use of in project jmeter by apache.
the class BytesThroughputGraphConsumer method createGroupInfos.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* createGroupInfos()
protected Map<String, GroupInfo> createGroupInfos() {
HashMap<String, GroupInfo> groupInfos = new HashMap<>(2);
groupInfos.put(AbstractGraphConsumer.DEFAULT_GROUP, new GroupInfo(new TimeRateAggregatorFactory(), new AbstractSeriesSelector() {
private final Iterable<String> values = Arrays.asList(RECEIVED_BYTES_SERIES_LABEL, SENT_BYTES_SERIES_LABEL);
public Iterable<String> select(Sample sample) {
return values;
}, new GraphValueSelector() {
public Double select(String series, Sample sample) {
// We ignore Transaction Controller results
if (!sample.isController()) {
return Double.valueOf(RECEIVED_BYTES_SERIES_LABEL.equals(series) ? sample.getReceivedBytes() : sample.getSentBytes());
} else {
return null;
}, false, false));
return groupInfos;
use of in project jmeter by apache.
the class CodesPerSecondGraphConsumer method createGroupInfos.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* createGroupInfos()
protected Map<String, GroupInfo> createGroupInfos() {
HashMap<String, GroupInfo> groupInfos = new HashMap<>(1);
groupInfos.put(AbstractGraphConsumer.DEFAULT_GROUP, new GroupInfo(new TimeRateAggregatorFactory(), new CodeSeriesSelector(), // We ignore Transaction Controller results
new CountValueSelector(true), false, false));
return groupInfos;
use of in project jmeter by apache.
the class HitsPerSecondGraphConsumer method createGroupInfos.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* createGroupInfos()
protected Map<String, GroupInfo> createGroupInfos() {
HashMap<String, GroupInfo> groupInfos = new HashMap<>(1);
groupInfos.put(AbstractGraphConsumer.DEFAULT_GROUP, new GroupInfo(new TimeRateAggregatorFactory(), new StaticSeriesSelector(), // We ignore Transaction Controller results
new CountValueSelector(true), false, false));
return groupInfos;
use of in project jmeter by apache.
the class TransactionsPerSecondGraphConsumer method createGroupInfos.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* createGroupInfos()
protected Map<String, GroupInfo> createGroupInfos() {
HashMap<String, GroupInfo> groupInfos = new HashMap<>(1);
groupInfos.put(AbstractGraphConsumer.DEFAULT_GROUP, new GroupInfo(new TimeRateAggregatorFactory(), new AbstractSeriesSelector(true) {
public Iterable<String> select(Sample sample) {
String label = String.format(STATUS_SERIES_FORMAT, sample.getName(), sample.getSuccess() ? SUCCESS_SERIES_SUFFIX : FAILURE_SERIES_SUFFIX);
return Arrays.asList(label);
}, // We include Transaction Controller results
new CountValueSelector(false), false, false));
return groupInfos;