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Example 91 with Pair

use of org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair in project druid by druid-io.

the class BenchmarkColumnValueGenerator method initDistribution.

private void initDistribution() {
    BenchmarkColumnSchema.ValueDistribution distributionType = schema.getDistributionType();
    ValueType type = schema.getType();
    List<Object> enumeratedValues = schema.getEnumeratedValues();
    List<Double> enumeratedProbabilities = schema.getEnumeratedProbabilities();
    List<Pair<Object, Double>> probabilities = new ArrayList<>();
    switch(distributionType) {
        case SEQUENTIAL:
            // not random, just cycle through numbers from start to end, or cycle through enumerated values if provided
            distribution = new SequentialDistribution(schema.getStartInt(), schema.getEndInt(), schema.getEnumeratedValues());
        case UNIFORM:
            distribution = new UniformRealDistribution(schema.getStartDouble(), schema.getEndDouble());
        case DISCRETE_UNIFORM:
            if (enumeratedValues == null) {
                enumeratedValues = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int i = schema.getStartInt(); i < schema.getEndInt(); i++) {
                    Object val = convertType(i, type);
            // give them all equal probability, the library will normalize probabilities to sum to 1.0
            for (int i = 0; i < enumeratedValues.size(); i++) {
                probabilities.add(new Pair<>(enumeratedValues.get(i), 0.1));
            distribution = new EnumeratedTreeDistribution<>(probabilities);
        case NORMAL:
            distribution = new NormalDistribution(schema.getMean(), schema.getStandardDeviation());
        case ROUNDED_NORMAL:
            NormalDistribution normalDist = new NormalDistribution(schema.getMean(), schema.getStandardDeviation());
            distribution = new RealRoundingDistribution(normalDist);
        case ZIPF:
            int cardinality;
            if (enumeratedValues == null) {
                Integer startInt = schema.getStartInt();
                cardinality = schema.getEndInt() - startInt;
                ZipfDistribution zipf = new ZipfDistribution(cardinality, schema.getZipfExponent());
                for (int i = 0; i < cardinality; i++) {
                    probabilities.add(new Pair<>((Object) (i + startInt), zipf.probability(i)));
            } else {
                cardinality = enumeratedValues.size();
                ZipfDistribution zipf = new ZipfDistribution(enumeratedValues.size(), schema.getZipfExponent());
                for (int i = 0; i < cardinality; i++) {
                    probabilities.add(new Pair<>(enumeratedValues.get(i), zipf.probability(i)));
            distribution = new EnumeratedTreeDistribution<>(probabilities);
        case ENUMERATED:
            for (int i = 0; i < enumeratedValues.size(); i++) {
                probabilities.add(new Pair<>(enumeratedValues.get(i), enumeratedProbabilities.get(i)));
            distribution = new EnumeratedTreeDistribution<>(probabilities);
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown distribution type: " + distributionType);
    if (distribution instanceof AbstractIntegerDistribution) {
        ((AbstractIntegerDistribution) distribution).reseedRandomGenerator(seed);
    } else if (distribution instanceof AbstractRealDistribution) {
        ((AbstractRealDistribution) distribution).reseedRandomGenerator(seed);
    } else if (distribution instanceof EnumeratedDistribution) {
        ((EnumeratedDistribution) distribution).reseedRandomGenerator(seed);
Also used : ValueType(io.druid.segment.column.ValueType) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UniformRealDistribution(org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.UniformRealDistribution) EnumeratedDistribution(org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.EnumeratedDistribution) AbstractIntegerDistribution(org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.AbstractIntegerDistribution) AbstractRealDistribution(org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.AbstractRealDistribution) NormalDistribution(org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution) ZipfDistribution(org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.ZipfDistribution) Pair(org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair)

Example 92 with Pair

use of org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair in project android-topeka by googlesamples.

the class SignInFragment method performSignInWithTransition.

private void performSignInWithTransition(View v) {
    final Activity activity = getActivity();
    if (v == null || ApiLevelHelper.isLowerThan(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)) {
        // Don't run a transition if the passed view is null
        CategorySelectionActivity.start(activity, mPlayer);
    if (ApiLevelHelper.isAtLeast(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)) {
        activity.getWindow().getSharedElementExitTransition().addListener(new TransitionListenerAdapter() {

            public void onTransitionEnd(Transition transition) {
        final Pair[] pairs = TransitionHelper.createSafeTransitionParticipants(activity, true, new Pair<>(v, activity.getString(R.string.transition_avatar)));
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ActivityOptionsCompat activityOptions = ActivityOptionsCompat.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(activity, pairs);
        CategorySelectionActivity.start(activity, mPlayer, activityOptions);
Also used : Transition(android.transition.Transition) CategorySelectionActivity( Activity( TransitionListenerAdapter( ActivityOptionsCompat( Pair(

Example 93 with Pair

use of org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair in project android-topeka by googlesamples.

the class TransitionHelper method createSafeTransitionParticipants.

     * Create the transition participants required during a activity transition while
     * avoiding glitches with the system UI.
     * @param activity The activity used as start for the transition.
     * @param includeStatusBar If false, the status bar will not be added as the transition
     * participant.
     * @return All transition participants.
public static Pair<View, String>[] createSafeTransitionParticipants(@NonNull Activity activity, boolean includeStatusBar, @Nullable Pair... otherParticipants) {
    // Avoid system UI glitches as described here:
    View decor = activity.getWindow().getDecorView();
    View statusBar = null;
    if (includeStatusBar) {
        statusBar = decor.findViewById(;
    View navBar = decor.findViewById(;
    // Create pair of transition participants.
    List<Pair> participants = new ArrayList<>(3);
    addNonNullViewToTransitionParticipants(statusBar, participants);
    addNonNullViewToTransitionParticipants(navBar, participants);
    // only add transition participants if there's at least one none-null element
    if (otherParticipants != null && !(otherParticipants.length == 1 && otherParticipants[0] == null)) {
    //noinspection unchecked
    return participants.toArray(new Pair[participants.size()]);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) View(android.view.View) Pair( TargetApi(android.annotation.TargetApi)

Example 94 with Pair

use of org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair in project android by owncloud.

the class FileDataStorageManager method getAvailableOfflineFilesFromEveryAccount.

     * Get a collection with all the files set by the user as available offline, from all the accounts
     * in the device.
     * This is the only method working with a NULL account in {@link #mAccount}. Not something to do often.
     * @return      List with all the files set by the user as available offline.
public List<Pair<OCFile, String>> getAvailableOfflineFilesFromEveryAccount() {
    List<Pair<OCFile, String>> result = new ArrayList<>();
    Cursor cursorOnKeptInSync = null;
    try {
        // query for any favorite file in any OC account
        cursorOnKeptInSync = getContentResolver().query(ProviderTableMeta.CONTENT_URI, null, ProviderTableMeta.FILE_KEEP_IN_SYNC + " = ?", new String[] { String.valueOf(OCFile.AvailableOfflineStatus.AVAILABLE_OFFLINE.getValue()) }, // do NOT get also AVAILABLE_OFFLINE_PARENT: only those SET BY THE USER (files or folders)
        if (cursorOnKeptInSync != null && cursorOnKeptInSync.moveToFirst()) {
            OCFile file;
            String accountName;
            do {
                file = createFileInstance(cursorOnKeptInSync);
                accountName = cursorOnKeptInSync.getString(cursorOnKeptInSync.getColumnIndex(ProviderTableMeta.FILE_ACCOUNT_OWNER));
                result.add(new Pair<>(file, accountName));
            } while (cursorOnKeptInSync.moveToNext());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log_OC.e(TAG, "Exception retrieving all the available offline files", e);
    } finally {
        if (cursorOnKeptInSync != null) {
    return result;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Cursor(android.database.Cursor) RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException) IOException( OperationApplicationException(android.content.OperationApplicationException) Pair(

Example 95 with Pair

use of org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair in project android by owncloud.

the class FileObserverService method startObservation.

     * Read from the local database the list of files that must to be kept
     * synchronized and starts observers to monitor local changes on them.
     * Updates the list of currently observed files if called multiple times.
private void startObservation() {
    Log_OC.d(TAG, "Loading all available offline files from database to start watching them");
    FileDataStorageManager fds = new FileDataStorageManager(// this is dangerous - handle with care
    null, getContentResolver());
    List<Pair<OCFile, String>> availableOfflineFiles = fds.getAvailableOfflineFilesFromEveryAccount();
    OCFile file;
    String accountName;
    Account account;
    for (Pair<OCFile, String> pair : availableOfflineFiles) {
        file = pair.first;
        accountName = pair.second;
        account = new Account(accountName, MainApp.getAccountType());
        if (!AccountUtils.exists(account, this)) {
        addObservedFile(file, account);
    // watch for instant uploads
// service does not stopSelf() ; that way it tries to be alive forever
Also used : OCFile( Account(android.accounts.Account) FileDataStorageManager( Pair(


Pair ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)56 Pair (org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair)38 List (java.util.List)30 View (android.view.View)28 Collectors ( ActivityOptionsCompat ( Intent (android.content.Intent)18 Arrays (java.util.Arrays)17 Map (java.util.Map)17 IntStream ( MaxEval (org.apache.commons.math3.optim.MaxEval)17 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)16 TextView (android.widget.TextView)15 ObjectiveFunction (org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.ObjectiveFunction)15 InitialGuess (org.apache.commons.math3.optim.InitialGuess)14 PointValuePair (org.apache.commons.math3.optim.PointValuePair)14 MultivariateOptimizer (org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.MultivariateOptimizer)14 java.util (java.util)13 Collections (java.util.Collections)13