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Example 1 with MultiStepCommand

use of in project geode by apache.

the class DataCommands method query.

@CliMetaData(relatedTopic = { CliStrings.TOPIC_GEODE_DATA, CliStrings.TOPIC_GEODE_REGION })
@CliCommand(value = { CliStrings.QUERY }, help = CliStrings.QUERY__HELP)
public Object query(@CliOption(key = CliStrings.QUERY__QUERY, help = CliStrings.QUERY__QUERY__HELP, mandatory = true) final String query, @CliOption(key = CliStrings.QUERY__STEPNAME, help = "Step name", unspecifiedDefaultValue = CliStrings.QUERY__STEPNAME__DEFAULTVALUE) String stepName, @CliOption(key = CliStrings.QUERY__INTERACTIVE, help = CliStrings.QUERY__INTERACTIVE__HELP, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "true") final boolean interactive) {
    if (!CliUtil.isGfshVM() && stepName.equals(CliStrings.QUERY__STEPNAME__DEFAULTVALUE)) {
        return ResultBuilder.createInfoResult(CliStrings.QUERY__MSG__NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_MEMBERS);
    Object[] arguments = new Object[] { query, stepName, interactive };
    CLIStep exec = new DataCommandFunction.SelectExecStep(arguments);
    CLIStep display = new DataCommandFunction.SelectDisplayStep(arguments);
    CLIStep move = new DataCommandFunction.SelectMoveStep(arguments);
    CLIStep quit = new DataCommandFunction.SelectQuitStep(arguments);
    CLIStep[] steps = { exec, display, move, quit };
    return CLIMultiStepHelper.chooseStep(steps, stepName);
Also used : CLIStep( MultiStepCommand( CliCommand( CliMetaData(

Example 2 with MultiStepCommand

use of in project geode by apache.

the class GfshExecutionStrategy method execute.

//////////////// ExecutionStrategy interface Methods Start ///////////////////
///////////////////////// Implemented Methods ////////////////////////////////
   * Executes the method indicated by the {@link ParseResult} which would always be
   * {@link GfshParseResult} for GemFire defined commands. If the command Method is decorated with
   * {@link CliMetaData#shellOnly()} set to <code>false</code>, {@link OperationInvoker} is used to
   * send the command for processing on a remote GemFire node.
   * @param parseResult that should be executed (never presented as null)
   * @return an object which will be rendered by the {@link Shell} implementation (may return null)
   * @throws RuntimeException which is handled by the {@link Shell} implementation
public Object execute(ParseResult parseResult) {
    Result result = null;
    Method method = parseResult.getMethod();
    try {
        // Check if it's a multi-step command
        MultiStepCommand cmd = method.getAnnotation(MultiStepCommand.class);
        if (cmd != null) {
            return execCLISteps(logWrapper, shell, parseResult);
        // check if it's a shell only command
        if (isShellOnly(method)) {
            Assert.notNull(parseResult, "Parse result required");
            synchronized (mutex) {
                Assert.isTrue(isReadyForCommands(), "ProcessManagerHostedExecutionStrategy not yet ready for commands");
                return ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(parseResult.getMethod(), parseResult.getInstance(), parseResult.getArguments());
        // check if it's a GfshParseResult
        if (!GfshParseResult.class.isInstance(parseResult)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Configuration error!");
        result = executeOnRemote((GfshParseResult) parseResult);
    } catch (NotAuthorizedException e) {
        result = ResultBuilder.createGemFireUnAuthorizedErrorResult("Unauthorized. Reason: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (JMXInvocationException | IllegalStateException e) {
        Gfsh.getCurrentInstance().logWarning(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (CommandProcessingException e) {
        Gfsh.getCurrentInstance().logWarning(e.getMessage(), null);
        Object errorData = e.getErrorData();
        if (errorData != null && errorData instanceof Throwable) {
            logWrapper.warning(e.getMessage(), (Throwable) errorData);
        } else {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Gfsh.getCurrentInstance().logWarning("Unexpected exception occurred. " + e.getMessage(), e);
        // Log other exceptions in gfsh log
        logWrapper.warning("Unexpected error occurred while executing command : " + ((GfshParseResult) parseResult).getUserInput(), e);
    return result;
Also used : MultiStepCommand( GfshParseResult( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) NotAuthorizedException( CommandProcessingException( NotAuthorizedException( CommandProcessingException( ParseResult( GfshParseResult( Result( FileResult(


MultiStepCommand ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)1 CliMetaData ( CommandProcessingException ( Result ( GfshParseResult ( CLIStep ( FileResult ( NotAuthorizedException ( CliCommand ( ParseResult (