use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector in project drill by axbaretto.
the class TestRecordBatchSizer method testSizerNestedMap.
public void testSizerNestedMap() {
BatchSchema schema = new SchemaBuilder().addMap("map").add("key", MinorType.INT).add("value", MinorType.VARCHAR).addMap("childMap").add("childKey", MinorType.INT).add("childValue", MinorType.VARCHAR).resumeMap().resumeSchema().build();
RowSetBuilder builder = fixture.rowSetBuilder(schema);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
builder.addRow((Object) (new Object[] { 10, "a", new Object[] { 5, "b" } }));
RowSet rows =;
// Run the record batch sizer on the resulting batch.
RecordBatchSizer sizer = new RecordBatchSizer(rows.container());
assertEquals(1, sizer.columns().size());
* stdDataSize:(50+4)*2, stdNetSize:(50+4)*2+4+4, dataSizePerEntry:(4+1)*2,
* netSizePerEntry: 4*2+1*2+4*2,
* totalDataSize:5*2*10, totalNetSize:netSizePerEntry*2,
* valueCount:10,
* elementCount:10, estElementCountPerArray:1, isVariableWidth:true
verifyColumnValues(sizer.columns().get("map"), 108, 116, 10, 18, 100, 180, 10, 10, 1, false);
SingleRowSet empty = fixture.rowSet(schema);
VectorAccessible accessible = empty.vectorAccessible();
UInt4Vector offsetVector;
for (VectorWrapper<?> vw : accessible) {
ValueVector v = vw.getValueVector();
RecordBatchSizer.ColumnSize colSize = sizer.getColumn(v.getField().getName());
// Allocates to nearest power of two
colSize.allocateVector(v, testRowCount);
MapVector mapVector = (MapVector) v;
ValueVector keyVector = mapVector.getChild("key");
ValueVector valueVector1 = mapVector.getChild("value");
assertEquals((Integer.highestOneBit(testRowCount) << 1), keyVector.getValueCapacity());
offsetVector = ((VariableWidthVector) valueVector1).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals((Integer.highestOneBit(testRowCount) << 1), offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
assertEquals(Integer.highestOneBit(testRowCount << 1) - 1, valueVector1.getValueCapacity());
MapVector childMapVector = (MapVector) mapVector.getChild("childMap");
ValueVector childKeyVector = childMapVector.getChild("childKey");
ValueVector childValueVector1 = childMapVector.getChild("childValue");
assertEquals((Integer.highestOneBit(testRowCount) << 1), childKeyVector.getValueCapacity());
offsetVector = ((VariableWidthVector) valueVector1).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals((Integer.highestOneBit(testRowCount) << 1), offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
assertEquals(Integer.highestOneBit(testRowCount << 1) - 1, childValueVector1.getValueCapacity());
// Allocates the same as value passed since it is already power of two.
colSize.allocateVector(v, testRowCountPowerTwo - 1);
mapVector = (MapVector) v;
keyVector = mapVector.getChild("key");
valueVector1 = mapVector.getChild("value");
assertEquals(testRowCountPowerTwo, keyVector.getValueCapacity());
offsetVector = ((VariableWidthVector) valueVector1).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(testRowCountPowerTwo, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
assertEquals(testRowCountPowerTwo - 1, valueVector1.getValueCapacity());
childMapVector = (MapVector) mapVector.getChild("childMap");
childKeyVector = childMapVector.getChild("childKey");
childValueVector1 = childMapVector.getChild("childValue");
assertEquals(testRowCountPowerTwo, childKeyVector.getValueCapacity());
offsetVector = ((VariableWidthVector) valueVector1).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(testRowCountPowerTwo, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
assertEquals(testRowCountPowerTwo - 1, childValueVector1.getValueCapacity());
// Allocate for max rows.
colSize.allocateVector(v, ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT - 1);
mapVector = (MapVector) v;
keyVector = mapVector.getChild("key");
valueVector1 = mapVector.getChild("value");
assertEquals(ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT, keyVector.getValueCapacity());
offsetVector = ((VariableWidthVector) valueVector1).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
assertEquals(ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT - 1, valueVector1.getValueCapacity());
childMapVector = (MapVector) mapVector.getChild("childMap");
childKeyVector = childMapVector.getChild("childKey");
childValueVector1 = childMapVector.getChild("childValue");
assertEquals(ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT, childKeyVector.getValueCapacity());
offsetVector = ((VariableWidthVector) valueVector1).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
assertEquals(ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT - 1, childValueVector1.getValueCapacity());
// Allocate for 0 rows. should atleast do allocation for 1 row.
colSize.allocateVector(v, 0);
mapVector = (MapVector) v;
keyVector = mapVector.getChild("key");
valueVector1 = mapVector.getChild("value");
assertEquals(ValueVector.MIN_ROW_COUNT, keyVector.getValueCapacity());
offsetVector = ((VariableWidthVector) valueVector1).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MIN_ROW_COUNT + 1, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
assertEquals(ValueVector.MIN_ROW_COUNT, valueVector1.getValueCapacity());
childMapVector = (MapVector) mapVector.getChild("childMap");
childKeyVector = childMapVector.getChild("childKey");
childValueVector1 = childMapVector.getChild("childValue");
assertEquals(ValueVector.MIN_ROW_COUNT, childKeyVector.getValueCapacity());
offsetVector = ((VariableWidthVector) valueVector1).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MIN_ROW_COUNT + 1, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
assertEquals(ValueVector.MIN_ROW_COUNT, childValueVector1.getValueCapacity());
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector in project drill by axbaretto.
the class ComplexWriterImpl method directMap.
public MapWriter directMap() {
Preconditions.checkArgument(name == null);
switch(mode) {
case INIT:
MapVector map = (MapVector) container;
mapRoot = new SingleMapWriter(map, this, unionEnabled);
mode = Mode.MAP;
case MAP:
check(Mode.INIT, Mode.MAP);
return mapRoot;
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector in project drill by axbaretto.
the class ComplexWriterImpl method rootAsMap.
public MapWriter rootAsMap() {
switch(mode) {
case INIT:
MapVector map = container.addOrGet(name, Types.required(MinorType.MAP), MapVector.class);
mapRoot = new SingleMapWriter(map, this, unionEnabled);
mode = Mode.MAP;
case MAP:
check(Mode.INIT, Mode.MAP);
return mapRoot;
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector in project drill by apache.
the class TestUnnestCorrectness method testUnnest.
// test unnest for various input conditions optionally invoking kill. if the kill or killBatch
// parameter is greater than 0 then the record batch is sent a kill after that many batches have been processed
private <T> void testUnnest(TupleMetadata[] incomingSchemas, RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] iterOutcomes, // kill unnest after every 'unnestLimit' number of values in every record
int unnestLimit, // number of batches after which to kill the execution (!)
int execKill, T[][] data, T[][] baseline) throws Exception {
// Get the incoming container with dummy data for LJ
final List<VectorContainer> incomingContainer = new ArrayList<>(data.length);
// Create data
ArrayList<RowSet.SingleRowSet> rowSets = new ArrayList<>();
int rowNumber = 0;
int batchNum = 0;
for (Object[] recordBatch : data) {
RowSetBuilder rowSetBuilder = fixture.rowSetBuilder(incomingSchemas[batchNum]);
for (Object rowData : recordBatch) {
rowSetBuilder.addRow(++rowNumber, rowData);
RowSet.SingleRowSet rowSet =;
// Get the unnest POPConfig
final UnnestPOP unnestPopConfig = new UnnestPOP(null, new SchemaPath(new PathSegment.NameSegment("unnestColumn")), DrillUnnestRelBase.IMPLICIT_COLUMN);
// Get the IterOutcomes for LJ
final List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outcomes = new ArrayList<>(iterOutcomes.length);
for (RecordBatch.IterOutcome o : iterOutcomes) {
// Create incoming MockRecordBatch
final MockRecordBatch incomingMockBatch = new MockRecordBatch(fixture.getFragmentContext(), operatorContext, incomingContainer, outcomes, incomingContainer.get(0).getSchema());
final MockLateralJoinBatch lateralJoinBatch = new MockLateralJoinBatch(fixture.getFragmentContext(), operatorContext, incomingMockBatch);
// setup Unnest record batch
final UnnestRecordBatch unnestBatch = new UnnestRecordBatch(unnestPopConfig, fixture.getFragmentContext());
// set pointer to Lateral in unnest pop config
unnestBatch.setIncoming((LateralContract) lateralJoinBatch);
// set backpointer to lateral join in unnest
// Simulate the pipeline by calling next on the incoming
List<ValueVector> results = null;
int batchesProcessed = 0;
try {
while (!isTerminal( {
if (batchesProcessed == execKill) {
lateralJoinBatch.getContext().getExecutorState().fail(new DrillException("Testing failure of execution."));
// else nothing to do
// Check results against baseline
results = lateralJoinBatch.getResultList();
int i = 0;
for (ValueVector vv : results) {
int valueCount = vv.getAccessor().getValueCount();
if (valueCount != baseline[i].length) {
fail("Test failed in validating unnest output. Value count mismatch.");
for (int j = 0; j < valueCount; j++) {
if (vv instanceof MapVector) {
if (!compareMapBaseline(baseline[i][j], vv.getAccessor().getObject(j))) {
fail("Test failed in validating unnest(Map) output. Value mismatch");
} else if (vv instanceof VarCharVector) {
Object val = vv.getAccessor().getObject(j);
if (((String) baseline[i][j]).compareTo(val.toString()) != 0) {
fail("Test failed in validating unnest output. Value mismatch. Baseline value[]" + i + "][" + j + "]" + ": " + baseline[i][j] + " VV.getObject(j): " + val);
} else {
Object val = vv.getAccessor().getObject(j);
if (!baseline[i][j].equals(val)) {
fail("Test failed in validating unnest output. Value mismatch. Baseline value[" + i + "][" + j + "]" + ": " + baseline[i][j] + " VV.getObject(j): " + val);
} catch (UserException e) {
// Valid exception
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test failed in validating unnest output. Exception : " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
// Close all the resources for this test case
if (results != null) {
for (ValueVector vv : results) {
for (RowSet.SingleRowSet rowSet : rowSets) {
use of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector in project drill by apache.
the class TestMapAccessors method testBasics.
public void testBasics() {
final TupleMetadata schema = new SchemaBuilder().add("a", MinorType.INT).addMap("m").add("c", MinorType.INT).add("d", MinorType.VARCHAR).resumeSchema().add("e", MinorType.VARCHAR).buildSchema();
RowSetBuilder builder = fixture.rowSetBuilder(schema);
RowSetWriter rootWriter = builder.writer();
// Verify structure and schema
final TupleMetadata actualSchema = rootWriter.tupleSchema();
assertEquals(3, actualSchema.size());
assertEquals(2, actualSchema.metadata("m").tupleSchema().size());
assertEquals(2, actualSchema.column("m").getChildren().size());
// Write a row the way that clients will do.
final ScalarWriter aWriter = rootWriter.scalar("a");
final TupleWriter mWriter = rootWriter.tuple("m");
final ScalarWriter cWriter = mWriter.scalar("c");
final ScalarWriter dWriter = mWriter.scalar("d");
final ScalarWriter eWriter = rootWriter.scalar("e");
// Write another using the test-time conveniences
rootWriter.addRow(20, mapValue(210, "barney"), "bam-bam");
RowSet result =;
assertEquals(2, result.rowCount());
// Validate internal structure.
VectorContainer container = result.container();
assertEquals(3, container.getNumberOfColumns());
ValueVector v = container.getValueVector(1).getValueVector();
assertTrue(v instanceof MapVector);
MapVector mv = (MapVector) v;
assertEquals(2, mv.getAccessor().getValueCount());
// Validate data. Do so using the readers to avoid verifying
// using the very mechanisms we want to test.
RowSetReader rootReader = result.reader();
final ScalarReader aReader = rootReader.scalar("a");
final TupleReader mReader = rootReader.tuple("m");
final ScalarReader cReader = mReader.scalar("c");
final ScalarReader dReader = mReader.scalar("d");
final ScalarReader eReader = rootReader.scalar("e");;
assertEquals(10, aReader.getInt());
assertEquals(110, cReader.getInt());
assertEquals("fred", dReader.getString());
assertEquals("pebbles", eReader.getString());;
assertEquals(20, aReader.getInt());
assertEquals(210, cReader.getInt());
assertEquals("barney", dReader.getString());
assertEquals("bam-bam", eReader.getString());
// Verify using the convenience methods.
final SingleRowSet expected = fixture.rowSetBuilder(schema).addRow(10, mapValue(110, "fred"), "pebbles").addRow(20, mapValue(210, "barney"), "bam-bam").build();
new RowSetComparison(expected).verify(result);
// Test that the row set rebuilds its internal structure from
// a vector container.
RowSet wrapped = fixture.wrap(result.container());
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, wrapped);