use of org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class OffsetFunctionTest method offsetGradient2FunctionWrapsPrecomputedValues.
void offsetGradient2FunctionWrapsPrecomputedValues(RandomSeed seed) {
final int n = 3;
final UniformRandomProvider r = RngUtils.create(seed.getSeed());
final Gradient2Function f0 = new FakeGradientFunction(3, n);
final int size = f0.size();
final double[] b1 = GdscSmlmTestUtils.generateDoubles(size, r);
final double[] b2 = GdscSmlmTestUtils.generateDoubles(size, r);
final Gradient2Function f1 = OffsetGradient2Function.wrapGradient2Function(f0, b1);
final Gradient2Function f2 = OffsetGradient2Function.wrapGradient2Function(f1, b2);
final double[] p = new double[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
p[i] = r.nextDouble();
final double[] d0 = new double[n];
final double[] d1 = new double[n];
final double[] d2 = new double[n];
final double[] d20 = new double[n];
final double[] d21 = new double[n];
final double[] d22 = new double[n];
final double[] v0 = evaluateGradient2Function(f0, p, d0, d20);
final double[] v1 = evaluateGradient2Function(f1, p, d1, d21);
final double[] v2 = evaluateGradient2Function(f2, p, d2, d22);
for (int i = 0; i < v0.length; i++) {
final double e = v0[i] + b1[i] + b2[i];
final double o1 = v1[i] + b2[i];
final double o2 = v2[i];
Assertions.assertEquals(e, o1, "o1");
Assertions.assertEquals(e, o2, 1e-6, "o2");
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(d0, d1, "d1");
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(d0, d2, "d2");
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(d20, d21, "d21");
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(d20, d22, "d22");
use of org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class ScmosLikelihoodWrapperTest method functionComputesTargetGradient.
private void functionComputesTargetGradient(RandomSeed seed, Gaussian2DFunction f1, int targetParameter, double threshold) {
final int[] indices = f1.gradientIndices();
final int gradientIndex = findGradientIndex(f1, targetParameter);
final double[] dyda = new double[indices.length];
double[] params;
ScmosLikelihoodWrapper ff1;
final int n = maxx * maxx;
int count = 0;
int total = 0;
final SCcmosLikelihoodWrapperTestData testData = (SCcmosLikelihoodWrapperTestData) dataCache.computeIfAbsent(seed, ScmosLikelihoodWrapperTest::createData);
final float[] var = testData.var;
final float[] g = testData.gain;
final float[] o = testData.offset;
final float[] sd =;
final UniformRandomProvider r = RngUtils.create(seed.getSeed());
final SharedStateContinuousSampler gs = SamplerUtils.createGaussianSampler(r, 0, 1);
for (final double background : testbackground) {
for (final double signal1 : testsignal1) {
for (final double cx1 : testcx1) {
for (final double cy1 : testcy1) {
for (final double cz1 : testcz1) {
for (final double[] w1 : testw1) {
for (final double angle1 : testangle1) {
params = createParameters(background, signal1, cx1, cy1, cz1, w1[0], w1[1], angle1);
// Create y as a function we would want to move towards
final double[] a2 = params.clone();
a2[targetParameter] *= 1.3;
final double[] data = new double[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Simulate sCMOS camera
final double u = f1.eval(i);
data[i] = GdscSmlmTestUtils.createPoissonSampler(r, u).sample() * g[i] + o[i] + gs.sample() * sd[i];
ff1 = new ScmosLikelihoodWrapper(f1, params, data, n, var, g, o);
// Numerically solve gradient.
// Calculate the step size h to be an exact numerical representation
final double xx = params[targetParameter];
// Get h to minimise roundoff error
final double h = Precision.representableDelta(xx, stepH);
ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, params), dyda);
// Evaluate at (x+h) and (x-h)
params[targetParameter] = xx + h;
final double value2 = ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, params));
params[targetParameter] = xx - h;
final double value3 = ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, params));
final double gradient = (value2 - value3) / (2 * h);
boolean ok = Math.signum(gradient) == Math.signum(dyda[gradientIndex]) || Math.abs(gradient - dyda[gradientIndex]) < 0.1;
// dyda[gradientIndex]));
if (!ok) {[targetParameter] + ": " + gradient + " != " + dyda[gradientIndex]);
ok = eq.almostEqualRelativeOrAbsolute(gradient, dyda[gradientIndex]);
if (ok) {
final double p = (100.0 * count) / total;
logger.log(TestLogUtils.getRecord(Level.INFO, "%s : %s = %d / %d (%.2f)", f1.getClass().getSimpleName(), NAME[targetParameter], count, total, p));
Assertions.assertTrue(p > threshold, FunctionUtils.getSupplier("%s fraction too low: %s", NAME[targetParameter], p));
use of org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class ScmosLikelihoodWrapperTest method canComputePValue.
private static void canComputePValue(RandomSeed seed, BaseNonLinearFunction nlf) {
final int n = maxx * maxx;
final double[] a = new double[] { 1 };
// Simulate sCMOS camera
final SCcmosLikelihoodWrapperTestData testData = (SCcmosLikelihoodWrapperTestData) dataCache.computeIfAbsent(seed, ScmosLikelihoodWrapperTest::createData);
final float[] var = testData.var;
final float[] g = testData.gain;
final float[] o = testData.offset;
final float[] sd =;
final UniformRandomProvider r = RngUtils.create(seed.getSeed());
final SharedStateContinuousSampler gs = SamplerUtils.createGaussianSampler(r, 0, 1);
final double[] k = SimpleArrayUtils.newArray(n, 0, 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
double mean = nlf.eval(i);
if (mean > 0) {
mean = GdscSmlmTestUtils.createPoissonSampler(r, mean).sample();
k[i] = mean * g[i] + o[i] + gs.sample() * sd[i];
final ScmosLikelihoodWrapper f = new ScmosLikelihoodWrapper(nlf, a, k, n, var, g, o);
final double oll = f.computeObservedLikelihood();
double oll2 = 0;
final double[] op = new double[n];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
op[j] = ScmosLikelihoodWrapper.likelihood((k[j] - o[j]) / g[j], var[j], g[j], o[j], k[j]);
oll2 -= Math.log(op[j]);
logger.log(TestLogUtils.getRecord(Level.INFO, "oll=%f, oll2=%f", oll, oll2));
final DoubleDoubleBiPredicate predicate = TestHelper.doublesAreClose(1e-10, 0);
TestAssertions.assertTest(oll2, oll, predicate, "Observed Log-likelihood");
final TDoubleArrayList list = new TDoubleArrayList();
final int imin = 5;
final int imax = 15;
for (int i = imin; i <= imax; i++) {
a[0] = (double) i / 10;
final double ll = f.likelihood(a);
final double llr = f.computeLogLikelihoodRatio(ll);
BigDecimal product = new BigDecimal(1);
double ll2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
final double p1 = ScmosLikelihoodWrapper.likelihood(nlf.eval(j), var[j], g[j], o[j], k[j]);
ll2 -= Math.log(p1);
final double ratio = p1 / op[j];
product = product.multiply(new BigDecimal(ratio));
final double llr2 = -2 * Math.log(product.doubleValue());
final double q = f.computeQValue(ll);
logger.log(TestLogUtils.getRecord(Level.INFO, "a=%f, ll=%f, ll2=%f, llr=%f, llr2=%f, product=%s, p=%f", a[0], ll, ll2, llr, llr2, product.round(new MathContext(4)).toString(), q));
// too small to store in a double.
if (product.doubleValue() > 0) {
TestAssertions.assertTest(llr, llr2, predicate, "Log-likelihood");
// Find min using quadratic fit
final double[] data = list.toArray();
int index = SimpleArrayUtils.findMinIndex(data);
final double mina = (double) (imin + index) / 10;
double fita = mina;
try {
if (index == 0) {
if (index == data.length - 1) {
final int i1 = index - 1;
final int i2 = index;
final int i3 = index + 1;
fita = QuadraticUtils.findMinMax((double) (imin + i1) / 10, data[i1], (double) (imin + i2) / 10, data[i2], (double) (imin + i3) / 10, data[i3]);
} catch (final DataException ex) {
// Ignore
// Allow a tolerance as the random data may alter the p-value computation.
// Should allow it to be less than 2 increment either side of the answer.
logger.log(TestLogUtils.getRecord(Level.INFO, "min fit = %g => %g", mina, fita));
Assertions.assertEquals(1, fita, 0.199, "min");
use of org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class ScmosLikelihoodWrapperTest method createData.
private static Object createData(RandomSeed source) {
final int n = maxx * maxx;
final SCcmosLikelihoodWrapperTestData data = new SCcmosLikelihoodWrapperTestData();
data.var = new float[n];
data.gain = new float[n];
data.offset = new float[n]; = new float[n];
final UniformRandomProvider rg = RngUtils.create(source.getSeed());
final DiscreteSampler pd = GdscSmlmTestUtils.createPoissonSampler(rg, O);
final SharedStateContinuousSampler gs = SamplerUtils.createGaussianSampler(rg, G, G_SD);
final ContinuousSampler ed = SamplerUtils.createExponentialSampler(rg, VAR);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
data.offset[i] = pd.sample();
data.var[i] = (float) ed.sample();[i] = (float) Math.sqrt(data.var[i]);
data.gain[i] = (float) gs.sample();
return data;
use of org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class ScmosLikelihoodWrapperTest method functionComputesTargetGradientPerDatum.
private void functionComputesTargetGradientPerDatum(RandomSeed seed, Gaussian2DFunction f1, int targetParameter) {
final int[] indices = f1.gradientIndices();
final int gradientIndex = findGradientIndex(f1, targetParameter);
final double[] dyda = new double[indices.length];
double[] params;
ScmosLikelihoodWrapper ff1;
final int n = maxx * maxx;
int count = 0;
int total = 0;
final SCcmosLikelihoodWrapperTestData testData = (SCcmosLikelihoodWrapperTestData) dataCache.computeIfAbsent(seed, ScmosLikelihoodWrapperTest::createData);
final float[] var = testData.var;
final float[] g = testData.gain;
final float[] o = testData.offset;
final float[] sd =;
final UniformRandomProvider r = RngUtils.create(seed.getSeed());
final SharedStateContinuousSampler gs = SamplerUtils.createGaussianSampler(r, 0, 1);
for (final double background : testbackground) {
for (final double signal1 : testsignal1) {
for (final double cx1 : testcx1) {
for (final double cy1 : testcy1) {
for (final double cz1 : testcz1) {
for (final double[] w1 : testw1) {
for (final double angle1 : testangle1) {
params = createParameters(background, signal1, cx1, cy1, cz1, w1[0], w1[1], angle1);
// Create y as a function we would want to move towards
final double[] a2 = params.clone();
a2[targetParameter] *= 1.1;
final double[] data = new double[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Simulate sCMOS camera
final double u = f1.eval(i);
data[i] = GdscSmlmTestUtils.createPoissonSampler(r, u).sample() * g[i] + o[i] + gs.sample() * sd[i];
ff1 = new ScmosLikelihoodWrapper(f1, params, data, n, var, g, o);
// Numerically solve gradient.
// Calculate the step size h to be an exact numerical representation
final double xx = params[targetParameter];
// Get h to minimise roundoff error
final double h = Precision.representableDelta(xx, stepH);
for (final int x : testx) {
for (final int y : testy) {
final int i = y * maxx + x;
params[targetParameter] = xx;
ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, params), dyda, i);
// Evaluate at (x+h) and (x-h)
params[targetParameter] = xx + h;
final double value2 = ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, params), i);
params[targetParameter] = xx - h;
final double value3 = ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, params), i);
final double gradient = (value2 - value3) / (2 * h);
boolean ok = Math.signum(gradient) == Math.signum(dyda[gradientIndex]) || Math.abs(gradient - dyda[gradientIndex]) < 0.1;
// dyda[gradientIndex]);
if (!ok) {[targetParameter] + ": " + gradient + " != " + dyda[gradientIndex]);
ok = eqPerDatum.almostEqualRelativeOrAbsolute(gradient, dyda[gradientIndex]);
if (ok) {
final double p = (100.0 * count) / total;
logger.log(TestLogUtils.getRecord(Level.INFO, "Per Datum %s : %s = %d / %d (%.2f)", f1.getClass().getSimpleName(), NAME[targetParameter], count, total, p));
Assertions.assertTrue(p > 90, () -> NAME[targetParameter] + " fraction too low per datum: " + p);