use of in project jmeter by apache.
the class ResponseTimePerSampleGraphConsumer method createGroupInfo.
* Creates the group info for elapsed time percentile depending on jmeter
* properties.
* @param propertyKey
* the property key
* @param defaultValue
* the default value
* @return the group info
private GroupInfo createGroupInfo(String propertyKey, int defaultValue) {
int property = JMeterUtils.getPropDefault(propertyKey, defaultValue);
PercentileAggregatorFactory factory = new PercentileAggregatorFactory();
StaticSeriesSelector seriesSelector = new StaticSeriesSelector();
seriesSelector.setSeriesName(String.format(RESPONSE_TIME_PER_SAMPLE_SERIES_FORMAT, Integer.valueOf(property)));
return new GroupInfo(factory, seriesSelector, // We include Transaction Controller results
new ElapsedTimeValueSelector(false), false, false);
use of in project jmeter by apache.
the class ResponseTimePercentilesOverTimeGraphConsumer method createPercentileGroupInfo.
* Creates the group info for elapsed time percentile depending on jmeter
* properties.
* @param propertyKey
* the property key
* @param defaultValue
* the default value
* @param serieName Serie name
* @return the group info
private GroupInfo createPercentileGroupInfo(String propertyKey, int defaultValue, String serieName) {
int property = JMeterUtils.getPropDefault(propertyKey, defaultValue);
PercentileAggregatorFactory factory = new PercentileAggregatorFactory();
StaticSeriesSelector seriesSelector = new StaticSeriesSelector();
return new GroupInfo(factory, seriesSelector, new SuccessfulElapsedTimeValueSelector(), false, false);
use of in project jmeter by apache.
the class ResponseTimePercentilesOverTimeGraphConsumer method createMaxGroupInfo.
* Creates the group info for max elapsed time
* @return the group info
private GroupInfo createMaxGroupInfo() {
StaticSeriesSelector seriesSelector = new StaticSeriesSelector();
return new GroupInfo(new MaxAggregatorFactory(), seriesSelector, new SuccessfulElapsedTimeValueSelector(), false, false);
use of in project jmeter by apache.
the class HitsPerSecondGraphConsumer method createGroupInfos.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* createGroupInfos()
protected Map<String, GroupInfo> createGroupInfos() {
HashMap<String, GroupInfo> groupInfos = new HashMap<>(1);
groupInfos.put(AbstractGraphConsumer.DEFAULT_GROUP, new GroupInfo(new TimeRateAggregatorFactory(), new StaticSeriesSelector(), // We ignore Transaction Controller results
new CountValueSelector(true), false, false));
return groupInfos;
use of in project jmeter by apache.
the class ResponseTimePercentilesOverTimeGraphConsumer method createMinGroupInfo.
* Creates the group info for min elapsed time
* @return the group info
private GroupInfo createMinGroupInfo() {
StaticSeriesSelector seriesSelector = new StaticSeriesSelector();
return new GroupInfo(new MinAggregatorFactory(), seriesSelector, new SuccessfulElapsedTimeValueSelector(), false, false);