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Example 1 with ExtendedLatch

use of org.apache.drill.common.concurrent.ExtendedLatch in project drill by apache.

the class TimedRunnable method run.

   * Execute the list of runnables with the given parallelization.  At end, return values and report completion time
   * stats to provided logger. Each runnable is allowed a certain timeout. If the timeout exceeds, existing/pending
   * tasks will be cancelled and a {@link UserException} is thrown.
   * @param activity Name of activity for reporting in logger.
   * @param logger The logger to use to report results.
   * @param runnables List of runnables that should be executed and timed.  If this list has one item, task will be
   *                  completed in-thread. Runnable must handle {@link InterruptedException}s.
   * @param parallelism  The number of threads that should be run to complete this task.
   * @return The list of outcome objects.
   * @throws IOException All exceptions are coerced to IOException since this was build for storage system tasks initially.
public static <V> List<V> run(final String activity, final Logger logger, final List<TimedRunnable<V>> runnables, int parallelism) throws IOException {
    Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
    long timedRunnableStart = System.nanoTime();
    if (runnables.size() == 1) {
        parallelism = 1;
    } else {
        parallelism = Math.min(parallelism, runnables.size());
        final ExtendedLatch latch = new ExtendedLatch(runnables.size());
        final ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(parallelism);
        try {
            for (TimedRunnable<V> runnable : runnables) {
                threadPool.submit(new LatchedRunnable(latch, runnable));
            final long timeout = (long) Math.ceil((TIMEOUT_PER_RUNNABLE_IN_MSECS * runnables.size()) / parallelism);
            if (!latch.awaitUninterruptibly(timeout)) {
                // Issue a shutdown request. This will cause existing threads to interrupt and pending threads to cancel.
                // It is highly important that the task Runnables are handling interrupts correctly.
                try {
                    // Wait for 5s for currently running threads to terminate. Above call (threadPool.shutdownNow()) interrupts
                    // any running threads. If the runnables are handling the interrupts properly they should be able to
                    // wrap up and terminate. If not waiting for 5s here gives a chance to identify and log any potential
                    // thread leaks.
                    threadPool.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
                    logger.warn("Interrupted while waiting for pending threads in activity '{}' to terminate.", activity);
                final String errMsg = String.format("Waited for %dms, but tasks for '%s' are not complete. " + "Total runnable size %d, parallelism %d.", timeout, activity, runnables.size(), parallelism);
                throw UserException.resourceError().message(errMsg).build(logger);
        } finally {
            if (!threadPool.isShutdown()) {
    List<V> values = Lists.newArrayList();
    long sum = 0;
    long max = 0;
    long count = 0;
    // measure thread creation times
    long earliestStart = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    long latestStart = 0;
    long totalStart = 0;
    IOException excep = null;
    for (final TimedRunnable<V> reader : runnables) {
        try {
            sum += reader.getTimeSpentNanos();
            max = Math.max(max, reader.getTimeSpentNanos());
            earliestStart = Math.min(earliestStart, reader.getThreadStart() - timedRunnableStart);
            latestStart = Math.max(latestStart, reader.getThreadStart() - timedRunnableStart);
            totalStart += latestStart = Math.max(latestStart, reader.getThreadStart() - timedRunnableStart);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (excep == null) {
                excep = e;
            } else {
    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
        double avg = (sum / 1000.0 / 1000.0) / (count * 1.0d);
        double avgStart = (totalStart / 1000.0) / (count * 1.0d);"%s: Executed %d out of %d using %d threads. " + "Time: %dms total, %fms avg, %dms max.", activity, count, runnables.size(), parallelism, watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), avg, max / 1000 / 1000));"%s: Executed %d out of %d using %d threads. " + "Earliest start: %f μs, Latest start: %f μs, Average start: %f μs .", activity, count, runnables.size(), parallelism, earliestStart / 1000.0, latestStart / 1000.0, avgStart));
    if (excep != null) {
        throw excep;
    return values;
Also used : Stopwatch( ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) IOException( ExtendedLatch(org.apache.drill.common.concurrent.ExtendedLatch)

Example 2 with ExtendedLatch

use of org.apache.drill.common.concurrent.ExtendedLatch in project drill by apache.

the class Foreman method setupNonRootFragments.

   * Set up the non-root fragments for execution. Some may be local, and some may be remote.
   * Messages are sent immediately, so they may start returning data even before we complete this.
   * @param fragments the fragments
   * @throws ForemanException
private void setupNonRootFragments(final Collection<PlanFragment> fragments) throws ForemanException {
    if (fragments.isEmpty()) {
        // nothing to do here
     * We will send a single message to each endpoint, regardless of how many fragments will be
     * executed there. We need to start up the intermediate fragments first so that they will be
     * ready once the leaf fragments start producing data. To satisfy both of these, we will
     * make a pass through the fragments and put them into these two maps according to their
     * leaf/intermediate state, as well as their target drillbit.
    final Multimap<DrillbitEndpoint, PlanFragment> leafFragmentMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    final Multimap<DrillbitEndpoint, PlanFragment> intFragmentMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    // record all fragments for status purposes.
    for (final PlanFragment planFragment : fragments) {
        logger.trace("Tracking intermediate remote node {} with data {}", planFragment.getAssignment(), planFragment.getFragmentJson());
        queryManager.addFragmentStatusTracker(planFragment, false);
        if (planFragment.getLeafFragment()) {
            leafFragmentMap.put(planFragment.getAssignment(), planFragment);
        } else {
            intFragmentMap.put(planFragment.getAssignment(), planFragment);
     * We need to wait for the intermediates to be sent so that they'll be set up by the time
     * the leaves start producing data. We'll use this latch to wait for the responses.
     * However, in order not to hang the process if any of the RPC requests fails, we always
     * count down (see FragmentSubmitFailures), but we count the number of failures so that we'll
     * know if any submissions did fail.
    final int numIntFragments = intFragmentMap.keySet().size();
    final ExtendedLatch endpointLatch = new ExtendedLatch(numIntFragments);
    final FragmentSubmitFailures fragmentSubmitFailures = new FragmentSubmitFailures();
    // send remote intermediate fragments
    for (final DrillbitEndpoint ep : intFragmentMap.keySet()) {
        sendRemoteFragments(ep, intFragmentMap.get(ep), endpointLatch, fragmentSubmitFailures);
    final long timeout = RPC_WAIT_IN_MSECS_PER_FRAGMENT * numIntFragments;
    if (numIntFragments > 0 && !endpointLatch.awaitUninterruptibly(timeout)) {
        long numberRemaining = endpointLatch.getCount();
        throw UserException.connectionError().message("Exceeded timeout (%d) while waiting send intermediate work fragments to remote nodes. " + "Sent %d and only heard response back from %d nodes.", timeout, numIntFragments, numIntFragments - numberRemaining).build(logger);
    // if any of the intermediate fragment submissions failed, fail the query
    final List<FragmentSubmitFailures.SubmissionException> submissionExceptions = fragmentSubmitFailures.submissionExceptions;
    if (submissionExceptions.size() > 0) {
        Set<DrillbitEndpoint> endpoints = Sets.newHashSet();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        boolean first = true;
        for (FragmentSubmitFailures.SubmissionException e : fragmentSubmitFailures.submissionExceptions) {
            DrillbitEndpoint endpoint = e.drillbitEndpoint;
            if (endpoints.add(endpoint)) {
                if (first) {
                    first = false;
                } else {
                    sb.append(", ");
        throw UserException.connectionError(submissionExceptions.get(0).rpcException).message("Error setting up remote intermediate fragment execution").addContext("Nodes with failures", sb.toString()).build(logger);
    injector.injectChecked(queryContext.getExecutionControls(), "send-fragments", ForemanException.class);
     * Send the remote (leaf) fragments; we don't wait for these. Any problems will come in through
     * the regular sendListener event delivery.
    for (final DrillbitEndpoint ep : leafFragmentMap.keySet()) {
        sendRemoteFragments(ep, leafFragmentMap.get(ep), null, null);
Also used : PlanFragment(org.apache.drill.exec.proto.BitControl.PlanFragment) DrillbitEndpoint(org.apache.drill.exec.proto.CoordinationProtos.DrillbitEndpoint) ExtendedLatch(org.apache.drill.common.concurrent.ExtendedLatch) DrillbitEndpoint(org.apache.drill.exec.proto.CoordinationProtos.DrillbitEndpoint)

Example 3 with ExtendedLatch

use of org.apache.drill.common.concurrent.ExtendedLatch in project drill by apache.

the class CountDownLatchInjectionImpl method initialize.

public void initialize(final int count) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(latch == null, "Latch can be initialized only once at %s in %s.", desc, siteClass.getSimpleName());
    Preconditions.checkArgument(count > 0, "Count has to be a positive integer at %s in %s.", desc, siteClass.getSimpleName());
    latch = new ExtendedLatch(count);
Also used : ExtendedLatch(org.apache.drill.common.concurrent.ExtendedLatch)

Example 4 with ExtendedLatch

use of org.apache.drill.common.concurrent.ExtendedLatch in project drill by apache.

the class TestCountDownLatchInjection method latchInjected.

// test would hang if the correct init, wait and countdowns did not happen, and the test timeout mechanism will
public // catch that case
void latchInjected() {
    final int threads = 10;
    final ExtendedLatch trigger = new ExtendedLatch(1);
    final Pointer<Long> countingDownTime = new Pointer<>();
    final String controls = Controls.newBuilder().addLatch(DummyClass.class, DummyClass.LATCH_NAME).build();
    ControlsInjectionUtil.setControls(session, controls);
    final QueryContext queryContext = new QueryContext(session, bits[0].getContext(), QueryId.getDefaultInstance());
    final DummyClass dummyClass = new DummyClass(queryContext, trigger, threads);
    (new ThreadCreator(dummyClass, trigger, threads, countingDownTime)).start();
    final long timeSpentWaiting;
    try {
        timeSpentWaiting = dummyClass.initAndWait();
    } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
        fail("Thread should not be interrupted; there is no deliberate attempt.");
    assertTrue(timeSpentWaiting >= countingDownTime.value);
    try {
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        fail("Failed to close query context: " + e);
Also used : Pointer(org.apache.drill.exec.util.Pointer) QueryContext(org.apache.drill.exec.ops.QueryContext) ExtendedLatch(org.apache.drill.common.concurrent.ExtendedLatch) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with ExtendedLatch

use of org.apache.drill.common.concurrent.ExtendedLatch in project drill by apache.

the class TestDrillbitResilience method passThrough.

// To test pause and resume. Test hangs and times out if resume did not happen.
public void passThrough() {
    final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
    final WaitUntilCompleteListener listener = new WaitUntilCompleteListener() {

        public void queryIdArrived(final QueryId queryId) {
            final ExtendedLatch trigger = new ExtendedLatch(1);
            (new ResumingThread(queryId, ex, trigger)).start();
    final String controls = Controls.newBuilder().addPause(PojoRecordReader.class, "read-next").build();
    QueryTestUtil.testWithListener(drillClient, QueryType.SQL, TEST_QUERY, listener);
    final Pair<QueryState, Exception> result = listener.waitForCompletion();
    assertStateCompleted(result, QueryState.COMPLETED);
    final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
    assertEquals(String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before), before, after);
Also used : QueryId(org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.QueryId) PojoRecordReader( QueryState(org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.QueryResult.QueryState) UserException(org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserException) RpcException(org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.RpcException) ForemanSetupException( DrillbitStartupException(org.apache.drill.exec.exception.DrillbitStartupException) ForemanException( IOException( SchemaChangeException(org.apache.drill.exec.exception.SchemaChangeException) ExtendedLatch(org.apache.drill.common.concurrent.ExtendedLatch) DrillTest(org.apache.drill.test.DrillTest) Test(org.junit.Test)


ExtendedLatch (org.apache.drill.common.concurrent.ExtendedLatch)7 Test (org.junit.Test)4 DrillbitStartupException (org.apache.drill.exec.exception.DrillbitStartupException)3 QueryContext (org.apache.drill.exec.ops.QueryContext)3 Pointer (org.apache.drill.exec.util.Pointer)3 IOException ( DrillbitEndpoint (org.apache.drill.exec.proto.CoordinationProtos.DrillbitEndpoint)2 Stopwatch ( ExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)1 DrillConfig (org.apache.drill.common.config.DrillConfig)1 UserException (org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserException)1 ZookeeperHelper (org.apache.drill.exec.ZookeeperHelper)1 SchemaChangeException (org.apache.drill.exec.exception.SchemaChangeException)1 PlanFragment (org.apache.drill.exec.proto.BitControl.PlanFragment)1 QueryId (org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.QueryId)1 QueryState (org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.QueryResult.QueryState)1 RpcException (org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.RpcException)1 UserSession (org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.user.UserSession)1 Drillbit (org.apache.drill.exec.server.Drillbit)1 DrillbitContext (org.apache.drill.exec.server.DrillbitContext)1