use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockCollection in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestFsck method testBlockIdCKDecommission.
* Test for blockIdCK with datanode decommission.
public void testBlockIdCKDecommission() throws Exception {
final short replFactor = 1;
short numDn = 2;
final long blockSize = 512;
boolean checkDecommissionInProgress = false;
String[] racks = { "/rack1", "/rack2" };
String[] hosts = { "host1", "host2" };
conf.setLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BLOCK_SIZE_KEY, blockSize);
conf.setInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_REPLICATION_KEY, 2);
DistributedFileSystem dfs;
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(numDn).hosts(hosts).racks(racks).build();
assertNotNull("Failed Cluster Creation", cluster);
dfs = cluster.getFileSystem();
assertNotNull("Failed to get FileSystem", dfs);
DFSTestUtil util = new DFSTestUtil.Builder().setName(getClass().getSimpleName()).setNumFiles(1).build();
//create files
final String pathString = new String("/testfile");
final Path path = new Path(pathString);
util.createFile(dfs, path, 1024, replFactor, 1000L);
util.waitReplication(dfs, path, replFactor);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (LocatedBlock lb : util.getAllBlocks(dfs, path)) {
sb.append(lb.getBlock().getLocalBlock().getBlockName() + " ");
String[] bIds = sb.toString().split(" ");
//make sure datanode that has replica is fine before decommission
String outStr = runFsck(conf, 0, true, "/", "-blockId", bIds[0]);
//decommission datanode
FSNamesystem fsn = cluster.getNameNode().getNamesystem();
BlockManager bm = fsn.getBlockManager();
ExtendedBlock eb = util.getFirstBlock(dfs, path);
BlockCollection bc = null;
try {
BlockInfo bi = bm.getStoredBlock(eb.getLocalBlock());
bc = fsn.getBlockCollection(bi);
} finally {
DatanodeDescriptor dn = bc.getBlocks()[0].getDatanode(0);
String dnName = dn.getXferAddr();
//wait for decommission start
DatanodeInfo datanodeInfo = null;
int count = 0;
do {
for (DatanodeInfo info : dfs.getDataNodeStats()) {
if (dnName.equals(info.getXferAddr())) {
datanodeInfo = info;
//check decommissioning only once
if (!checkDecommissionInProgress && datanodeInfo != null && datanodeInfo.isDecommissionInProgress()) {
String fsckOut = runFsck(conf, 3, true, "/", "-blockId", bIds[0]);
checkDecommissionInProgress = true;
} while (datanodeInfo != null && !datanodeInfo.isDecommissioned());
//check decommissioned
String fsckOut = runFsck(conf, 2, true, "/", "-blockId", bIds[0]);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockCollection in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestFsck method testFsckWithDecommissionedReplicas.
* Test for blocks on decommissioning hosts are not shown as missing.
public void testFsckWithDecommissionedReplicas() throws Exception {
final short replFactor = 1;
short numDn = 2;
final long blockSize = 512;
final long fileSize = 1024;
boolean checkDecommissionInProgress = false;
String[] racks = { "/rack1", "/rack2" };
String[] hosts = { "host1", "host2" };
conf.setLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BLOCK_SIZE_KEY, blockSize);
conf.setInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_REPLICATION_KEY, 1);
DistributedFileSystem dfs;
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(numDn).hosts(hosts).racks(racks).build();
assertNotNull("Failed Cluster Creation", cluster);
dfs = cluster.getFileSystem();
assertNotNull("Failed to get FileSystem", dfs);
DFSTestUtil util = new DFSTestUtil.Builder().setName(getClass().getSimpleName()).setNumFiles(1).build();
//create files
final String testFile = new String("/testfile");
final Path path = new Path(testFile);
util.createFile(dfs, path, fileSize, replFactor, 1000L);
util.waitReplication(dfs, path, replFactor);
// make sure datanode that has replica is fine before decommission
String outStr = runFsck(conf, 0, true, testFile);
// decommission datanode
FSNamesystem fsn = cluster.getNameNode().getNamesystem();
BlockManager bm = fsn.getBlockManager();
ExtendedBlock eb = util.getFirstBlock(dfs, path);
BlockCollection bc = null;
try {
BlockInfo bi = bm.getStoredBlock(eb.getLocalBlock());
bc = fsn.getBlockCollection(bi);
} finally {
DatanodeDescriptor dn = bc.getBlocks()[0].getDatanode(0);
String dnName = dn.getXferAddr();
// wait for decommission start
DatanodeInfo datanodeInfo = null;
int count = 0;
do {
for (DatanodeInfo info : dfs.getDataNodeStats()) {
if (dnName.equals(info.getXferAddr())) {
datanodeInfo = info;
// instead of corruption (1) during decommissioning
if (!checkDecommissionInProgress && datanodeInfo != null && datanodeInfo.isDecommissionInProgress()) {
String fsckOut = runFsck(conf, 0, true, testFile);
checkDecommissionInProgress = true;
} while (datanodeInfo != null && !datanodeInfo.isDecommissioned());
// check the replica status should be healthy(0) after decommission
// is done
String fsckOut = runFsck(conf, 0, true, testFile);