use of org.apache.felix.framework.util.CompoundEnumeration in project felix by apache.
the class BundleWiringImpl method findResourcesByDelegation.
private Enumeration findResourcesByDelegation(String name) {
Enumeration urls = null;
List completeUrlList = new ArrayList();
// Get the package of the target class/resource.
String pkgName = Util.getResourcePackage(name);
// property to the parent class loader.
if (shouldBootDelegate(pkgName)) {
try {
// Get the appropriate class loader for delegation.
ClassLoader bdcl = getBootDelegationClassLoader();
urls = bdcl.getResources(name);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// This shouldn't happen and even if it does, there
// is nothing we can do, so just ignore it.
// search; otherwise, continue to look locally.
if (pkgName.startsWith("java.")) {
return urls;
// Look in the revisions's imported packages. If the package is
// imported, then we stop searching no matter the result since
// imported packages cannot be split.
BundleRevision provider = m_importedPkgs.get(pkgName);
if (provider != null) {
// Delegate to the provider revision.
urls = ((BundleWiringImpl) provider.getWiring()).getResourcesByDelegation(name);
// If we find any resources, then add them.
if ((urls != null) && (urls.hasMoreElements())) {
// across required bundles or the revision's content.
return new CompoundEnumeration((Enumeration[]) completeUrlList.toArray(new Enumeration[completeUrlList.size()]));
// See whether we can get the resource from the required bundles and
// regardless of whether or not this is the case continue to the next
// step potentially passing on the result of this search (if any).
List<BundleRevision> providers = m_requiredPkgs.get(pkgName);
if (providers != null) {
for (BundleRevision p : providers) {
// Delegate to the provider revision.
urls = ((BundleWiringImpl) p.getWiring()).getResourcesByDelegation(name);
// If we find any resources, then add them.
if ((urls != null) && (urls.hasMoreElements())) {
// Do not return here, since required packages can be split
// across the revision's content.
// Try the module's own class path. If we can find the resource then
// return it together with the results from the other searches else
// try to look into the dynamic imports.
urls = m_revision.getResourcesLocal(name);
if ((urls != null) && (urls.hasMoreElements())) {
} else {
// class/resource via a dynamic import, if possible.
try {
provider = m_resolver.resolve(m_revision, pkgName);
} catch (ResolutionException ex) {
// Ignore this since it is likely normal.
} catch (BundleException ex) {
// Ignore this since it is likely the result of a resolver hook.
if (provider != null) {
// Delegate to the provider revision.
urls = ((BundleWiringImpl) provider.getWiring()).getResourcesByDelegation(name);
// If we find any resources, then add them.
if ((urls != null) && (urls.hasMoreElements())) {
return new CompoundEnumeration((Enumeration[]) completeUrlList.toArray(new Enumeration[completeUrlList.size()]));