use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class ExecutionMetadataHelper method setExecutionInProgress.
* Sets an execution node to in-progress. This also sets the start time to
* the current time
* @param graph
* @param execution
public static void setExecutionInProgress(Graph graph, BlankNodeOrIRI execution) {
Literal dateTime = lf.createTypedLiteral(new Date());
setStatus(graph, execution, STATUS_IN_PROGRESS);
graph.add(new TripleImpl(execution, STARTED, dateTime));
use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class MetaGraphManager method buildResource.
protected IRI buildResource(final OWLOntologyID publicKey) {
if (publicKey == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot build a IRI resource on a null public key!");
// The IRI is of the form ontologyIRI[:::versionIRI] (TODO use something less conventional?)
// XXX should versionIRI also include the version IRI set by owners? Currently not
// Remember not to sanitize logical identifiers.
org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI ontologyIri = publicKey.getOntologyIRI(), versionIri = publicKey.getVersionIRI();
if (ontologyIri == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot build a IRI resource on an anonymous public key!");
log.debug("Searching for a meta graph entry for public key:");
log.debug(" -- {}", publicKey);
IRI match = null;
LiteralFactory lf = LiteralFactory.getInstance();
Literal oiri = lf.createTypedLiteral(new IRI(ontologyIri.toString()));
Literal viri = versionIri == null ? null : lf.createTypedLiteral(new IRI(versionIri.toString()));
for (Iterator<Triple> it = graph.filter(null, HAS_ONTOLOGY_IRI_URIREF, oiri); it.hasNext(); ) {
RDFTerm subj =;
log.debug(" -- Ontology IRI match found. Scanning");
log.debug(" -- RDFTerm : {}", subj);
if (!(subj instanceof IRI)) {
log.debug(" ---- (uncomparable: skipping...)");
if (viri != null) {
// Must find matching versionIRI
if (graph.contains(new TripleImpl((IRI) subj, HAS_VERSION_IRI_URIREF, viri))) {
log.debug(" ---- Version IRI match!");
match = (IRI) subj;
// Found
} else {
log.debug(" ---- Expected version IRI match not found.");
// There could be another with the right versionIRI.
} else {
// Must find unversioned resource
if (graph.filter((IRI) subj, HAS_VERSION_IRI_URIREF, null).hasNext()) {
log.debug(" ---- Unexpected version IRI found. Skipping.");
} else {
log.debug(" ---- Unversioned match!");
match = (IRI) subj;
// Found
log.debug("Matching IRI in graph : {}", match);
if (match == null)
return new IRI(OntologyUtils.encode(publicKey));
return match;
use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class SpotlightEngineUtils method createEntityAnnotation.
* Creates a fise:EntityAnnotation for the parsed parameter and
* adds it the the {@link ContentItem#getMetadata()}. <p>
* This method assumes a write lock on the parsed content item.
* @param annotation the Annotation
* @param engine the engine
* @param ci the language
* @param textAnnotation the TextAnnotation the created
* EntityAnnotation links by using dc:relation
* @param language the language of the label of the referenced
* Entity (or <code>null</code> if none).
public static void createEntityAnnotation(Annotation annotation, EnhancementEngine engine, ContentItem ci, IRI textAnnotation, Language language) {
Graph model = ci.getMetadata();
IRI entityAnnotation = EnhancementEngineHelper.createEntityEnhancement(ci, engine);
Literal label = new PlainLiteralImpl(, language);
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, DC_RELATION, textAnnotation));
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_ENTITY_LABEL, label));
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_ENTITY_REFERENCE, annotation.uri));
//set the fise:entity-type
for (String type : annotation.getTypeNames()) {
IRI annotationType = new IRI(type);
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_ENTITY_TYPE, annotationType));
//TODO (rwesten): Pleas check: I use the similarityScore as fise:confidence value
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_CONFIDENCE, literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(annotation.similarityScore)));
//add spotlight specific information
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, PROPERTY_PERCENTAGE_OF_SECOND_RANK, literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(annotation.percentageOfSecondRank)));
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, PROPERTY_SUPPORT, literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(;
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, PROPERTY_SIMILARITY_SCORE, literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(annotation.similarityScore)));
use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class OntologyMappings method addMediaResourceOntologyMappings.
public static void addMediaResourceOntologyMappings(OntologyMappings mappings) {
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "hasContributor", DublinCore.CONTRIBUTOR.getName(), XMPDM.ARTIST.getName(), XMPDM.COMPOSER.getName()));
mappings.addMapping(new ResourceMapping(ma + "hasLocation", new TypeMapping(ma + "Location"), new PropertyMapping(ma + "locationName", DublinCore.COVERAGE.getName())));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "hasCreator", DublinCore.CREATOR.getName(), MSOffice.AUTHOR, "initial-creator"));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "description", DublinCore.DESCRIPTION.getName()));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "hasFormat", DublinCore.FORMAT.getName(), HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE));
* Excerpt of the MA recommendation:
* The identifier of a media resource is represented in RDF by the URI
* of the node representing that media resource. If a resource is
* identified by several URI, owl:sameAs should be used.
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(OWL.sameAs, RDFS.Resource, DublinCore.IDENTIFIER.getName()));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "hasLanguage", DublinCore.LANGUAGE.getName(), HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LANGUAGE));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "editDate", XSD.dateTime, DublinCore.MODIFIED.getName(), MSOffice.LAST_SAVED.getName()));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "hasPublisher", DublinCore.PUBLISHER.getName()));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "hasRelatedResource", DublinCore.RELATION.getName()));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "copyright", RDFS.Resource, //DC:rights and cc:license
DublinCore.RIGHTS.getName(), CreativeCommons.LICENSE_LOCATION, CreativeCommons.LICENSE_URL, XMPDM.COPYRIGHT.getName()));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "isMemberOf", DublinCore.SOURCE.getName()));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "hasKeyword", DublinCore.SUBJECT.getName(), MSOffice.KEYWORDS));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "title", DublinCore.TITLE.getName(), XMPDM.SCENE.getName(), XMPDM.TAPE_NAME.getName(), XMPDM.SHOT_NAME.getName()));
mappings.addMapping(new PropertyMapping(ma + "alternativeTitle", XMPDM.ALT_TAPE_NAME.getName()));
mappings.addMapping(new PropertyMapping(ma + "mainOriginalTitle", XMPDM.ALBUM.getName()));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "hasGenre", DublinCore.TYPE.getName(), XMPDM.GENRE.getName()));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "creationDate", XSD.dateTime, DublinCore.DATE.getName(), MSOffice.CREATION_DATE.getName(), "created"));
mappings.addMapping(new PropertyMapping(ma + "description", DublinCore.DESCRIPTION.getName(), MSOffice.COMMENTS));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "hasContributor", MSOffice.LAST_AUTHOR, MSOffice.AUTHOR, XMPDM.ENGINEER.getName()));
//other properties -> Media Ontology
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "hasCreator", "producer", "initial-creator"));
//EXIF -> Media Ontology
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "frameHeight", XSD.int_, TIFF.IMAGE_LENGTH.getName()));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "frameWidth", XSD.int_, TIFF.IMAGE_WIDTH.getName()));
mappings.addMappings(new PropertyMapping(ma + "creationDate", XSD.dateTime, TIFF.ORIGINAL_DATE.getName(), XMPDM.SHOT_DATE.getName()));
//XMP -> Media Ontology
//here we need to split up the metadata for the audio and video
mappings.addMapping(new PropertyMapping(ma + "releaseDate", XSD.dateTime, XMPDM.RELEASE_DATE.getName()));
mappings.addMapping(new ResourceMapping(ma + "hasTrack", new Mapping[] {}, new Mapping[] { //optional
new PropertyMapping(ma + "hasFormat", XSD.string, XMPDM.AUDIO_CHANNEL_TYPE.getName()), new PropertyMapping(ma + "hasCompression", XSD.string, XMPDM.AUDIO_COMPRESSOR.getName()), new PropertyMapping(ma + "editDate", XMPDM.AUDIO_MOD_DATE.getName()), new PropertyMapping(ma + "samplingRate", XSD.int_, XMPDM.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE.getName()) }, new Mapping[] { new TypeMapping(ma + "MediaFragment"), new TypeMapping(ma + "Track"), new TypeMapping(ma + "AudioTrack") }));
mappings.addMapping(new ResourceMapping(ma + "hasTrack", new Mapping[] {}, new Mapping[] { //optional
new PropertyMapping(ma + "hasCompression", XSD.string, XMPDM.VIDEO_COMPRESSOR.getName()), new PropertyMapping(ma + "editDate", XMPDM.VIDEO_MOD_DATE.getName()), new PropertyMapping(ma + "frameRate", XSD.double_, XMPDM.VIDEO_FRAME_RATE.getName()) }, new Mapping[] { //additioanl
new TypeMapping(ma + "MediaFragment"), new TypeMapping(ma + "Track"), new TypeMapping(ma + "VideoTrack"), new PropertyMapping(ma + "frameHeight", XSD.int_, TIFF.IMAGE_LENGTH.getName()), new PropertyMapping(ma + "frameWidth", XSD.int_, TIFF.IMAGE_WIDTH.getName()) }));
mappings.addMapping(new PropertyMapping(ma + "numberOfTracks", XSD.int_, XMPDM.TRACK_NUMBER.getName()));
mappings.addMapping(new PropertyMapping(ma + "averageBitRate", XSD.double_, new //we need to convert from MByte/min to kByte/sec
Mapping.Converter() {
public RDFTerm convert(RDFTerm value) {
if (value instanceof Literal && XSD.double_.equals(((Literal) value).getDataType())) {
LiteralFactory lf = LiteralFactory.getInstance();
double mm = lf.createObject(Double.class, (Literal) value);
return lf.createTypedLiteral(Double.valueOf(mm * 1024 / 60));
} else {
//do not convert
return value;
}, XMPDM.FILE_DATA_RATE.getName()));
//GEO -> Media RDFTerm Ontology
mappings.addMapping(new ResourceMapping(ma + "hasLocation", new Mapping[] { //required
new PropertyMapping(ma + "locationLatitude", XSD.double_, Geographic.LATITUDE.getName()), new PropertyMapping(ma + "locationLongitude", XSD.double_, Geographic.LONGITUDE.getName()) }, new Mapping[] { //optional
new PropertyMapping(ma + "locationAltitude", XSD.double_, Geographic.ALTITUDE.getName()) }, new Mapping[] { //additional
new TypeMapping(ma + "Location") }));
use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class RdfRepresentation method addTypedLiteral.
private void addTypedLiteral(IRI field, Object literalValue) {
Literal literal;
try {
literal = RdfResourceUtils.createLiteral(literalValue);
} catch (NoConvertorException e) {"No Converter for value type " + literalValue.getClass() + " (parsed for field " + field + ") use toString() to get String representation");
literal = RdfResourceUtils.createLiteral(literalValue.toString(), null);
graphNode.addProperty(field, literal);