use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.schema.IndexRebuildCancelToken in project ignite by apache.
the class GridQueryProcessor method processSchemaOperationLocal.
* Process schema operation.
* @param op Operation.
* @param type Type descriptor.
* @param depId Cache deployment ID.
* @param cancelTok Cancel token.
* @throws SchemaOperationException If failed.
public void processSchemaOperationLocal(SchemaAbstractOperation op, QueryTypeDescriptorImpl type, IgniteUuid depId, IndexRebuildCancelToken cancelTok) throws SchemaOperationException {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Started local index operation [opId=" + + ']');
String cacheName = op.cacheName();
GridCacheContextInfo<?, ?> cacheInfo = null;
if (op instanceof SchemaAddQueryEntityOperation) {
GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx = ctx.cache().context().cacheContext(CU.cacheId(cacheName));
if (cctx != null)
cacheInfo = new GridCacheContextInfo<>(cctx, false);
} else
cacheInfo = idx.registeredCacheInfo(cacheName);
if (cacheInfo == null || !F.eq(depId, cacheInfo.dynamicDeploymentId()))
throw new SchemaOperationException(SchemaOperationException.CODE_CACHE_NOT_FOUND, cacheName);
try {
if (op instanceof SchemaIndexCreateOperation) {
SchemaIndexCreateOperation op0 = (SchemaIndexCreateOperation) op;
QueryIndexDescriptorImpl idxDesc = QueryUtils.createIndexDescriptor(type, op0.index());
SchemaIndexCacheVisitor visitor;
if (cacheInfo.isCacheContextInited()) {
int buildIdxPoolSize = ctx.config().getBuildIndexThreadPoolSize();
int parallel = op0.parallel();
if (parallel > buildIdxPoolSize) {
String idxName = op0.indexName();
log.warning("Provided parallelism " + parallel + " for creation of index " + idxName + " is greater than the number of index building threads. Will use " + buildIdxPoolSize + " threads to build index. Increase by IgniteConfiguration.setBuildIndexThreadPoolSize" + " and restart the node if you want to use more threads. [tableName=" + op0.tableName() + ", indexName=" + idxName + ", requestedParallelism=" + parallel + ", buildIndexPoolSize=" + buildIdxPoolSize + "]");
GridFutureAdapter<Void> createIdxFut = new GridFutureAdapter<>();
GridCacheContext<?, ?> cacheCtx = cacheInfo.cacheContext();
visitor = new SchemaIndexCacheVisitorImpl(cacheCtx, cancelTok, createIdxFut) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void visit(SchemaIndexCacheVisitorClosure clo) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IgniteException(e);
} finally {
} else
// For not started caches we shouldn't add any data to index.
visitor = clo -> {
idx.dynamicIndexCreate(op0.schemaName(), op0.tableName(), idxDesc, op0.ifNotExists(), visitor);
} else if (op instanceof SchemaIndexDropOperation) {
SchemaIndexDropOperation op0 = (SchemaIndexDropOperation) op;
idx.dynamicIndexDrop(op0.schemaName(), op0.indexName(), op0.ifExists());
} else if (op instanceof SchemaAlterTableAddColumnOperation) {
SchemaAlterTableAddColumnOperation op0 = (SchemaAlterTableAddColumnOperation) op;
processDynamicAddColumn(type, op0.columns());
idx.dynamicAddColumn(op0.schemaName(), op0.tableName(), op0.columns(), op0.ifTableExists(), op0.ifNotExists());
} else if (op instanceof SchemaAlterTableDropColumnOperation) {
SchemaAlterTableDropColumnOperation op0 = (SchemaAlterTableDropColumnOperation) op;
processDynamicDropColumn(type, op0.columns());
idx.dynamicDropColumn(op0.schemaName(), op0.tableName(), op0.columns(), op0.ifTableExists(), op0.ifExists());
} else if (op instanceof SchemaAddQueryEntityOperation) {
SchemaAddQueryEntityOperation op0 = (SchemaAddQueryEntityOperation) op;
if (!cacheNames.contains(op0.cacheName())) {
T3<Collection<QueryTypeCandidate>, Map<String, QueryTypeDescriptorImpl>, Map<String, QueryTypeDescriptorImpl>> candRes = createQueryCandidates(op0.cacheName(), op0.schemaName(), cacheInfo, op0.entities(), op0.isSqlEscape());
registerCache0(op0.cacheName(), op.schemaName(), cacheInfo, candRes.get1(), false);
if (idxRebuildFutStorage.prepareRebuildIndexes(singleton(cacheInfo.cacheId()), null).isEmpty())
rebuildIndexesFromHash0(cacheInfo.cacheContext(), false, cancelTok);
else {
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Rebuilding indexes for the cache is already in progress: " +;
} else
throw new SchemaOperationException("Unsupported operation: " + op);
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (e instanceof SchemaOperationException)
throw (SchemaOperationException) e;
throw new SchemaOperationException("Schema change operation failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);