use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestGetBlocks method testGetBlocks.
/** test getBlocks */
public void testGetBlocks() throws Exception {
final Configuration CONF = new HdfsConfiguration();
final short REPLICATION_FACTOR = (short) 2;
final int DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(CONF).numDataNodes(REPLICATION_FACTOR).build();
try {
// the third block will not be visible to getBlocks
long fileLen = 2 * DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
DFSTestUtil.createFile(cluster.getFileSystem(), new Path("/tmp.txt"), fileLen, REPLICATION_FACTOR, 0L);
// get blocks & data nodes
List<LocatedBlock> locatedBlocks;
DatanodeInfo[] dataNodes = null;
boolean notWritten;
do {
final DFSClient dfsclient = new DFSClient(DFSUtilClient.getNNAddress(CONF), CONF);
locatedBlocks = dfsclient.getNamenode().getBlockLocations("/tmp.txt", 0, fileLen).getLocatedBlocks();
assertEquals(3, locatedBlocks.size());
notWritten = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
dataNodes = locatedBlocks.get(i).getLocations();
if (dataNodes.length != REPLICATION_FACTOR) {
notWritten = true;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} while (notWritten);
// get RPC client to namenode
InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", cluster.getNameNodePort());
NamenodeProtocol namenode = NameNodeProxies.createProxy(CONF, DFSUtilClient.getNNUri(addr), NamenodeProtocol.class).getProxy();
// get blocks of size fileLen from dataNodes[0]
BlockWithLocations[] locs;
locs = namenode.getBlocks(dataNodes[0], fileLen).getBlocks();
assertEquals(locs.length, 2);
assertEquals(locs[0].getStorageIDs().length, 2);
assertEquals(locs[1].getStorageIDs().length, 2);
// get blocks of size BlockSize from dataNodes[0]
locs = namenode.getBlocks(dataNodes[0], DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE).getBlocks();
assertEquals(locs.length, 1);
assertEquals(locs[0].getStorageIDs().length, 2);
// get blocks of size 1 from dataNodes[0]
locs = namenode.getBlocks(dataNodes[0], 1).getBlocks();
assertEquals(locs.length, 1);
assertEquals(locs[0].getStorageIDs().length, 2);
// get blocks of size 0 from dataNodes[0]
getBlocksWithException(namenode, dataNodes[0], 0);
// get blocks of size -1 from dataNodes[0]
getBlocksWithException(namenode, dataNodes[0], -1);
// get blocks of size BlockSize from a non-existent datanode
DatanodeInfo info = DFSTestUtil.getDatanodeInfo("");
getBlocksWithException(namenode, info, 2);
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol in project hadoop by apache.
the class NameNodeProxies method createNNProxyWithNamenodeProtocol.
private static NamenodeProtocol createNNProxyWithNamenodeProtocol(InetSocketAddress address, Configuration conf, UserGroupInformation ugi, boolean withRetries) throws IOException {
NamenodeProtocolPB proxy = (NamenodeProtocolPB) createNameNodeProxy(address, conf, ugi, NamenodeProtocolPB.class, 0);
if (withRetries) {
// create the proxy with retries
RetryPolicy timeoutPolicy = RetryPolicies.exponentialBackoffRetry(5, 200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Map<String, RetryPolicy> methodNameToPolicyMap = new HashMap<String, RetryPolicy>();
methodNameToPolicyMap.put("getBlocks", timeoutPolicy);
methodNameToPolicyMap.put("getAccessKeys", timeoutPolicy);
NamenodeProtocol translatorProxy = new NamenodeProtocolTranslatorPB(proxy);
return (NamenodeProtocol) RetryProxy.create(NamenodeProtocol.class, translatorProxy, methodNameToPolicyMap);
} else {
return new NamenodeProtocolTranslatorPB(proxy);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol in project hadoop by apache.
the class BootstrapStandby method doRun.
private int doRun() throws IOException {
// find the active NN
NamenodeProtocol proxy = null;
NamespaceInfo nsInfo = null;
boolean isUpgradeFinalized = false;
RemoteNameNodeInfo proxyInfo = null;
for (int i = 0; i < remoteNNs.size(); i++) {
proxyInfo = remoteNNs.get(i);
InetSocketAddress otherIpcAddress = proxyInfo.getIpcAddress();
proxy = createNNProtocolProxy(otherIpcAddress);
try {
// Get the namespace from any active NN. If you just formatted the primary NN and are
// bootstrapping the other NNs from that layout, it will only contact the single NN.
// However, if there cluster is already running and you are adding a NN later (e.g.
// replacing a failed NN), then this will bootstrap from any node in the cluster.
nsInfo = proxy.versionRequest();
isUpgradeFinalized = proxy.isUpgradeFinalized();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOG.warn("Unable to fetch namespace information from remote NN at " + otherIpcAddress + ": " + ioe.getMessage());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Full exception trace", ioe);
if (nsInfo == null) {
LOG.fatal("Unable to fetch namespace information from any remote NN. Possible NameNodes: " + remoteNNs);
if (!checkLayoutVersion(nsInfo)) {
LOG.fatal("Layout version on remote node (" + nsInfo.getLayoutVersion() + ") does not match " + "this node's layout version (" + HdfsServerConstants.NAMENODE_LAYOUT_VERSION + ")");
System.out.println("=====================================================\n" + "About to bootstrap Standby ID " + nnId + " from:\n" + " Nameservice ID: " + nsId + "\n" + " Other Namenode ID: " + proxyInfo.getNameNodeID() + "\n" + " Other NN's HTTP address: " + proxyInfo.getHttpAddress() + "\n" + " Other NN's IPC address: " + proxyInfo.getIpcAddress() + "\n" + " Namespace ID: " + nsInfo.getNamespaceID() + "\n" + " Block pool ID: " + nsInfo.getBlockPoolID() + "\n" + " Cluster ID: " + nsInfo.getClusterID() + "\n" + " Layout version: " + nsInfo.getLayoutVersion() + "\n" + " isUpgradeFinalized: " + isUpgradeFinalized + "\n" + "=====================================================");
NNStorage storage = new NNStorage(conf, dirsToFormat, editUrisToFormat);
if (!isUpgradeFinalized) {
// the remote NameNode is in upgrade state, this NameNode should also
// create the previous directory. First prepare the upgrade and rename
// the current dir to previous.tmp."The active NameNode is in Upgrade. " + "Prepare the upgrade for the standby NameNode as well.");
if (!doPreUpgrade(storage, nsInfo)) {
} else if (!format(storage, nsInfo)) {
// prompt the user to format storage
// download the fsimage from active namenode
int download = downloadImage(storage, proxy, proxyInfo);
if (download != 0) {
return download;
// finish the upgrade: rename previous.tmp to previous
if (!isUpgradeFinalized) {
return 0;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestIsMethodSupported method testNamenodeProtocol.
public void testNamenodeProtocol() throws IOException {
NamenodeProtocol np = NameNodeProxies.createNonHAProxy(conf, nnAddress, NamenodeProtocol.class, UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(), true).getProxy();
boolean exists = RpcClientUtil.isMethodSupported(np, NamenodeProtocolPB.class, RPC.RpcKind.RPC_PROTOCOL_BUFFER, RPC.getProtocolVersion(NamenodeProtocolPB.class), "rollEditLog");
exists = RpcClientUtil.isMethodSupported(np, NamenodeProtocolPB.class, RPC.RpcKind.RPC_PROTOCOL_BUFFER, RPC.getProtocolVersion(NamenodeProtocolPB.class), "bogusMethod");
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocol in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestCheckpoint method testMultipleSecondaryNNsAgainstSameNN2.
* Test case where two secondary namenodes are checkpointing the same
* NameNode. This differs from {@link #testMultipleSecondaryNamenodes()}
* since that test runs against two distinct NNs.
* This case tests the following interleaving:
* - 2NN A) calls rollEdits()
* - 2NN B) calls rollEdits()
* - 2NN A) paused at getRemoteEditLogManifest()
* - 2NN B) calls getRemoteEditLogManifest() (returns up to txid 4)
* - 2NN B) uploads checkpoint fsimage_4
* - 2NN A) allowed to proceed, also returns up to txid 4
* - 2NN A) uploads checkpoint fsimage_4 as well, should fail gracefully
* It verifies that one of the two gets an error that it's uploading a
* duplicate checkpoint, and the other one succeeds.
public void testMultipleSecondaryNNsAgainstSameNN2() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
MiniDFSCluster cluster = null;
SecondaryNameNode secondary1 = null, secondary2 = null;
try {
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(0).format(true).build();
// Start 2NNs
secondary1 = startSecondaryNameNode(conf, 1);
secondary2 = startSecondaryNameNode(conf, 2);
// Make the first 2NN's checkpoint process delayable - we can pause it
// right before it calls getRemoteEditLogManifest.
// The method to set up a spy on an RPC protocol is a little bit involved
// since we can't spy directly on a proxy object. This sets up a mock
// which delegates all its calls to the original object, instead.
final NamenodeProtocol origNN = secondary1.getNameNode();
final Answer<Object> delegator = new GenericTestUtils.DelegateAnswer(origNN);
NamenodeProtocol spyNN = Mockito.mock(NamenodeProtocol.class, delegator);
DelayAnswer delayer = new DelayAnswer(LOG) {
protected Object passThrough(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
return delegator.answer(invocation);
// Set up a thread to do a checkpoint from the first 2NN
DoCheckpointThread checkpointThread = new DoCheckpointThread(secondary1);
// Wait for the first checkpointer to be about to call getEditLogManifest
// Now make the second checkpointer run an entire checkpoint
// NN should have now received fsimage_4
NNStorage storage = cluster.getNameNode().getFSImage().getStorage();
assertEquals(4, storage.getMostRecentCheckpointTxId());
// Let the first one finish
// Letting the first node continue, it should try to upload the
// same image, and gracefully ignore it, while logging an
// error message.
// primary should still consider fsimage_4 the latest
assertEquals(4, storage.getMostRecentCheckpointTxId());
// Now have second one checkpoint one more time just to make sure that
// the NN isn't left in a broken state
assertEquals(6, storage.getMostRecentCheckpointTxId());
// Should have accepted both checkpoints
assertNNHasCheckpoints(cluster, ImmutableList.of(4, 6));
// Let the first one also go again on its own to make sure it can
// continue at next checkpoint
// NN should have received new checkpoint
assertEquals(8, storage.getMostRecentCheckpointTxId());
// Validate invariant that files named the same are the same.
assertParallelFilesInvariant(cluster, ImmutableList.of(secondary1, secondary2));
// Validate that the NN received checkpoints at expected txids
// (i.e that both checkpoints went through)
assertNNHasCheckpoints(cluster, ImmutableList.of(6, 8));
} finally {
secondary1 = null;
secondary2 = null;
cluster = null;