use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class CeliLemmatizerEnhancementEngineTest method validateLemmaFormProperty.
* [1..*] values of an {@link PlainLiteral} in the same language as the
* analyzed text
* @param enhancements The graph with the enhancements
* @param textAnnotation the TextAnnotation to check
* @param lang the language of the analyzed text
* @return The number of lemma forms found
private int validateLemmaFormProperty(Graph enhancements, BlankNodeOrIRI textAnnotation, String lang) {
Iterator<Triple> lemmaFormsIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, hasLemmaForm, null);
assertTrue("No lemma form value found for TextAnnotation " + textAnnotation + "!", lemmaFormsIterator.hasNext());
int lemmaFormCount = 0;
while (lemmaFormsIterator.hasNext()) {
RDFTerm lemmaForms =;
assertTrue("Lemma Forms value are expected of type Literal", lemmaForms instanceof Literal);
assertFalse("Lemma forms MUST NOT be empty", ((Literal) lemmaForms).getLexicalForm().isEmpty());
assertNotNull("Language of the Lemma Form literal MUST BE not null", ((Literal) lemmaForms).getLanguage());
assertEquals("Language of the Lemma Form literal MUST BE the same as for the parsed text", lang, ((Literal) lemmaForms).getLanguage().toString());
return lemmaFormCount;
use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class SpotlightEngineUtils method createEntityAnnotation.
* Creates a fise:EntityAnnotation for the parsed parameters and
* adds it the the {@link ContentItem#getMetadata()}. <p>
* This method assumes a write lock on the parsed content item.
* @param resource the candidate resource
* @param engine the engine
* @param ci the content item
* @param textAnnotation the fise:TextAnnotation to dc:relate the
* created fise:EntityAnnotation
* @return the URI of the created fise:TextAnnotation
public static IRI createEntityAnnotation(CandidateResource resource, EnhancementEngine engine, ContentItem ci, IRI textAnnotation) {
IRI entityAnnotation = EnhancementEngineHelper.createEntityEnhancement(ci, engine);
Graph model = ci.getMetadata();
Literal label = new PlainLiteralImpl(resource.label, new Language("en"));
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, DC_RELATION, textAnnotation));
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_ENTITY_LABEL, label));
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_ENTITY_REFERENCE, resource.getUri()));
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, PROPERTY_CONTEXTUAL_SCORE, literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(resource.contextualScore)));
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, PROPERTY_PERCENTAGE_OF_SECOND_RANK, literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(resource.percentageOfSecondRank)));
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, PROPERTY_SUPPORT, literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(;
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, PROPERTY_PRIOR_SCORE, literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(resource.priorScore)));
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, PROPERTY_FINAL_SCORE, literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(resource.finalScore)));
return entityAnnotation;
use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class DBPSpotlightDisambiguateEnhancementEngine method createEnhancements.
* The method adds the returned DBpedia Spotlight annotations to the content
* item's metadata. For each DBpedia resource an EntityAnnotation is created
* and linked to the according TextAnnotation.
* @param occs
* a Collection of entity information
* @param ci
* the content item
public void createEnhancements(Collection<Annotation> occs, ContentItem ci, Language language) {
HashMap<RDFTerm, IRI> entityAnnotationMap = new HashMap<RDFTerm, IRI>();
for (Annotation occ : occs) {
if (textAnnotationsMap.get(occ.surfaceForm) != null) {
IRI textAnnotation = textAnnotationsMap.get(occ.surfaceForm);
Graph model = ci.getMetadata();
IRI entityAnnotation = EnhancementEngineHelper.createEntityEnhancement(ci, this);
entityAnnotationMap.put(occ.uri, entityAnnotation);
Literal label = new PlainLiteralImpl(, language);
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, DC_RELATION, textAnnotation));
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_ENTITY_LABEL, label));
Collection<String> t = occ.getTypeNames();
if (t != null) {
Iterator<String> it = t.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_ENTITY_TYPE, new IRI(;
model.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_ENTITY_REFERENCE, occ.uri));
use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class KeywordLinkingEngineTest method validateAllEntityAnnotations.
* Similar to {@link EnhancementStructureHelper#validateAllEntityAnnotations(org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Graph, Map)}
* but in addition checks fise:confidence [0..1] and entityhub:site properties
* @param ci
* @param expectedValues
* @return
private static int validateAllEntityAnnotations(ContentItem ci, Map<IRI, RDFTerm> expectedValues) {
Iterator<Triple> entityAnnotationIterator = ci.getMetadata().filter(null, RDF_TYPE, ENHANCER_ENTITYANNOTATION);
int entityAnnotationCount = 0;
while (entityAnnotationIterator.hasNext()) {
IRI entityAnnotation = (IRI);
// test if selected Text is added
validateEntityAnnotation(ci.getMetadata(), entityAnnotation, expectedValues);
//validate also that the confidence is between [0..1]
Iterator<Triple> confidenceIterator = ci.getMetadata().filter(entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_CONFIDENCE, null);
//Confidence is now checked by the EnhancementStructureHelper (STANBOL-630)
// assertTrue("Expected fise:confidence value is missing (entityAnnotation "
// +entityAnnotation+")",confidenceIterator.hasNext());
// Double confidence = LiteralFactory.getInstance().createObject(Double.class,
// (TypedLiteral);
// assertTrue("fise:confidence MUST BE <= 1 (value= '"+confidence
// + "',entityAnnotation " +entityAnnotation+")",
// 1.0 >= confidence.doubleValue());
// assertTrue("fise:confidence MUST BE >= 0 (value= '"+confidence
// +"',entityAnnotation "+entityAnnotation+")",
// 0.0 <= confidence.doubleValue());
//Test the entityhub:site property (STANBOL-625)
Iterator<Triple> entitySiteIterator = ci.getMetadata().filter(entityAnnotation, ENTITYHUB_SITE, null);
assertTrue("Expected entityhub:site value is missing (entityAnnotation " + entityAnnotation + ")", entitySiteIterator.hasNext());
RDFTerm siteResource =;
assertTrue("entityhub:site values MUST BE Literals", siteResource instanceof Literal);
assertEquals("'" + TEST_REFERENCED_SITE_NAME + "' is expected as " + "entityhub:site value", TEST_REFERENCED_SITE_NAME, ((Literal) siteResource).getLexicalForm());
assertFalse("entityhub:site MUST HAVE only a single value", entitySiteIterator.hasNext());
return entityAnnotationCount;
use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class EnhancementStructureHelper method validateTextAnnotation.
* Validates fise:TextAnnotations. If <code>validatePrefixSuffix</code> is
* enabled the fise:selection-prefix and fise:selection-suffix (as defined by
* <a href="">STANBOL-987</a>
* are enforced and validated. If disabled those properties are not enforced but still
* validated when present.
* @param enhancements the enhancements graph containing the text annotation
* @param textAnnotation the TextAnnotation to validate
* @param content the enhanced content
* @param expectedValues expected values (properties for the values are used as keys)
* @param validatePrefixSuffix enforce the presence of fise:selection-prefix and
* fise:selection-suffix if fise:start and fise:end are set.
public static void validateTextAnnotation(Graph enhancements, IRI textAnnotation, String content, Map<IRI, RDFTerm> expectedValues, boolean validatePrefixSuffix) {
//validate the rdf:type
Iterator<Triple> rdfTypeIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, RDF_TYPE, ENHANCER_TEXTANNOTATION);
assertTrue("Parsed Enhancement " + textAnnotation + " is missing the fise:TextAnnotation type ", rdfTypeIterator.hasNext());
Iterator<Triple> selectedTextIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, ENHANCER_SELECTED_TEXT, null);
// check if the selected text is added (or not)
RDFTerm selectedTextResource;
if (selectedTextIterator.hasNext()) {
// test if the selected text is part of the TEXT_TO_TEST
selectedTextResource =;
assertTrue("fise:selected-text MUST BE of type PlainLiteral (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", selectedTextResource instanceof Literal);
Literal selectedText = (Literal) selectedTextResource;
assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the fise:selected-text value '" + selectedText.getLexicalForm() + "' (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", content.contains(selectedText.getLexicalForm()));
Assert.assertFalse("fise:selected-text MUST be single valued (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", selectedTextIterator.hasNext());
} else {
//no selected text
selectedTextResource = null;
//check against an expected value
RDFTerm expectedSelectedText = expectedValues.get(ENHANCER_SELECTED_TEXT);
if (expectedSelectedText != null) {
assertEquals("The fise:selected-text is not the expected value " + expectedSelectedText + " (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", expectedSelectedText, selectedTextResource);
//check for fise:selection-head and fise:selection-tail (STANBOL-987)
Iterator<Triple> selectionHeadIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, Properties.ENHANCER_SELECTION_HEAD, null);
if (selectedTextResource != null) {
Assert.assertFalse("If fise:selected-text is present fise:selection-head MUST NOT be present", selectionHeadIterator.hasNext());
RDFTerm selectionHeadResource;
if (selectionHeadIterator.hasNext()) {
// test if the selected text is part of the TEXT_TO_TEST
selectionHeadResource =;
assertTrue("fise:selection-head MUST BE of type PlainLiteral (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", selectionHeadResource instanceof Literal);
Literal selectionHeadText = (Literal) selectionHeadResource;
assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the fise:selected-head value '" + selectionHeadText.getLexicalForm() + "' (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", content.contains(selectionHeadText.getLexicalForm()));
Assert.assertFalse("fise:selection-head MUST be single valued (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", selectionHeadIterator.hasNext());
} else {
selectionHeadResource = null;
Iterator<Triple> selectionTailIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, Properties.ENHANCER_SELECTION_TAIL, null);
if (selectedTextResource != null) {
Assert.assertFalse("If fise:selected-text is present fise:selection-tail MUST NOT be present", selectionTailIterator.hasNext());
RDFTerm selectionTailResource;
if (selectionTailIterator.hasNext()) {
// test if the selected text is part of the TEXT_TO_TEST
selectionTailResource =;
assertTrue("fise:selection-head MUST BE of type PlainLiteral (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", selectionTailResource instanceof Literal);
Literal selectionTailText = (Literal) selectionTailResource;
assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the fise:selected-tail value '" + selectionTailText.getLexicalForm() + "' (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", content.contains(selectionTailText.getLexicalForm()));
Assert.assertFalse("fise:selection-tail MUST be single valued (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", selectionTailIterator.hasNext());
} else {
selectionTailResource = null;
Assert.assertTrue("Both fise:selection-tail AND fise:selection-head MUST BE defined " + "(if one of them is present) (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", (selectionHeadResource != null && selectionTailResource != null) || (selectionHeadResource == null && selectionTailResource == null));
RDFTerm selectionContextResource;
// test if context is added
Iterator<Triple> selectionContextIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, ENHANCER_SELECTION_CONTEXT, null);
if (selectionContextIterator.hasNext()) {
//context is optional
//selection context is not allowed without selected-text
assertTrue("If fise:selection-context is present also fise:selected-text or fise:selection-head and fise:selection-tail MUST BE present (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", selectedTextResource != null || (selectionHeadResource != null && selectionTailResource != null));
// test if the selected text is part of the TEXT_TO_TEST
selectionContextResource =;
assertTrue("The fise:selection-context MUST BE of type PlainLiteral (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", selectionContextResource instanceof Literal);
//check that the content contains the context
assertTrue("The fise:selection-context MUST BE contained in the Content | context= " + selectionContextResource, content.contains(((Literal) selectionContextResource).getLexicalForm()));
//check that the context contains the selected text
if (selectedTextResource != null) {
assertTrue("The fise:selected-text value MUST BE containted within the fise:selection-context value", ((Literal) selectionContextResource).getLexicalForm().contains(((Literal) selectedTextResource).getLexicalForm()));
if (selectionHeadResource != null) {
assertTrue("The fise:selection-head value MUST BE containted within the fise:selection-context value", ((Literal) selectionContextResource).getLexicalForm().contains(((Literal) selectionHeadResource).getLexicalForm()));
if (selectionTailResource != null) {
assertTrue("The fise:selection-tail value MUST BE containted within the fise:selection-context value", ((Literal) selectionContextResource).getLexicalForm().contains(((Literal) selectionTailResource).getLexicalForm()));
} else {
assertNull("If no fise:selection-context is present also fise:selected-text MUST BE NOT present!", selectedTextResource);
selectionContextResource = null;
RDFTerm expectedSelectionContext = expectedValues.get(ENHANCER_SELECTION_CONTEXT);
if (expectedSelectionContext != null) {
assertEquals("The value of fise:selection-context has not the expected value " + expectedSelectionContext, expectedSelectionContext, selectionContextResource);
//test start/end if present
Iterator<Triple> startPosIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, ENHANCER_START, null);
Iterator<Triple> endPosIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, ENHANCER_END, null);
//start end is optional, but if start is present, that also end needs to be set
Literal startPosLiteral;
Literal endPosLiteral;
if (startPosIterator.hasNext()) {
//NOTE: TextAnnotations might be use to select whole sections of a text
// (e.g. see STANBOL-617) in those cases adding the text of the
// whole section is not feasible.
//assertNotNull("If fise:start is present the fise:selection-context MUST also be present (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",
// selectionContextResource);
RDFTerm resource =;
//only a single start position is supported
assertFalse("fise:start MUST HAVE only a single value (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", startPosIterator.hasNext());
assertTrue("fise:start MUST be a typed Literal (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", resource instanceof Literal);
startPosLiteral = (Literal) resource;
assertEquals("fise:start MUST use xsd:int as data type (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", XSD.int_, startPosLiteral.getDataType());
resource = null;
Integer start = LiteralFactory.getInstance().createObject(Integer.class, startPosLiteral);
assertNotNull("Unable to parse Integer from TypedLiteral " + startPosLiteral, start);
//now get the end
//end must be defined if start is present
assertTrue("If fise:start is present also fise:end MUST BE defined (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", endPosIterator.hasNext());
resource =;
//only a single end position is supported
assertFalse("fise:end MUST HAVE only a single value (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", endPosIterator.hasNext());
assertTrue("fise:end values MUST BE TypedLiterals (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", resource instanceof Literal);
endPosLiteral = (Literal) resource;
assertEquals("fise:end MUST use xsd:int as data type (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", XSD.int_, endPosLiteral.getDataType());
resource = null;
Integer end = LiteralFactory.getInstance().createObject(Integer.class, endPosLiteral);
assertNotNull("Unable to parse Integer from TypedLiteral " + endPosLiteral, end);
//System.out.println("TA ["+start+"|"+end+"]"+selectedText.getLexicalForm()+"<->"+content.substring(start,end));
if (selectedTextResource != null) {
assertEquals("the substring [fise:start,fise:end] does not correspond to " + "the fise:selected-text value '" + ((Literal) selectedTextResource).getLexicalForm() + "' of this TextAnnotation!", content.substring(start, end), ((Literal) selectedTextResource).getLexicalForm());
// else no selected-text present ... unable to test this
} else {
assertNull("if fise:selected-text is present also fise:start AND fise:end MUST BE present!", selectedTextResource);
assertNull("If fise:selection-context is present also fise:start AND fise:end MUST BE present!", selectionContextResource);
assertFalse("if fise:end is presnet also fise:start AND fise:selection-context MUST BE present!", endPosIterator.hasNext());
startPosLiteral = null;
endPosLiteral = null;
RDFTerm expectedStartPos = expectedValues.get(ENHANCER_START);
if (expectedStartPos != null) {
assertEquals("The fise:start value is not the expected " + expectedStartPos, expectedStartPos, startPosLiteral);
RDFTerm expectedEndPos = expectedValues.get(ENHANCER_END);
if (expectedEndPos != null) {
assertEquals("The fise:end value is not the expected " + expectedEndPos, expectedEndPos, endPosLiteral);
//fise:selection-prefix and fise:selection-suffix (STANBOL-987)
Literal prefixLiteral;
Iterator<Triple> selectionPrefixIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, Properties.ENHANCER_SELECTION_PREFIX, null);
if (startPosLiteral != null) {
// check if the selectionPrefix text is present
assertTrue("fise:selection-prefix property is missing for fise:TextAnnotation " + textAnnotation, selectionPrefixIterator.hasNext() || //to support old and new fise:TextAnnotation model
// test if the selected text is part of the TEXT_TO_TEST
if (selectionPrefixIterator.hasNext()) {
RDFTerm selectionPrefixResource =;
assertTrue("fise:selection-prefix MUST BE of type PlainLiteral (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", selectionPrefixResource instanceof Literal);
prefixLiteral = (Literal) selectionPrefixResource;
assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the fise:selection-prefix value '" + prefixLiteral.getLexicalForm() + "' (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", content.contains(prefixLiteral.getLexicalForm()));
assertFalse("fise:selection-prefix MUST BE single valued (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", selectionPrefixIterator.hasNext());
} else {
prefixLiteral = null;
} else {
prefixLiteral = null;
Literal suffixLiteral;
Iterator<Triple> selectionSuffixIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, Properties.ENHANCER_SELECTION_SUFFIX, null);
if (endPosLiteral != null) {
// check if the selectionPrefix text is present
assertTrue("fise:selection-suffix property is missing for fise:TextAnnotation " + textAnnotation, selectionSuffixIterator.hasNext() || //to support old and new fise:TextAnnotation model
if (selectionSuffixIterator.hasNext()) {
// test if the selected text is part of the TEXT_TO_TEST
RDFTerm selectionSuffixResource =;
assertTrue("fise:selection-suffix MUST BE of type PlainLiteral (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", selectionSuffixResource instanceof Literal);
suffixLiteral = (Literal) selectionSuffixResource;
assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the fise:selection-suffix value '" + suffixLiteral.getLexicalForm() + "' (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", content.contains(suffixLiteral.getLexicalForm()));
assertFalse("fise:selection-suffix MUST BE single valued (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", selectionSuffixIterator.hasNext());
} else {
suffixLiteral = null;
} else {
suffixLiteral = null;
Assert.assertTrue("Both fise:selection-prefix AND fise:selection-suffix need to be present " + "(if one of them is present) (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")", (suffixLiteral != null && prefixLiteral != null) || (suffixLiteral == null && prefixLiteral == null));
if (prefixLiteral != null && selectedTextResource != null) {
String occurrence = prefixLiteral.getLexicalForm() + ((Literal) selectedTextResource).getLexicalForm() + suffixLiteral.getLexicalForm();
assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the concated value of fise:selection-prefix," + "fise:selected-text and fise:selection-suffix (value: '" + occurrence + "' (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", content.contains(occurrence));
if (prefixLiteral != null && selectionHeadResource != null) {
String occurrence = prefixLiteral.getLexicalForm() + ((Literal) selectionHeadResource).getLexicalForm();
assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the concated value of fise:selection-prefix," + "fise:selection-head (value: '" + occurrence + "' (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", content.contains(occurrence));
occurrence = ((Literal) selectionTailResource).getLexicalForm() + suffixLiteral.getLexicalForm();
assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the concated value of fise:selection-tail " + "and fise:selection-suffix (value: '" + occurrence + "' (uri: " + textAnnotation + ")!", content.contains(occurrence));
//validate fise:Enhancement specific rules
validateEnhancement(enhancements, textAnnotation, expectedValues);
//validate for special TextAnnotations
validateLanguageAnnotations(enhancements, textAnnotation);
validateNERAnnotations(enhancements, textAnnotation, selectedTextResource);