {
return seenTarget;
descriptor = descriptor.getSubclassDescriptor(source.getClass());
// presumably id's entity name should be of the right subclass.
final ClassDescriptor targetDescriptor = targetResolver.getClassDescriptor(id.getEntityName());
final Persistent target = (Persistent) targetDescriptor.createObject();
seen.put(id, target);
descriptor.visitProperties(new PropertyVisitor() {
private void fillReverseRelationship(Object destinationTarget, ArcProperty property) {
ArcProperty clientProperty = (ArcProperty) targetDescriptor.getProperty(property.getName());
if (clientProperty != null) {
ArcProperty clientReverse = clientProperty.getComplimentaryReverseArc();
if (clientReverse instanceof ToOneProperty) {
clientReverse.writeProperty(destinationTarget, null, target);
public boolean visitToOne(ToOneProperty property) {
if (prefetchTree != null) {
PrefetchTreeNode child = prefetchTree.getNode(property.getName());
if (child != null) {
Object destinationSource = property.readProperty(source);
Object destinationTarget = destinationSource != null ? detach(destinationSource, property.getTargetDescriptor(), child) : null;
if (destinationTarget != null) {
fillReverseRelationship(destinationTarget, property);
ToOneProperty targetProperty = (ToOneProperty) targetDescriptor.getProperty(property.getName());
Object oldTarget = targetProperty.isFault(target) ? null : targetProperty.readProperty(target);
targetProperty.writeProperty(target, oldTarget, destinationTarget);
return true;
public boolean visitToMany(ToManyProperty property) {
if (prefetchTree != null) {
PrefetchTreeNode child = prefetchTree.getNode(property.getName());
if (child != null) {
Object value = property.readProperty(source);
Object targetValue;
if (property instanceof ToManyMapProperty) {
Map<?, ?> map = (Map) value;
Map targetMap = new HashMap();
for (Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
Object destinationSource = entry.getValue();
Object destinationTarget = destinationSource != null ? detach(destinationSource, property.getTargetDescriptor(), child) : null;
if (destinationTarget != null) {
fillReverseRelationship(destinationTarget, property);
targetMap.put(entry.getKey(), destinationTarget);
targetValue = targetMap;
} else {
Collection collection = (Collection) value;
Collection targetCollection = new ArrayList(collection.size());
for (Object destinationSource : collection) {
Object destinationTarget = destinationSource != null ? detach(destinationSource, property.getTargetDescriptor(), child) : null;
if (destinationTarget != null) {
fillReverseRelationship(destinationTarget, property);
targetValue = targetCollection;
ToManyProperty targetProperty = (ToManyProperty) targetDescriptor.getProperty(property.getName());
targetProperty.writeProperty(target, null, targetValue);
return true;
public boolean visitAttribute(AttributeProperty property) {
PropertyDescriptor targetProperty = targetDescriptor.getProperty(property.getName());
targetProperty.writeProperty(target, null, property.readProperty(source));
return true;
return target;
use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class SimpleNode method encodeScalarAsEJBQL.
* <p>
* This is a utility method that can represent the supplied scalar as either
* an EJBQL literal into the supplied {@link} or is able
* to add the scalar to the parameters and to instead write a positional
* parameter to the EJBQL written to the {@link}. If the
* parameters are null and the scalar object is not able to be represented
* as an EJBQL literal then the method will throw a runtime exception to
* indicate that it has failed to produce valid EJBQL.
* </p>
protected static void encodeScalarAsEJBQL(List<Object> parameterAccumulator, Appendable out, Object scalar) throws IOException {
if (null == scalar) {
if (scalar instanceof Boolean) {
if ((Boolean) scalar) {
} else {
if (null != parameterAccumulator) {
// parameters start at 1
if (scalar instanceof Integer || scalar instanceof Long || scalar instanceof Float || scalar instanceof Double) {
if (scalar instanceof Persistent) {
ObjectId id = ((Persistent) scalar).getObjectId();
Object encode = (id != null) ? id : scalar;
appendAsEscapedString(out, String.valueOf(encode));
if (scalar instanceof Enum<?>) {
Enum<?> e = (Enum<?>) scalar;
if (scalar instanceof String) {
appendAsEscapedString(out, scalar.toString());
throw new IllegalStateException("the scalar type '" + scalar.getClass().getSimpleName() + "' is not supported as a scalar type in EJBQL");
use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class SimpleNode method appendScalarAsString.
* Utility method that encodes an object that is not an expression Node to
* String.
protected static void appendScalarAsString(Appendable out, Object scalar, char quoteChar) throws IOException {
boolean quote = scalar instanceof String;
if (quote) {
// TODO: should we use UUID here?
if (scalar instanceof Persistent) {
ObjectId id = ((Persistent) scalar).getObjectId();
Object encode = (id != null) ? id : scalar;
appendAsEscapedString(out, String.valueOf(encode));
} else if (scalar instanceof Enum<?>) {
Enum<?> e = (Enum<?>) scalar;
} else {
appendAsEscapedString(out, String.valueOf(scalar));
if (quote) {
use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class ChildDiffLoader method nodePropertyChanged.
public void nodePropertyChanged(Object nodeId, String property, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
// this change is for simple property, so no need to convert targets to
// server
// objects...
Persistent object = findObject(nodeId);
ClassDescriptor descriptor = context.getEntityResolver().getClassDescriptor(((ObjectId) nodeId).getEntityName());
try {
descriptor.getProperty(property).writeProperty(object, oldValue, newValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CayenneRuntimeException("Error setting property: " + property, e);
} finally {
use of org.apache.cayenne.Persistent in project cayenne by apache.
the class ChildDiffLoader method arcDeleted.
public void arcDeleted(Object nodeId, final Object targetNodeId, Object arcId) {
final Persistent source = findObject(nodeId);
// changing their relationships
if (source == null) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = context.getEntityResolver().getClassDescriptor(((ObjectId) nodeId).getEntityName());
PropertyDescriptor property = descriptor.getProperty(arcId.toString());
try {
property.visit(new PropertyVisitor() {
public boolean visitAttribute(AttributeProperty property) {
return false;
public boolean visitToMany(ToManyProperty property) {
// connect reverse arc if the relationship is marked as
// "runtime"
ArcProperty reverseArc = property.getComplimentaryReverseArc();
boolean autoConnectReverse = reverseArc != null && reverseArc.getRelationship().isRuntime();
Persistent target = findObject(targetNodeId);
if (target == null) {
// this is usually the case when a NEW object was
// deleted and then
// its
// relationships were manipulated; so try to locate the
// object in
// the
// collection ...
// the performance of this is rather dubious of
// course...
target = findObjectInCollection(targetNodeId, property.readProperty(source));
if (target == null) {
// ignore?
} else {
property.removeTarget(source, target, autoConnectReverse);
return false;
public boolean visitToOne(ToOneProperty property) {
property.setTarget(source, null, false);
return false;
} finally {