use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NotificationEventResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestDbNotificationListener method alterIndex.
public void alterIndex() throws Exception {
String indexName = "alterIndex";
String dbName = "default";
String tableName = "alterIndexTable";
String indexTableName = tableName + "__" + indexName + "__";
int startTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
cols.add(new FieldSchema("col1", "int", ""));
SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null);
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("key", "value");
StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 17, serde, Arrays.asList("bucketcol"), Arrays.asList(new Order("sortcol", 1)), params);
Table table = new Table(tableName, dbName, "me", startTime, startTime, 0, sd, null, emptyParameters, null, null, null);
// Event 1
Index oldIndex = new Index(indexName, null, "default", tableName, startTime, startTime, indexTableName, sd, emptyParameters, false);
Table oldIndexTable = new Table(indexTableName, dbName, "me", startTime, startTime, 0, sd, null, emptyParameters, null, null, null);
// Event 2, 3
// creates index and index table
msClient.createIndex(oldIndex, oldIndexTable);
Index newIndex = new Index(indexName, null, "default", tableName, startTime, startTime + 1, indexTableName, sd, emptyParameters, false);
// Event 4
msClient.alter_index(dbName, tableName, indexName, newIndex);
// Get notifications from metastore
NotificationEventResponse rsp = msClient.getNextNotification(firstEventId, 0, null);
assertEquals(4, rsp.getEventsSize());
NotificationEvent event = rsp.getEvents().get(3);
assertEquals(firstEventId + 4, event.getEventId());
assertTrue(event.getEventTime() >= startTime);
assertEquals(EventType.ALTER_INDEX.toString(), event.getEventType());
assertEquals(dbName, event.getDbName());
// Parse the message field
AlterIndexMessage alterIdxMsg = md.getAlterIndexMessage(event.getMessage());
Index indexObj = alterIdxMsg.getIndexObjAfter();
assertEquals(dbName, indexObj.getDbName());
assertEquals(indexName, indexObj.getIndexName());
assertEquals(tableName, indexObj.getOrigTableName());
assertEquals(indexTableName, indexObj.getIndexTableName());
assertTrue(indexObj.getCreateTime() < indexObj.getLastAccessTime());
// When hive.metastore.transactional.event.listeners is set,
// a failed event should not create a new notification
try {
msClient.alter_index(dbName, tableName, indexName, newIndex);
fail("Error: alter index should've failed");
} catch (Exception ex) {
// expected
rsp = msClient.getNextNotification(firstEventId, 0, null);
assertEquals(4, rsp.getEventsSize());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NotificationEventResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestDbNotificationListener method dropIndex.
public void dropIndex() throws Exception {
String indexName = "dropIndex";
String dbName = "default";
String tableName = "dropIndexTable";
String indexTableName = tableName + "__" + indexName + "__";
int startTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
cols.add(new FieldSchema("col1", "int", ""));
SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null);
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("key", "value");
StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 17, serde, Arrays.asList("bucketcol"), Arrays.asList(new Order("sortcol", 1)), params);
Table table = new Table(tableName, dbName, "me", startTime, startTime, 0, sd, null, emptyParameters, null, null, null);
// Event 1
Index index = new Index(indexName, null, "default", tableName, startTime, startTime, indexTableName, sd, emptyParameters, false);
Table indexTable = new Table(indexTableName, dbName, "me", startTime, startTime, 0, sd, null, emptyParameters, null, null, null);
// Event 2, 3 (index table and index)
msClient.createIndex(index, indexTable);
// Event 4 (drops index and indexTable)
msClient.dropIndex(dbName, tableName, indexName, true);
// Get notifications from metastore
NotificationEventResponse rsp = msClient.getNextNotification(firstEventId, 0, null);
assertEquals(4, rsp.getEventsSize());
NotificationEvent event = rsp.getEvents().get(3);
assertEquals(firstEventId + 4, event.getEventId());
assertTrue(event.getEventTime() >= startTime);
assertEquals(EventType.DROP_INDEX.toString(), event.getEventType());
assertEquals(dbName, event.getDbName());
// Parse the message field
DropIndexMessage dropIdxMsg = md.getDropIndexMessage(event.getMessage());
assertEquals(dbName, dropIdxMsg.getDB());
assertEquals(indexName.toLowerCase(), dropIdxMsg.getIndexName());
assertEquals(indexTableName.toLowerCase(), dropIdxMsg.getIndexTableName());
assertEquals(tableName.toLowerCase(), dropIdxMsg.getOrigTableName());
// When hive.metastore.transactional.event.listeners is set,
// a failed event should not create a new notification
index = new Index("dropIndexTable2", null, "default", tableName, startTime, startTime, "dropIndexTable__dropIndexTable2__", sd, emptyParameters, false);
Table indexTable2 = new Table("dropIndexTable__dropIndexTable2__", dbName, "me", startTime, startTime, 0, sd, null, emptyParameters, null, null, null);
msClient.createIndex(index, indexTable2);
try {
// drops index and indexTable
msClient.dropIndex(dbName, tableName, "dropIndex2", true);
fail("Error: drop index should've failed");
} catch (Exception ex) {
// expected
rsp = msClient.getNextNotification(firstEventId, 0, null);
assertEquals(6, rsp.getEventsSize());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NotificationEventResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestReplicationScenarios method testEventTypesForDynamicAddPartitionByInsert.
public void testEventTypesForDynamicAddPartitionByInsert() throws IOException {
String name = testName.getMethodName();
final String dbName = createDB(name, driver);
String replDbName = dbName + "_dupe";
run("CREATE TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned(a string) partitioned by (b int) STORED AS TEXTFILE", driver);
Tuple bootstrap = bootstrapLoadAndVerify(dbName, replDbName);
String[] ptn_data = new String[] { "ten" };
run("INSERT INTO TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned partition(b=1) values('" + ptn_data[0] + "')", driver);
// Inject a behaviour where it throws exception if an INSERT event is found
// As we dynamically add a partition through INSERT INTO cmd, it should just add ADD_PARTITION
// event not an INSERT event
BehaviourInjection<NotificationEventResponse, NotificationEventResponse> eventTypeValidator = new BehaviourInjection<NotificationEventResponse, NotificationEventResponse>() {
public NotificationEventResponse apply(@Nullable NotificationEventResponse eventsList) {
if (null != eventsList) {
List<NotificationEvent> events = eventsList.getEvents();
for (int i = 0; i < events.size(); i++) {
NotificationEvent event = events.get(i);
// Skip all the events belong to other DBs/tables.
if (event.getDbName().equalsIgnoreCase(dbName)) {
if (event.getEventType().equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")) {
// If an insert event is found, then return null hence no event is dumped.
LOG.error("Encountered INSERT event when it was not expected to");
return null;
injectionPathCalled = true;
return eventsList;
try {
incrementalLoadAndVerify(dbName, replDbName);
eventTypeValidator.assertInjectionsPerformed(true, false);
} finally {
// reset the behaviour
verifyRun("SELECT a from " + replDbName + ".ptned where (b=1)", ptn_data, driverMirror);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NotificationEventResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestReplicationOptimisedBootstrap method testTargetEventIdWithNotificationsExpired.
public void testTargetEventIdWithNotificationsExpired() throws Throwable {
// Do a a cycle of bootstrap dump & load.
List<String> withClause = ReplicationTestUtils.includeExternalTableClause(true);
withClause.add("'" + HiveConf.ConfVars.REPLDIR.varname + "'='" + primary.repldDir + "'");
// Do a bootstrap cycle(A->B)
primary.dump(primaryDbName, withClause);
replica.load(replicatedDbName, primaryDbName, withClause);
// Add some table & do the first incremental dump."use " + primaryDbName).run("create external table tablei1 (id int)").run("create table tablem1 (id int)").run("insert into table tablei1 values(1),(2),(3),(4)").run("insert into table tablem1 values(5),(10),(15),(20)").dump(primaryDbName, withClause);
// Do the incremental load, and check everything is intact.
replica.load(replicatedDbName, primaryDbName, withClause).run("use " + replicatedDbName).run("select id from tablei1").verifyResults(new String[] { "1", "2", "3", "4" }).run("select id from tablem1").verifyResults(new String[] { "5", "10", "15", "20" });
// Explicitly make the notification logs.
// Get the latest notification from the notification log for the target database, just after replication.
CurrentNotificationEventId notificationIdAfterRepl = replica.getCurrentNotificationEventId();
// Inject a behaviour where some events missing from notification_log table.
// This ensures the incremental dump doesn't get all events for replication.
InjectableBehaviourObjectStore.BehaviourInjection<NotificationEventResponse, NotificationEventResponse> eventIdSkipper = new InjectableBehaviourObjectStore.BehaviourInjection<NotificationEventResponse, NotificationEventResponse>() {
public NotificationEventResponse apply(@Nullable NotificationEventResponse eventIdList) {
if (null != eventIdList) {
List<NotificationEvent> eventIds = eventIdList.getEvents();
List<NotificationEvent> outEventIds = new ArrayList<>();
for (NotificationEvent event : eventIds) {
// Skip the last db event.
if (event.getDbName().equalsIgnoreCase(replicatedDbName)) {
injectionPathCalled = true;
// Return the new list
return new NotificationEventResponse(outEventIds);
} else {
return null;
try {
// Prepare for reverse replication.
DistributedFileSystem replicaFs = replica.miniDFSCluster.getFileSystem();
Path newReplDir = new Path(replica.repldDir + "reverse01");
withClause = ReplicationTestUtils.includeExternalTableClause(true);
withClause.add("'" + HiveConf.ConfVars.REPLDIR.varname + "'='" + newReplDir + "'");
try {
replica.dump(replicatedDbName, withClause);
fail("Expected the dump to fail since the notification event is missing.");
} catch (Exception e) {
// Expected due to missing notification log entry.
// Check if there is a non-recoverable error or not.
Path nonRecoverablePath = TestReplicationScenarios.getNonRecoverablePath(newReplDir, replicatedDbName, replica.hiveConf);
} finally {
// reset the behaviour
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NotificationEventResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestDbNotificationListener method dropPartition.
public void dropPartition() throws Exception {
String defaultDbName = "default";
String tblName = "dropptn";
String tblOwner = "me";
String serdeLocation = testTempDir;
FieldSchema col1 = new FieldSchema("col1", "int", "no comment");
List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null);
StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, serdeLocation, "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, emptyParameters);
FieldSchema partCol1 = new FieldSchema("ds", "string", "no comment");
List<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
List<String> partCol1Vals = Arrays.asList("today");
Table table = new Table(tblName, defaultDbName, tblOwner, startTime, startTime, 0, sd, partCols, emptyParameters, null, null, null);
// Event 1
Partition partition = new Partition(partCol1Vals, defaultDbName, tblName, startTime, startTime, sd, emptyParameters);
// Event 2
// Event 3
msClient.dropPartition(defaultDbName, tblName, partCol1Vals, false);
// Get notifications from metastore
NotificationEventResponse rsp = msClient.getNextNotification(firstEventId, 0, null);
assertEquals(3, rsp.getEventsSize());
NotificationEvent event = rsp.getEvents().get(2);
assertEquals(firstEventId + 3, event.getEventId());
assertTrue(event.getEventTime() >= startTime);
assertEquals(EventType.DROP_PARTITION.toString(), event.getEventType());
assertEquals(defaultDbName, event.getDbName());
assertEquals(tblName, event.getTableName());
// Parse the message field
DropPartitionMessage dropPtnMsg = md.getDropPartitionMessage(event.getMessage());
assertEquals(defaultDbName, dropPtnMsg.getDB());
assertEquals(tblName, dropPtnMsg.getTable());
Table tableObj = dropPtnMsg.getTableObj();
assertEquals(table.getDbName(), tableObj.getDbName());
assertEquals(table.getTableName(), tableObj.getTableName());
assertEquals(table.getOwner(), tableObj.getOwner());
assertEquals(TableType.MANAGED_TABLE.toString(), dropPtnMsg.getTableType());
// Verify the eventID was passed to the non-transactional listener
MockMetaStoreEventListener.popAndVerifyLastEventId(EventType.DROP_PARTITION, firstEventId + 3);
MockMetaStoreEventListener.popAndVerifyLastEventId(EventType.ADD_PARTITION, firstEventId + 2);
MockMetaStoreEventListener.popAndVerifyLastEventId(EventType.CREATE_TABLE, firstEventId + 1);
// When hive.metastore.transactional.event.listeners is set,
// a failed event should not create a new notification
List<String> newpartCol1Vals = Arrays.asList("tomorrow");
partition = new Partition(newpartCol1Vals, defaultDbName, tblName, startTime, startTime, sd, emptyParameters);
try {
msClient.dropPartition(defaultDbName, tblName, newpartCol1Vals, false);
fail("Error: drop partition should've failed");
} catch (Exception ex) {
// expected
rsp = msClient.getNextNotification(firstEventId, 0, null);
assertEquals(4, rsp.getEventsSize());
testEventCounts(defaultDbName, firstEventId, null, null, 4);