use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector in project drill by apache.
the class BatchValidator method validateUnionVector.
private void validateUnionVector(String name, UnionVector vector) {
int valueCount = vector.getAccessor().getValueCount();
MapVector internalMap = vector.getTypeMap();
for (MinorType type : vector.getSubTypes()) {
if (type == MinorType.LATE) {
error(name, vector, String.format("Union vector includes illegal type LATE %s",;
// Warning: do not call getMember(type), doing so will create an
// empty map vector that causes validation to fail.
ValueVector child = internalMap.getChild(;
if (child == null) {
// Disabling this check for now. TopNBatch, SortBatch
// and perhaps others will create vectors with a set of
// types, but won't actually populate some of the types.
// error(name, vector, String.format(
// "Union vector includes type %s, but the internal map has no matching member",
} else {
validateVector(name + "-type-" +, valueCount, child);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector in project drill by apache.
the class StatisticsMergeBatch method addVectorToOutgoingContainer.
* Adds a value vector corresponding to the statistic in the outgoing record
* batch. Determines the MajorType based on the incoming value vector. Please
* look at the comments above the class definition which describes the
* incoming/outgoing batch schema
private void addVectorToOutgoingContainer(String outStatName, VectorWrapper<?> vw) {
// Input map vector
MapVector inputVector = (MapVector) vw.getValueVector();
assert inputVector.getPrimitiveVectors().size() > 0;
// Proceed to create output map vector with same name e.g. statcount etc.
MajorType mt = inputVector.getField().getType();
MaterializedField mf = MaterializedField.create(outStatName, mt);
ValueVector outputValueVector = TypeHelper.getNewVector(mf, oContext.getAllocator());
MapVector outputVector = (MapVector) outputValueVector;
for (ValueVector vv : inputVector) {
String columnName = vv.getField().getName();
// statistic calculation functions).
if (outStatName.equals(Statistic.COLNAME) || outStatName.equals(Statistic.COLTYPE)) {
outputVector.addOrGet(columnName, vv.getField().getType(), vv.getClass());
} else {
TypeProtos.MinorType minorType;
if (outStatName.equals(Statistic.AVG_WIDTH)) {
minorType = TypeProtos.MinorType.FLOAT8;
} else if (outStatName.equals(Statistic.HLL_MERGE) || outStatName.equals(Statistic.TDIGEST_MERGE)) {
minorType = TypeProtos.MinorType.VARBINARY;
} else {
minorType = TypeProtos.MinorType.BIGINT;
Class<? extends ValueVector> vvc = TypeHelper.getValueVectorClass(minorType, TypeProtos.DataMode.OPTIONAL);
outputVector.addOrGet(columnName, Types.optional(minorType), vvc);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector in project drill by apache.
the class TestVariantAccessors method testBuildRowSetUnionArray.
public void testBuildRowSetUnionArray() {
final TupleMetadata schema = new SchemaBuilder().addList("list1").addType(MinorType.BIGINT).addMap().addNullable("a", MinorType.INT).addNullable("b", MinorType.VARCHAR).resumeUnion().addList().addType(MinorType.FLOAT8).resumeUnion().resumeSchema().buildSchema();
final ExtendableRowSet rowSet = fixture.rowSet(schema);
final VectorContainer vc = rowSet.container();
assertEquals(1, vc.getNumberOfColumns());
// List with complex internal structure
final ValueVector vector = vc.getValueVector(0).getValueVector();
assertTrue(vector instanceof ListVector);
final ListVector list = (ListVector) vector;
assertTrue(list.getDataVector() instanceof UnionVector);
final UnionVector union = (UnionVector) list.getDataVector();
// Union inside the list
final MajorType unionType = union.getField().getType();
final List<MinorType> types = unionType.getSubTypeList();
assertEquals(3, types.size());
final MapVector typeMap = union.getTypeMap();
ValueVector member = typeMap.getChild(;
assertTrue(member instanceof NullableBigIntVector);
// Map inside the list
member = typeMap.getChild(;
assertTrue(member instanceof MapVector);
final MapVector childMap = (MapVector) member;
ValueVector mapMember = childMap.getChild("a");
assertTrue(mapMember instanceof NullableIntVector);
mapMember = childMap.getChild("b");
assertTrue(mapMember instanceof NullableVarCharVector);
// Single-type list inside the outer list
member = typeMap.getChild(;
assertTrue(member instanceof ListVector);
final ListVector childList = (ListVector) member;
assertTrue(childList.getDataVector() instanceof NullableFloat8Vector);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector in project drill by apache.
the class TestVariantAccessors method testBuildRowSetUnion.
public void testBuildRowSetUnion() {
final TupleMetadata schema = new SchemaBuilder().addUnion("u").addType(MinorType.INT).addMap().addNullable("c", MinorType.BIGINT).addNullable("d", MinorType.VARCHAR).resumeUnion().addList().addType(MinorType.VARCHAR).resumeUnion().resumeSchema().buildSchema();
final ExtendableRowSet rowSet = fixture.rowSet(schema);
final VectorContainer vc = rowSet.container();
assertEquals(1, vc.getNumberOfColumns());
// Single union
final ValueVector vector = vc.getValueVector(0).getValueVector();
assertTrue(vector instanceof UnionVector);
final UnionVector union = (UnionVector) vector;
final MapVector typeMap = union.getTypeMap();
ValueVector member = typeMap.getChild(;
assertTrue(member instanceof NullableIntVector);
// Inner map
member = typeMap.getChild(;
assertTrue(member instanceof MapVector);
member = typeMap.getChild(;
assertTrue(member instanceof MapVector);
final MapVector childMap = (MapVector) member;
ValueVector mapMember = childMap.getChild("c");
assertTrue(mapMember instanceof NullableBigIntVector);
mapMember = childMap.getChild("d");
assertTrue(mapMember instanceof NullableVarCharVector);
// Inner list
member = typeMap.getChild(;
assertTrue(member instanceof ListVector);
final ListVector list = (ListVector) member;
assertTrue(list.getDataVector() instanceof NullableVarCharVector);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector in project drill by apache.
the class TestUnnestWithLateralCorrectness method testNestedUnnest.
* Run a plan like the following for various input batches :
* Lateral1
* / \
* / Lateral2
* Scan / \
* / \
* Project1 Project2
* / \
* / \
* Unnest1 Unnest2
* @param incomingSchemas
* @param iterOutcomes
* @param execKill
* @param data
* @param baseline
* @param <T>
* @throws Exception
private <T> void testNestedUnnest(TupleMetadata[] incomingSchemas, RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] iterOutcomes, // number of batches after which to kill the execution (!)
int execKill, T[][] data, T[][][] baseline) throws Exception {
// Get the incoming container with dummy data for LJ
final List<VectorContainer> incomingContainer = new ArrayList<>(data.length);
// Create data
ArrayList<RowSet.SingleRowSet> rowSets = new ArrayList<>();
int rowNumber = 0;
int batchNum = 0;
for (Object[] recordBatch : data) {
RowSetBuilder rowSetBuilder = fixture.rowSetBuilder(incomingSchemas[batchNum]);
for (Object rowData : recordBatch) {
rowSetBuilder.addRow(++rowNumber, rowData);
RowSet.SingleRowSet rowSet =;
// Get the unnest POPConfig
final UnnestPOP unnestPopConfig1 = new UnnestPOP(null, SchemaPath.getSimplePath("unnestColumn"), DrillUnnestRelBase.IMPLICIT_COLUMN);
final UnnestPOP unnestPopConfig2 = new UnnestPOP(null, SchemaPath.getSimplePath("colB"), DrillUnnestRelBase.IMPLICIT_COLUMN);
// Get the IterOutcomes for LJ
final List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outcomes = new ArrayList<>(iterOutcomes.length);
for (RecordBatch.IterOutcome o : iterOutcomes) {
// Create incoming MockRecordBatch
final MockRecordBatch incomingMockBatch = new MockRecordBatch(fixture.getFragmentContext(), operatorContext, incomingContainer, outcomes, incomingContainer.get(0).getSchema());
// setup Unnest record batch
final UnnestRecordBatch unnestBatch1 = new UnnestRecordBatch(unnestPopConfig1, fixture.getFragmentContext());
final UnnestRecordBatch unnestBatch2 = new UnnestRecordBatch(unnestPopConfig2, fixture.getFragmentContext());
// Create intermediate Project
final Project projectPopConfig1 = new Project(DrillLogicalTestUtils.parseExprs("unnestColumn.colB", "colB", unnestPopConfig1.getImplicitColumn(), unnestPopConfig1.getImplicitColumn()), unnestPopConfig1);
final ProjectRecordBatch projectBatch1 = new ProjectRecordBatch(projectPopConfig1, unnestBatch1, fixture.getFragmentContext());
final Project projectPopConfig2 = new Project(DrillLogicalTestUtils.parseExprs("colB", "unnestColumn2", unnestPopConfig2.getImplicitColumn(), unnestPopConfig2.getImplicitColumn()), unnestPopConfig2);
final ProjectRecordBatch projectBatch2 = new ProjectRecordBatch(projectPopConfig2, unnestBatch2, fixture.getFragmentContext());
final LateralJoinPOP ljPopConfig2 = new LateralJoinPOP(projectPopConfig1, projectPopConfig2, JoinRelType.INNER, DrillLateralJoinRelBase.IMPLICIT_COLUMN, Lists.newArrayList());
final LateralJoinPOP ljPopConfig1 = new LateralJoinPOP(mockPopConfig, ljPopConfig2, JoinRelType.INNER, DrillLateralJoinRelBase.IMPLICIT_COLUMN, Lists.newArrayList());
final LateralJoinBatch lateralJoinBatch2 = new LateralJoinBatch(ljPopConfig2, fixture.getFragmentContext(), projectBatch1, projectBatch2);
final LateralJoinBatch lateralJoinBatch1 = new LateralJoinBatch(ljPopConfig1, fixture.getFragmentContext(), incomingMockBatch, lateralJoinBatch2);
// set pointer to Lateral in unnest
unnestBatch1.setIncoming((LateralContract) lateralJoinBatch1);
unnestBatch2.setIncoming((LateralContract) lateralJoinBatch2);
// Simulate the pipeline by calling next on the incoming
// results is an array ot batches, each batch being an array of output vectors.
List<List<ValueVector>> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
List<List<ValueVector>> results = null;
int batchesProcessed = 0;
try {
try {
while (!isTerminal( {
if (lateralJoinBatch1.getRecordCount() > 0) {
addBatchToResults(resultList, lateralJoinBatch1);
if (batchesProcessed == execKill) {
lateralJoinBatch1.getContext().getExecutorState().fail(new DrillException("Testing failure of execution."));
// else nothing to do
} catch (UserException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Test failed to execute because: " + e.getMessage());
// Check results against baseline
results = resultList;
int batchIndex = 0;
int vectorIndex = 0;
// int valueIndex = 0;
for (List<ValueVector> batch : results) {
int vectorCount = batch.size();
if (vectorCount != baseline[batchIndex].length + 2) {
// baseline does not include the original unnest column(s)
fail("Test failed in validating unnest output. Batch column count mismatch.");
for (ValueVector vv : batch) {
if (vv.getField().getName().equals("unnestColumn") || vv.getField().getName().equals("colB")) {
// skip the original input column
int valueCount = vv.getAccessor().getValueCount();
if (valueCount != baseline[batchIndex][vectorIndex].length) {
fail("Test failed in validating unnest output. Value count mismatch in batch number " + (batchIndex + 1) + "" + ".");
for (int valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < valueCount; valueIndex++) {
if (vv instanceof MapVector) {
if (!compareMapBaseline(baseline[batchIndex][vectorIndex][valueIndex], vv.getAccessor().getObject(valueIndex))) {
fail("Test failed in validating unnest(Map) output. Value mismatch");
} else if (vv instanceof VarCharVector) {
Object val = vv.getAccessor().getObject(valueIndex);
if (((String) baseline[batchIndex][vectorIndex][valueIndex]).compareTo(val.toString()) != 0) {
fail("Test failed in validating unnest output. Value mismatch. Baseline value[]" + vectorIndex + "][" + valueIndex + "]" + ": " + baseline[vectorIndex][valueIndex] + " VV.getObject(valueIndex): " + val);
} else {
Object val = vv.getAccessor().getObject(valueIndex);
if (!baseline[batchIndex][vectorIndex][valueIndex].equals(val)) {
fail("Test failed in validating unnest output. Value mismatch. Baseline value[" + vectorIndex + "][" + valueIndex + "]" + ": " + baseline[batchIndex][vectorIndex][valueIndex] + " VV.getObject(valueIndex): " + val);
vectorIndex = 0;
} catch (UserException e) {
// Valid exception
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed. Exception : " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
// Close all the resources for this test case
if (results != null) {
for (List<ValueVector> batch : results) {
for (ValueVector vv : batch) {
for (RowSet.SingleRowSet rowSet : rowSets) {