use of org.apache.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ITypeTraits in project asterixdb by apache.
the class RTreeResourceFactoryProvider method getTypeTraits.
private static ITypeTraits[] getTypeTraits(MetadataProvider metadataProvider, Dataset dataset, Index index, ARecordType recordType, ARecordType metaType) throws AlgebricksException {
ITypeTraitProvider ttProvider = metadataProvider.getStorageComponentProvider().getTypeTraitProvider();
List<List<String>> secondaryKeyFields = index.getKeyFieldNames();
int numSecondaryKeys = secondaryKeyFields.size();
int numPrimaryKeys = dataset.getPrimaryKeys().size();
ITypeTraits[] primaryTypeTraits = dataset.getPrimaryTypeTraits(metadataProvider, recordType, metaType);
if (numSecondaryKeys != 1) {
throw new AsterixException("Cannot use " + numSecondaryKeys + " fields as a key for the R-tree index. " + "There can be only one field as a key for the R-tree index.");
ARecordType sourceType;
List<Integer> keySourceIndicators = index.getKeyFieldSourceIndicators();
if (keySourceIndicators == null || keySourceIndicators.get(0) == 0) {
sourceType = recordType;
} else {
sourceType = metaType;
Pair<IAType, Boolean> spatialTypePair = Index.getNonNullableOpenFieldType(index.getKeyFieldTypes().get(0), secondaryKeyFields.get(0), sourceType);
IAType spatialType = spatialTypePair.first;
if (spatialType == null) {
throw new AsterixException("Could not find field " + secondaryKeyFields.get(0) + " in the schema.");
int numDimensions = NonTaggedFormatUtil.getNumDimensions(spatialType.getTypeTag());
int numNestedSecondaryKeyFields = numDimensions * 2;
ITypeTraits[] secondaryTypeTraits = new ITypeTraits[numNestedSecondaryKeyFields + numPrimaryKeys];
IAType nestedKeyType = NonTaggedFormatUtil.getNestedSpatialType(spatialType.getTypeTag());
for (int i = 0; i < numNestedSecondaryKeyFields; i++) {
secondaryTypeTraits[i] = ttProvider.getTypeTrait(nestedKeyType);
for (int i = 0; i < numPrimaryKeys; i++) {
secondaryTypeTraits[numNestedSecondaryKeyFields + i] = primaryTypeTraits[i];
return secondaryTypeTraits;
use of org.apache.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ITypeTraits in project asterixdb by apache.
the class SecondaryIndexOperationsHelper method createExternalIndexingOp.
// This method creates a source indexing operator for external data
protected ExternalScanOperatorDescriptor createExternalIndexingOp(JobSpecification spec) throws AlgebricksException {
// A record + primary keys
ISerializerDeserializer[] serdes = new ISerializerDeserializer[1 + numPrimaryKeys];
ITypeTraits[] typeTraits = new ITypeTraits[1 + numPrimaryKeys];
// payload serde and type traits for the record slot
serdes[0] = payloadSerde;
typeTraits[0] = TypeTraitProvider.INSTANCE.getTypeTrait(itemType);
// serdes and type traits for rid fields
for (int i = 1; i < serdes.length; i++) {
serdes[i] = IndexingConstants.getSerializerDeserializer(i - 1);
typeTraits[i] = IndexingConstants.getTypeTraits(i - 1);
// output record desc
RecordDescriptor indexerDesc = new RecordDescriptor(serdes, typeTraits);
// Create the operator and its partition constraits
Pair<ExternalScanOperatorDescriptor, AlgebricksPartitionConstraint> indexingOpAndConstraints;
try {
indexingOpAndConstraints = ExternalIndexingOperations.createExternalIndexingOp(spec, metadataProvider, dataset, itemType, indexerDesc, externalFiles);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
AlgebricksPartitionConstraintHelper.setPartitionConstraintInJobSpec(spec, indexingOpAndConstraints.first, indexingOpAndConstraints.second);
// Set the primary partition constraints to this partition constraints
primaryPartitionConstraint = indexingOpAndConstraints.second;
return indexingOpAndConstraints.first;
use of org.apache.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ITypeTraits in project asterixdb by apache.
the class AbstractRTreeOperatorTest method setup.
public void setup() throws Exception {
testHelper = createTestHelper();
primaryFileName = testHelper.getPrimaryIndexName();
primarySplitProvider = new ConstantFileSplitProvider(new FileSplit[] { new ManagedFileSplit(NC1_ID, primaryFileName) });
primaryHelperFactory = new IndexDataflowHelperFactory(storageManager, primarySplitProvider);
secondaryFileName = testHelper.getSecondaryIndexName();
secondarySplitProvider = new ConstantFileSplitProvider(new FileSplit[] { new ManagedFileSplit(NC1_ID, secondaryFileName) });
secondaryHelperFactory = new IndexDataflowHelperFactory(storageManager, secondarySplitProvider);
// field, type and key declarations for primary index
primaryTypeTraits[0] = UTF8StringPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
primaryTypeTraits[1] = UTF8StringPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
primaryTypeTraits[2] = UTF8StringPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
primaryTypeTraits[3] = UTF8StringPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
primaryTypeTraits[4] = UTF8StringPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
primaryTypeTraits[5] = UTF8StringPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
primaryTypeTraits[6] = UTF8StringPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
primaryTypeTraits[7] = UTF8StringPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
primaryTypeTraits[8] = UTF8StringPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
primaryTypeTraits[9] = UTF8StringPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
primaryComparatorFactories[0] = PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(UTF8StringPointable.FACTORY);
// field, type and key declarations for secondary indexes
secondaryTypeTraits[0] = DoublePointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
secondaryTypeTraits[1] = DoublePointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
secondaryTypeTraits[2] = DoublePointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
secondaryTypeTraits[3] = DoublePointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
secondaryTypeTraits[4] = UTF8StringPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
secondaryComparatorFactories[0] = PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(DoublePointable.FACTORY);
secondaryComparatorFactories[1] = PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(DoublePointable.FACTORY);
secondaryComparatorFactories[2] = PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(DoublePointable.FACTORY);
secondaryComparatorFactories[3] = PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(DoublePointable.FACTORY);
// This only used for LSMRTree
int[] rtreeFields = null;
int[] filterFields = null;
ITypeTraits[] filterTypes = null;
IBinaryComparatorFactory[] filterCmpFactories = null;
if (rTreeType == RTreeType.LSMRTREE || rTreeType == RTreeType.LSMRTREE_WITH_ANTIMATTER) {
rtreeFields = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
filterFields = new int[] { 4 };
filterTypes = new ITypeTraits[] { UTF8StringPointable.TYPE_TRAITS };
filterCmpFactories = new IBinaryComparatorFactory[] { PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(UTF8StringPointable.FACTORY) };
int[] btreeFields = null;
if (rTreeType == RTreeType.LSMRTREE) {
btreeKeyFieldCount = 1;
btreeComparatorFactories = new IBinaryComparatorFactory[btreeKeyFieldCount];
btreeComparatorFactories[0] = PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(UTF8StringPointable.FACTORY);
btreeFields = new int[] { 4 };
} else {
btreeComparatorFactories[0] = PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(DoublePointable.FACTORY);
btreeComparatorFactories[1] = PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(DoublePointable.FACTORY);
btreeComparatorFactories[2] = PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(DoublePointable.FACTORY);
btreeComparatorFactories[3] = PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(DoublePointable.FACTORY);
btreeComparatorFactories[4] = PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(UTF8StringPointable.FACTORY);
IPrimitiveValueProviderFactory[] secondaryValueProviderFactories = RTreeUtils.createPrimitiveValueProviderFactories(secondaryComparatorFactories.length, DoublePointable.FACTORY);
rtreeFactory = createSecondaryResourceFactory(secondaryValueProviderFactories, RTreePolicyType.RSTARTREE, btreeComparatorFactories, LSMRTreeUtils.proposeBestLinearizer(secondaryTypeTraits, secondaryComparatorFactories.length), btreeFields);
use of org.apache.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ITypeTraits in project asterixdb by apache.
the class OrderedIndexExamplesTest method bulkLoadExample.
* Bulk load example. Load a tree with 100,000 tuples. BTree has a composite
* key to "simulate" non-unique index creation.
public void bulkLoadExample() throws Exception {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {"Bulk load example");
// Declare fields.
int fieldCount = 3;
ITypeTraits[] typeTraits = new ITypeTraits[fieldCount];
typeTraits[0] = IntegerPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
typeTraits[1] = IntegerPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
typeTraits[2] = IntegerPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
// Declare field serdes.
ISerializerDeserializer[] fieldSerdes = { IntegerSerializerDeserializer.INSTANCE, IntegerSerializerDeserializer.INSTANCE, IntegerSerializerDeserializer.INSTANCE };
// declare keys
int keyFieldCount = 2;
IBinaryComparatorFactory[] cmpFactories = new IBinaryComparatorFactory[keyFieldCount];
cmpFactories[0] = PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(IntegerPointable.FACTORY);
cmpFactories[1] = PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(IntegerPointable.FACTORY);
// This is only used for the LSM-BTree.
int[] bloomFilterKeyFields = new int[keyFieldCount];
bloomFilterKeyFields[0] = 0;
bloomFilterKeyFields[1] = 1;
ITreeIndex treeIndex = createTreeIndex(typeTraits, cmpFactories, bloomFilterKeyFields, null, null, null, null);
// Load sorted records.
int ins = 100000;
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {"Bulk loading " + ins + " tuples");
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
IIndexBulkLoader bulkLoader = treeIndex.createBulkLoader(0.7f, false, ins, true);
ArrayTupleBuilder tb = new ArrayTupleBuilder(fieldCount);
ArrayTupleReference tuple = new ArrayTupleReference();
for (int i = 0; i < ins; i++) {
TupleUtils.createIntegerTuple(tb, tuple, i, i, 5);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) { + " tuples loaded in " + (end - start) + "ms");
IIndexAccessor indexAccessor = treeIndex.createAccessor(TestOperationCallback.INSTANCE, TestOperationCallback.INSTANCE);
// Build low key.
ArrayTupleBuilder lowKeyTb = new ArrayTupleBuilder(1);
ArrayTupleReference lowKey = new ArrayTupleReference();
TupleUtils.createIntegerTuple(lowKeyTb, lowKey, 44444);
// Build high key.
ArrayTupleBuilder highKeyTb = new ArrayTupleBuilder(1);
ArrayTupleReference highKey = new ArrayTupleReference();
TupleUtils.createIntegerTuple(highKeyTb, highKey, 44500);
// Prefix-Range search in [44444, 44500]
rangeSearch(cmpFactories, indexAccessor, fieldSerdes, lowKey, highKey, null, null);
use of org.apache.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ITypeTraits in project asterixdb by apache.
the class OrderedIndexExamplesTest method deleteExample.
* Deletion Example. Create a BTree with one variable-length key field and
* one variable-length value field. Fill B-tree with random values using
* insertions, then delete entries one-by-one. Repeat procedure a few times
* on same BTree.
public void deleteExample() throws Exception {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {"Deletion Example");
// Declare fields.
int fieldCount = 2;
ITypeTraits[] typeTraits = new ITypeTraits[fieldCount];
typeTraits[0] = UTF8StringPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
typeTraits[1] = UTF8StringPointable.TYPE_TRAITS;
// Declare field serdes.
ISerializerDeserializer[] fieldSerdes = { new UTF8StringSerializerDeserializer(), new UTF8StringSerializerDeserializer() };
// Declare keys.
int keyFieldCount = 1;
IBinaryComparatorFactory[] cmpFactories = new IBinaryComparatorFactory[keyFieldCount];
cmpFactories[0] = PointableBinaryComparatorFactory.of(UTF8StringPointable.FACTORY);
// This is only used for the LSM-BTree.
int[] bloomFilterKeyFields = new int[keyFieldCount];
bloomFilterKeyFields[0] = 0;
ITreeIndex treeIndex = createTreeIndex(typeTraits, cmpFactories, bloomFilterKeyFields, null, null, null, null);
ArrayTupleBuilder tb = new ArrayTupleBuilder(fieldCount);
ArrayTupleReference tuple = new ArrayTupleReference();
IIndexAccessor indexAccessor = treeIndex.createAccessor(TestOperationCallback.INSTANCE, TestOperationCallback.INSTANCE);
// Max string length to be generated.
int runs = 3;
for (int run = 0; run < runs; run++) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {"Deletion example run: " + (run + 1) + "/" + runs);"Inserting into tree...");
int maxLength = 10;
int ins = 10000;
String[] f0s = new String[ins];
String[] f1s = new String[ins];
int insDone = 0;
int[] insDoneCmp = new int[ins];
for (int i = 0; i < ins; i++) {
String f0 = randomString(Math.abs(rnd.nextInt()) % maxLength + 1, rnd);
String f1 = randomString(Math.abs(rnd.nextInt()) % maxLength + 1, rnd);
TupleUtils.createTuple(tb, tuple, fieldSerdes, f0, f1);
f0s[i] = f0;
f1s[i] = f1;
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
if (i % 1000 == 0) {"Inserting " + i);
try {
} catch (HyracksDataException e) {
if (e.getErrorCode() != ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_KEY) {
throw e;
insDoneCmp[i] = insDone;
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {"Deleting from tree...");
int delDone = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ins; i++) {
TupleUtils.createTuple(tb, tuple, fieldSerdes, f0s[i], f1s[i]);
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
if (i % 1000 == 0) {"Deleting " + i);
try {
} catch (HyracksDataException e) {
if (e.getErrorCode() != ErrorCode.UPDATE_OR_DELETE_NON_EXISTENT_KEY) {
throw e;
if (insDoneCmp[i] != delDone) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {"INCONSISTENT STATE, ERROR IN DELETION EXAMPLE.");"INSDONECMP: " + insDoneCmp[i] + " " + delDone);
if (insDone != delDone) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {"ERROR! INSDONE: " + insDone + " DELDONE: " + delDone);