use of org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsRecordBuilder in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMutableMetrics method testMutableQuantilesRollover.
* Test that {@link MutableQuantiles} rolls the window over at the specified
* interval.
@Test(timeout = 30000)
public void testMutableQuantilesRollover() throws Exception {
MetricsRecordBuilder mb = mockMetricsRecordBuilder();
MetricsRegistry registry = new MetricsRegistry("test");
// Use a 5s rollover period
MutableQuantiles quantiles = registry.newQuantiles("foo", "stat", "Ops", "Latency", 5);
Quantile[] quants = MutableQuantiles.quantiles;
String name = "Foo%dthPercentileLatency";
String desc = "%d percentile latency with 5 second interval for stat";
// Push values for three intervals
long start = System.nanoTime() / 1000000;
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
// Insert the values
for (long j = 1; j <= 1000; j++) {
// Sleep until 1s after the next 5s interval, to let the metrics
// roll over
long sleep = (start + (5000 * i) + 1000) - (System.nanoTime() / 1000000);
// Verify that the window reset, check it has the values we pushed in
registry.snapshot(mb, false);
for (Quantile q : quants) {
int percentile = (int) (100 * q.quantile);
String n = String.format(name, percentile);
String d = String.format(desc, percentile);
verify(mb).addGauge(info(n, d), (long) i);
// Verify the metrics were added the right number of times
verify(mb, times(3)).addGauge(info("FooNumOps", "Number of ops for stat with 5s interval"), (long) 1000);
for (Quantile q : quants) {
int percentile = (int) (100 * q.quantile);
String n = String.format(name, percentile);
String d = String.format(desc, percentile);
verify(mb, times(3)).addGauge(eq(info(n, d)), anyLong());
use of org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsRecordBuilder in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestRollingAverages method testRollingAveragesRollover.
* Tests the case:
* <p>
* 5s interval and 2 sliding windows
* </p>
* <p>
* sample stream: 1000 times 1, 2, and 3, respectively, e.g. [1, 1...1], [2,
* 2...2] and [3, 3...3]
* </p>
@Test(timeout = 30000)
public void testRollingAveragesRollover() throws Exception {
final MetricsRecordBuilder rb = mockMetricsRecordBuilder();
final String name = "foo2";
// 5s roll over interval
final int windowSizeMs = 5000;
final int numWindows = 2;
final int numOpsPerIteration = 1000;
try (RollingAverages rollingAverages = new RollingAverages(windowSizeMs, numWindows)) {
/* Push values for three intervals */
final long start = Time.monotonicNow();
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
/* insert value */
for (long j = 1; j <= numOpsPerIteration; j++) {
rollingAverages.add(name, i);
* Sleep until 1s after the next windowSize seconds interval, to let the
* metrics roll over
final long sleep = (start + (windowSizeMs * i) + 1000) - Time.monotonicNow();
/* Verify that the window reset, check it has the values we pushed in */
rollingAverages.snapshot(rb, false);
* #1 window with a series of 1 1000
* times, e.g. [1, 1...1], similarly, #2 window, e.g. [2, 2...2],
* #3 window, e.g. [3, 3...3]
final double rollingSum = numOpsPerIteration * (i > 1 ? (i - 1) : 0) + numOpsPerIteration * i;
/* one empty window or all 2 windows full */
final long rollingTotal = i > 1 ? 2 * numOpsPerIteration : numOpsPerIteration;
verify(rb).addGauge(info("[Foo2]RollingAvgTime", "Rolling average time for foo2"), rollingSum / rollingTotal);
/* Verify the metrics were added the right number of times */
verify(rb, times(i)).addGauge(eq(info("[Foo2]RollingAvgTime", "Rolling average time for foo2")), anyDouble());
use of org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsRecordBuilder in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMetricsAnnotations method testHybrid.
public void testHybrid() {
HybridMetrics metrics = new HybridMetrics();
MetricsSource source = MetricsAnnotations.makeSource(metrics);
assertSame(metrics, source);
MetricsRecordBuilder rb = getMetrics(source);
MetricsCollector collector = rb.parent();
verify(collector).addRecord(info("HybridMetrics", "HybridMetrics"));
verify(rb).addCounter(info("C1", "C1 desc"), 1);
verify(rb).addGauge(info("G1", "G1 desc"), 1);
verify(rb).add(tag(MsInfo.Context, "hybrid"));
verify(rb).addCounter(info("C0", "C0 desc"), 1);
verify(rb).addGauge(info("G0", "G0"), 0);
use of org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsRecordBuilder in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMetricsAnnotations method testFields.
public void testFields() {
MyMetrics metrics = new MyMetrics();
MetricsSource source = MetricsAnnotations.makeSource(metrics);
metrics.rs1.add("rs1", 1);
MetricsRecordBuilder rb = getMetrics(source);
verify(rb).addCounter(info("C1", "C1"), 1);
verify(rb).addCounter(info("Counter2", "Counter2 desc"), 1L);
verify(rb).addGauge(info("G1", "G1"), 1);
verify(rb).addGauge(info("G2", "G2"), 1);
verify(rb).addGauge(info("G3", "g3 desc"), 1L);
verify(rb).addCounter(info("R1NumOps", "Number of ops for r1"), 1L);
verify(rb).addGauge(info("R1AvgTime", "Average time for r1"), 1.0);
verify(rb).addCounter(info("S1NumOps", "Number of ops for s1"), 1L);
verify(rb).addGauge(info("S1AvgTime", "Average time for s1"), 1.0);
verify(rb).addCounter(info("Rs1NumOps", "Number of ops for rs1"), 1L);
verify(rb).addGauge(info("Rs1AvgTime", "Average time for rs1"), 1.0);
use of org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsRecordBuilder in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMutableMetrics method snapshotMutableRatesWithAggregation.
private static void snapshotMutableRatesWithAggregation(MutableRatesWithAggregation rates, long[] opCount, double[] opTotalTime) {
MetricsRecordBuilder rb = mockMetricsRecordBuilder();
rates.snapshot(rb, true);
for (int i = 0; i < opCount.length; i++) {
long prevOpCount = opCount[i];
long newOpCount = getLongCounter("Metric" + i + "NumOps", rb);
opCount[i] = newOpCount;
double avgTime = getDoubleGauge("Metric" + i + "AvgTime", rb);
opTotalTime[i] += avgTime * (newOpCount - prevOpCount);