use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class EnhancementStructureHelper method validateEntityAnnotation.
* Checks if a fise:EntityAnnotation is valid. NOTE that this also validates
* all fise:Enhancement related requirements by calling
* {@link #validateEnhancement(Graph, IRI, Map)}
* @param enhancements the enhancements graph
* @param entityAnnotation the entity annotation to validate
* @param expectedValues expected values (properties for the values are used as keys)
public static void validateEntityAnnotation(Graph enhancements, IRI entityAnnotation, Map<IRI, RDFTerm> expectedValues) {
Iterator<Triple> relationToTextAnnotationIterator = enhancements.filter(entityAnnotation, DC_RELATION, null);
// check if the relation to the text annotation is set
while (relationToTextAnnotationIterator.hasNext()) {
// test if the referred annotations are text annotations or
// the referenced annotations is a fise:EntityAnnotation AND also a
// dc:requires link is defined (STANBOL-766)
IRI referredTextAnnotation = (IRI);
assertTrue("fise:EntityAnnotations MUST BE dc:related to a fise:TextAnnotation OR dc:requires and dc:related to the same fise:EntityAnnotation", enhancements.filter(referredTextAnnotation, RDF_TYPE, ENHANCER_TEXTANNOTATION).hasNext() || (enhancements.filter(referredTextAnnotation, RDF_TYPE, ENHANCER_ENTITYANNOTATION).hasNext() && enhancements.filter(entityAnnotation, Properties.DC_REQUIRES, referredTextAnnotation).hasNext()));
// test if an entity is referred
Iterator<Triple> entityReferenceIterator = enhancements.filter(entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_ENTITY_REFERENCE, null);
assertTrue("fise:entity-reference MUST BE present! (EntityAnnotation: '" + entityAnnotation + "')'", entityReferenceIterator.hasNext());
RDFTerm expectedReferencedEntity = expectedValues.get(ENHANCER_ENTITY_REFERENCE);
while (entityReferenceIterator.hasNext()) {
//check possible multiple references
RDFTerm entityReferenceResource =;
// test if the reference is an URI
assertTrue("fise:entity-reference value MUST BE of URIs", entityReferenceResource instanceof IRI);
if (expectedReferencedEntity != null && expectedReferencedEntity.equals(entityReferenceResource)) {
expectedReferencedEntity = null;
assertNull("EntityAnnotation " + entityAnnotation + "fise:entity-reference has not the expected value " + expectedReferencedEntity + "!", expectedReferencedEntity);
//test if the entity label is set
Iterator<Triple> entityLabelIterator = enhancements.filter(entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_ENTITY_LABEL, null);
RDFTerm expectedEntityLabel = expectedValues.get(ENHANCER_ENTITY_LABEL);
while (entityLabelIterator.hasNext()) {
RDFTerm entityLabelResource =;
assertTrue("fise:entity-label values MUST BE PlainLiterals (EntityAnnotation: " + entityAnnotation + ")!", entityLabelResource instanceof Literal);
if (expectedEntityLabel != null && expectedEntityLabel.equals(entityLabelResource)) {
expectedEntityLabel = null;
assertNull("The expected EntityLabel " + expectedEntityLabel + " was not found", expectedEntityLabel);
//test the optional entity types
Iterator<Triple> entityTypeIterator = enhancements.filter(entityAnnotation, Properties.ENHANCER_ENTITY_TYPE, null);
RDFTerm expectedEntityType = expectedValues.get(Properties.ENHANCER_ENTITY_TYPE);
if (entityTypeIterator.hasNext()) {
RDFTerm entityTypeResource =;
assertTrue("fise:entity-type values MUST BE URIs", entityTypeResource instanceof IRI);
if (expectedEntityType != null && expectedEntityType.equals(entityTypeResource)) {
expectedEntityType = null;
assertNull("The expected fise:entity-type value " + expectedEntityType + " was not found!", expectedEntityType);
//test all properties required by fise:Enhancement
validateEnhancement(enhancements, entityAnnotation, expectedValues);
use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class EnhancementStructureHelper method validateLanguageAnnotations.
* Validates the correctness of fise:TextAnnotations that annotate the language
* of the text as defined by
* <a href="">STANBOL-613</a><p>
* Called by {@link #validateTextAnnotation(Graph, IRI, String, Map)}
* @param enhancements
* @param textAnnotation
private static void validateLanguageAnnotations(Graph enhancements, IRI textAnnotation) {
Iterator<Triple> dcLanguageIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, DC_LANGUAGE, null);
if (dcLanguageIterator.hasNext()) {
//a language annotation
RDFTerm dcLanguageResource =;
assertTrue("The dc:language value MUST BE a PlainLiteral", dcLanguageResource instanceof Literal);
assertTrue("The dc:language value '" + dcLanguageResource + "'MUST BE at least two chars long", ((Literal) dcLanguageResource).getLexicalForm().length() >= 2);
assertFalse("TextAnnotations with the dc:language property MUST only have a single dc:language value (uri " + textAnnotation + ")", dcLanguageIterator.hasNext());
Iterator<Triple> dcTypeIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, DC_TYPE, null);
assertTrue("TextAnnotations with the dc:language property MUST use dc:type dc:LinguisticSystem (uri " + textAnnotation + ")", dcTypeIterator.hasNext());
assertEquals("TextAnnotations with the dc:language property MUST use dc:type dc:LinguisticSystem (uri " + textAnnotation + ")", DCTERMS_LINGUISTIC_SYSTEM,;
assertFalse("TextAnnotations with the dc:language property MUST only have a single dc:type value (uri " + textAnnotation + ")", dcTypeIterator.hasNext());
//assert that the created TextAnnotation is correctly returned by the
//EnhancementEngineHelper methods
List<BlankNodeOrIRI> languageAnnotation = EnhancementEngineHelper.getLanguageAnnotations(enhancements);
assertTrue("Language annotation " + textAnnotation + " was not returned by " + "EnhancementEngineHelper.getLanguageAnnotations(..)!", languageAnnotation.contains(textAnnotation));
} else {
//no language annotation
Iterator<Triple> dcTypeIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, DC_TYPE, null);
while (dcTypeIterator.hasNext()) {
assertFalse("Only fise:TextAnnotations without a dc:language value MUST NOT use the " + "dc:type value dc:LinguisticSystem (uri " + textAnnotation + ")", DCTERMS_LINGUISTIC_SYSTEM.equals(;
use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class ContentItemBackendTest method testContentWithAdditionalMetadata.
public void testContentWithAdditionalMetadata() throws IOException, LDPathParseException {
byte[] content = "text content".getBytes();
IRI uri = ContentItemHelper.makeDefaultUrn(content);
ContentItem contentItem = ciFactory.createContentItem(uri, new ByteArraySource(content, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"));
Graph tc = new SimpleGraph();
Literal literal = LiteralFactory.getInstance().createTypedLiteral("Michael Jackson");
IRI subject = new IRI("dummyUri");
tc.add(new TripleImpl(subject, new IRI(""), literal));
contentItem.addPart(new IRI(uri.getUnicodeString() + "_additionalMetadata"), tc);
ContentItemBackend ciBackend = new ContentItemBackend(contentItem, true);
LDPath<RDFTerm> ldPath = new LDPath<RDFTerm>(ciBackend, EnhancerLDPath.getConfig());
Collection<RDFTerm> result = ldPath.pathQuery(subject, "foaf:givenName", null);
assertTrue("Additional metadata cannot be found", result.contains(literal));
use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class ContentItemBackendTest method testTextAnnotationFunction.
public void testTextAnnotationFunction() throws LDPathParseException {
String path = "fn:textAnnotation(.)/fise:selected-text";
Collection<RDFTerm> result = ldpath.pathQuery(ci.getUri(), path, null);
assertTrue(result.size() == 2);
Set<String> expectedValues = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("Bob Marley", "Paris"));
for (RDFTerm r : result) {
assertTrue(r instanceof Literal);
assertTrue(expectedValues.remove(((Literal) r).getLexicalForm()));
//test with a filter for the type
//same as the 1st example bat rather using an ld-path construct for
//filtering for TextAnnotations representing persons
path = "fn:textAnnotation(.)[dc:type is dbpedia-ont:Person]/fise:selected-text";
result = ldpath.pathQuery(ci.getUri(), path, null);
assertTrue(result.size() == 1);
RDFTerm r = result.iterator().next();
assertTrue(r instanceof Literal);
assertEquals(((Literal) r).getLexicalForm(), "Bob Marley");
use of org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Literal in project stanbol by apache.
the class ContentItemBackendTest method testEnhancementsWithoutParsedContext.
public void testEnhancementsWithoutParsedContext() throws LDPathParseException {
String path = "fn:enhancement()";
Collection<RDFTerm> result = ldpath.pathQuery(ci.getUri(), path, null);
assertTrue(result.size() == 7);
for (RDFTerm r : result) {
assertTrue(r instanceof IRI);"Entity: {}", r);
//and with a filter
path = "fn:enhancement()[rdf:type is fise:TextAnnotation]";
result = ldpath.pathQuery(ci.getUri(), path, null);
assertTrue(result.size() == 3);
// assertTrue(result.contains(new IRI("")));
path = "fn:enhancement()/dc:language";
result = ldpath.pathQuery(ci.getUri(), path, null);
assertTrue(result.size() == 1);
RDFTerm r = result.iterator().next();
assertTrue(r instanceof Literal);
assertEquals("en", ((Literal) r).getLexicalForm());