use of org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomDataGenerator in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class SCMOSLikelihoodWrapperTest method functionComputesTargetGradientPerDatum.
private void functionComputesTargetGradientPerDatum(Gaussian2DFunction f1, int targetParameter) {
int[] indices = f1.gradientIndices();
int gradientIndex = findGradientIndex(f1, targetParameter);
double[] dyda = new double[indices.length];
double[] a;
SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper ff1;
int n = maxx * maxx;
int count = 0, total = 0;
RandomDataGenerator rdg = new RandomDataGenerator(new Well19937c(30051977));
for (double background : testbackground) for (double signal1 : testsignal1) for (double angle1 : testangle1) for (double cx1 : testcx1) for (double cy1 : testcy1) for (double[] w1 : testw1) {
a = createParameters(background, signal1, angle1, cx1, cy1, w1[0], w1[1]);
// Create y as a function we would want to move towards
double[] a2 = a.clone();
a2[targetParameter] *= 1.1;
double[] data = new double[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Simulate sCMOS camera
double u = f1.eval(i);
data[i] = rdg.nextPoisson(u) * g[i] + rdg.nextGaussian(o[i], sd[i]);
ff1 = new SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper(f1, a, data, n, var, g, o);
// Numerically solve gradient.
// Calculate the step size h to be an exact numerical representation
final double xx = a[targetParameter];
// Get h to minimise roundoff error
double h = Precision.representableDelta(xx, h_);
for (int x : testx) for (int y : testy) {
int i = y * maxx + x;
a[targetParameter] = xx;
ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, a), dyda, i);
// Evaluate at (x+h) and (x-h)
a[targetParameter] = xx + h;
double value2 = ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, a), i);
a[targetParameter] = xx - h;
double value3 = ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, a), i);
double gradient = (value2 - value3) / (2 * h);
boolean ok = Math.signum(gradient) == Math.signum(dyda[gradientIndex]) || Math.abs(gradient - dyda[gradientIndex]) < 0.1;
// dyda[gradientIndex]);
if (!ok)
Assert.assertTrue(NAME[targetParameter] + ": " + gradient + " != " + dyda[gradientIndex], ok);
ok = eqPerDatum.almostEqualRelativeOrAbsolute(gradient, dyda[gradientIndex]);
if (ok)
double p = (100.0 * count) / total;
logf("Per Datum %s : %s = %d / %d (%.2f)\n", f1.getClass().getSimpleName(), NAME[targetParameter], count, total, p);
Assert.assertTrue(NAME[targetParameter] + " fraction too low per datum: " + p, p > 90);
use of org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomDataGenerator in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class SCMOSLikelihoodWrapperTest method canComputePValue.
private void canComputePValue(BaseNonLinearFunction nlf) {
int n = maxx * maxx;
double[] a = new double[] { 1 };
// Simulate sCMOS camera
RandomDataGenerator rdg = new RandomDataGenerator(new Well19937c(30051977));
double[] k = Utils.newArray(n, 0, 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
double u = nlf.eval(i);
if (u > 0)
u = rdg.nextPoisson(u);
k[i] = u * g[i] + rdg.nextGaussian(o[i], sd[i]);
SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper f = new SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper(nlf, a, k, n, var, g, o);
double oll = f.computeObservedLikelihood();
double oll2 = 0;
double[] op = new double[n];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
op[j] = SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper.likelihood((k[j] - o[j]) / g[j], var[j], g[j], o[j], k[j]);
oll2 -= Math.log(op[j]);
System.out.printf("oll=%f, oll2=%f\n", oll, oll2);
Assert.assertEquals("Observed Log-likelihood", oll2, oll, oll2 * 1e-10);
double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double mina = 0;
for (int i = 5; i <= 15; i++) {
a[0] = (double) i / 10;
double ll = f.likelihood(a);
double llr = f.computeLogLikelihoodRatio(ll);
BigDecimal product = new BigDecimal(1);
double ll2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
double p1 = SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper.likelihood(nlf.eval(j), var[j], g[j], o[j], k[j]);
ll2 -= Math.log(p1);
double ratio = p1 / op[j];
product = product.multiply(new BigDecimal(ratio));
double llr2 = -2 * Math.log(product.doubleValue());
double q = f.computeQValue(ll);
System.out.printf("a=%f, ll=%f, ll2=%f, llr=%f, llr2=%f, product=%s, p=%f\n", a[0], ll, ll2, llr, llr2, product.round(new MathContext(4)).toString(), q);
if (min > ll) {
min = ll;
mina = a[0];
// too small to store in a double.
if (product.doubleValue() > 0)
Assert.assertEquals("Log-likelihood", llr, llr2, llr * 1e-10);
Assert.assertEquals("min", 1, mina, 0);
use of org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomDataGenerator in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class CreateData method createBackground.
private float[] createBackground(RandomDataGenerator random) {
float[] pixels2 = null;
if (settings.background > 0) {
if (random == null)
random = new RandomDataGenerator(createRandomGenerator());
pixels2 = Arrays.copyOf(backgroundPixels, backgroundPixels.length);
// Add Poisson noise.
if (uniformBackground) {
// We can do N random samples thus ensuring the background average is constant.
// Note: The number of samples must be Poisson distributed.
// currently: pixels2[0] = uniform background level
// => (pixels2[0] * pixels2.length) = amount of photons that fall on the image.
final int samples = (int) random.nextPoisson(pixels2[0] * pixels2.length);
// Only do sampling if the number of samples is valid
if (samples >= 1) {
pixels2 = new float[pixels2.length];
final int upper = pixels2.length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
pixels2[random.nextInt(0, upper)] += 1;
} else {
// If using a uniform illumination then we can use a fixed Poisson distribution
PoissonDistribution dist = new PoissonDistribution(random.getRandomGenerator(), pixels2[0], PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_EPSILON, PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS);
for (int i = 0; i < pixels2.length; i++) {
pixels2[i] = dist.sample();
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < pixels2.length; i++) {
pixels2[i] = random.nextPoisson(pixels2[i]);
} else {
pixels2 = new float[settings.size * settings.size];
return pixels2;
use of org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomDataGenerator in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class CreateData method drawImage.
//StoredDataStatistics rawPhotons = new StoredDataStatistics();
//StoredDataStatistics drawPhotons = new StoredDataStatistics();
// private synchronized void addRaw(double d)
// {
// //rawPhotons.add(d);
// }
// private synchronized void addDraw(double d)
// {
// //drawPhotons.add(d);
// }
* Create an image from the localisations using the configured PSF width. Draws a new stack
* image.
* <p>
* Note that the localisations are filtered using the signal. The input list of localisations will be updated.
* @param localisationSets
* @return The localisations
private List<LocalisationModel> drawImage(final List<LocalisationModelSet> localisationSets) {
if (localisationSets.isEmpty())
return null;
// Create a new list for all localisation that are drawn (i.e. pass the signal filters)
List<LocalisationModelSet> newLocalisations = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<LocalisationModelSet>(localisationSets.size()));
photonsRemoved = new AtomicInteger();
t1Removed = new AtomicInteger();
tNRemoved = new AtomicInteger();
photonStats = new SummaryStatistics();
// Add drawn spots to memory
results = new MemoryPeakResults();
Calibration c = new Calibration(settings.pixelPitch, settings.getTotalGain(), settings.exposureTime);
c.setEmCCD((settings.getEmGain() > 1));
c.setReadNoise(settings.readNoise * ((settings.getCameraGain() > 0) ? settings.getCameraGain() : 1));
maxT = localisationSets.get(localisationSets.size() - 1).getTime();
// Display image
ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(settings.size, settings.size, maxT);
final double psfSD = getPsfSD();
if (psfSD <= 0)
return null;
ImagePSFModel imagePSFModel = null;
if (imagePSF) {
// Create one Image PSF model that can be copied
imagePSFModel = createImagePSF(localisationSets);
if (imagePSFModel == null)
return null;
IJ.showStatus("Drawing image ...");
// Multi-thread for speed
// Note that the default Executors.newCachedThreadPool() will continue to make threads if
// new tasks are added. We need to limit the tasks that can be added using a fixed size
// blocking queue.
// ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Prefs.getThreads());
List<Future<?>> futures = new LinkedList<Future<?>>();
// Count all the frames to process
frame = 0;
totalFrames = maxT;
// Collect statistics on the number of photons actually simulated
// Process all frames
int i = 0;
int lastT = -1;
for (LocalisationModelSet l : localisationSets) {
if (Utils.isInterrupted())
if (l.getTime() != lastT) {
lastT = l.getTime();
futures.add(threadPool.submit(new ImageGenerator(localisationSets, newLocalisations, i, lastT, createPSFModel(imagePSFModel), results, stack, poissonNoise, new RandomDataGenerator(createRandomGenerator()))));
// Finish processing data
if (Utils.isInterrupted()) {
return null;
// Do all the frames that had no localisations
for (int t = 1; t <= maxT; t++) {
if (Utils.isInterrupted())
if (stack.getPixels(t) == null) {
futures.add(threadPool.submit(new ImageGenerator(localisationSets, newLocalisations, maxT, t, null, results, stack, poissonNoise, new RandomDataGenerator(createRandomGenerator()))));
// Finish
if (Utils.isInterrupted()) {
return null;
// Clear memory
imagePSFModel = null;
threadPool = null;
futures = null;
if (photonsRemoved.get() > 0)
Utils.log("Removed %d localisations with less than %.1f rendered photons", photonsRemoved.get(), settings.minPhotons);
if (t1Removed.get() > 0)
Utils.log("Removed %d localisations with no neighbours @ SNR %.2f", t1Removed.get(), settings.minSNRt1);
if (tNRemoved.get() > 0)
Utils.log("Removed %d localisations with valid neighbours @ SNR %.2f", tNRemoved.get(), settings.minSNRtN);
if (photonStats.getN() > 0)
Utils.log("Average photons rendered = %s +/- %s", Utils.rounded(photonStats.getMean()), Utils.rounded(photonStats.getStandardDeviation()));
//System.out.printf("rawPhotons = %f\n", rawPhotons.getMean());
//System.out.printf("drawPhotons = %f\n", drawPhotons.getMean());
//Utils.showHistogram("draw photons", drawPhotons, "photons", true, 0, 1000);
// Update with all those localisation that have been drawn
newLocalisations = null;
IJ.showStatus("Displaying image ...");
ImageStack newStack = stack;
if (!settings.rawImage) {
// Get the global limits and ensure all values can be represented
Object[] imageArray = stack.getImageArray();
float[] limits = Maths.limits((float[]) imageArray[0]);
for (int j = 1; j < imageArray.length; j++) limits = Maths.limits(limits, (float[]) imageArray[j]);
// Leave bias in place
limits[0] = 0;
// Check if the image will fit in a 16-bit range
if ((limits[1] - limits[0]) < 65535) {
// Convert to 16-bit
newStack = new ImageStack(stack.getWidth(), stack.getHeight(), stack.getSize());
// Account for rounding
final float min = (float) (limits[0] - 0.5);
for (int j = 0; j < imageArray.length; j++) {
float[] image = (float[]) imageArray[j];
short[] pixels = new short[image.length];
for (int k = 0; k < pixels.length; k++) {
pixels[k] = (short) (image[k] - min);
newStack.setPixels(pixels, j + 1);
// Free memory
imageArray[j] = null;
// Attempt to stay within memory (check vs 32MB)
if (MemoryPeakResults.freeMemory() < 33554432L)
} else {
// Keep as 32-bit but round to whole numbers
for (int j = 0; j < imageArray.length; j++) {
float[] pixels = (float[]) imageArray[j];
for (int k = 0; k < pixels.length; k++) {
pixels[k] = Math.round(pixels[k]);
// Show image
ImagePlus imp = Utils.display(CREATE_DATA_IMAGE_TITLE, newStack);
ij.measure.Calibration cal = new ij.measure.Calibration();
String unit = "nm";
double unitPerPixel = settings.pixelPitch;
if (unitPerPixel > 100) {
unit = "um";
unitPerPixel /= 1000.0;
cal.pixelHeight = cal.pixelWidth = unitPerPixel;
imp.setDimensions(1, 1, newStack.getSize());
results.setSource(new IJImageSource(imp));
results.setName(CREATE_DATA_IMAGE_TITLE + " (" + TITLE + ")");
results.setConfiguration(createConfiguration((float) psfSD));
results.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, 0, settings.size, settings.size));
setBenchmarkResults(imp, results);
if (benchmarkMode && benchmarkParameters != null)
List<LocalisationModel> localisations = toLocalisations(localisationSets);
savePulses(localisations, results, CREATE_DATA_IMAGE_TITLE);
// Saved the fixed and moving localisations into different datasets
saveFixedAndMoving(results, CREATE_DATA_IMAGE_TITLE);
return localisations;
use of org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomDataGenerator in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class EJMLLinearSolverTest method runInversionSpeedTest.
private void runInversionSpeedTest(int flags) {
final Gaussian2DFunction f0 = GaussianFunctionFactory.create2D(1, 10, 10, flags, null);
int n = f0.size();
final double[] y = new double[n];
final TurboList<DenseMatrix64F> aList = new TurboList<DenseMatrix64F>();
double[] testbackground = new double[] { 0.2, 0.7 };
double[] testsignal1 = new double[] { 30, 100, 300 };
double[] testcx1 = new double[] { 4.9, 5.3 };
double[] testcy1 = new double[] { 4.8, 5.2 };
double[] testw1 = new double[] { 1.1, 1.2, 1.5 };
int np = f0.getNumberOfGradients();
GradientCalculator calc = GradientCalculatorFactory.newCalculator(np);
final RandomDataGenerator rdg = new RandomDataGenerator(new Well19937c(30051977));
//double lambda = 10;
for (double background : testbackground) // Peak 1
for (double signal1 : testsignal1) for (double cx1 : testcx1) for (double cy1 : testcy1) for (double w1 : testw1) {
double[] p = new double[] { background, signal1, 0, cx1, cy1, w1, w1 };
f0.forEach(new ValueProcedure() {
int i = 0;
public void execute(double value) {
// Poisson data
y[i++] = rdg.nextPoisson(value);
double[][] alpha = new double[np][np];
double[] beta = new double[np];
//double ss =
calc.findLinearised(n, y, p, alpha, beta, f0);
//System.out.printf("SS = %f\n", ss);
// As per the LVM algorithm
//for (int i = 0; i < np; i++)
// alpha[i][i] *= lambda;
DenseMatrix64F[] a = aList.toArray(new DenseMatrix64F[aList.size()]);
boolean[] ignore = new boolean[a.length];
double[][] answer = new double[a.length][];
int runs = 100000 / a.length;
TimingService ts = new TimingService(runs);
TurboList<InversionTimingTask> tasks = new TurboList<InversionTimingTask>();
tasks.add(new PseudoInverseInversionTimingTask(a, ignore, answer));
tasks.add(new CholeskyInversionTimingTask(a, ignore, answer));
tasks.add(new LinearInversionTimingTask(a, ignore, answer));
tasks.add(new CholeskyLDLTInversionTimingTask(a, ignore, answer));
tasks.add(new DirectInversionInversionTimingTask(a, ignore, answer));
tasks.add(new DiagonalDirectInversionInversionTimingTask(a, ignore, answer));
for (InversionTimingTask task : tasks) if (!task.badSolver)