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Example 1 with SystemPermission

use of in project derby by apache.

the class InternalDriver method checkShutdownPrivileges.

 * Checks for shutdown System Privileges.
 * To perform this check the following policy grant is required
 * <ul>
 * <li> to run the encapsulated test:
 *      permission "doAsPrivileged";
 * </ul>
 * or a SQLException will be raised detailing the cause.
 * <p>
 * In addition, for the test to succeed
 * <ul>
 * <li> the given user needs to be covered by a grant:
 *      principal org.apache.derby.authentication.SystemPrincipal "..." {}
 * <li> that lists a shutdown permission:
 *      permission "shutdown";
 * </ul>
 * or it will fail with a SQLException detailing the cause.
 * @param user The user to be checked for shutdown privileges
 * @throws SQLException if the privileges check fails
private void checkShutdownPrivileges(String user) throws SQLException {
    // approve action if not running under a security manager
    if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
    // the check
    try {
        final Permission sp = new SystemPermission(SystemPermission.ENGINE, SystemPermission.SHUTDOWN);
        checkSystemPrivileges(user, sp);
    } catch (AccessControlException ace) {
        throw Util.generateCsSQLException(SQLState.AUTH_SHUTDOWN_MISSING_PERMISSION, user, // overloaded method
        (Object) ace);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw Util.generateCsSQLException(SQLState.AUTH_SHUTDOWN_MISSING_PERMISSION, user, // overloaded method
        (Object) e);
Also used : SystemPermission( SystemPermission( Permission( AccessControlException( SQLFeatureNotSupportedException(java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException) TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException) AccessControlException( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) StandardException(org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException) PrivilegedActionException( ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)

Example 2 with SystemPermission

use of in project derby by apache.

the class SystemPrivilegesPermissionTest method testSystemPermissionCollections.

 * Test that collections of SystemPermissions behave as expected.
 * Before DERBY-6717, adding multiple single-action permissions with
 * the same name didn't work.
public void testSystemPermissionCollections() {
    Permissions allPerms = new Permissions();
    for (String name : VALID_SYSPERM_NAMES) {
        for (String action : VALID_SYSPERM_ACTIONS) {
            allPerms.add(new SystemPermission(name, action));
    assertEquals(VALID_SYSPERM_NAMES.length, Collections.list(allPerms.elements()).size());
    // all system permissions.
    for (String name : VALID_SYSPERM_NAMES) {
        for (String a1 : VALID_SYSPERM_ACTIONS) {
            // allPerms should imply any valid (name, action) pair.
            assertTrue(allPerms.implies(new SystemPermission(name, a1)));
            // system permission.
            for (String a2 : VALID_SYSPERM_ACTIONS) {
                assertTrue(allPerms.implies(new SystemPermission(name, a1 + ',' + a2)));
    Permissions onePerm = new Permissions();
    onePerm.add(new SystemPermission("server", "shutdown"));
    // onePerm implies server shutdown and nothing else
    assertTrue(onePerm.implies(new SystemPermission("server", "shutdown")));
    assertFalse(onePerm.implies(new SystemPermission("engine", "shutdown")));
    assertFalse(onePerm.implies(new SystemPermission("server", "shutdown,monitor")));
    Permissions somePerms = new Permissions();
    somePerms.add(new SystemPermission("server", "shutdown"));
    somePerms.add(new SystemPermission("jmx", "shutdown,monitor"));
    somePerms.add(new SystemPermission("engine", "shutdown,control"));
    somePerms.add(new SystemPermission("engine", "control,monitor"));
    // somePerms implies the shutdown action for server
    assertTrue(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("server", "shutdown")));
    assertFalse(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("server", "control")));
    assertFalse(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("server", "monitor")));
    assertFalse(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("server", "shutdown,monitor")));
    // somePerms implies the shutdown and monitor actions for jmx
    assertTrue(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("jmx", "shutdown")));
    assertTrue(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("jmx", "monitor")));
    assertFalse(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("jmx", "control")));
    assertTrue(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("jmx", "shutdown,monitor")));
    assertTrue(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("jmx", "monitor,shutdown")));
    assertFalse(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("jmx", "monitor,shutdown,control")));
    // somePerms implies shutdown, control and monitor for engine
    assertTrue(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("engine", "shutdown")));
    assertTrue(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("engine", "control")));
    assertTrue(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("engine", "monitor")));
    assertTrue(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("engine", "shutdown,monitor")));
    assertTrue(somePerms.implies(new SystemPermission("engine", "shutdown,monitor,control")));
    // A SystemPermission collection should not accept other permissions.
    SystemPermission sp = new SystemPermission("engine", "monitor");
    PermissionCollection collection = sp.newPermissionCollection();
    try {
        collection.add(new AllPermission());
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
    // expected
    // Read-only collections cannot be added to.
    try {
    } catch (SecurityException se) {
    // expected
    // The collection does not imply other permission types.
    assertFalse(collection.implies(new AllPermission()));
Also used : SystemPermission( PermissionCollection( Permissions( AllPermission(

Example 3 with SystemPermission

use of in project derby by apache.

the class CacheManagerMBeanTest method withoutPermsTest.

 * Test that the CacheManagerMBean cannot be accessed if the code
 * base lacks SystemPermission("engine", "monitor").
public void withoutPermsTest() throws Exception {
    // boot the database
    Set<ObjectName> names = queryMBeans(createObjectName("StatementCache", null));
    assertEquals("Should have a single statement cache", 1, names.size());
    ObjectName name = names.iterator().next();
    // This is the permission required to access the MBean, but we don't
    // have it.
    SystemPermission monitorPerm = new SystemPermission("engine", "monitor");
    // Reading attributes should cause security exception.
    for (String attrName : ALL_ATTRIBUTES) {
        try {
            getAttribute(name, attrName);
        } catch (RuntimeMBeanException e) {
            vetException(e, monitorPerm);
    // Modifying attributes should also cause security exception.
    try {
        setAttribute(name, "CollectAccessCounts", Boolean.FALSE);
    } catch (RuntimeMBeanException e) {
        vetException(e, monitorPerm);
Also used : SystemPermission( RuntimeMBeanException( ObjectName(

Example 4 with SystemPermission

use of in project derby by apache.

the class SystemPrivilegesPermissionTest method testSystemPermission.

 * Tests SystemPermission.
public void testSystemPermission() {
    // test SystemPermission with null name argument
    try {
        new SystemPermission(null, null);
        fail("expected NullPointerException");
    } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test SystemPermission with empty name argument
    try {
        new SystemPermission("", null);
        fail("expected IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test SystemPermission with illegal name argument
    try {
        new SystemPermission("illegal_name", null);
        fail("expected IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // actions cannot be null
    try {
        new SystemPermission("server", null);
        fail("expected NullPointerException");
    } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // Illegal and duplicate actions are ignored.
    assertEquals("", new SystemPermission("server", "").getActions());
    assertEquals("", new SystemPermission("server", ",,").getActions());
    assertEquals("", new SystemPermission("server", "illegal_action").getActions());
    assertEquals("control", new SystemPermission("server", "control,").getActions());
    assertEquals("control", new SystemPermission("server", "control,illegal_action").getActions());
    assertEquals("control", new SystemPermission("server", "control,control").getActions());
    assertEquals("control,monitor", new SystemPermission("server", "control, monitor, control").getActions());
    assertEquals("control,monitor", new SystemPermission("server", "monitor, control, monitor").getActions());
    assertEquals("control", new SystemPermission("server", "CoNtRoL").getActions());
    assertEquals("control", new SystemPermission("server", "CoNtRoL,control").getActions());
    String[] validNames = { SystemPermission.ENGINE, SystemPermission.JMX, SystemPermission.SERVER };
    // In order of the canonical actions expected
    String[] validActions = { SystemPermission.CONTROL, SystemPermission.MONITOR, SystemPermission.SHUTDOWN };
    // Check all valid combinations (which is all) with
    // a single action
    Permission[] all = new Permission[validNames.length * validActions.length];
    int c = 0;
    for (int tn = 0; tn < validNames.length; tn++) {
        for (int a = 0; a < validActions.length; a++) {
            Permission p = new SystemPermission(validNames[tn], validActions[a]);
            assertEquals(validNames[tn], p.getName());
            assertEquals(validActions[a], p.getActions());
            // test SystemPermission.equals()
            assertFalse(p.equals(new Object()));
            this.assertEquivalentPermissions(p, p);
            all[c++] = p;
    // All the permissions are different.
    // Check two actions
    for (int n = 0; n < validNames.length; n++) {
        for (int a = 0; a < validActions.length; a++) {
            Permission base = new SystemPermission(validNames[n], validActions[a]);
            // Two actions
            for (int oa = 0; oa < validActions.length; oa++) {
                Permission p = new SystemPermission(validNames[n], validActions[a] + "," + validActions[oa]);
                if (oa == a) {
                    // Same action added twice
                    assertEquivalentPermissions(base, p);
                    // Canonical form should collapse into a single action
                    assertEquals(validActions[a], p.getActions());
                } else {
                    // Implies logic, the one with one permission
                    // is implied by the other but not vice-versa.
                    // Names in canonical form
                    int f;
                    int s;
                    if (oa < a) {
                        f = oa;
                        s = a;
                    } else {
                        f = a;
                        s = oa;
                    assertEquals(validActions[f] + "," + validActions[s], p.getActions());
    // DERBY-3476: The SystemPermission class should be final.
Also used : SystemPermission( SystemPermission( AllPermission( DatabasePermission( Permission(

Example 5 with SystemPermission

use of in project derby by apache.

the class SystemPrivilegesPermissionTest method policyTestSystemPermissionGrants.

 * Tests SystemPermissions against the Policy.
public void policyTestSystemPermissionGrants() {
    final Permission shutdown = new SystemPermission(SystemPermission.SERVER, SystemPermission.SHUTDOWN);
    // test SystemPermission for authorized user
    final SystemPrincipal authorizedUser = new SystemPrincipal("authorizedSystemUser");
    execute(authorizedUser, new ShutdownAction(shutdown), true);
    // test SystemPermission for unauthorized user
    final SystemPrincipal unAuthorizedUser = new SystemPrincipal("unAuthorizedSystemUser");
    execute(unAuthorizedUser, new ShutdownAction(shutdown), false);
Also used : SystemPermission( SystemPermission( AllPermission( DatabasePermission( Permission( SystemPrincipal(org.apache.derby.authentication.SystemPrincipal)


SystemPermission ( AllPermission ( Permission ( DatabasePermission ( PermissionCollection ( AccessControlException ( Permissions ( PrivilegedActionException ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1 SQLFeatureNotSupportedException (java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)1 TimeoutException (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)1 ObjectName ( RuntimeMBeanException ( SystemPrincipal (org.apache.derby.authentication.SystemPrincipal)1 StandardException (org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException)1